Clairalience, Clairgustance, Clairaudience: Extrasensory Range


When it comes to Extra Sensory Perception I was born with just about the “entire kit and caboodle”

From experiencing the sensation of taste without anything physically entering my mouth (Clairgustance) to smelling scents or odor (Clairalience) that are not physically present to others, yet spiritually present in a physical sense to me and to others who are inclined to this energy.

Hearing outside of ordinary range (Clairaudience) when no one is around whether it is the spoken words or thoughts from people- messages, noises/sound, or communications from the spirit realm and affiliations.

I remember an incident years ago when my uncle had died and photos of him in a casket were mailed out to me from a relative.

While I had his picture around, I continuously smelled his funky feet that he used to have. Once I burned up his picture (I literally set fire to it with a lighter in an astray) the stink odor faded away for good.

There was another time my mother and I (she had spiritual gifts too) both smelled a wonderful, sweet Strawberry scent/fragrance as we sat inside my bedroom.

The pleasant odor brought a warm, comforting presence that came as a delight to us with it.

We checked around, there had been no empty Strawberry drink, or any food/dessert product left over or in the garbage to have lingered that smell.

I had been at work years ago (I was in my thirties then), in a storage room that I oversaw and maintained. I stored and managed delivered items that I would display and ticket on the sales floor as part of my duty as a Merchandise Pricing Associate.

One day I was in the back room organizing items while I began to taste a sweet pastry on my tongue (a donut). I had not eaten a donut since I was twelve or thirteen at the time.

I have tasted energy itself and as the best way that I can describe it felt like a distinctive electric wave that sizzled in my mouth physically, yet it is a supernatural experience felt naturally within my birthright.


Natural Signals


As an empath I feel strongly. I have for all of my life.

I feel other people’s energy, I pick up on circumstances and situations like radar.

I am kept alert and aware.

There is a deep meaning and profound reason as to why God gifted some of us in this way.

To see, hear, know, feel, smell, and taste beyond the ordinary range of things.

Us highly sensitive- spiritually inclined are connected to nature.

The universe itself is our antenna of frequency.


The Spirit Speaks Truth/The Strength Of The Caul

The purity of spirit comes from within and exudes without. The body is the temple, the beauty preserved within the life force sustained by the celestial energy. 

Strong Spirit


Love, peace, and happiness stems from a spirit well fed by nature’s essentials. 

The crucial flow of innate wisdom; vital to the appetite, the hunger fortified unto abundant growth. 

Spiritual Prosperity

The richness of spirit cannot be bought, this type of wealth is priceless. The value exceeds anything tangible within nature or on this earth. 

Trust, loyalty, and honesty go a very long way and when one’s spirituality/faith is built on these merits there stands a solid foundation of mutual respect and devotion to the betterment and continuity of a favorable existence. 

The circumstance is even more fabulous when it is preordained and one is eager to join within their own agreement/alignment as everything falls suitably into place/in balance to one another. 

The vibration is wonderful and beautiful; the pure energy is refreshing. When the rest of the world is in danger, we are and remain untouched.  When the rest of the world is full of worry and frustration, we are comforted and reassured. When the rest of the world lack in their requirements, we gain and maintain. While the rest of the world is restless and within an uproar, we are sound asleep prophetically dreaming of the future paradise that is to come. 



I am unaffected by the bullshit of this world

We’re Not Defined By The Ignorance Of Others

I never feared to be who I am no matter how many people talked. I never cared what anyone said or thought: they were scared of me; they were jealous of me; they wanted to be like me!

Spiritual Blockages

Envy And Jealousy

When I was a little girl there was always a lot of jealousy around me and my mother, certain people constantly judging me on account of me not doing the same things that they, or their children were doing. People judging her on account of her strong personality, intelligence, style and advantages. 

Many had the nerve to ignorantly speculate what direction my life was heading in and what or how I would turn out to be while all along I in no way had showed any indication of having a negative outcome as they had and as their children did. 

It was more about them wanting to see something bad come about me and my way. Their children were supposed to be superior-not because they actually were-but because they bought them certain material things. Money couldn’t buy inherent wisdom! 

