Essential Worker: Essentially Protected During Pandemic/The Vital Power Of Spirit

When I entered into the area of health care professionally six and a half years ago a long-term dedication within the field was never my intention. Health care wasn’t a passion of mine and it still isn’t.

As a caregiver, I knew that I’d always have a job and never be out of work for any long period of time, and I was correct. So, it was a great back up gig and I am excellent at what I can do. After all, I do have over twenty years of total experience aside from having learned certain medical procedures through being trained and certified/licensed for the six years in which I have.

Health Care is an important occupation when one is responsible for the personal welfare of an ill or dependent individual who needs specific care or attention.

I’ve done and dealt with practically most all kind of patients/clients with all types of requirements. I’ve had to administer medication, take blood pressure, prepare and change ostomy bags, monitor blood sugar and insulin injections, care for hospice, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s/dementia, stroke, blind, deaf, amputated, psychiatric and etc.…. The list just goes on. I’ve worked in hospitals, assisted living facilities, and within residential homes.

I’ve even had to travel out of my way at times but the experience was good and I had received good worthwhile pay.

Fortunately, I haven’t had to be out there within the health care field now during this Corona Virus episode, even though I was ready willing and able to work for the main reason of earning the income that I am use to making, regardless of the pandemic.

This virus doesn’t scare me, yet the universe doesn’t want me out there constantly within that particular environment for my overall well-being. It’s like one not permitting their beloved child to go walk through a fire even if they wouldn’t possibly get burned. The universe doesn’t even want me feeling the heat or inhaling smoke-even though I can handle the flames, and I honor and respect the “power of spirit” with much regard and appreciation.




My Ancestors, Orishas, Special Spirits, and Spirit Guides:

For time and time again, you all have never let me down; you’ve always had my back, no matter what. You all never fail to come through for me, and I love you all dearly.
Power to the great universe!



The Art Of Truth

There is a new movie titled The Art Of Racing In The Rain that is constantly being advertised on the radio and television.

I haven’t read up on the movie in regard to gathering any additional detail other than what is continuously being previewed as I really don’t care.

I have absolutely no interest in this movie at all I am just going to focus on the lines in which the media keeps running over and over in specific.

The characters within the film address “The dog is a spiritual being”, “The dog taught us all how to be human”, and the dog itself stating “he was meant through fate to be with the family who owns him”.

Society is always late when on the verge of or beginning to take notice of things and facts that quite a few of us people have already experienced and knew decades ago that others were ignorant about or may would have laughed off as nonsense or superstition.

I always hated people who, in general, talked shit, doubted, or made light of something until the encounter or situation happened to them or became non obscure.

Anyway, back to this particular subject, I knew a dog I adopted was born and meant to be in my life back in the 1980’s. She was a spiritual blessing temporarily residing within a canine’s body and she did a lot for me within the many years we spent together.

Of course, there are special dogs and sets of circumstances involving numerous instances and various aspects of life that are sent to certain people for reasons in which have deep spiritual meanings and messages to benefit, to learn, and to grow from.

Tell us “certain people in specific” something that we don’t already know mainstream society!

So Lovely

It’s amazing and beautiful how essence surrounds and envelops one with support and protection; the nurturing, the preservation, the love and the certainty.

I feel good and I maintain a positive outlook.

The concrete foundation proves to serve as an authentic life fulfilling purpose within its specific design.

It is loyal and fully consistent. Oh, so lovely and generous. It is all worthwhile.

I just had to give and show praise and appreciation unto the nature behind it.

Thank You So Much.


The tasty fruits of inborn talents, labor, and energetic vibration is so mouth-watering.


I’ve had many jobs that categorize more than one field of work. The tasks and pursuits I experienced during the varying areas in regard to employment enhanced and developed additional inspiring factors within my utilizations.

Each particular encounter proved to be very rewarding and enlightening. The instances imparted to me how I do better as a multitasker. I can’t be held down to one description I am a combination of specific variety and creativity rooted from deep inside.

Isn’t it marvelous when we have the option to choose what lanes to walk down?

As our paths lead us out into the open doors of opportunity why not go all out to explore all there is to achieve within the many things we desire to accomplish?

When the knocks call do you answer or do you leave the door shut? Does the pounding motivate or does it annoy?

I answer expectedly and enthusiastically, giving it my best shot! Why not? I don’t turn down an offer that demands for me in which to excel. In return, I succeed!

The knocks inspire me as bestowment within correspondence believes in me. Why else would it had summoned thee?

When we genuinely have confidence in ourselves and are strong within determination those doors began to fly open.

I know what I’m capable of doing and I use my tools of nature to expand even farther. It’s an order!

