One In A Million: A Rare Individual 🕊🕊🕊


As far as Michael Gonzalez (and any other low-scale no-good nigger from the past who wanted me, did not deserve me, could not have me), and other undesirable (individuals who are trash) people from the distant past in my old neighborhood who were jealous of my character, talents, intelligence while they had set out to tarnish my name, cross up my body, bind up my spirit and other negative deeds from childhood to adulthood through black magic/witchcraft they all failed within their outcomes.

I won against them all and everybody knows it!

As one who was always steps ahead of them- having advantage over them spiritually and mentally through spirit, wisdom and knowledge there is no way they could ever conquer me.

I am on an entirely whole different level within mind, soul, energy, and destiny.

I am a true testimony. People cannot understand the things I have been through from an early age and how I came through as a lovely, sturdy, beautiful flower to bloom vibrantly.

It just goes to show the power and nature of the divine spirit-energy that fully resides within me.

I have always been a fighter, a survivor. I always will be.

P.S. A little note: Evildoers never get away with the dirt that they do or try to do- that is a fact. Either they will pay some day in this realm or permanently within the next! –latoya lawrence 


Workers Of Evil Have No Power Over You


Workers of evil have no power over you unless you give it to them- latoya lawrence


Do not fear or be afraid of those who do black magic- they cannot harm you.

I know that people have died from and been killed with voodoo/black magic/witchcraft.

Lives have even been destroyed by other means as a result from being crossed.

I don’t have all of the answers or explanations as to why some people tragically fall prey. Only God knows.

Sometimes God allows incidents to occur to teach and to show us examples of things.



Other reasons are that this is a fallen world where evil principalities reign. Unfortunately sin and destruction are a part of everyday life.

None of these occurrences will totally end until Jesus returns.

What I do know for sure is that not everyone will succumb, be a victim, or even be affected by supernatural negativity.

Some of us may at one time or another be a target but never under the mercy of such wickedness.

I speak from experience.

The Brujeria people worked on me during the past had absolutely no bearing on me. I was too strong within mind and spirit- and I defeated them.

God is constant and consistent when he protects his children.


Proud To Be Unique/Proud To Be Real

Those of us in particular who are genuine messengers speak in truth through spirit; I write automatically within the form of automatic writing, a power that self- expresses and that writes itself. 

Self Love Self Respect

Strength Of Character

The Veil Of Truth

I love how energy manifests truth, the genuine essence of one that cannot be repressed or denied. 

When others aim to define us for who they want us to be or for who they falsely perceive us to be, and/or question, doubt, or speculate our true motives and intentions for why we operate in how we do-which is really just us being our authentic and distinct selves-validity knocks them down every time. 

A lot of people aren’t capable of dealing with actualities that they aren’t commonly accustomed to within certain individuals who are unconventional and unusual.  

Many often reflect their own insecurities and propensities onto others unsubstantially; some may even unrightfully accuse us of incorporating defense mechanisms instead of just accepting the harsh reality of our truths in regard to specific circumstances concerning numerous aspects of life, people, and situations.  

Some people kill me with the nonsense about putting up walls if we don’t like or want to be bothered-such a crock of bullshit! That may be true for some, in general; however, in the case of certain others and such as myself, we don’t put up walls we knock them down because we demand and enjoy the freedom to not be confined to the narrow margins/boundaries of ignorance. 

When we refuse to allow the negative views, opinions, or accusations of others to overthrow our veracity and reality truth automatically speaks for itself. It is that exact genuineness that gives us the natural authority and passion to ignore and scoff at the absurdities, enabling us to blossom and flourish even more elaborately through celestial energy. 

Fallacy has no bearing on the foundation wherewith we stand and wherefrom we go therefore.  

The profit through our blessings reward us for confidently placing our trust within the authenticity of our true identification; an honest verification to the origin of living one’s own special dimensional life force. 

The Truth Behind The Veil

Born with a caul is who I am, yet I am more than just one born with extra sensory perception.

Child Of The Caul

Spirit brings me into who I fully am and I love the assistance of a highly guided escort; the generation of my own exuding magnetic energy graciously outlining the pattern. 

The Body Is The Temple

Keep It Protected With The Vitality Of Spirit

Healthy Living

For Mind, Body, And Soul

The Spirit Speaks Truth/The Strength Of The Caul

The purity of spirit comes from within and exudes without. The body is the temple, the beauty preserved within the life force sustained by the celestial energy. 

Strong Spirit


Love, peace, and happiness stems from a spirit well fed by nature’s essentials. 

The crucial flow of innate wisdom; vital to the appetite, the hunger fortified unto abundant growth. 

Spiritual Prosperity

The richness of spirit cannot be bought, this type of wealth is priceless. The value exceeds anything tangible within nature or on this earth. 

Trust, loyalty, and honesty go a very long way and when one’s spirituality/faith is built on these merits there stands a solid foundation of mutual respect and devotion to the betterment and continuity of a favorable existence. 

The circumstance is even more fabulous when it is preordained and one is eager to join within their own agreement/alignment as everything falls suitably into place/in balance to one another. 

The vibration is wonderful and beautiful; the pure energy is refreshing. When the rest of the world is in danger, we are and remain untouched.  When the rest of the world is full of worry and frustration, we are comforted and reassured. When the rest of the world lack in their requirements, we gain and maintain. While the rest of the world is restless and within an uproar, we are sound asleep prophetically dreaming of the future paradise that is to come. 



I am unaffected by the bullshit of this world

We’re Not Defined By The Ignorance Of Others

I never feared to be who I am no matter how many people talked. I never cared what anyone said or thought: they were scared of me; they were jealous of me; they wanted to be like me!

Spiritual Blockages

Envy And Jealousy

When I was a little girl there was always a lot of jealousy around me and my mother, certain people constantly judging me on account of me not doing the same things that they, or their children were doing. People judging her on account of her strong personality, intelligence, style and advantages. 

