Born With The Veil/A Real Caulbearer

Born With A Caul
Authentically born lucky and special a veil over the face is rare and denotes the power of second-sight and a natural connection to the spiritual realm.-latoya lawrence
© [LaToya Lawrence] and [Born With A Caul], [2018]. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to [LaToya Lawrence] and [Born With A Caul] with appropriate and specific direction to the original content


Mental, Emotional, And Spiritual Breakdown

by Miss LaToya

Everyone who has had a breakdown of some sort is not weak, crazy, or dangerously unstable.

A breakdown is spiritual within many instances. A Yoruba priestess even acknowledged this fact to me years ago. I know firsthand as my own mother was a victim of brujeria in the early 1980’s.

I was even targeted. My aunt tried to flip me out when I was eighteen years of age by putting the hallucinogenic drug mescaline into a hot pot of black eyed peas that I had cooking over the stove.

People often use recreational “trip” drugs to increase the chance or enhance the effect of mental and chemical alterations of the brain while also performing the negative spiritual influences within black magic/voodoo/witchcraft.

My aunt went a step further in her malicious attempt by also putting tainted hiv fluids inside my food. Anyone educated would know the disease would not survive within the air and within a pot of scalding hot water.

Nevertheless, I didn’t lose my head or have a breakdown, my mind was too strong with faculty and awareness, and I didn’t, of course, become infected with aids either.

I was young, innocent, and very spiritually inclined, so divine intervention took over and protected me.

My aunt Tina (Ernestine Lawrence) has been hiv positive since the 1980’s due to intravenous drug use and promiscuous behavior from the 1970’s on up and instead of using her limited time to spend changing her life around for the better, she continued to do tons of constant dirt. She and other envious and jealous ruthless dummies, whores, drug addicts, and degenerates attacked me and other family for decades.

They’ve in addition done it to others, however, when they came after my mother and I, they messed with the wrong individuals. We are people of the light and they are people of the darkness. My ancestors and orishas were ready for them all, and the universe was recording and keeping record of every notorious deed in which was repeatedly done toward us.

Tina had poisoned food of my mother’s years ago too while neighbors were working black magic/voodoo/witchcraft against her.

My grandfather was driven to mental affliction before he was killed and found dead in the Hudson river.

My aunt Charise was drugged and raped which caused her to be afflicted with mental illness.

My grandfather, mother, younger aunt, and I were targeted for manipulative breakdowns because we were all very smart, strong, and fighters who could literally kick ass if needed be. We weren’t the type to back down or be bullied by anyone, and we were all good upstanding people.

The intent for causing mental, emotional, and spiritual breakdowns are to weaken one, to render them as incredible, and to lower their self esteem and spirit.

Certain evildoers want those of us who have knowledge in which threaten their unscrupulous ways either dead or labeled as crazy.


The tasty fruits of inborn talents, labor, and energetic vibration is so mouth-watering.

I’ve had many jobs that categorize more than one field of work. The tasks and pursuits I experienced during the varying areas in regard to employment enhanced and developed additional inspiring factors within my utilizations.

Each particular encounter proved to be very rewarding and enlightening. The instances imparted to me how I do better as a multitasker. I can’t be held down to one description I am a combination of specific variety and creativity rooted from deep inside.

Isn’t it marvelous when we have the option to choose what lanes to walk down?

As our paths lead us out into the open doors of opportunity why not go all out to explore all there is to achieve within the many things we desire to accomplish?

When the knocks call do you answer or do you leave the door shut? Does the pounding motivate or does it annoy?

I answer expectedly and enthusiastically, giving it my best shot! Why not? I don’t turn down an offer that demands for me in which to excel. In return, I succeed!

The knocks inspire me as bestowment within correspondence believes in me. Why else would it had summoned thee?

When we genuinely have confidence in ourselves and are strong within determination those doors began to fly open.

I know what I’m capable of doing and I use my tools of nature to expand even farther. It’s an order!

A command to approach and reach the steps meant for us to climb at our own pace and at our own periods of readiness.

No one has the authority to define the contents within the recipes prepared to flavor us as deliciously fruitful. We come in the most delectable packages full of excitement and coated surprises.

It’s fulfilling and inspiring to me to not be limited within faculty and to have the capacity to do more than just one thing as versatility allows us to express the distinct versions of our competent selves within personality, aptitude and performance.

ESP In The Family Tree/Extra Sensory Perception

I had conversed over the phone once in a while with Simmie (my father) from a teenager up to my early adulthood, not frequently, but like I said once in a while and we talked good with one another whenever we did communicate.

However, I was never interested in developing a relationship with him. There were just some things I was curious about on his side of the family in regards to nationality and background.

I had found out he was part Native American as well as the rest of his family having a lot of Native American ancestry along with some European bloodline just as like there was both the same on my mother’s side of the family.

I had also found out through one of my father’s aunts that their mother, which was my father’s grandmother, had Extra Sensory Perception, and It was later confirmed by another one of his aunts along with Simmie’s sister. It was said that she was a wise woman and that no one could do anything without her knowing about it.

So there was the gift of ESP on both my mother and father’s side. This is why I have my clairvoyance so strongly and by my Native American ancestry which consists of Blackfoot and Cherokee on my mother’s side and Cherokee on my father’s side I inherited a strong gift of innate spirituality that is combined with my african roots.

I am African-American genetically dressed in  multiple ethnical flavors of culture as a decorated adornment of my soul/spirit.

When I went down to Barnwell, South Carolina to meet the rest of Simmie’s family in person in the year 2001, aside from the others who lived in Queens, New York who I had already became acquainted with and the one’s I had a few times spoken over the phone to, I had gotten into a discussion with “Kookie”, Simmie’s sister.

My mother swears out this woman was not the same so called Kookie who’s real name is Dorothy that came to visit us back in the early 1980’s when I was about seven or eight years old. I remember the woman coming to the house with her husband but I don’t remember what she looked like as I was half asleep when she came.

But this ugly toad/frog looking thing was not the same sister of Simmie’s that came to our home back then my mother insists and I know she believes what she says so if this is indeed true either this woman’s appearance changed drastically or she was impersonating another family member by covering up some deep dark secret.

