
I woke up feeling wonderful. The vibration around me is fantastic. I always generated and exuberated excellent energy when the unsavory weren’t trying to mask or to block the beauty of my aura and magnetism with unnatural influence.

Those who are not distinctly spiritually inclined don’t understand intrisnic spiritual connection, the state of actually living within spirit, and having spirit live within one incessantly.

The inborn apathetic nature that I possess toward things in which are generally considered interesting, exciting, moving, challenging, or devastating is mind boggling to some.

Every individual is different, however, when one is at a higher level of intellect and spiritual consciousness they are not affected by things in the way of the ordinary.

In general, certain people on the outside looking in at another or their situation often interpret things to be much worse off than what they actually are when things aren’t really as bad as they think, or aren’t bad at all, depending on their own level of perception and what they exactly believe to be.

People are quick to make judgements upon what they no nothing about, simply going by what they immediately speculate and what they are frequently accustomed to.

So when those of us who are deeply connected to spirit are happy and content at times, or within circumstances, in which others feel or determine that we shouldn’t be it is because we have that inner voice of wisdom and discernment and are able to see and recognize the true reality of our conditions, and the happenings within life, as well as the life that surrounds us.

The bottom line is those who aren’t genuinely happy or at peace within themselves and within their own lives don’t like to see or want to hear about those of us who genuinely are living good with internal pleasure.




Go Getter !

Go after what you want. Don’t let anybody stop you!

Take what’s yours! It doesn’t belong to anyone else.

Guard your purpose like the tenacity and fury of a wild bull.

Unleash the warrior inside of you. Let that powerful force reign.

You are a conqueror! -miss latoya

Living Well

Are you living life or are you letting your life live you?

Live your life. Be happy and Healthy!

Live how you want, do what you want, be fierce, and be fearless!

Be who you are, be proud of who you are, enjoy the state of being blessed.

Love yourself, love your loved ones, let your loved ones enjoy loving you.

Have fun, have laughter, have a good time.

Eat well, be well, and sleep well. – miss latoya


Authentic Joy

The darkness cannot overpower the light and when our light shines the darkness can no longer cast it’s shadow. -miss latoya

Are you genuinely happy inside? It is a question that only we are able to answer and define for ourselves as happiness means different things to a variety of people.

I can honestly say that I am very happy inside and I have been that way for a very long time now.

I have a joy and a peace of mind that no one gave to me, and a peace and joy, in which no one can take away from me.

We have the capacity and the spirit to be happy and healthy in the midst of any type of negativity because the negativity of others and the negative energy within the world does not belong to those of us who are not of its bleak vibration.

We take from our situations to make the circumstance work out to our own advantage and to the best of our interest. In no fashion should we let or allow an unsavory situation or event to comprise us into its desolate condition.


My Words Of Truth And Encouragement To Those Who Are “Rare” In This Day And Age

One doesn’t have to be born with a “Caul/Veil” to be “different” and to be remarkably set apart from others.

There are a very small number of people out there in comparison to the large amount of inhabitants within society who have exceptional or rare quality and train of thought.

Wisdom doesn’t come with age for everybody.

There are plenty of narrow-minded people who go through life and who have went through life actually believing that, they know, and knew, everything that there is to know when they acquired nothing legitimate at all but what they have misconstrued or exaggerated through their own restricted boundaries.

And these same people teach their own children and others their same dumb ways and beliefs. Fortunately there are some children who are born and that come out smarter than their parents.

One should definitely not permit oneself to be defined by other people’s ignorance, misconceptions, and generalizations as most who are of an ordinary mindset have a limited range of view and comprehension.

This world is full of weak-minded individuals who are easily influenced. I’ve always been a leader, not a follower.

These individuals are only able to discern within the scope in which their minds will completely allow.

When other people may accuse those of us who are on a particular wavelength and who are at an advanced level of consciousness, mentality, and intellect, of not being logical, realistic, or even moral, it is because they are lacking within specific true knowledge as their minds have in addition been socially and spiritually conditioned to incorporate and accept the mental, emotional, and psychological degrees of rationalization among the majority in who it typically pertains and applies to.