Many had the nerve to ignorantly speculate what direction my life was heading in and what or how I would turn out to be while all along I in no way had showed any indication of having a negative outcome as they had and as their children did. 

It was more about them wanting to see something bad come about me and my way. Their children were supposed to be superior-not because they actually were-but because they bought them certain material things. Money couldn’t buy inherent wisdom! 

My mother was able to buy me particular things also. What did it mean? My mother showed me genuine love, concern, attention, and she was very smart and had the knowledge to sufficiently raise me. 

It was known that I was meant to do well in my life whereas others in specific weren’t as fortunate or spotless in matters of personal regrets or mistakes in which they couldn’t get past or considered setbacks or skeletons in their closets. The way their minds thought was a reflection on them and not anyone else who thought on a higher or opposite level. 

My mother was also meant to succeed. 

No matter what undesirable people would throw our way we continuously rose above and conquered to our liking of satisfaction. 

The Knowing Power

Power Of My Ancestors

Mind And Spirit Was Too Strong

Whether from relatives or outsiders (associates/acquaintances) people who are jealous for various reasons of their own will attempt to cause spiritual blockages in efforts to bring one down to their level or below.  

When they cannot measure up to certain calibers and are insecure about the situations that they may be in they will falsely rationalize or misinterpret their interference as a solution/downfall to equalize one to them all. Especially if they felt or interpreted that these people were better than them or considered themselves to be. Then they erroneously figure that their target will have to relent.  

Unfortunately, some individuals do break down and feel lesser than what they were as they are oblivious to what may have taken place. 

When I was in the fifth grade, I could actually feel an energy trying to block my intelligence. My great-grandmother and certain others at the time were having witchcraft done on me to halt my ability to grasp and to learn because I was very intellectually advanced at such a young age. However, the negativity didn’t prevail. I was able to know what was happening because I was born with a caul, I had intuitively felt and discerned the unnatural energy around me. 

There were also blockages put up to cause hostility between my mother and I because of the loving and close relationship that we had. 

The Spiritual blockages of various negativity (voodoo/black magic/witchcraft/evil eye/etc….) consists of attempting to block one’s intelligence, healthy and loving relationships/friendships, career/job/money, happiness/peace of mind/luck, health/lifestyle, spirituality and so on. 

The light is never put out by the darkness, it is impossible. The darkness may be able to place a temporary shadow over the light in order for the unveiling of further enlightenment, however, if one chooses to remain within the illusion of the shade that is totally on them! 

The Darkness Cannot

Overpower The Light

I turned out wonderfully as the individual I was supposed to within mind and character

My ancestors and orishas got me! They always had and they always will!


It Doesn’t Pay To Do Dirt

I was told a long time ago that I’m supposed to have the things that I want.

All through out my life I indeed have usually gotten what I wanted most of the time just by the act of wishing or thinking about something.

My desires didn’t even have to be intensely felt in order for me to receive them they just had to be sincere.

I was given what I wanted either swiftly or at an appropriate later time.

Everything is still the same for me till this very day no matter how old I get. I still have that special luck and blessings, that part in which came along with me being born with a caul.

I never asked for much and I never took anything for granted. These gestures have been touching and of deep contemplation to my sincerest regard. The energy within the universe has been kind, caring and generous toward me.

The connection and the protection from my ancestors has been phenomenal. The solicitous attention from my orishas has been noteworthy.

Even while all through out my life certain individuals have tried to interfere and delay my opportunities and prospects because they were discontent with how things always worked out for certain family members and I.

We utilized our talents and knowledge as we were ambitious and independent whereas those who were envious and jealous couldn’t.

Nevertheless, we kept on going. And as we continued to persevere we consistently had spiritual back up clearing our pathways and heading us within even better, and more inspiring directions.

The road wasn’t always smooth, however, during the intermittent bumps we were hit with intangible advantages.

One’s patience can wear out yet I learned that the endurance is necessary sometimes to work out all of the specific kinks.

People don’t realize the depth of how they’re killing themselves within the process of trying to hinder someone else.

They know far down inside they will pay the consequences but the severity gets harsher with each unsavory action done among them toward us and toward others.

When they transition and reach the lower depths of hell they’ll have to face the reality they’re trying to escape through their current delusions.

People shouldn’t go around messing with people of spirit and people of a decent nature there is no escape when what they’ve sown comes to ruthlessly fetch.






I woke up feeling wonderful. The vibration around me is fantastic. I always generated and exuberated excellent energy when the unsavory weren’t trying to mask or to block the beauty of my aura and magnetism with unnatural influence.

Those who are not distinctly spiritually inclined don’t understand intrisnic spiritual connection, the state of actually living within spirit, and having spirit live within one incessantly.

The inborn apathetic nature that I possess toward things in which are generally considered interesting, exciting, moving, challenging, or devastating is mind boggling to some.

Every individual is different, however, when one is at a higher level of intellect and spiritual consciousness they are not affected by things in the way of the ordinary.

In general, certain people on the outside looking in at another or their situation often interpret things to be much worse off than what they actually are when things aren’t really as bad as they think, or aren’t bad at all, depending on their own level of perception and what they exactly believe to be.

People are quick to make judgements upon what they no nothing about, simply going by what they immediately speculate and what they are frequently accustomed to.

So when those of us who are deeply connected to spirit are happy and content at times, or within circumstances, in which others feel or determine that we shouldn’t be it is because we have that inner voice of wisdom and discernment and are able to see and recognize the true reality of our conditions, and the happenings within life, as well as the life that surrounds us.

The bottom line is those who aren’t genuinely happy or at peace within themselves and within their own lives don’t like to see or want to hear about those of us who genuinely are living good with internal pleasure.




Living Well

Are you living life or are you letting your life live you?

