
I woke up feeling wonderful. The vibration around me is fantastic. I always generated and exuberated excellent energy when the unsavory weren’t trying to mask or to block the beauty of my aura and magnetism with unnatural influence.

Those who are not distinctly spiritually inclined don’t understand intrisnic spiritual connection, the state of actually living within spirit, and having spirit live within one incessantly.

The inborn apathetic nature that I possess toward things in which are generally considered interesting, exciting, moving, challenging, or devastating is mind boggling to some.

Every individual is different, however, when one is at a higher level of intellect and spiritual consciousness they are not affected by things in the way of the ordinary.

In general, certain people on the outside looking in at another or their situation often interpret things to be much worse off than what they actually are when things aren’t really as bad as they think, or aren’t bad at all, depending on their own level of perception and what they exactly believe to be.

People are quick to make judgements upon what they no nothing about, simply going by what they immediately speculate and what they are frequently accustomed to.

So when those of us who are deeply connected to spirit are happy and content at times, or within circumstances, in which others feel or determine that we shouldn’t be it is because we have that inner voice of wisdom and discernment and are able to see and recognize the true reality of our conditions, and the happenings within life, as well as the life that surrounds us.

The bottom line is those who aren’t genuinely happy or at peace within themselves and within their own lives don’t like to see or want to hear about those of us who genuinely are living good with internal pleasure.




Go Getter !

Go after what you want. Don’t let anybody stop you!

Take what’s yours! It doesn’t belong to anyone else.

Guard your purpose like the tenacity and fury of a wild bull.

Unleash the warrior inside of you. Let that powerful force reign.

You are a conqueror! -miss latoya

Living Well

Are you living life or are you letting your life live you?

Live your life. Be happy and Healthy!

Live how you want, do what you want, be fierce, and be fearless!

Be who you are, be proud of who you are, enjoy the state of being blessed.

Love yourself, love your loved ones, let your loved ones enjoy loving you.

Have fun, have laughter, have a good time.

Eat well, be well, and sleep well. – miss latoya


Authentic Joy

The darkness cannot overpower the light and when our light shines the darkness can no longer cast it’s shadow. -miss latoya

Are you genuinely happy inside? It is a question that only we are able to answer and define for ourselves as happiness means different things to a variety of people.

I can honestly say that I am very happy inside and I have been that way for a very long time now.

I have a joy and a peace of mind that no one gave to me, and a peace and joy, in which no one can take away from me.

We have the capacity and the spirit to be happy and healthy in the midst of any type of negativity because the negativity of others and the negative energy within the world does not belong to those of us who are not of its bleak vibration.

We take from our situations to make the circumstance work out to our own advantage and to the best of our interest. In no fashion should we let or allow an unsavory situation or event to comprise us into its desolate condition.



To have a healthy and highly functional mind In this day and age seems to be a curse with all of the twisted and misdirected chaos reigning upon the world.

Nevertheless, I stay innately dedicated to nurturing the state and condition of mind, body, and spirit.

Ever since I was a teen I took the path that lead to the route of vitality, and that meant staying away from toxic people as well as toxic foods, and other hazardous elements in which caused a threat to one’s happiness and well-being.

These were inborn survival tendencies.

I understand people who don’t like other people because I was always one of those people.

I understand not caring about them, not wanting to be around them, not having any respect for them, or their existence.

A lot of people tend to be trouble and cause problems through conflicting modes of personality and behavior, especially the ones who keep up a constant disturbance.

People will make you not like them, but it is  certain types of people who fit into this category.

Some people give off an energy that we just don’t take to.

When we’re surrounded by people of a corresponding vibration who are equivalent or analogous within mentality we are more apt to connect with them.

Like-minded and relatable people usually have a decent or harmonious appeal toward one another.

Overall health is very important and it is mandatory to take care of one’s own self within all aspects of life. We must watch what we put into our bodies, watch what we do with our bodies, and watch who and where we place our bodies around.

Keep away from the wrong foods and beverages, keep away from activities that are not suitable or beneficial, keep away from people, places, and things that do not promote peace, power, and protection.

Energy and vibration is key to living and feeling well and the advantage of wellness is the profit of living a lifetime full of good well-being.