Nevertheless, I wasn’t too warm or accepting toward Simmie’s family as they weren’t my class of people yet Kookie interpreted my coldness as “being afraid to love”.

“You’re afraid to love”, Kookie had told me. We want you to love us the same way that we love you”.

These people didn’t even know me personally or at all to genuinely have any true feelings for me and neither did I for them and I could never love someone just because they had some type of family relation.

Love is something that has to come naturally and I have never loved easily as I haven’t met any beings, aside from the pet puppies and canines that I had, who incited that kind of strong feeling within me.

The truth of it all in which I kept quiet about in regard to Kookie was that to me she was nothing to love. She didn’t appeal to me in anyway whatsoever and neither did any of her family. All Kookie proved to be was trouble and other people eventually found that out about her too. She had too many skeletons in her closet in which she couldn’t deal with and she placed her insecurities onto others. That is why Kookie became so religious, to hide behind the church and to escape the life of regret she once lived.

Most of the people in the church are some of the worst ones out there if you ask me.

Simmie’s family weren’t shit, nothing but trash, and I had interpreted this revelation as a child when I first met my father. I knew if he was trash his family had to be also but I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt. All they did was prove me right though.

One of Simmie’s aunts by the name of Emily had took one hundred dollars of mine in which I had sent down to Barnwell, South Carolina years prior and never repaid me as she had promised. I told her I knew Simmie would not reimburse her for the money but even though she insisted that she would return my money back to me herself.

When the time came Emily refused to pay me back and lied about saying that she was going to. I told her that she was a ” Dirty Bitch”. And Emily and Kookie had the nerve to hold my words against me claiming I hurt and disrespected them as being elders.

Elders who are unscrupulous don’t deserve and will not get any respect from me. And what does age have to do with anything? One being older gives them the authority to get away with lying and doing dirt toward someone who is younger?


I got my money back when I went down there, though. The money Kookie handed out to me all added up to the one hundred I had sent down there. So I felt it was Kookie’s way of making right of the wrong for her aunt and the work of the universe handling out the situation within a fashion in which I recognized had turned out within my favor.

In spite of that fact, I am in no way declaring every single member of Simmie’s family out to be alike or judging them entirely to be the same, I know there are certain relatives in specific of his that are exceptions to what the others exhibit.

I of all people know that just because you have a few assholes within the family does not cause or classify the whole tree to be rotten.

A Nonsexual Caulbearer In A Sexual And Sexist World

I am a person born of the caul who happens to be asexual and that has been disturbing to individuals who are twisted. I just unfortunately in the past had lived and grown up in a neighborhood full of sick and low-minded people in which I was far set apart from within mind and character.

Luckily, I was always able to branch out and come across and meet those of a higher vibration and of versatile range that I could relate to and appreciate all throughout my life as I went different places unbeknownst to the assholes who remained amongst the fellow likes of themselves and who couldn’t go no further.

There were men who’s sisters, nieces and daughters had got hurt or dogged out by men and there was nothing to talk about when it came to me.

What was so special about LaToya? Why didn’t she get caught up out there?

This is the absurd way in which these degenerate people thought and we have people like this and who generate within this fashion all over the place.

So these neighborhood people had for years endeavored to calculate an unnatural situation through the use of deceptive black magic along with lies to create a facade of camouflaging negativity toward my life that would coincide with and shadow up the celestial light of my true destiny and fate.

They tried to bring me into their darkness and cover me within a glue of a paint so ugly and stagnant in color. A substance of demonic craft they didn’t ensure for me to vehemently peel away from.

I think at one time adversaries were spreading and also wanted me to believe that I was a whore with diseases, a prostitute, and other off the wall things, I don’t know for sure if I was suppose to be a drug addict too, and I also think that because I wasn’t fazed by this nonsense I was supposed to be either crazy or putting up a front because their conspiracy of fabrications was supposed to be my ultimate truths even though they all knew what they were doing.

They wanted me to appear lower than what they were so everything they had done within their lives they put on me to make themselves feel better and they intended for their lies to follow me for the rest of my life in payback for me not having been in the same category as them as they perceived me as to think that I was better than them.

In spite of all the dirt these people have directed toward me it has not killed my spirit or brought me down.

The words bitch and whore don’t faze me. I’ve never been intimidated or affected by utterances intended to bring down a woman’s confidence or self-esteem. If anything, I was further liberated and elevated in discerning that I was at a higher level of knowledge and spiritual consciousness.

I don’t know how much this would resonate with other Caulbearer’s who had to go through shit or just others who stood out for whatever reasons but when it came to a man and sex people around my old neighborhood really yearned for me to get swallowed up in the same holes they had gotten trapped into.

My father’s sister told my father years ago that “I was too hard for a girl”.

“Really?” I had thought to myself. I didn’t know that as a female I was supposed to be weak or defined as what society projected an acceptable or proper female out to be. All I knew is how to be my true self and I wasn’t changing that for anyone or to meet anyone’s bias standards.

No one can dictate to me how I should be or not be as a genuine female within my own distinct mode of character.

One thing in which really struck me as quite odd and ridiculous is among the particular gutter-rats and certain people on a low-level within mentality and intellect where I grew up around who for some outrageous reason erroneously took for granted and automatically expected me to have had an interest in men, an attraction, or sexual desire, just because most people were wired or designed, or came out to be this way, whereas I never did, never was, and never will, and it came to be an actual subject of silly gossip and idle debate.

Of course, when we’re not like everyone else and don’t exude the same type of behavior as the majority or as average it gets noticed and talked about.

Others who aren’t thoroughly acquainted with us (even those who may have been around us for years) enough make quick assumptions or generalizations about our character taking into presumption that we must have the same needs, wants, mindsets, emotions, shortcomings and/or etc… And these drawn up conclusions are not always the case within many people’s nature and everday lifestyles.

I’ve been told personally by certain others that I’m very unique and that there’s no one out there who is like me. Though I do know there are a variety of distinct individuals within existence who differ greatly as this is a huge world in which we all live in, but for the most part, these people were just acknowledging to me that I was a rare person from their own observation and perception.