Live your life. Be happy and Healthy!

Live how you want, do what you want, be fierce, and be fearless!

Be who you are, be proud of who you are, enjoy the state of being blessed.

Love yourself, love your loved ones, let your loved ones enjoy loving you.

Have fun, have laughter, have a good time.

Eat well, be well, and sleep well. – miss latoya


Mental, Emotional, And Spiritual Breakdown

Everyone who has had a breakdown of some sort is not weak, crazy, or dangerously unstable.

A breakdown is spiritual within many instances. A Yoruba priestess even acknowledged this fact to me years ago. I know firsthand as my own mother was a victim of brujeria in the early 1980’s.

I was even targeted. My aunt tried to flip me out when I was eighteen years of age by putting the hallucinogenic drug mescaline into a hot pot of black eyed peas that I had cooking over the stove.

People often use recreational “trip” drugs to increase the chance or enhance the effect of mental and chemical alterations of the brain while also performing the negative spiritual influences within black magic/voodoo/witchcraft.

My aunt went a step further in her malicious attempt by also putting tainted hiv fluids inside my food. Anyone educated would know the disease would not survive within the air and within a pot of scalding hot water.

Nevertheless, I didn’t lose my head or have a breakdown, my mind was too strong with faculty and awareness, and I didn’t, of course, become infected with aids either.

I was young, innocent, and very spiritually inclined, so divine intervention took over and protected me.

My aunt Tina (Ernestine Lawrence) has been hiv positive since the 1980’s due to intravenous drug use and promiscuous behavior from the 1970’s on up and instead of using her limited time to spend changing her life around for the better, she continued to do tons of constant dirt. She and other envious and jealous ruthless dummies, whores, drug addicts, and degenerates attacked me and other family for decades.

They’ve in addition done it to others, however, when they came after my mother and I, they messed with the wrong individuals. We are people of the light and they are people of the darkness. My ancestors and orishas were ready for them all, and the universe was recording and keeping record of every notorious deed in which was repeatedly done toward us.

Tina had poisoned food of my mother’s years ago too while neighbors were working black magic/voodoo/witchcraft against her.

My grandfather was driven to mental affliction before he was killed and found dead in the Hudson river.

My aunt Charise was drugged and raped which caused her to be afflicted with mental illness.

My grandfather, mother, younger aunt, and I were targeted for manipulative breakdowns because we were all very smart, strong, and fighters who could literally kick ass if needed be. We weren’t the type to back down or be bullied by anyone, and we were all good upstanding people.

The intent for causing mental, emotional, and spiritual breakdowns are to weaken one, to render them as incredible, and to lower their self esteem and spirit.

Certain evildoers want those of us who have knowledge in which threaten their unscrupulous ways either dead or labeled as crazy.




Motive And Intention: My Words Of Wisdom And Truth


I never cared what anyone ever said or thought about me,  and I have benefitted ultimately from my genuine attitude of natural faculty, I was concerned and occupied by “spirit” which in turn preoccupied me with inspiration and elevation. -Miss LaToya

I’ve been continuously blessed through out my entire life and the fortunate circumstance remains the same until this current day.

We who are decent and genuine have all had people judge, and, misjudge us but, who in the hell are they to judge us to begin with, especially when we surpass them within character?

People initially judged me not for what I was doing but for the things that I wasn’t doing. I was even told once, “You think your better than everyone else because you’re not doing the same things everybody else is doing”.

I laugh at people like them harshly.

A lot of individuals usually judge others by their actions when “spirit” judges by our intentions.

It’s not what we do but why we do what we do and the reasons behind it.

Ignorant people often point the finger at or accuse others of the things in which they are actually guilty of feeling, or doing, when confronted with an action or reaction done,  speculated, or displayed in correspondence to someone else.

They define others by the range incorporated within their own inclined behavior and limited scope of comprehension they don’t have the capacity to think or rationalize otherwise.

Everyone doesn’t do things out of the same motives and everyone does not respond the same to occurrences or events which may effect certain others within specific ways.

It all depends on one’s own individuality,  and although I’ve been told I’m one out of a million when it comes to being unique, I still give distinction among others when it does actually apply.

Those who instantly judge other people solely on their actions or what they assume without knowing the genuine facts or details of a situation are just reflecting their own true susceptibilities, tendencies, flaws, and insecurities.

Their interpretations have absolutely nothing to do with us or what we’ve done or haven’t done it is all a mirror image of those themselves. Their conjectures tell more about them and who they are more than anything else, and we know these truths for a fact as we absolutely know ourselves.

Then, these people turn around and wonder why we constantly overcome, succeed, and prevail, with consistent peace and blessings while they don’t experience these constant advantages at all.

Yet, we already know the answer to this obvious question and that is because we aren’t anything at all like them.

Our motives and intentions are pure, logical, intelligent, far-seeing, and well meaning, something they couldn’t even begin to imagine.

Whereas others cannot see “spirit” knows and views everything. We have nothing to prove or to apologize for all we have to do is to keep doing what we do by fiercely continuing to be who we authentically are.



Seeing Into The Future

Supernatural power is no joke and it cannot be learned or gathered through online information.

Everything I speak about on all of my blogs and literature comes straight from the source, me. As a person born of the caul and second-sight/extra sensory perception I don’t need to search for outside information to know who I am or what It means to be spiritually inclined.

My existence itself is the true explanation.

We who have wisdom learn from ourselves and others alike through firsthand experience the most important aspect in which to gain legitimate knowledge from.

We know what is bullshit and what is not as we have the third eye, our highly developed sense of intuition, our mind’s eye, to look deep into view to connect with and to recognize the intangible vibrations within our own inner voice of spirit and the energy around us.

Those of us who genuinely have the ability to delve into the unknown and to call it forth, absolutely can attest to such real and momentous occurrence.

Our encounters are distinct within one another yet we all share a common thread.