A Nonsexual Caulbearer In A Sexual And Sexist World

I am a person born of the caul who happens to be asexual and that has been disturbing to individuals who are twisted. I just unfortunately in the past had lived and grown up in a neighborhood full of sick and low-minded people in which I was far set apart from within mind and character.

Luckily, I was always able to branch out and come across and meet those of a higher vibration and of versatile range that I could relate to and appreciate all throughout my life as I went different places unbeknownst to the assholes who remained amongst the fellow likes of themselves and who couldn’t go no further.

There were men whose sisters, nieces and daughters had got hurt or dogged out by men and there was nothing to talk about when it came to me.

What was so special about LaToya? Why didn’t she get caught up out there?

This is the absurd way in which these degenerate people thought and we have people like this and who generate within this fashion all over the place.

So these neighborhood people had for years endeavored to calculate an unnatural situation through the use of deceptive black magic along with lies to create a facade of camouflaging negativity toward my life that would coincide with and shadow up the celestial light of my true destiny and fate.

They tried to bring me into their darkness and cover me within a glue of a paint so ugly and stagnant in color. A substance of demonic craft they didn’t ensure for me to vehemently peel away from.

I think at one time adversaries were spreading and also wanted me to believe that I was a whore with diseases, a prostitute, and other off the wall things, I don’t know for sure if I was suppose to be a drug addict too, and I also think that because I wasn’t fazed by this nonsense I was supposed to be either crazy or putting up a front because their conspiracy of fabrications was supposed to be my ultimate truths even though they all knew what they were doing.

They wanted me to appear lower than what they were so everything they had done within their lives they put on me to make themselves feel better and they intended for their lies to follow me for the rest of my life in payback for me not having been in the same category as them as they perceived me as to think that I was better than them.

In spite of all the dirt these people have directed toward me it has not killed my spirit or brought me down.

The words bitch and whore don’t faze me. I’ve never been intimidated or affected by utterances intended to bring down a woman’s confidence or self-esteem. If anything, I was further liberated and elevated in discerning that I was at a higher level of knowledge and spiritual consciousness.

I don’t know how much this would resonate with other Caulbearer’s who had to go through shit or just others who stood out for whatever reasons but when it came to a man and sex people around my old neighborhood really yearned for me to get swallowed up in the same holes they had gotten trapped into.

My father’s sister told my father years ago that “I was too hard for a girl”.

“Really?” I had thought to myself. I didn’t know that as a female I was supposed to be weak or defined as what society projected an acceptable or proper female out to be. All I knew is how to be my true self and I wasn’t changing that for anyone or to meet anyone’s bias standards.

No one can dictate to me how I should be or not be as a genuine female within my own distinct mode of character.

One thing in which really struck me as quite odd and ridiculous is among the particular gutter-rats and certain people on a low-level within mentality and intellect where I grew up around who for some outrageous reason erroneously took for granted and automatically expected me to have had an interest in men, an attraction, or sexual desire, just because most people were wired or designed, or came out to be this way, whereas I never did, never was, and never will, and it came to be an actual subject of silly gossip and idle debate.

Of course, when we’re not like everyone else and don’t exude the same type of behavior as the majority or as average it gets noticed and talked about.

Others who aren’t thoroughly acquainted with us (even those who may have been around us for years) enough make quick assumptions or generalizations about our character taking into presumption that we must have the same needs, wants, mindsets, emotions, shortcomings and/or etc… And these drawn up conclusions are not always the case within many people’s nature and everday lifestyles.

I’ve been told personally by certain others that I’m very unique and that there’s no one out there who is like me. Though I do know there are a variety of distinct individuals within existence who differ greatly as this is a huge world in which we all live in, but for the most part, these people were just acknowledging to me that I was a rare person from their own observation and perception.

A distant relative of mine had even stated to my mother that it wasn’t normal for me to not have any nature (sexual appetite). I strongly disagreed because to me it is not about what is so called normal but it is about what serves as being healthy to one and within one’s own nature and life. The way I am is indeed normal to me, however, to each his or her own.

Why was the fact that I and my vagina didn’t need or want the undesirable pounding of a penis or the attention of any man so interesting and prone to circulating?