A distant relative of mine had even stated to my mother that it wasn’t normal for me to not have any nature (sexual appetite). I strongly disagreed because to me it is not about what is so called normal but it is about what serves as being healthy to one and within one’s own nature and life. The way I am is indeed normal to me, however, to each his or her own.

Why was the fact that I and my vagina didn’t need or want the undesirable pounding of a penis or the attention of any man so interesting and prone to circulating?

So spread out and disappointing to the point where it created hostility and denial on the part of those who for jealous reasons of their own preferred that I innately share the same tendencies and susceptibilities as they did?

I was born with my own individual attributes.

No man can do anything for me mentally or physically and I don’t express this to be harsh but I have to convey because it is the absolute truth. It is important for one to not repress who they really are on account of other people’s judgments due to a lack of knowledge in specific areas on their part.

It is very unhealthy for one to do so.

I don’t know why sex is so important and significant to these people. I don’t understand why they believed or hoped that if I indulged in the sexual act or had a man attempt to degrade me with nonsense talk equivalent to a mediocre mindset in regard to false sexual encounters or the delusion of what they believed to be would actually have any bearing or reflection on me as they gambled so hard on the outcome and for it to follow me within my life as if it was something legitimate.

It’s also sad how sex sells and how sex is promoted the way that it is when in my opinion intercourse itself actually means nothing. I have written many articles and quite a few were editors picks in online publishing and magazines yet it was the article that I wrote about being Asexual that prompted a few publishers to contact me for permission to display them as they thought the write up was “powerful” and beneficial.

I didn’t mind at all it’s just out of all the things I have written about it’s the one regarding not having any interest in sex or men that catches the most attention?

Society is too sex crazed that it clouds their judgment when it comes to those who have no true interest in sexual matters.


Gifted people come in all varieties. We as individuals can do anything that is within what we are capable of doing.


When I was in my early twenties an associate of my mother’s had met with me in person for the first time and heard me speak and hold a conversation and responded later to my mother by addressing “I was nowhere near the level that she’s on at that age. I thought she was in college”.

I wondered to myself “What does college have to do with intellect and mentality?”

Even a professional who I wrote an essay for when I got accepted at a college years ago which I decided not to attend asked me “How do you know how to write so good if you’ve never been to a college?” I didn’t get it because I’ve never associated intelligence and talents with professional training. To me, everything depends on ones own individual capacity.

This person didn’t mean any harm (my mother’s associate), of course, his words were actually a compliment and acknowledged that just because someone is in college doesn’t make them smarter than someone who is not.

I was never one to believe that school actually made one smart and I was never intimidated by anyone’s degree as I could attain the same achievement or higher if I chose to. School is just a tool of enhancement to progress an already intelligent and capable mind. However, learning comes within all fashions and within all places it is whether one is able to fully grasp what is being taught to them.

I remember back in the day how left back students attending high schools who didn’t have a satisfactory grade level of reading skills were eventually promoted out of school and allowed to graduate just because administration was tired, frustrated, or just didn’t want to deal with the problem anymore and decided to get rid of them instead.

When I was ten years old I took and passed tests high school children were unable to complete and pass without a problem. I even had an opportunity to get published by a mainstream publisher for short stories that I wrote back then.

Now I’m hearing in this day and age kindergarten children are getting left back. Some of it is the parents fault as they may have messed their children up with drugs and alcohol or are just not putting in the extra effort or time to help and teach their children. Even some parents themselves don’t have the knowledge to properly raise and guide their children

Don’t get me wrong, though, school is a positive and constructive resource, however, education is just the incorporation of particular knowledge which can be learned within any setting to the individual who has the right development and equipment.

I already knew how to read and write before I ever began school as a youngster and when I got older I was skipped a grade into a class for the gifted. Yet, school never held my interest as I was bored.

I didn’t have a problem with school itself but it was the individuals and the environment in which I had to attend school with. I liked it better learning one on one with a sufficient older person or within the presence of a specific group of other like-minded adolescents.

When I became fully grown and totally came into my own I liked partaking within classes better since I was not a child who didn’t have the control around my situations as children are oftentimes not taken as seriously within maturity and allowed the partiality of making their own fair judgments among other adults in certain situations.

Some are naturally born with communication skills and have the faculty to problem solve as I was.

I know people who’ve attended school and higher education who are still in school and they are definitely not too bright, especially within the area of common sense. And some people do cheat their way out.

I know some people who battle with low self esteem, ignorance, a complex of some sort and use their credentials as a badge of authority toward others. I don’t cater to people like that I don’t consider people experts solely depending on a course they’ve took or a certificate they’ve received I have too much of an open mind as well as common sense and too much experience to know that knowledge or brilliance is not packaged strictly in standard wrappings there is also the papers that come decorated in all styles and design.

People Who Call Us Positive People Negative When They Are The Negative Ones

No one can manipulate me into thinking within a fashion that is not of my nature and no one can manipulate me into acting within accordance to what is not of my innate state of being.


When one refuses to bow down to another just to get along with certain others they are considered being negative.

When one doesn’t like or want to be bothered with specific kinds of people they are considered being negative.

When one has a mind of their own which cannot be swayed and isn’t easily influenced by others and one doesn’t follow a crowd to fit in they are considered being negative.

When one isn’t afraid to stand up for what they know or believe in they are considered being negative.

When one tells a truth in which certain others don’t like or agree with they are considered being negative.

When others lie on one or does some type of malicious deed against them and one justifiably takes up for themself they are considered being negative.

When one doesn’t allow others to walk all over them and get over on them for their own benefit or through manipulative tactics they are considered being negative.

When one can sense and perceive unfavorable things about individuals that others are unable to see, process, or recognize for themself they are considered being negative.

Everything is being negative when it comes to the convenience of the actual negative people themselves. Anything to unscrupulously control an instance or provoke a situation in which to better suit their own ulterior motives and design.

And many unknowing and unsavvy people fall for their schemes as there are many who are oblivious to the artful guile of others in particular, or who share within the same mentality, or who just have a similar mode of calculating mindset.