We see visions while we’re awake, and we dream about situations while we are asleep.

Our scenes playback only to come true time and time again.

Whenever I’d dream a specific happening  over and over again it meant the augury was a “definite” event to “surely” come to be.

I’ve learned this revelation from my very own personal experience, however, another’s certainty of a forecast may differ within style or mode.

We don’t only see into the present, past, and future. We in addition hear, know, and feel what is going on, what may have went on, as well as what will be.

We even taste and smell elemental clues to pieces of vital information in which help to clarify things we’re kept aware about.

We don’t have these gifts to “save” the world.

We have these gifts to brings us closer into truth and enlightenment, to be a genuine source of help to certain others, and for our own individual maintenance against the negativity and dark forces of the world.

Our gifts mean quite a few things to the highly “in tune”.

We also have these gifts (for those of us of the light) to prepare us and get us ready to go to the right place once we make our transition if we’re listening and heeding to the warnings and the messages.

It is so obvious to me how these preternatural gifts of ours show of what power resides within the universe and within creation unto which solidifies the faith in what we know to exist.

Dear Perpetrator



In reply to Beth Williams.



In reply to JOAN SALMON.

Sad about what? The feeling of not belonging here is a good thing as those who genuinely do feel within this way are not of the world.

They may be at a higher level of knowledge and spiritual consciousness.

You had a hard life? Only negative people create obstacles and trouble towards good and fortunate people.

Principalities in which lurk within the universe also create interference among many of us.

You felt no love? Maybe you were around the wrong type of people.

I grew up around a lot of negative people yet I knew positive people too and I always had a lot of love around me from my good family relatives as well as certain other people on the outside. I could care less about my no good relatives who brought a lot of unsavory problems toward me. It all depends on who you come into contact with.

It sounds like your true problem is low self esteem. One’s self value or self worth is not measured by who loves you or not. You needed to love yourself.

Self love and self respect is all that really counts.

If nobody loved me I wouldn’t have cared one bit. Although, love is part of what made me so strong aside from already having a strong spirit. I always loved and believed within myself.

People who are jealous are very insecure and suffer from their own feelings of inadequacy. It shouldn’t get you down it should raise you up and make you fight harder to know you have what they only wish they could have and aspire to be.

ESP In The Family Tree/Extra Sensory Perception

I had conversed over the phone once in a while with Simmie (my father) from a teenager up to my early adulthood, not frequently, but like I said once in a while and we talked good with one another whenever we did communicate.

However, I was never interested in developing a relationship with him. There were just some things I was curious about on his side of the family in regards to nationality and background.

I had found out he was part Native American as well as the rest of his family having a lot of Native American ancestry along with some European bloodline just as like there was both the same on my mother’s side of the family.

I had also found out through one of my father’s aunts that their mother, which was my father’s grandmother, had Extra Sensory Perception, and It was later confirmed by another one of his aunts along with Simmie’s sister. It was said that she was a wise woman and that no one could do anything without her knowing about it.

So there was the gift of ESP on both my mother and father’s side. This is why I have my clairvoyance so strongly and by my Native American ancestry which consists of Blackfoot and Cherokee on my mother’s side and Cherokee on my father’s side I inherited a strong gift of innate spirituality that is combined with my african roots.

I am African-American genetically dressed in  multiple ethnical flavors of culture as a decorated adornment of my soul/spirit.

When I went down to Barnwell, South Carolina to meet the rest of Simmie’s family in person in the year 2001, aside from the others who lived in Queens, New York who I had already became acquainted with and the one’s I had a few times spoken over the phone to, I had gotten into a discussion with “Kookie”, Simmie’s sister.

My mother swears out this woman was not the same so called Kookie who’s real name is Dorothy that came to visit us back in the early 1980’s when I was about seven or eight years old. I remember the woman coming to the house with her husband but I don’t remember what she looked like as I was half asleep when she came.

But this ugly toad/frog looking thing was not the same sister of Simmie’s that came to our home back then my mother insists and I know she believes what she says so if this is indeed true either this woman’s appearance changed drastically or she was impersonating another family member by covering up some deep dark secret.

Nevertheless, I wasn’t too warm or accepting toward Simmie’s family as they weren’t my class of people yet Kookie interpreted my coldness as “being afraid to love”.

“You’re afraid to love”, Kookie had told me. We want you to love us the same way that we love you”.

These people didn’t even know me personally or at all to genuinely have any true feelings for me and neither did I for them and I could never love someone just because they had some type of family relation.

Love is something that has to come naturally and I have never loved easily as I haven’t met any beings, aside from the pet puppies and canines that I had, who incited that kind of strong feeling within me.

The truth of it all in which I kept quiet about in regard to Kookie was that to me she was nothing to love. She didn’t appeal to me in anyway whatsoever and neither did any of her family. All Kookie proved to be was trouble and other people eventually found that out about her too. She had too many skeletons in her closet in which she couldn’t deal with and she placed her insecurities onto others. That is why Kookie became so religious, to hide behind the church and to escape the life of regret she once lived.

Most of the people in the church are some of the worst ones out there if you ask me.

Simmie’s family weren’t shit, nothing but trash, and I had interpreted this revelation as a child when I first met my father. I knew if he was trash his family had to be also but I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt. All they did was prove me right though.

One of Simmie’s aunts by the name of Emily had took one hundred dollars of mine in which I had sent down to Barnwell, South Carolina years prior and never repaid me as she had promised. I told her I knew Simmie would not reimburse her for the money but even though she insisted that she would return my money back to me herself.

When the time came Emily refused to pay me back and lied about saying that she was going to. I told her that she was a ” Dirty Bitch”. And Emily and Kookie had the nerve to hold my words against me claiming I hurt and disrespected them as being elders.

Elders who are unscrupulous don’t deserve and will not get any respect from me. And what does age have to do with anything? One being older gives them the authority to get away with lying and doing dirt toward someone who is younger?


