
Walking With Jesus

God’s Holy Spirit At Work In Me

Hi, I’m LaToya Lawrence,

God has inspired me to help spread the good news (his good news!) And surely, I can also testify to give my own personal accounts of God’s outstanding work in my life.  

God wants us to know and remember that he sent Jesus to die for us so that we could no longer be separated from him and have the relationship with him that he had originally intended. 

God wants us to know and remember that through the life, crucifixion/death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ we have been pardoned through God’s grace and mercy to escape death and receive eternal life.

God loves us and desires for no one to perish but to grasp onto his word (read the bible faithfully) harken unto his voice, (listen to him for our best interest), and follow his…

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A Letter From Jesus

Walking With Jesus

During the 1980’s, when I was around eleven or twelve years old, there was a Christian bookstore that opened up around the corner from where I lived.

At this store, my mother and I would pick out and purchase hand crafted religious plaques.

We bought a large-size, dark wood carving, scripted and pictured with the beauty of the sky, ocean, and sand, adorning the words of the timeless “Footprints” inspirational.

The Footprints poem, is one of the most wonderful reminders of the comfort we receive from the Lord within the certain times we may not feel he is around us.

There were a few other religious plaques that had caught our attention and spoke to our hearts, but one that I remember buying in particular was a favorite of mine.

I purchased this lovely plaque when I was about fourteen. I had bought two of them, one for myself, and one as a gift for someone else.

Over a decade later, I ran into…

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Spiritual Warfare

Walking With Jesus

Witchcraft/Black Magic

Witchcraft is definitely real and the bible will confirm this truth.

I’ve had people work Brujeria and all other sorts of evil witchcraft/voodoo on me and members of my family within the distant past, however, I and my family prevailed against it.

God/Jesus is, of course, far more powerful than the devil. Satan and his demons are no competition for our heavenly father, neither are negative/wicked people.

Always stay positive, continue to pray and to stay close to God and everything will work out fine. Don’t worry about anything, just go to God with all of your concerns no matter how big or how small your worries may be.

Take care, and God bless you.

Read the scriptures and hold on to the word of God




For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness…

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The Lord Never Abandons Us

Walking With Jesus

I read somewhere that what we believe about the nature of God is of infinite importance and that is so true because what I believed about God was anything but love.

I did believe he was a primarily angry and vengeful God who expected me to live up to his demands without consideration or reason.

And I believed that all God wanted was a bunch of praise and recognition out of some type of narcissism. And I didn’t understand why because I felt that I didn’t ask to come into this world.

False ideas about the Lord can indeed rob us of the true beauty that is within life and save us from a lot of unnecessary strain.-latoya lawrence

For years, I was very angry at God and turned away from him. Not at all within the sense of changing from a good to a bad lifestyle, but living a personal lifestyle…

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