Individuals who are in the right are often told that their own so called “negative behavior” will just create more negativity along down the line as to blame the intended target of unfairness for the trouble that is deliberately or primarily caused by others, a coercive statement which is lent to further manipulate one into submitting to and accepting the mischievous treatment and behavior of certain others, and to also permit them to freely get away with continuing on in their malicious deeds and actions within the future.

It is indeed a cunning and deceptive measure of audacity to acknowledge, a persuasive approach of nonsense talk which I have never listened to, as in reality, people of this nature inevitably create a vicious loop of negativity to spiral back at themselves when it comes to an individual as in tune as I am.

A lot of people don’t like other people who are too smart and who are too strong within the mind and within character especially those of us that by nature and instinct will fiercely tussle back when necessary.

The more these type of “sick” (as I call them) or unethical (if one wants to call them) people act out within their wrongdoings whether perceived to them as such, or not, the more they become disreputable and detestable to me.

Socially Inept Or Socially Unsatisfied ?

The world/government makes money off of the stupid people. Look at shows like Jerry Springer and Maury Povich.

In this society the comfort of the intelligent is sacrificed to cater to the dumb for huge profit as good television programs are taken off the air to display idiotic ones, good and tastfully designed apparel has been swiped for ridiculously styled clothing lines made to fit a more tacky appeal, and etc…

It just goes on and on. I mean, who wants to see pants hanging off of someone’s ass not to mention the crack of somebody’s ass with those tight mid and low-riders. Many of them who wear that shit swear they look cute, though.

Unfortunately, some people don’t like what stands out from the normal range of things and of what is considered ordinary. Some fear what comes off to them as strange and some just want to destroy the undetected beauty of a rarity.

I know that people who are different just as well as those born with a caul frequently have a hard time in life and with a variety of ignorant and unsavory people.

Highly intelligent people have to go through the erroneous stereotype of not possessing social skills if they don’t regularly interact or appear too sociable and nothing could be farther from the truth. It is these people in which are very adroit and quite ahead of their time.

Most of us aren’t preoccupied with the shallow interests and desires that embrace, gratify, and suit the average world. A lot of us choose not to pretend just to fit into a group that we don’t belong to for the sake of jeopardizing our own identity and we don’t mind to get penalized for the decision to go against the odds.

We are oftentimes driven to make allowances yet we refuse to dumb ourselves down or to downplay ourselves in order to not be criticized.

We get bored with the usual commonalities and with the useless, meaningless, and pointless communication and we are appalled by the disturbing occurrences that come to unnecessarily arise.

Our attention is grabbed by what is productive or substantial to our well-being and to the environment around us and it is an aspect that we define as relevant.

Society wasn’t specifically designed for people like us who lean toward depth and revolution.

Are Those Born With A Caul/Veil Lucky?

We all have our own unique experience but for the most part-read more and continue on at: (

Celestial Birthrights

I knew a lady that was a psychic years ago and she had read for me a couple of times. She was a mother of two and told me that she had been reading people’s fortunes since the age of seven.


It seems that many of us that have the gift of second-sight know and are aware at a very early age of our certain abilities even if we do not perform them so young we demonstrate our capacities within the other activities of everyday life.

This psychic had told me that my psychic abilities were very intuitive the very first time I went to her and I hadn’t mentioned a word to her or given her any indication of my preternatural capabilities. I was in my early twenties back then.

As we come into contact with people and energies we get vibes thoughts and messages that come into our minds to give us information that is sometimes later confirmed.

I remember laying in my bed one day back during that time and a notion had spoken to me in reference to this psychic that I’ll call Iris.

The impression stated that she probably has to travel back to her country to get power.

After a year from then had passed, I phoned Iris’s home to schedule another appointment for a reading when her husband answered the phone.

I had told him who I was and he remembered me. He stayed on the phone with me for quite a while as we talked about why I had called and he revealed to me that his wife was away as she periodically goes back to her country to get power.

There it was. My premonition confirmed by his very words.

Years after I stopped seeing her, which wasn’t too often to begin with, she told me that she was from Brazil as I ran into her once again.

The thing about it is that real power cannot be gotten and considered authentic because it isn’t. Now this lady did actually have a gift of reading psychically as she was one of the most accurate I had come across as to the few others I had been to back then.

However, any type of power that one has to receive through animal sacrifice or a type of ritual ceremony is not of their own and not a genuine attribute.

It is just borrowed demonic energy that only lasts temporarily and will not hold up for long.

Natural born inherent spiritual power is what is truly valid and cemented as our power is a manifestation of our own constant generating field of intangible energy within connection to the universe.

Concurrent Tidings

One person’s happiness is another person’s sadness and one person’s pain is another person’s pleasure.

At this very moment as I write in the tranquility of my environment there is someone out within the world experiencing upset and misfortune.

There is someone who has died, someone who is suffering from injury and someone who is suffering from illness.

There is also many who are being born, being killed, being raped, being evicted, being fired from their job, being the victims or receptor of abuse, accidents, crimes and so on, right now at this second.

The simultaneous occurrence of these daily events are common knowledge to the conscious thinker yet escape within our thoughts as we often are not constantly focused on what is not happening around us in regards to the people we don’t personally know and are not cognizant about.

We’re usually too preoccupied with the occurrences taking place wthin our own daily lives to garner any attention toward the instances affecting others as well as the elements which affect our atmosphere as activity goes on everyday.

It is sometimes not until unfortunate situations hit us in the face directly or at a distance that we come to recognize how deep circumstances actually get.

Once we view a television report, read a newspaper article, or encounter an episode of drama in person, then we realize and feel the weight or consideration of another’s reality that could just as easily have been one of us if fate had decided.

We often are thankful to not have one of those predicaments claim any one of our recent days of the week and hope to never have a run in with such a display or event.

Though we’re prompted to help out in certain situations when motivated by instinct to aid someone or something to comfort and safety if we are present and witness an aspect as many would also desire to be rescued or tended to during a serious time of incident or need.