I got my money back when I went down there, though. The money Kookie handed out to me all added up to the one hundred I had sent down there. So I felt it was Kookie’s way of making right of the wrong for her aunt and the work of the universe handling out the situation within a fashion in which I recognized had turned out within my favor.

In spite of that fact, I am in no way declaring every single member of Simmie’s family out to be alike or judging them entirely to be the same, I know there are certain relatives in specific of his that are exceptions to what the others exhibit.

I of all people know that just because you have a few assholes within the family does not cause or classify the whole tree to be rotten.


A Nonsexual Caulbearer In A Sexual And Sexist World

I am a person born of the caul who happens to be asexual and that has been disturbing to individuals who are twisted. I just unfortunately in the past had lived and grown up in a neighborhood full of sick and low-minded people in which I was far set apart from within mind and character.

Luckily, I was always able to branch out and come across and meet those of a higher vibration and of versatile range that I could relate to and appreciate all throughout my life as I went different places unbeknownst to the assholes who remained amongst the fellow likes of themselves and who couldn’t go no further.

There were men whose sisters, nieces and daughters had got hurt or dogged out by men and there was nothing to talk about when it came to me.

What was so special about LaToya? Why didn’t she get caught up out there?

This is the absurd way in which these degenerate people thought and we have people like this and who generate within this fashion all over the place.

So these neighborhood people had for years endeavored to calculate an unnatural situation through the use of deceptive black magic along with lies to create a facade of camouflaging negativity toward my life that would coincide with and shadow up the celestial light of my true destiny and fate.

They tried to bring me into their darkness and cover me within a glue of a paint so ugly and stagnant in color. A substance of demonic craft they didn’t ensure for me to vehemently peel away from.

I think at one time adversaries were spreading and also wanted me to believe that I was a whore with diseases, a prostitute, and other off the wall things, I don’t know for sure if I was suppose to be a drug addict too, and I also think that because I wasn’t fazed by this nonsense I was supposed to be either crazy or putting up a front because their conspiracy of fabrications was supposed to be my ultimate truths even though they all knew what they were doing.

They wanted me to appear lower than what they were so everything they had done within their lives they put on me to make themselves feel better and they intended for their lies to follow me for the rest of my life in payback for me not having been in the same category as them as they perceived me as to think that I was better than them.

In spite of all the dirt these people have directed toward me it has not killed my spirit or brought me down.

The words bitch and whore don’t faze me. I’ve never been intimidated or affected by utterances intended to bring down a woman’s confidence or self-esteem. If anything, I was further liberated and elevated in discerning that I was at a higher level of knowledge and spiritual consciousness.

I don’t know how much this would resonate with other Caulbearer’s who had to go through shit or just others who stood out for whatever reasons but when it came to a man and sex people around my old neighborhood really yearned for me to get swallowed up in the same holes they had gotten trapped into.

My father’s sister told my father years ago that “I was too hard for a girl”.

“Really?” I had thought to myself. I didn’t know that as a female I was supposed to be weak or defined as what society projected an acceptable or proper female out to be. All I knew is how to be my true self and I wasn’t changing that for anyone or to meet anyone’s bias standards.

No one can dictate to me how I should be or not be as a genuine female within my own distinct mode of character.

One thing in which really struck me as quite odd and ridiculous is among the particular gutter-rats and certain people on a low-level within mentality and intellect where I grew up around who for some outrageous reason erroneously took for granted and automatically expected me to have had an interest in men, an attraction, or sexual desire, just because most people were wired or designed, or came out to be this way, whereas I never did, never was, and never will, and it came to be an actual subject of silly gossip and idle debate.

Of course, when we’re not like everyone else and don’t exude the same type of behavior as the majority or as average it gets noticed and talked about.

Others who aren’t thoroughly acquainted with us (even those who may have been around us for years) enough make quick assumptions or generalizations about our character taking into presumption that we must have the same needs, wants, mindsets, emotions, shortcomings and/or etc… And these drawn up conclusions are not always the case within many people’s nature and everday lifestyles.

I’ve been told personally by certain others that I’m very unique and that there’s no one out there who is like me. Though I do know there are a variety of distinct individuals within existence who differ greatly as this is a huge world in which we all live in, but for the most part, these people were just acknowledging to me that I was a rare person from their own observation and perception.

A distant relative of mine had even stated to my mother that it wasn’t normal for me to not have any nature (sexual appetite). I strongly disagreed because to me it is not about what is so called normal but it is about what serves as being healthy to one and within one’s own nature and life. The way I am is indeed normal to me, however, to each his or her own.

Why was the fact that I and my vagina didn’t need or want the undesirable pounding of a penis or the attention of any man so interesting and prone to circulating?

So spread out and disappointing to the point where it created hostility and denial on the part of those who for jealous reasons of their own preferred that I innately share the same tendencies and susceptibilities as they did?

I was born with my own individual attributes.

No man can do anything for me mentally or physically and I don’t express this to be harsh but I have to convey because it is the absolute truth. It is important for one to not repress who they really are on account of other people’s judgments due to a lack of knowledge in specific areas on their part.

It is very unhealthy for one to do so.

I don’t know why sex is so important and significant to these people. I don’t understand why they believed or hoped that if I indulged in the sexual act or had a man attempt to degrade me with nonsense talk equivalent to a mediocre mindset in regard to false sexual encounters or the delusion of what they believed to be would actually have any bearing or reflection on me as they gambled so hard on the outcome and for it to follow me within my life as if it was something legitimate.

It’s also sad how sex sells and how sex is promoted the way that it is when in my opinion intercourse itself actually means nothing. I have written many articles and quite a few were editors picks in online publishing and magazines yet it was the article that I wrote about being Asexual that prompted a few publishers to contact me for permission to display them as they thought the write up was “powerful” and beneficial.