So spread out and disappointing to the point where it created hostility and denial on the part of those who for jealous reasons of their own preferred that I innately share the same tendencies and susceptibilities as they did?

I was born with my own individual attributes.

No man can do anything for me mentally or physically and I don’t express this to be harsh but I have to convey because it is the absolute truth. It is important for one to not repress who they really are on account of other people’s judgments due to a lack of knowledge in specific areas on their part.

It is very unhealthy for one to do so.

I don’t know why sex is so important and significant to these people. I don’t understand why they believed or hoped that if I indulged in the sexual act or had a man attempt to degrade me with nonsense talk equivalent to a mediocre mindset in regard to false sexual encounters or the delusion of what they believed to be would actually have any bearing or reflection on me as they gambled so hard on the outcome and for it to follow me within my life as if it was something legitimate.

It’s also sad how sex sells and how sex is promoted the way that it is when in my opinion intercourse itself actually means nothing. I have written many articles and quite a few were editors picks in online publishing and magazines yet it was the article that I wrote about being Asexual that prompted a few publishers to contact me for permission to display them as they thought the write up was “powerful” and beneficial.

I didn’t mind at all it’s just out of all the things I have written about it’s the one regarding not having any interest in sex or men that catches the most attention?

Society is too sex crazed that it clouds their judgment when it comes to those who have no true interest in sexual matters.


Preternatural Pets

I don’t care how crazy or impossible it may sound to nonbelievers or those who’ve never experienced paranormal encounters, however, the unimaginable does go on. Almost anything can happen and almost anything does.

I’m not surprised by anything though some things are exciting and interesting.

I know what to believe and what not to believe and what may seem unbelievable to some can turn out to be a thing in which is absolutely real.

It doesn’t matter to me I don’t knock anybody for what they do or don’t believe in because that doesn’t make any sense to me just as long as nobody tries to force their beliefs or disbeliefs on anyone.

Some animals know and understand more than some people think, believe, or give them credit for. Some of these creatures are greatly underestimated.

I’ve had canines all of my life growing up as I always had a deep love and natural connection to them.

I was fortunate enough to come across and own some smart puppies which one in particular was considered as a “human dog” while she grew up, adapting to her surroundings and to our family habits, and to the social scenes of others.

We had a moment once in which she, my german shepherd/collie mix, expressed to me telepathically as she looked into my eyes that she was dying as she knew what death was and what death had actually meant yet my family and I were able to save her life through an operation.

She demonstrated a lot of decisive and uncanny behavior. She was even affectionate and protective, coming to our aid when she discerned we were in need.

I even have a neighbor’s account on how she saved him from danger by fiercely warding off other stray dogs who were about to attack him. My baby girl was something else! I use to call her my furry friend, poo poo, and other endearing shit that she loved to know and hear.

I came across another dog once who I didn’t own and I uttered out to a relative of mine how cute she was and she, the dog, expressed a sincere reaction of being humbly flattered. The body language within her eyes and the bow of her head movement showed it all to me. I could interpret the gift in her.

I heard her say telepathically “aw”. She thought the compliment was a nice gesture coming from me. The next time I saw her I waved to her and she stared at me assessing the moment before running over to me outside on my stoop.

I pat her head as she refused to go back to her owner after numerous summons. I had to pick this dog up off of my stoop and literally put her in the arms of one of her owners.

Dogs know good people she probably wasn’t happy at home. She was a stray that my neighbors had took in they hadn’t had her that long. I saw her the first time she had roamed on my block years ago. Nowadays, I don’t even see stray dogs wandering around the street anymore so far.

My dog knew what cute meant too as I had told her how beautiful she was on many occasions. However, she comprehended the word, knowing through the channels of intelligence along with psychic ability, and we couldn’t tell her nothing one time when she pranced around the house adorably wearing her new flea collar.

Yes, without a doubt, some animals do have preternatural capacity just as some of us human beings do. It is a undeniable fact. Dogs are very special anyway and I can’t wait to be united with mine other than just within the visions and visitations I receive while I’m awake and during my dreams.

I had an honest dream one night a while back at how a few of my deceased dogs met up together in the spirit world.