A command to approach and reach the steps meant for us to climb at our own pace and at our own periods of readiness.

No one has the authority to define the contents within the recipes prepared to flavor us as deliciously fruitful. We come in the most delectable packages full of excitement and coated surprises.

It’s fulfilling and inspiring to me to not be limited within faculty and to have the capacity to do more than just one thing as versatility allows us to express the distinct versions of our competent selves within personality, aptitude and performance.

Preternatural Pets

I don’t care how crazy or impossible it may sound to nonbelievers or those who’ve never experienced paranormal encounters, however, the unimaginable does go on. Almost anything can happen and almost anything does.

I’m not surprised by anything though some things are exciting and interesting.

I know what to believe and what not to believe and what may seem unbelievable to some can turn out to be a thing in which is absolutely real.

It doesn’t matter to me I don’t knock anybody for what they do or don’t believe in because that doesn’t make any sense to me just as long as nobody tries to force their beliefs or disbeliefs on anyone.

Some animals know and understand more than some people think, believe, or give them credit for. Some of these creatures are greatly underestimated.

I’ve had canines all of my life growing up as I always had a deep love and natural connection to them.

I was fortunate enough to come across and own some smart puppies which one in particular was considered as a “human dog” while she grew up, adapting to her surroundings and to our family habits, and to the social scenes of others.

We had a moment once in which she, my german shepherd/collie mix, expressed to me telepathically as she looked into my eyes that she was dying as she knew what death was and what death had actually meant yet my family and I were able to save her life through an operation.

She demonstrated a lot of decisive and uncanny behavior. She was even affectionate and protective, coming to our aid when she discerned we were in need.

I even have a neighbor’s account on how she saved him from danger by fiercely warding off other stray dogs who were about to attack him. My baby girl was something else! I use to call her my furry friend, poo poo, and other endearing shit that she loved to know and hear.

I came across another dog once who I didn’t own and I uttered out to a relative of mine how cute she was and she, the dog, expressed a sincere reaction of being humbly flattered. The body language within her eyes and the bow of her head movement showed it all to me. I could interpret the gift in her.

I heard her say telepathically “aw”. She thought the compliment was a nice gesture coming from me. The next time I saw her I waved to her and she stared at me assessing the moment before running over to me outside on my stoop.

I pat her head as she refused to go back to her owner after numerous summons. I had to pick this dog up off of my stoop and literally put her in the arms of one of her owners.

Dogs know good people she probably wasn’t happy at home. She was a stray that my neighbors had took in they hadn’t had her that long. I saw her the first time she had roamed on my block years ago. Nowadays, I don’t even see stray dogs wandering around the street anymore so far.

My dog knew what cute meant too as I had told her how beautiful she was on many occasions. However, she comprehended the word, knowing through the channels of intelligence along with psychic ability, and we couldn’t tell her nothing one time when she pranced around the house adorably wearing her new flea collar.

Yes, without a doubt, some animals do have preternatural capacity just as some of us human beings do. It is a undeniable fact. Dogs are very special anyway and I can’t wait to be united with mine other than just within the visions and visitations I receive while I’m awake and during my dreams.

I had an honest dream one night a while back at how a few of my deceased dogs met up together in the spirit world.

Breath Of Spirit

I engulf the soft blows of a luminous breeze.

I am informed and guided by hidden knowledge which is constantly revealed to me on occasion. -miss latoya

“Spirit” reigns in my life and I am celestially satisfied within its essence around me. My life force breathes inner peace and understanding.

I exhale inner vision and inner voice of wisdom and revelation.

I don’t rely on the physical realm as I am not of this plane I revel in pure natural energy.

In this day and age and for some time now it seems as if one has to be damaged goods in order to excel within certain areas of life.

I’ve succeeded and excelled within my own positive fashions and without being tarnished or lowered into a vessel for anyone to demean when it is convenient I hold the deck of cards and “fresh air”  to my life.


Into the Rhythm

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Self love is self awareness and self care. Self respect is self esteem and self value, and both these regards generate from a cemented foundation solidly built from deep within.

Love, peace, and happiness is a state of extreme wellness and fulfillment that cannot be taken away when it comes from a spiritually rooted area or place.

Inside its dwelling homes many rooms where beds are surrounded in harmonious abode.

The doors do not open up for intruders and the windows do not shut down over the uninvited.

Our house stands motionless when rhythmically chaperoning away guest who are not permitted or welcomed. -miss latoya


 It was a clear afternoon I remember it may have been in the summer.

My mother and I were walking, I think we were coming from the store, when she brought up a mutual associate who we hadn’t seen or heard from in a while during that time, “I wonder where Debbie is at” she had inquired to me.