It is very important to remain strong and to not lose one’s self and one’s own distinct identity and genuine nature due to the false conceptions of what others may interpret within our behaviors and expressions because most people are unlike us and don’t know anything other than what they are familiar with and have been accustomed to.

A lot of people put their own insecurities on us all of the time because it makes them feel better as they don’t want to be alone (set apart) within their own tendencies, personal flaws, shortcomings, or inadequacies.

Some people don’t want to willingly acknowledge a rarity or major uniqueness in certain others if they themselves don’t also hold and encounter those uncommon attributes. And some just trifle to tick us off.

Instead of just recognizing how there are other individuals who are “beyond their own capacities to understand” they, nevertheless, proceed to judge us by the ways in which they personally are, how they personally feel, and the innate or orthodox reasoning in which they are able to grasp within themselves upon occurrence, situation, and circumstance.

Their doubts or opposing reactions, if any, is purely a reflection of themselves and their own insecurity and lack of particular knowledge and/or experience.

Everyone, of course, is not and does not act out of these natures, however, for those of them who are, and who do act out, they need to be dismissed from our essence and presence.

It is never appropriate to let anyone make one feel confused or uncertain about who they are, the things they know, and where they stand.

I’ve been one who has always had a strong sense of self in which no one could deter and I am extremely firm within my beliefs and within my facts and I will stand up to anyone who dares to challenge my truths and experience whether it be the mundane or extraordinary.

I as an individual never cared what anyone said or thought about me. I am authentic within self and nobody knows me better than I do, and I don’t have to explain myself to anybody, and I have no apologies. -latoya lawrence

Food (Knowledge) For The Mind As Well As The Body

LaToya’s Health And Wellness Lifestyle Blog is up and running. Its been live for three weeks now and I love writing on my platform. I love all three of my blogs titled My Voice, A Caulbearer’s Journey And  Authentic Expression.  I’ve been writing online for thirteen and a half years now and it is fantastic to have an uncensored stage to present, share, and exchange our truths, ideas, creativity, experiences, societal/worldly/spiritual/personal issues and expertise.

I don’t write for anyone’s approval or criticism if I didn’t have an audience I’d still be writing, as I have stated within the past, I write purely through preternatural spiritual energy/automatic writing. Spirit as well as my inborn tendency inspires me through my love and passion for the craft. Yet at the same time I was told that I was meant to help people along the way through my gifts as a clairvoyant/medium and “messenger”.

I’ve never been a “save the world type of person” neither have I ever desired to become one. I am a very genuine, open and unapologetic stand up type of person who is very opinionated and outspoken when it comes to what stirs me, what I believe in, and what I fight for.

Within my journey offline and online I’ve discovered without even realizing in the beginning on up that by just being myself and being real and not ashamed or afraid to speak my mind that I had shed both influence and inspiration to those in particular.

I’m very sure I’m viewed by some as cold, harsh and judgmental, in general though, individuals will perceive only within the limited range that their minds are able to allow them to in which definitely does not define or reflect upon another. Then, there are those who do perceive accurately within their own discernment. Nevertheless, I am not concerned by it as I am most certainly defined by the truth within who I genuinely am and not by what others may state, think, or believe.

While everyone may not always care, agree, understand me, my words, or where I’m coming from there is a purpose to it all. When certain ones of us within life are preordained to carry out and accomplish our missions whatever few or many they may be nothing can stop it, not even we ourselves. When others interfere within our endeavors and ventures nature just remarkably takes us safely through a different route because our celestial jobs must and will get done here on this earth.

What is nothing to me may be something to others or to someone else and vice versa this is a huge world and there is all variations for us to take and make fulfilling gain, value and design from.

We all in specific are a resourceful help and benefit to one another and that is quite a lovely and beautiful gesture set to us and for us within the universe.