I didn’t mind at all it’s just out of all the things I have written about it’s the one regarding not having any interest in sex or men that catches the most attention?

Society is too sex crazed that it clouds their judgment when it comes to those who have no true interest in sexual matters.


Preternatural Pets

I don’t care how crazy or impossible it may sound to nonbelievers or those who’ve never experienced paranormal encounters, however, the unimaginable does go on. Almost anything can happen and almost anything does.

I’m not surprised by anything though some things are exciting and interesting.

I know what to believe and what not to believe and what may seem unbelievable to some can turn out to be a thing in which is absolutely real.

It doesn’t matter to me I don’t knock anybody for what they do or don’t believe in because that doesn’t make any sense to me just as long as nobody tries to force their beliefs or disbeliefs on anyone.

Some animals know and understand more than some people think, believe, or give them credit for. Some of these creatures are greatly underestimated.

I’ve had canines all of my life growing up as I always had a deep love and natural connection to them.

I was fortunate enough to come across and own some smart puppies which one in particular was considered as a “human dog” while she grew up, adapting to her surroundings and to our family habits, and to the social scenes of others.

We had a moment once in which she, my german shepherd/collie mix, expressed to me telepathically as she looked into my eyes that she was dying as she knew what death was and what death had actually meant yet my family and I were able to save her life through an operation.

She demonstrated a lot of decisive and uncanny behavior. She was even affectionate and protective, coming to our aid when she discerned we were in need.

I even have a neighbor’s account on how she saved him from danger by fiercely warding off other stray dogs who were about to attack him. My baby girl was something else! I use to call her my furry friend, poo poo, and other endearing shit that she loved to know and hear.

I came across another dog once who I didn’t own and I uttered out to a relative of mine how cute she was and she, the dog, expressed a sincere reaction of being humbly flattered. The body language within her eyes and the bow of her head movement showed it all to me. I could interpret the gift in her.

I heard her say telepathically “aw”. She thought the compliment was a nice gesture coming from me. The next time I saw her I waved to her and she stared at me assessing the moment before running over to me outside on my stoop.

I pat her head as she refused to go back to her owner after numerous summons. I had to pick this dog up off of my stoop and literally put her in the arms of one of her owners.

Dogs know good people she probably wasn’t happy at home. She was a stray that my neighbors had took in they hadn’t had her that long. I saw her the first time she had roamed on my block years ago. Nowadays, I don’t even see stray dogs wandering around the street anymore so far.

My dog knew what cute meant too as I had told her how beautiful she was on many occasions. However, she comprehended the word, knowing through the channels of intelligence along with psychic ability, and we couldn’t tell her nothing one time when she pranced around the house adorably wearing her new flea collar.

Yes, without a doubt, some animals do have preternatural capacity just as some of us human beings do. It is a undeniable fact. Dogs are very special anyway and I can’t wait to be united with mine other than just within the visions and visitations I receive while I’m awake and during my dreams.

I had an honest dream one night a while back at how a few of my deceased dogs met up together in the spirit world.

My Words Of Truth And Encouragement To Those Who Are “Rare” In This Day And Age

One doesn’t have to be born with a “Caul/Veil” to be “different” and to be remarkably set apart from others.

There are a very small number of people out there in comparison to the large amount of inhabitants within society who have exceptional or rare quality and train of thought.

Wisdom doesn’t come with age for everybody.

There are plenty of narrow-minded people who go through life and who have went through life actually believing that, they know, and knew, everything that there is to know when they acquired nothing legitimate at all but what they have misconstrued or exaggerated through their own restricted boundaries.

And these same people teach their own children and others their same dumb ways and beliefs. Fortunately there are some children who are born and that come out smarter than their parents.

One should definitely not permit oneself to be defined by other people’s ignorance, misconceptions, and generalizations as most who are of an ordinary mindset have a limited range of view and comprehension.

This world is full of weak-minded individuals who are easily influenced. I’ve always been a leader, not a follower.

These individuals are only able to discern within the scope in which their minds will completely allow.

When other people may accuse those of us who are on a particular wavelength and who are at an advanced level of consciousness, mentality, and intellect, of not being logical, realistic, or even moral, it is because they are lacking within specific true knowledge as their minds have in addition been socially and spiritually conditioned to incorporate and accept the mental, emotional, and psychological degrees of rationalization among the majority in who it typically pertains and applies to.

It is very important to remain strong and to not lose one’s self and one’s own distinct identity and genuine nature due to the false conceptions of what others may interpret within our behaviors and expressions because most people are unlike us and don’t know anything other than what they are familiar with and have been accustomed to.

A lot of people put their own insecurities on us all of the time because it makes them feel better as they don’t want to be alone (set apart) within their own tendencies, personal flaws, shortcomings, or inadequacies.

Some people don’t want to willingly acknowledge a rarity or major uniqueness in certain others if they themselves don’t also hold and encounter those uncommon attributes. And some just trifle to tick us off.

Instead of just recognizing how there are other individuals who are “beyond their own capacities to understand” they, nevertheless, proceed to judge us by the ways in which they personally are, how they personally feel, and the innate or orthodox reasoning in which they are able to grasp within themselves upon occurrence, situation, and circumstance.

Their doubts or opposing reactions, if any, is purely a reflection of themselves and their own insecurity and lack of particular knowledge and/or experience.

Everyone, of course, is not and does not act out of these natures, however, for those of them who are, and who do act out, they need to be dismissed from our essence and presence.

It is never appropriate to let anyone make one feel confused or uncertain about who they are, the things they know, and where they stand.

I’ve been one who has always had a strong sense of self in which no one could deter and I am extremely firm within my beliefs and within my facts and I will stand up to anyone who dares to challenge my truths and experience whether it be the mundane or extraordinary.