Immediately after my mother spoke her words an intense sensation had come over me, a foreboding, in which was a solid answer to her question.

“I feel she’s near death”, I had told my mother as we walked down the street on a day of nice warm weather.

Two weeks later we heard from Debbie and she acknowledged that she overdosed on drugs and almost died as she recuperated at a hospital.

The next occurrence I had experienced with Debbie transpired when I was asleep I dreamed her lifeless body was collected at a morgue.

After a long time from once again not hearing from Debbie I called her up at home while a recording came on the phone stating the line was disconnected or not in service.

So I called up a friend of Debbie’s who revealed to me that she was dead and buried in her grave.

I was a little spooked by what I had found out back then it kind of gave me the creeps learning how chillingly accurate I was and I had wondered if Debbie came to me on purpose wanting me to know that she had passed on.



Reciprocated Thoughts

 A while before it was divulged to me through a course of following visions whereas Orisha Oshun had come into contact with my deceased dog Brandie, only to become greatly fond of her and incited to hospitably serve to her as a congenial and escort within the spirit realm, I was concerned for Brandie.

I’d usually get visitation sessions with my pet during my dream states and had not seen or occupied any time with her within my sleep.

So I was up in my bed one night uttering to myself within my thoughts, “I want to see my baby”.

Shortly after, I began to see dim flashes of what appeared to be a leg and a paw of Brandie’s develop right there in front of my eyes in apparition mode.

Later that night, I finally again reunited with my beloved pet, satisfied and relieved. I just wanted and needed to know that she was alright since I had been elevating her spirit to keep her safe and comfortable.

Unbeknownst to me at the time the reason I hadn’t came into contact with Brandie was because she was in the process of raising to a higher dimension that was temporarily interrupted on the account to put my mind at ease beforehand.

It is said that time within the spirit realm differs considerably measured to our specific mode of time.

Through another following dream the elevation process which allowed me to be present this time around to aid Brandie myself into her upgrade was resumed.

I have clear memory of being with my dog moments prior to her entry into the dimension yet no recollection at all of what happened and how the instance actually transpired.

I guess the revelation was not for me to be tangibly conscious of at this period within my stage of discovery and I completely understand and am totally fine with this as I feel lucky and honored already to have took part in such an experience to begin with.

We know what we need to know for now, however, everything within our incorporeal accounts as well as the missing pieces to our mysterious puzzles will be manifested unto us within due time. My baby is at peace.

My Altar

I’ve set up quite a few altars within my lifetime with the aid and essence of “spirit” carefully guiding and motioning my steps.

 I’d actually feel and sense the energy of my ancestors and deities, and, if my deities weren’t pleased with something they’d let me know as to confirmation to the things I may have suspected beforehand as well as to what they were content with in regards to our own simultaneous commonality.

I had learned that my orishas and I shared the same features and attributes of particular behavior and attitude.

It is a wonderful and lovely fashion in which to connect, communicate, and acquire, personally and supernaturally.

 Set aside a certain area most suitable and preferable to your liking and accord. The location of the altar can be established and situated anywhere one feels comfortable to prepare their spiritual vessel of dedication.

Upon the altar may be placed anything necessary in reference and into relation to who and what is being venerated and communicated with.

In addition, inner voice of spirit as well as spirit guides will further direct and navigate within accordance to other requirements and development.

How Do We know Our Ancestors And/Or Orishas Are Working Within Our Lives?

We know when things start to run consistently smooth within our lives. The process is one that doesn’t happen for us overnight. Our steps and behavior are observed, tested, and measured yet along the way our venerated ones still do look out for us.

They protect and cater to our needs as they know, see, and understand our daily routines, interactions, and temporary setbacks or hassles. We don’t get penalized for things we’re not sure about or not clear on it’s about our dedication, loyalty, and mode of life within accordance to our own relevant and appropriate paths.

From my own personal encounters my ancestors and orishas gave me the chance in between to evaluate the fashions in which they operated as I developed a trust that became mutual as they already had the trust in me before they approached, guided, and revealed themselves to me in the beginning.

As we further learn and discover and heed to our inner voices of spirit we experience, evolve, and elevate. The more we do for our ancestors and/or orishas the more they will continue to do for us by providing unto them consideration/appreciation and the energy sources of preference and appeasement it must always come purely from the heart, mind, and soul. The priceless and valuable exchange is based on a love and respect that concurrently goes both ways.

Since we correspond with our ancestors and orishas between worlds/realms there are special courses of action that we have to undertake in order to collaborate effectively at higher levels of succession. And, whatever is required they will benevolently let us know.