Natural Signals


As an empath I feel strongly. I have for all of my life.

I feel other people’s energy, I pick up on circumstances and situations like radar.

I am kept alert and aware.

There is a deep meaning and profound reason as to why God gifted some of us in this way.

To see, hear, know, feel, smell, and taste beyond the ordinary range of things.

Us highly sensitive- spiritually inclined are connected to nature.

The universe itself is our antenna of frequency.


Seeing Into The Future

Supernatural power is no joke and it cannot be learned or gathered through online information.

Everything I speak about on all of my blogs and literature comes straight from the source, me. As a person born of the caul and second-sight/extra sensory perception I don’t need to search for outside information to know who I am or what It means to be spiritually inclined.

My existence itself is the true explanation.

We who have wisdom learn from ourselves and others alike through firsthand experience the most important aspect in which to gain legitimate knowledge from.

We know what is bullshit and what is not as we have the third eye, our highly developed sense of intuition, our mind’s eye, to look deep into view to connect with and to recognize the intangible vibrations within our own inner voice of spirit and the energy around us.

Those of us who genuinely have the ability to delve into the unknown and to call it forth, absolutely can attest to such real and momentous occurrence.

Our encounters are distinct within one another yet we all share a common thread.

We see visions while we’re awake, and we dream about situations while we are asleep.

Our scenes playback only to come true time and time again.

Whenever I’d dream a specific happening  over and over again it meant the augury was a “definite” event to “surely” come to be.

I’ve learned this revelation from my very own personal experience, however, another’s certainty of a forecast may differ within style or mode.

We don’t only see into the present, past, and future. We in addition hear, know, and feel what is going on, what may have went on, as well as what will be.

We even taste and smell elemental clues to pieces of vital information in which help to clarify things we’re kept aware about.

We don’t have these gifts to “save” the world.

We have these gifts to brings us closer into truth and enlightenment, to be a genuine source of help to certain others, and for our own individual maintenance against the negativity and dark forces of the world.

Our gifts mean quite a few things to the highly “in tune”.

We also have these gifts (for those of us of the light) to prepare us and get us ready to go to the right place once we make our transition if we’re listening and heeding to the warnings and the messages.

It is so obvious to me how these preternatural gifts of ours show of what power resides within the universe and within creation unto which solidifies the faith in what we know to exist.

Seeing Spirits

There are more than one way in which we with the gifts of sight are able to view and connect with apparitions.

Some of us see energy forces that materialize around or directly in front of our eyes, some of us see the energy within our minds eye through visions, some of us see energy force during our dream state, some may only be able to hear an apparition’s messages, and some are just able to view and communicate with apparitions in all of the above circumstances.

I’m one who has experienced all of the above and, of course, if or when we don’t see them we know and feel when they are around us and we envelop and interpret the sensation which comes along with the encounters of presence.

I can even at times “smell” when an apparition or force is within the midst or afar.

Energy and vibration is the essence to all life force.



There are people who genuinely do experience supernatural phenomena on a daily basis yet hide it from other people.

Some of these people need someone to talk to as they have questions and concerns, and some are just curious or find the circumstances surrounding our lives interesting.

Nevertheless, one way or another, it’s good to be aware this situation actually does exist.

Of course, this is not a topic for everyday discussion among the majority and not for everyone to speak about to just anyone.

However, a lot would not be able to handle the backlash of ridicule, mockery, criticism, patronizing and judgments from others who are in disbelief or who are not open to or interested in such things.

I understand completely, the world can be cruel and ruthless and no one should undergo a mental or emotional beat down on account of being contrary to what is usual.

So where do these people with paranormal abilities who don’t have anyone in their corner go?

To other people like themselves if they’re willing to share and exchange instances.

I express within my writings as the energies within spirit inspire, guide, motion, and drive out vibration from me accordingly unto the universe.

Do I worry about how I’m perceived or called out to be, if so? Hell no!

I’ve been called many things all for nothing as I was growing up just for not being like everyone else why should I care what anyone else says or thinks because I have a gift?

Boldness is just a trait I was born with. I’ve never been shy when it came to self expression and doing what I wanted to do. I don’t fear opposition, I dare, and challenge it.

I’m proud of who I am and I’ll talk and write about what I want to write about!

When spirit manifests through me and urges me to put out a message, I will exercise and utilize my vehicles, and I don’t care who doesn’t like it.



Outside The Ordinary Senses

Does your head race?

My mind use to race constantly and at an intense pace.

The strong and rapid flow of random thoughts and visions without relief will seem to drive one crazy. It has ran some people into a state of confusion and upset from not understanding why and what they are experiencing and the nature of the cause.

It can be frustrating and annoying when we are unable to get repetitive preoccupations and assorted visual scenes out of our mind. No matter what we’re doing or where we’re at these distractions totally engross our concentration without our permission.

There is absolutely nothing we can do about this but learn to live with it.

Some people unfortunately resort to drugs and/or alcohol to drown out the stream of extra sensory indicative representations  while others take medication in order to repress the unidentified or tormenting encounters.

I’ve handled the condition as best I could and just analyzed and learned from the situation and fashions in which the faculty operates.

Throughout the years the racing has not stopped It eased up to where I could adjust to it at a tolerable level after developing an understanding and sense of balance within the absorption of specific paranormal messaging and communications attributed over time.