When I watch a true crime show, read a true crime novel, or review a news alert of any kind and notice a date I may look back at what I was doing in my life around that time and say “Wow, while I was sitting in the comfort of my home or out having fun this very negative thing (whatever the dilemma) was going on”, and it sometimes just makes you think.

Us people with second-sight often see things all of the time within our third eye/minds eye and it is real and we can also feel sensations wherein the things we’re being spiritually made aware about.

However, depending what type of energy/connection we have upon individual accounts and the information we receive in specific to point and time can vary or be misinterpreted compared to observing and listening to the entire full spectrum of a clarified story, so the impact falls within the range of where its thrown if it serves to move us somehow.

A Caulbearer’s Life

I was always told that it was a good thing to be born with a caul and that we were very special children.

My mother use to tell me all the time that I had a gift and that I was special and I believed but when spirit came to me in my thoughts as a young adult and kept telling me that I was special until I finally accepted it is when I truly understood the depth of what that all meant.

Those of us with the power of the particular have a responsibility to pay attention to the messages that we receive and a responsibility to honor and respect what was bestowed upon us by heeding warnings and learning through revelations because it is all for our well being, best interest, growth and survival.

Growing up there were other children and grown ups alike that didn’t understand how or why I knew the things that I did and why I escaped the problems and mistakes that they didn’t. Some often assume that people like us must have been told what we know or that we heard it from somewhere or that supernatural talent and intervention does not exist or is impossible within us human beings.

To the wise we know and have learned through our own encounters as well as watching and detecting within others the attributes of the paranormal experience.

Visit Authentic Expression: LaToya’s Health And Wellness Lifestyle Blog Food (Knowledge) For The Mind And Spirit

In The Eye Of Truth


I have always had credibility, especially among those who counted; people often knew that they were able to come to me to get the truth.

I am real, an authentic person, and that is very rare to find in this day an age as many out there endeavor to continuously lie, cheat and steal as there is no other way of means for them to obtain or to succeed.

These individuals often go far within life to rise and to achieve within the things that they definitely do not deserve and that they have no legitimate entitlement to while the genuinely certified and eligible go nowhere because of their dignified and strong mode of character.

It is about moving trash forward and pushing substance backward blockages caused by the jealousy of those who are intimidated by the demeanor of the more superior, the more adroit.

When people lie on me intentionally or with their highly inaccurate assumptions, opinions or conclusions that are drawn up within their insufficient minds on the basis of incomplete information as well as misinformation, they tend to reveal to me the depth of just how sick and unsavvy in which they really are.

Why go out of the way with fabrications that I can ultimately and fiercely tear down with absolute validity and truth?

Why ignorantly deliberate within the forming of a theory or conjecture without any firm evidence to back up what I am able to inevitably shut down?

Lies that were geared toward me by enemies have been ludicrous and laughable-not to mention desperate-inadvertently revealing and confirming all of the negative and inferior aspects that they are indeed guilty of fools tell on themselves without even realizing it yet the keenly decisive mind and eye that I have can plainly detect every sign of their involuntary admissions within their tall tales.

Ever since I was a little girl I could spot a variety of trash from miles away and I would get very strong feelings about them as I still do till this day, divine warnings and messages of what they are and how they operate and to always stay away from these types of people because they are no good and not healthy to the aura.

I would often get accused of being judgmental on account of my being able to sense and discern about them what others weren’t able to intuit right away or at all. Their kind was sneaky at trying to make me out to be the bad person for having the faculty to read into the eyes of their soul and to call them out for who they really were.

I have from the beginning of my existence felt an extreme dislike and aversion toward their kind one that never did die down but that had intensified with fair reason.

They resent the fact that I never feared them and how they could never dominate me.

Spirit speaks within so many ways and delivering so many of enlightenment through the mind’s eye just almost a month ago spirit came to me revealing that “I’d be surprised just how many people have my back” without me even looking for anyone in general to support me if needed be.

My third eye is open and clear, receptive and emitting, and within communion with the universe, I feel so grounded and free just as I am suppose to be.

Know-It-Alls Who Don’t Know Nothing

I know quite a few of these kind of individuals (especially one by the name of George Owens/Taalib Muhammed) and they all share a familiar type of mentality when they feel they know how to read and deal with specific people and situations as they’re use to achieving confirmation or assurance through experiences with those individuals of an even lower caliber than themselves.

However, they don’t reflect themselves as being low. It isn’t until someone of true aptitude who they’ve often underestimated comes to knock them off of their fantasy ride to bring them back down into reality and certainty.

This happens a lot of the time when and after numerous attacks are thrown at and against those of us who are fixed and unwavering. We end up having to demonstrate to them by our own nature and instinct how they cannot mess and successfully compete with us in the knowledge and intellectual department.

Most of them get by doing dirt we get by with our strength and purpose within character something that isn’t so easily trampled upon when genuine depth holds up our foundation.

When they can’t manipulate us they use their mediocre psychology techniques when that doesn’t work they insult us by calling us names and placing derogatory labels on us.

We’re far ahead of the game discerning immediately while they’re still within the middle of their schemes and plans, and sometimes before they come up with a design we know what they will say and do.

I was told to laugh at people like them and to feel sorry for them but to me it’s not always funny it’s just plain sad and I don’t even have any pity for them.

Spiritual Growth And Wisdom: Inspiration For The Youth


My ancestors and orishas have been with me ever since I was an infant far before I had even known that they were there beside me, providing for me and guiding me.

As one born with intuitive gifts and having an intangible connection to the spiritual realm I was always attracted to and motivated by the supernatural.

As I have firsthand knowledge and experience people have often come to me for help, insight, and advice.

What is most important for them to realize is that serious spiritual development cannot be learned and taught through online information.

Sure, one may be able to relate to another person’s words, be inspired or encouraged and share things in common and exchange ideas and that is a very beneficial resource of communication, however, legitimate revelation cannot be found just anywhere, not even within books as there are important things that are often left out and that don’t add up, that are not clarified, and impossible to correspond to every individuals own personal fulfillment and needs.