I as an individual never cared what anyone said or thought about me. I am authentic within self and nobody knows me better than I do, and I don’t have to explain myself to anybody, and I have no apologies. -latoya lawrence

Know-It-Alls Who Don’t Know Nothing

Undesirables who may have a little more knowledge than other undesirables often get swell-headed and misguided believing they’re actually brighter within the mind than what they actually are due to the fact that they haven’t come across, recognized, or accepted someone who is really on a higher level in comparison to their own perceived intellectual capacity.

I know quite a few of these kind of individuals (especially one by the name of George Owens/Taalib Muhammed) and they all share a familiar type of mentality when they feel they know how to read and deal with specific people and situations as they’re use to achieving confirmation or assurance through experiences with those individuals of an even lower caliber than themselves.

However, they don’t reflect themselves as being low. It isn’t until someone of true aptitude who they’ve often underestimated comes to knock them off of their fantasy ride to bring them back down into reality and certainty.

This happens a lot of the time when and after numerous attacks are thrown at and against those of us who are fixed and unwavering. We end up having to demonstrate to them by our own nature and instinct how they cannot mess and successfully compete with us in the knowledge and intellectual department.

Most of them get by doing dirt we get by with our strength and purpose within character something that isn’t so easily trampled upon when genuine depth holds up our foundation.

When they can’t manipulate us they use their mediocre psychology techniques when that doesn’t work they insult us by calling us names and placing derogatory labels on us.

We’re far ahead of the game discerning immediately while they’re still within the middle of their schemes and plans, and sometimes before they come up with a design we know what they will say and do.

I was told to laugh at people like them and to feel sorry for them but to me it’s not always funny it’s just plain sad and I don’t even have any pity for them.

The Power Of Nature

Ever since I was a young child I knew that if there was something that I didn’t want within my life then the situation was not going to work out.

Only the things that I preferred and under the circumstances in which I truly desired would instances turn out favorably and long lasting to my concordance.

I was never the type of female that ever hoped to one day get married and have children. I didn’t initially yearn to be a mother, when the idea later on within young adulthood came into mind to have a child it was with the intention of being a single parent, yet I eventually changed my mind about having a baby altogether and it was the right choice for me.

If I did have a child though it definitely would have been on my own without a man involved in the picture.

I fortunately grew up in a home without my father present and that is the way I liked it as I grew up strong, confident, independent and liberated-not implying that females that are raised in homes with their father’s can’t turn out that way-it was just an advantage that served a great purpose for me.

When I was little I never wished for or thought about having a dad around and when I saw other children that parents were married or together as a couple it was a situation that I didn’t require to be in I was very content and accustomed to my family order with me and my mom.

I wasn’t alone either there were other kids like me whose mothers raised them without a father it was normal to us. I can’t speak on how they actually felt about the matter, however, everything suited me just fine.

My mother never had any problems out of me I was a good child.

One thing I hated though was when guys were attracted to me or interested in me whether their intentions were good or bad I didn’t care, I wasn’t flattered by any of the attention I was genuinely turned off by it.

And it feels so good that I don’t have to go through undesirable and unsavory individuals who use to send to me the annoying invasions of mind transference through voodoo/black magic.

They had been doing it within many ways for many years within different techniques but with the same motives and that was to bring me down to their level.

Whether it was to attempt to lower my self esteem or to get me to have feelings for a man they worked hard at it and failed miserably.

These people were jealous and resentful because I’d never been hurt or dogged out by a man as so many of them had even the guys were envious and jealous of me they all figured if I was in the same predicament as they were I couldn’t or wouldn’t think that I was better than any of them.

They were also jealous and envious of my intelligence and knowledge and where I could go within life if and when the opportunity arose.

They had such a warped sense of mindset that didn’t correspond with mine in the least if they had succeeded in their designs I’d still be the person who I am today with the same mentality no man could ever break me or kill my spirit. I wasn’t built within that fashion.

If I were interested in men I’d be able to get a good man and would only deal with one that was on my level, however, I’m proudly asexual and am fulfilled and complete as a woman and an individual.

Keen Kids

Kids have it hard too when they are underestimated and treated unfairly by adults. They go through things in life too and need to be heard and taken seriously at times.

Youngsters who are just plain bright as well as those individuals who were born with second-sight are often wise in a fashion that others don’t always want to readily accept.

Some kids are even born smarter or more reasonable than their parents, and I know, because my mother was much smarter than her own mother and she was the mother to me that she never had.

I was told flat out by a psychic many years ago that certain people didn’t appreciate my knowledge as a grown up.

I understand completely. As a child I was very advanced often knowing and understanding a lot about life and situations than people much older than me did.

Many of these adults and older people, of course, didn’t consider themselves to be lacking within judgment, information, and experience when it came to understanding things and the things that concerned the anomalous nature of certain types of individuals as well as the complexities and unprecedented circumstances within life itself.

And, if some were actually aware, they didn’t want to acknowledge me in that particular light or rank.

They preferred to form their own misconstrued assumptions and to generalize only to reinforce the illusion of what they desired to perceive.

Not everyone had or displayed a bias or resentful attitude toward me just the ignorant, insecure, and sick-minded ones, even at this present time embarrassment and false pride forbid them to verbally recognize their errors and admit to disappointment instead they conveniently explain that, “No one knows everything” or “Everyone has a long way to go within learning”.

All just to detract and to minimize the fact that they were stupid, a scapegoat for pure bullshit.

I always thought it was beautiful to see highly talented or intuitive children of all origin. Of course, no matter how ahead a child is they still need proper guidance and direction from a nurturing parent, I sure did.

Bottom line is we’re never too old or too young to uncover something within life or to discover from one another just as long as we’re picking up information from a reliable source.