The explanation is in connection to celestial tiding as it is the nature and part of the state of being to those of us inclined.

Everything I’ve picked up within the thought process, aside from dreams, visions, telepathy, empathy and other means of clairvoyance, has served to be very accurate and very legitimate therefore it is a vital and resourceful part of my life which comes in handy when it is the most important.



 It was a clear afternoon I remember it may have been in the summer.

My mother and I were walking, I think we were coming from the store, when she brought up a mutual associate who we hadn’t seen or heard from in a while during that time, “I wonder where Debbie is at” she had inquired to me.

Immediately after my mother spoke her words an intense sensation had come over me, a foreboding, in which was a solid answer to her question.

“I feel she’s near death”, I had told my mother as we walked down the street on a day of nice warm weather.

Two weeks later we heard from Debbie and she acknowledged that she overdosed on drugs and almost died as she recuperated at a hospital.

The next occurrence I had experienced with Debbie transpired when I was asleep I dreamed her lifeless body was collected at a morgue.

After a long time from once again not hearing from Debbie I called her up at home while a recording came on the phone stating the line was disconnected or not in service.

So I called up a friend of Debbie’s who revealed to me that she was dead and buried in her grave.

I was a little spooked by what I had found out back then it kind of gave me the creeps learning how chillingly accurate I was and I had wondered if Debbie came to me on purpose wanting me to know that she had passed on.



Reciprocated Thoughts

 A while before it was divulged to me through a course of following visions whereas Orisha Oshun had come into contact with my deceased dog Brandie, only to become greatly fond of her and incited to hospitably serve to her as a congenial and escort within the spirit realm, I was concerned for Brandie.

I’d usually get visitation sessions with my pet during my dream states and had not seen or occupied any time with her within my sleep.

So I was up in my bed one night uttering to myself within my thoughts, “I want to see my baby”.

Shortly after, I began to see dim flashes of what appeared to be a leg and a paw of Brandie’s develop right there in front of my eyes in apparition mode.

Later that night, I finally again reunited with my beloved pet, satisfied and relieved. I just wanted and needed to know that she was alright since I had been elevating her spirit to keep her safe and comfortable.

Unbeknownst to me at the time the reason I hadn’t came into contact with Brandie was because she was in the process of raising to a higher dimension that was temporarily interrupted on the account to put my mind at ease beforehand.

It is said that time within the spirit realm differs considerably measured to our specific mode of time.

Through another following dream the elevation process which allowed me to be present this time around to aid Brandie myself into her upgrade was resumed.

I have clear memory of being with my dog moments prior to her entry into the dimension yet no recollection at all of what happened and how the instance actually transpired.

I guess the revelation was not for me to be tangibly conscious of at this period within my stage of discovery and I completely understand and am totally fine with this as I feel lucky and honored already to have took part in such an experience to begin with.

We know what we need to know for now, however, everything within our incorporeal accounts as well as the missing pieces to our mysterious puzzles will be manifested unto us within due time. My baby is at peace.

Food (Knowledge) For The Mind As Well As The Body

LaToya’s Health And Wellness Lifestyle Blog is up and running. Its been live for three weeks now and I love writing on my platform. I love all three of my blogs titled My Voice, A Caulbearer’s Journey And  Authentic Expression.  I’ve been writing online for thirteen and a half years now and it is fantastic to have an uncensored stage to present, share, and exchange our truths, ideas, creativity, experiences, societal/worldly/spiritual/personal issues and expertise.

I don’t write for anyone’s approval or criticism if I didn’t have an audience I’d still be writing, as I have stated within the past, I write purely through preternatural spiritual energy/automatic writing. Spirit as well as my inborn tendency inspires me through my love and passion for the craft. Yet at the same time I was told that I was meant to help people along the way through my gifts as a clairvoyant/medium and “messenger”.

I’ve never been a “save the world type of person” neither have I ever desired to become one. I am a very genuine, open and unapologetic stand up type of person who is very opinionated and outspoken when it comes to what stirs me, what I believe in, and what I fight for.

Within my journey offline and online I’ve discovered without even realizing in the beginning on up that by just being myself and being real and not ashamed or afraid to speak my mind that I had shed both influence and inspiration to those in particular.

I’m very sure I’m viewed by some as cold, harsh and judgmental, in general though, individuals will perceive only within the limited range that their minds are able to allow them to in which definitely does not define or reflect upon another. Then, there are those who do perceive accurately within their own discernment. Nevertheless, I am not concerned by it as I am most certainly defined by the truth within who I genuinely am and not by what others may state, think, or believe.

While everyone may not always care, agree, understand me, my words, or where I’m coming from there is a purpose to it all. When certain ones of us within life are preordained to carry out and accomplish our missions whatever few or many they may be nothing can stop it, not even we ourselves. When others interfere within our endeavors and ventures nature just remarkably takes us safely through a different route because our celestial jobs must and will get done here on this earth.

What is nothing to me may be something to others or to someone else and vice versa this is a huge world and there is all variations for us to take and make fulfilling gain, value and design from.

We all in specific are a resourceful help and benefit to one another and that is quite a lovely and beautiful gesture set to us and for us within the universe.