What we learn within “hidden knowledge” is not at all found within mainstream it comes to us from and within “spirit”, divine messages of information that would often be controversial to what is normally taught and learned and it is not just for anyone and everyone to know and understand.

A lot of the information can turn out to be inaccurate for others and not because the matters are false but due to situations and conditions that represent only a few people’s experience whereas it doesn’t apply to everyone else. We all have our own set of circumstances that influence and that surround our lives and each of us need a personal diagnosis and solution that pertain to both our own cause and effect.

I’ve consistently spoke from my own visions and insight and from what I’ve witnessed in life and around me and I know for a fact that it takes a strong spiritual foundation, sincerity, dedication and a strong belief on that journey to high spiritual development and it all starts from within.

It starts during childhood for many of us that are incline with spirit introducing itself to us in fashions that we always didn’t recognize as such but knew that we had a certain “magical energy” around us and something else unearthly motioning our steps.

I knew what life was all about at the age of twelve and as I grew and at the age that I am at now so many things that I was cognizant about have continuously been verified and confirmed.

There are many ignorant people out there that believe wisdom comes with age and that is definitely not true for all. I’ve met many that were older all through out life that didn’t have a clue yet thought they knew everything and all that there was to know as they were going by narrow-minded viewpoints and by their own limited range and level of perception. People have been older than me within age but I’ve been older than them within the mind.

One can be young and very wise and one can be old and very foolish, especially when they refuse to accept that it is not always the age of a person that serves as the determining factor.

It is about what we’ve been through, the experiences we may have encountered, the inherent skills that could have been imparted to us by birth that bring to us our own set of knowledge and wisdom and that can come at any age for some.

Our lives are a journey of various and numerous roads through pathways of travel and we never stop learning as there is always more to uncover and discover.

Keen Kids

Kids have it hard too when they are underestimated and treated unfairly by adults. They go through things in life too and need to be heard and taken seriously at times.

Youngsters who are just plain bright as well as those individuals who were born with second-sight are often wise in a fashion that others don’t always want to readily accept.

Some kids are even born smarter or more reasonable than their parents, and I know, because my mother was much smarter than her own mother and she was the mother to me that she never had.

I was told flat out by a psychic many years ago that certain people didn’t appreciate my knowledge as a grown up.

I understand completely. As a child I was very advanced often knowing and understanding a lot about life and situations than people much older than me did.

Many of these adults and older people, of course, didn’t consider themselves to be lacking within judgment, information, and experience when it came to understanding things and the things that concerned the anomalous nature of certain types of individuals as well as the complexities and unprecedented circumstances within life itself.

And, if some were actually aware, they didn’t want to acknowledge me in that particular light or rank.

They preferred to form their own misconstrued assumptions and to generalize only to reinforce the illusion of what they desired to perceive.

Not everyone had or displayed a bias or resentful attitude toward me just the ignorant, insecure, and sick-minded ones, even at this present time embarrassment and false pride forbid them to verbally recognize their errors and admit to disappointment instead they conveniently explain that, “No one knows everything” or “Everyone has a long way to go within learning”.

All just to detract and to minimize the fact that they were stupid, a scapegoat for pure bullshit.

I always thought it was beautiful to see highly talented or intuitive children of all origin. Of course, no matter how ahead a child is they still need proper guidance and direction from a nurturing parent, I sure did.

Bottom line is we’re never too old or too young to uncover something within life or to discover from one another just as long as we’re picking up information from a reliable source.

Double Veil

I was born with a double veil.

As one born with twice the power and ability of the extraordinary I’ve been told that I see more than average, that I am more psychic than most, that I was always meant to have a little more in life than others and that I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders and this has been acknowledged by other gifted people that I have crossed paths with and that had experienced me for themselves.

One born with a double veil is even rarer than the general rare caul birth itself as most have never even heard of the term yet a person born of extra sensory perception that has never heard a description before will automatically interpret a corresponding meaning through a natural discernment. I’ve constantly been able to do this on many levels of subject.

I’ve been fortunate enough to come into contact with a few that were able to recognize the significance of the double veil through talking with me and connecting to my energy.

I’ll be one of the very first to elaborate as only one who is born within this fashion is able to because only we know who we are.

It shouldn’t take a genius to realize that aside from chance heritage plays a large role within the endowment of gaining special talents that are passed down and that skip through the generations.

As I have those born of the “sight” all within my family unit on both my mother and father’s side and not just on one generation but coincidentally all heavily spread about the lineage I was celestially and genetically attributed with an extra dose of supernatural parentage.

It happens once in a while that some of us get an overloaded package at birth, more than one share of surprising and challenging gifts to open up and learn how to use, and apply to daily living.

For those that are ignorant “double” has nothing to do with the texture of a caul as the caul itself is just as signification of one born with preternaural ability but of the nature and extent of ability within combination of one’s own unique talents enhanced by what was handed down through ancestry as well as divinity.

Children born of a double veil have an extremely heightened ability of power/energy and are able to tap into the universe and the unknown whereas other Caulbearer’s cannot.

We have a deeper connection to other dimensional realms and a keener understanding and interaction with nature. We have a remarkable view into people and into the nature of their being.

I am not going to go into all of the serious details as enough has been exploited by the posers out there who violate us by using our own information of personal experiences to gain attention and notoriety to falsely represent as their very own. So I will not give any more information for perpetrators to feed off of just enough for those that identify and to confirm their encounters. Let’s keep some of our truths sacred and unattainable to those that only pretend to know.

So to wrap it up us very few born with double veils are literally “double the power”.

Respect To The Caul

There are a lot that claim to have been born with a “veil” but compared to the vast majority only a small percentage really were born with cauls over their faces.

Many claim to be psychic or to have paranormal abilities but actually only very few really do and it is a disgrace and so disrespectful to those of us that genuinely do fall into that category of having second-sight/extra sensory perception.

These individuals violate the true gravity, beauty, and sacredness of what these gifts mean and represent. It is not something common or for those in specific to put their own handle on.

Yes, we that are truly incline have our own special talents in a variety of different ways and at different levels but no one can define for us what our gifts are, how they operate, the connection unto and no one can redefine what was celestially designed within originality and distinction for any group to claim and rearrange into the norm.