My mother was able to buy me particular things also. What did it mean? My mother showed me genuine love, concern, attention, and she was very smart and had the knowledge to sufficiently raise me. 

It was known that I was meant to do well in my life whereas others in specific weren’t as fortunate or spotless in matters of personal regrets or mistakes in which they couldn’t get past or considered setbacks or skeletons in their closets. The way their minds thought was a reflection on them and not anyone else who thought on a higher or opposite level. 

My mother was also meant to succeed. 

No matter what undesirable people would throw our way we continuously rose above and conquered to our liking of satisfaction. 

The Knowing Power

Power Of My Ancestors

Mind And Spirit Was Too Strong

Whether from relatives or outsiders (associates/acquaintances) people who are jealous for various reasons of their own will attempt to cause spiritual blockages in efforts to bring one down to their level or below.  

When they cannot measure up to certain calibers and are insecure about the situations that they may be in they will falsely rationalize or misinterpret their interference as a solution/downfall to equalize one to them all. Especially if they felt or interpreted that these people were better than them or considered themselves to be. Then they erroneously figure that their target will have to relent.  

Unfortunately, some individuals do break down and feel lesser than what they were as they are oblivious to what may have taken place. 

When I was in the fifth grade, I could actually feel an energy trying to block my intelligence. My great-grandmother and certain others at the time were having witchcraft done on me to halt my ability to grasp and to learn because I was very intellectually advanced at such a young age. However, the negativity didn’t prevail. I was able to know what was happening because I was born with a caul, I had intuitively felt and discerned the unnatural energy around me. 

There were also blockages put up to cause hostility between my mother and I because of the loving and close relationship that we had. 

The Spiritual blockages of various negativity (voodoo/black magic/witchcraft/evil eye/etc….) consists of attempting to block one’s intelligence, healthy and loving relationships/friendships, career/job/money, happiness/peace of mind/luck, health/lifestyle, spirituality and so on. 

The light is never put out by the darkness, it is impossible. The darkness may be able to place a temporary shadow over the light in order for the unveiling of further enlightenment, however, if one chooses to remain within the illusion of the shade that is totally on them! 

The Darkness Cannot

Overpower The Light

I turned out wonderfully as the individual I was supposed to within mind and character

My ancestors and orishas got me! They always had and they always will!



I woke up feeling wonderful. The vibration around me is fantastic. I always generated and exuberated excellent energy when the unsavory weren’t trying to mask or to block the beauty of my aura and magnetism with unnatural influence.

Those who are not distinctly spiritually inclined don’t understand intrisnic spiritual connection, the state of actually living within spirit, and having spirit live within one incessantly.

The inborn apathetic nature that I possess toward things in which are generally considered interesting, exciting, moving, challenging, or devastating is mind boggling to some.

Every individual is different, however, when one is at a higher level of intellect and spiritual consciousness they are not affected by things in the way of the ordinary.

In general, certain people on the outside looking in at another or their situation often interpret things to be much worse off than what they actually are when things aren’t really as bad as they think, or aren’t bad at all, depending on their own level of perception and what they exactly believe to be.

People are quick to make judgements upon what they no nothing about, simply going by what they immediately speculate and what they are frequently accustomed to.

So when those of us who are deeply connected to spirit are happy and content at times, or within circumstances, in which others feel or determine that we shouldn’t be it is because we have that inner voice of wisdom and discernment and are able to see and recognize the true reality of our conditions, and the happenings within life, as well as the life that surrounds us.

The bottom line is those who aren’t genuinely happy or at peace within themselves and within their own lives don’t like to see or want to hear about those of us who genuinely are living good with internal pleasure.




Were You Born With A Caul? My Words Misinterpreted

In reply to Yvette Marie.

A person born with a caul inherently has special traits and faculty that average individuals don’t have.

Aside from being paranormally endowed, there are distinguishing characteristics and ways of thinking, and viewing things. Our knowledge and discernment range beyond the scope of what is ordinary due to the natural link and connection that we have to the otherworldly in which cannot be denied.

Our inborn tendencies and propensities are to see, feel, hear, smell, and taste at an extraordinary level, without the actual physical use of our eyes, touch, ears, nose and mouth.