Into Enlightenment

Too Deep Into It, Get A Life

Perpetrator who harassed me: (sheremiahhenderson5611

Our gifts are for ourselves and nothing or no one can take them away Its up to us how we choose to use our abilities no one answers for our own deeds but us. -miss latoya

Some people resort to going to read their dictionary after conversing with me because half the time they don’t know or understand what the fuck I’m saying.

I don’t have to explain shit to anybody.

Nevertheless, I have a strong connection to the universe that uses me as a vehicle to exercise my celestial energy through my natural talent to write.

And even though we all are unique within our own I’m very sure out of the millions and billions of bloggers or writers there have got to be a few that have a similar mode of celestial literary universal correlation within energy.

I speak the truth, I do not speak out of spite or insignificance, I am moved by spirit. I don’t claim to know everything, however, I do know a lot, and I do know what I be talking about when I speak on what I know through intelligence, second-sight, or from my own legitimate experiences.

Its interesting to me when undesirables accuse me of being negative just because what I express is not something in which they want to hear or admit to even though the validity of what I speak of is a well-known reality within life itself that I keenly discern.

It is so funny as I am one of the most positive human beings on the planet I can’t help that honesty isn’t always pretty and I don’t apologize for it.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with disagreement from having a contrasting viewpoint or perspective yet to lash out on account of not being able to accept and handle the truth through insecurity, distress, or resentment will not affect or reflect upon me so prior obvious attempts have really been fruitless.

Then, as a result, to use deceptive manipulative tactics in an effort to undermine me and to purposely distort my spiritually guided extramundane basis.

To talk about or emphasize within things in specific does not mean that one is bothered or vexed by their own subject matter very intelligent people tend to observe and analyze as we are deep thinkers who invent and create solutions. We don’t harbor the average mindset.

We are revolutionary and have cosmic influence.

The revelations of genuine enlightenment is not defined by an inspired mission to raise everybody up from the shadows of the darkness to momentously develop them into the light.

Enlightenment is a individual sagacity of one’s own personal “consciousness”, of self, and journey, along with the propensity to wipe out the shadows that lurk within the darkness to intangibly flourish brighter within the light.

My Birthday

In my own true words:

I’m a true friend to the end, I’m one who those can depend on, and I’m very strong and independent, I’m also too hard for anyone to get over on.

Happy Birthday To me. Today is my birthday and the little Toya that I use to be within the past is the same little Toya that I am today just an even better version of the girl I was born to be.

I’m down to earth, straight to the point, honest to the core, and as stubborn as one can be, its all still me.

I’ll continue to be my genuine self no matter what, it is within my nature, after all I am Taurus the bull.


 It was a clear afternoon I remember it may have been in the summer.

My mother and I were walking, I think we were coming from the store, when she brought up a mutual associate who we hadn’t seen or heard from in a while during that time, “I wonder where Debbie is at” she had inquired to me.

Immediately after my mother spoke her words an intense sensation had come over me, a foreboding, in which was a solid answer to her question.

“I feel she’s near death”, I had told my mother as we walked down the street on a day of nice warm weather.

Two weeks later we heard from Debbie and she acknowledged that she overdosed on drugs and almost died as she recuperated at a hospital.

The next occurrence I had experienced with Debbie transpired when I was asleep I dreamed her lifeless body was collected at a morgue.

After a long time from once again not hearing from Debbie I called her up at home while a recording came on the phone stating the line was disconnected or not in service.

So I called up a friend of Debbie’s who revealed to me that she was dead and buried in her grave.

I was a little spooked by what I had found out back then it kind of gave me the creeps learning how chillingly accurate I was and I had wondered if Debbie came to me on purpose wanting me to know that she had passed on.



Reunited With The Family

I’ve connected with the occurrences on the other side through dreams and observed relatives as a passerby after they’d made their transitions.

When my great-grand mother Amanda Byars (my mother’s father’s mother) and uncle Willie Jr (my mother’s brother) passed away years ago they went straight to hell which was where they both had deserved to be and forever reside.

My grandmother Catherine Lawrence (my mother’s mother) on the other hand was fortunately taken upon a different route as she was captured by the unearthly presence of her loved ones upon her sudden death.

She was at one time within the sphere as to where my dog Brandie was when they happened to come across one another during their arcane travel the only thing was that my dog was able to walk, run, and camouflage herself whereas my grandmother’s legs were still immobile as they were before she had died.

“Spirit” let me know and witness how my good ancestors came for their own, ensuring my grandmother’s path and voyage back to them.

There is a reason why they took her into their bosom and I trust within their reasons for doing so. My ancestors got us.




Too Deep Into It/Get A Life

Has anybody had someone prematurely (the onset) stalk them for exercising natural spirit energy (automatic writing)?

Writing that isn’t premeditated but universally inspired and motioned?

So strange and ridiculous.

The crazy ones just get sicker by the day. I have a nut that has gotten too personally involved with my blogs, distorting my basis, and intentionally taking my literature out of context.

This individual was following two of my blogs for about five months. When she first wrote to me she claimed to have telekinetic abilities (that’s a good one). If so, I wish she’d burn the fuck up and disappear, or maybe go electrocute her ass.

Then she continued to write and make comments on my blog and I just began to ignore her as I didn’t want to be bothered I still have all of her correspondence from months back.

Lately she has been leaving comments on my blogs, highly disturbed by what I write, seems like a personal issue that she needs to take up with a therapist.

While I constantly ignored her she just kept coming back to my blog with her hang ups and off the wall bullshit in which I really didn’t give a fuck about. What is wrong with these nuts?

If she doesn’t like what I write why continue to follow and visit my blogs? Its just as simple as that. No body asked for her to come, just go away. Mad because I won’t fall for the bait? I have no desire or time to idly argue back and forth to satisfy her pathetic insecurities.

We have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

I mean let’s be real I’m not going to stop utilizing my literary talent just because some loon can’t handle the freedom of self expression. Perhaps if she developed a talent of her own she could stay out of other peoples business.