I hate when outsiders or wannabees attempt to invade then sully by charging in on a territory that was not meant for them to inhabit within the first place just because they want to be “special” too.

What is a dead giveaway to many fakes and phonies is when they underestimate the power that we authentic bearers of the caul really hold. They don’t know because they don’t actually have true paranormal ability and they don’t understand how it functions so they think or believe that they can fool us.

And when they doubt us and what we actually have the ability to do and to connect with there is where we catch them because if they were themselves genuinely real they wouldn’t have questioned or denied us to begin with they would have “known better!”

I laugh at liars because a liar constantly worries about what others are thinking, has to keep up a story, and then they have to remember their lies, however, when one tells the truth they have nothing to worry about and the validity always carries them through.

The Beauty Of The Caul

Just because one is born with a caul doesn’t automatically mean that they’re going to be honest or that they’ll do well in life. Born with a caul just signifies extraordinary attributes that average people don’t have and at different variations and levels of capacity or range.

It is up to the individual whether or not they choose to do good or bad with the special talents that they are granted by birth and life condition also determines what route one may take or how things may turn out for them with or without their control it all depends on situation and circumstance just as many other happenings amongst us within living on this earth.

For those where a genuineness and advantageous of nature or destiny reside shines a light.

As one born with a strong spirit the light that reflects upon I and us is a spiritual illumination of strength, knowledge and wisdom that we ascribe and apply.

Those of the darkness entertain deception and shortcoming out of naivety, vulnerability, and weakness and use these negatives as stepping stones for and to promote their ominous prospects.

We that are positive were not built for demonology but for gloriousness and we are expected and tend to compliment that natural factor by living and treating ourselves well.

Lifestyle is the key to keeping our minds, body and spirits clean, healthy and pure.

Spirit leads us into what is proper and appropriate for us and our well being right down to the people we associate with to the foods that we eat and if staying and remaining away from what is not harmonic unto our surroundings and constitution then so be it!

Feeling Disconnected

Yet Connected?


I am allergic to certain types of people and vicinities.

My spirit does not take to everyone or everything and as a caulbearer it is not supposed to.

Spiritual radar is a vital tool when it comes to a person of the caul/veil. That radar constitutes both a weapon and a shield.

As a person born with a caul/veil one is always going to be able to know and see what the average person will not. As a person born with a caul/veil one is always going to be very unique and significantly unlike the average human being.

The caul/veil itself is a sign of spiritual knowledge and development. An assurance of stability and progress.

In no way, shape, or form does being born with the caul/veil share a similarity to having been cursed. Having a gift has never felt like a curse to me. If anything it is the complete opposite.

A blessing gifts are indeed.

I’ve always had the feelings and a strong sense of not belonging and/or not wanting to be here in the world and to me that was not at all a bad or negative thing.

Those notions, inkling, and hunches had helped me to seek deeper into thought and into myself.

It is a very good sign when you are not able to completely adapt into this foreign physical world.The connection and yearning toward the universal/spiritual realms are a natural manifestation of our (those in particular) celestial identities as well as destinations.

As a person born of the caul/veil my problem has never been with the caul/veil itself or the special attributes that came along with it . My problems have always been with and had always come from other people.

The supernatural aspects have only continuously served as a crucial advantage, guide, protection and intermediate source of help.

When one exudes positive energy and/or generates great magnetism it can be a spark for negative people in general.  Adverse reactions to goodness and quality are morbid examples of what demonic channels and entities we are faced with today as well as what were in the past.

A Child Of The Caul/Veil: As Real As They Come (

The Epiphanies Of The Extraordinary


It is funny how people attempt to go behind one’s back to do dirt, actually believing that the person that they are scheming against is unaware, or that they will never find out about the shenanigans that were done until it is far too late.

What if one is far ahead? Knowing and figuring out just about every detail of sequence that there is to an episode.

During negative instances of calamity some people will tend to believe that a person is oblivious as to what is going on around them if they appear to be undisturbed or unabashed.

Now, what is the definition of calamity?

Does what some people consider a loss, distress, affliction, or disaster actually account for what another person is actually going through?

The answer is no.

What if a circumstance or situation that is deliberately arranged for a negative purpose and outcome has absolutely no bearing or affect upon its inspired target?

What if an ordeal that had maliciously transpired in vain came to serve as an unintentional major advancement within that targeted person’s life?

It is strange and interesting to learn about the depths of gravity when experiencing the epiphanies that distinctly pertain to one’s own personal life.

I have recognized that in the times of my life that were to be altered by uncongenial people, I stayed intact.

I have noticed within the events that were suppose to cause me greats setbacks and downfalls that they were indeed just great pushes to send me up forward, and farther.

Extra Sensory Perception is a divine revelational attribute for certain people to possess. It is a very beneficial and resourceful gift for one to experience and to utilize.

In the present, through out, and over time, the past and the future will back set, set, then reset.

The reality that is set within and that is set apart from my own true world and within the world that we all live in proves to be at a direct seesaw level, a tug of war over the world and the accords that should inevitably win.

What I am innately surrounded by I intend to maintain. There is no other more appropriate outlet, or better way for me to survive. I live sustained by the natural desirable elements of my own existence my own pure deities, my own pure loves and lights, my own true fates.

Everyone has their own spiritual and nonspiritual beliefs. One person’s fact can be another person’s fiction.

As I have said before in the past, what is the truth to one person is sometimes foreign to another, yet both of their circumstances are real but not to each other.

Any claims that individuals do not come up into an agreement upon do not make any of those certain claims out to be false or non existent.

No one can touch or undue what is relevant and prevalent to and within one’s own special birthrights.

Living Life As A Spiritual Person

Psychic ability definitely does exist. The phenomenon is real. I know this due to the fact that I am clairvoyant.

As the times change and our world continues to evolve in correspondence more and more things are coming further out into the open.

Of course, there will always be those phony scam artists or those insecure wannabees that have that obnoxious desire to gain money or to attract attention. However, they do not spoil the reality of ones who are genuinely born with the preternatural ability, and who are authentic.

Pretense can only last for so long.

I do not understand why anyone would want to pretend that they are psychic or clairvoyant in the first place. Especially when they indeed know that they actually are not. I mean what really is there to gain, unless they’re looking for some type of praise.

One cannot fake supernatural ability. Not all of the way. There are spiritual manifestations that occur in the lives of those who are truly encompassed.

They occur within the body as well as around within the environment.

Everyone with psychic or clairvoyant ability also are not all alike. They have their own distinct characteristic traits about them.

Many spiritually gifted people need and reach out to one another for enlightenment. No matter how far advanced it is that they may be within their insight or abilities.

The development of knowledge and power is a never ending one whether the information comes from a mentor or by natural magical means. Self discovery and self growth is a lifetime learning lesson.

I myself am constantly aided by my ancestors, orishas, and spirit guides along with the interaction of the great universe.

I indeed know what is and what is possible. And I have the confidence and the strength to back up that experience.

Through our own gradual process of paranormal transpires we learn to better discern, trust, and then build upon those situations and circumstances that are vaguely and obliquely set before us.

Many people claim to have been born with the caul the caul which is also referred to as a “veil”, a part of the amniotic membrane that occasionally envelops the head and face of a newborn, is a representation that signals the bestowal of supernatural association.

There are many instances that go along with being born with a caul.

Luck, a connection to the spirit world, and different types of psychic power is just a few of the things that are imparted to the people who are born in this fashion.

Those that possess genuine caul birthrights are very special and unique. They are very wise and mysterious.

They see visions through their third eye.  They tune themselves in by magnetizing their radar. And they battle out the evils that are within the world.

I have heard that some consider their particular gifts and identities to be a burden. I, however, do not.

Everything that I have written is what I know from my own personal happenings and I have had extremely grave, deep experiences that I consider a blessing. Both the negative and the positive because the experience further opened my eyes to the specific matters of life.

I also could never imagine having an identity other than what is already of my own. I was born and connected to the things that sustain me. Paranormal is who I am.

And these gifts will never serve to become a burden.



To see into the future and call it forth is not something that is out of the ordinary for someone who was born with a caul (veil).

There are many distinct powers that go along and that come from individuals who posses the natural inherited abilities of the caul.

True caul births are supposed to be a very rare occurrence. Not very often are babies born with the thin membrane enclosed around their heads and face denoting the signs of psychic talent. Yet there have been many who were delivered in this fashion, shining their lights upon the billions of people in the world who they are greatly outnumbered by.

Till this day-even in this day and age of modernly advanced times, there are still those other individuals who do not believe in omens of this kind. They pass it off as nothing more than superstition.

In spite of that fact, anybody with sense knows that just because something is not accepted by a certain percentage of people does not mean that it does not exist.

Everyone has their own beliefs, and system of belief. And that is a right that one is entitle to. However, no one is in authority to force any other into believing or not believing in what they see fit to call as truth.

For those who do know, believe, and understand. The experience of a caulbearer is a very deep and beautiful thing in my opinion-and according to what I have been through in my life.

I cannot and do not speak for all others who were born with the special abilities of the caul due to the reasonable fact that everyone is their own individual. And not everybody’s experience is or will be the same.

Gifts of this stature involve spirituality. A spiritual nature deeply rooted in the hidden knowledge and powers of a supernatural kind.

Extrasensory perception is mystical and exciting.

Looking at things through the third eye is quite astounding and wonderful. And when one feels, hears, tastes, smells and discerns some or all of the things that come along with the happenings they serve as great epiphanies.

So whether or not an individual chooses to use their abilities personally, professionally and/or spontaneously, they should never ignore the gravity that they hold.

Anybody can spread them self around idly and without regard to gain money or advantage.

There is nothing more common than immediate worthless profit.

Everybody, however, is not wise enough to benefit from what they keep sacred as they richly maintain purpose.

There is nothing more rarer than the delayed ends of meaningful satisfaction.

The Whispers In My Head


When spirit (divine or departed spirits) speaks I do listen to each and every word, attentive to correctly discern whatever message, warning, blessing or deception that I may be receiving.

There are some individuals who definitely suffer from mental illness. They hallucinate and have delusions. They see and hear things that have not actually occurred and they hold on to a reality that does not exist.

Do all people who claim to have had a paranormal experience suffer from some type of mental disorder, absolutely not! In fact, I honestly believe that a great number of people have erroneously been committed into psychiatric institutions due to the fact of their preternatural abilities.

And after they’ve been hospitalized over periods of time and heavily medicated some then began to acquire certain mental disorders.

So many innocent individuals have been so wrongly misdiagnosed as schizophrenic and/or bipolar (manic depression) all because they were born with gifts and because of the ignorance and haste of narrow minded doctors who were quick to act out on their own generalized notions and assumptions.

Luckily, I’ve never had to go through such an ordeal of that nature, but I personally know people who have. And I have had a similar situation with an ignorant doctor at gynecology that looked at me as if I were crazy when my stomach continued to move on its own (push in an out from negative energy) due to my extreme spiritual sensitivity.

There are also conspiracies geared toward those who possess forms of psychic ability.

Sometimes people seek out to intentionally have clairvoyants/psychics committed only to have them experimented on and damaged in an attempt to alter or completely destroy their paranormal gifts (it was tried on me as a young teenager; however the plot ended up in failure).

Voices from the spirit realm often come across as soft spoken whispers. At other times they may come across as clear normal vocal tones or through sound tones-where one would have to make out their words through harmonic/cognizant interpretation.

There is contact that can also be made by “energy” communication, natural forces of the universe.

Messages can and do come in distinct noises and musical tones just as well as the regular vocal ranges.

Sometimes spirits speak out all at once making it rather difficult to completely understand what they are trying to relay.

And this may seem annoying or torturing while in the early stages of development as the mind continues to race with a combination of experiences.

Sometimes the spirits even converse with one another, and talk over one another, each one anxious to get their point or message across.

Over time the strong and disciplined clairvoyant learns to become accustomed to the voices along with the other paranormal things associated with the gifts that are bestowed.



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