It is a heightening of the senses whereas we see, feel, hear, smell, taste, and also “know” (the sixth sense) through our mind’s eye ( the third eye).

Only one born of the caul and with this special capacity would understand the depth of the experience, as the experience is who we inevitably are.

We are just people born with paranormal ability, we are precognitive, clairvoyant, telepathic souls who are gifted with different forms of second-sight whether in combination, or at separate aspects of supernatural endowment.

Your question is were you born with a caul? One cannot be born with genuine psychic or clairvoyant power without it. The caul over the face denotes one is born with psychic abilities.

One can have spiritual encounters and experiences without being born with a caul, one doesn’t have to be psychic or clairvoyant to actually see an apparition or to receive a significant divine message in relation to some life event once in a while.

However, true caul birth identification pertains to individuals who experience preternatural tendency and propensity daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly, as it is a part of one’s day to day life, and at intervals, depending on the individual person.

We are highly intuitive people who are deeply connected to the universe and we are highly receptive to the certain energies and vibrations that we pick up from people, things, and the environment.

As far as keeping one being born with a caul a secret. These are personal choices that result from the mentality or rationality of those who for reasons of their own consider the issue taboo or not for everybody.

In life in general, we can’t or shouldn’t discuss particular things with just anybody. We’re all people varying within different genre’s, and so on.

Psychic ability has always been realized and sort out by those who believed and who seeked their fortunes to be read or who wanted rituals cast. Nevertheless, the lives of those possessing powers of second-sight or of the occult are often put in danger or indifference.

A man at a Botanica store once told me to keep my mouth shut about being born with a caul because of the things that I knew and encountered, and the reactions that could be brought on by specific ignorant, or unscrupulous people toward me.

Yet if we all did keep our mouths totally shut how would those of us who are truly born with these gifts and that need assistance or further insight into knowing and understanding that their existence, purpose, and experience is legitimate, and necessary?

We don’t learn, develop, and grow by repressing who we are on account of the lack of awareness, or the lack of scruples of others.

People like us become teachers, writers, artists, film producers, entrepreneurs, health enthusiasts, advocates, researchers, physicians, psychologists, and etc…

Our circumstance is a part of the reality of life whether others believe or not, and whether they approve or not.

We’re not crazy or complicated we’re very canny and constructive.

So to answer your question Yvette, you should know whether or not you were born with a caul. If you truly were you wouldn’t need validation from anyone. The truth always comes to the light and spirit reveals through inner voice of spirit.

And a little side note: A lot of spiritual advisors that seem to have psychic ability and who may read professionally were not necessarily born with cauls. They are able to foretell and conduct spells under the ceremonial sacrificing of animals during invocations in the mountains or at temples.

Those born of true powers of the occult don’t have to indulge within any ceremony or incantation, they have their faculties naturally, and work through the universe and through rituals generated by their own pure energy. –latoya lawrence

I explain here more in depth about the caul:

The Purpose Of The Caul

Child Of The Caul



Thank you so much for responding. Yes there is so much more to me than I mentioned. I dont fit in any catagory. Never had true friends. I have been taken advantage by being helpful in any way I could knowing I was being used. I hate going into public knowing what people are thinking. I help rescue foster and hospice dogs. What’s crazy about that is they communicate with telepathically. I have had so many experiences with good and evil entities. I an an do cast away evil ones. I can even control weather. Sometimes I scare myself and half to keep my anger in check. I will read your book. I need to understand myself. I tell myself it’s just coincidental but it isn’t. I am truly sorry to take up so much of your time and again thank you. Sincerely Yvette Marie

In reply to mademoiselleyvettemarie.

Just to clarify, I didn’t say myself that you were actually born with a caul because I didn’t get that vibe from you.

When I wrote and answered your comment I spoke in general.

I said you would know if you were truly born with a caul and wouldn’t need validation from anyone.

Mental, Emotional, And Spiritual Breakdown

Everyone who has had a breakdown of some sort is not weak, crazy, or dangerously unstable.

A breakdown is spiritual within many instances. A Yoruba priestess even acknowledged this fact to me years ago. I know firsthand as my own mother was a victim of brujeria in the early 1980’s.

I was even targeted. My aunt tried to flip me out when I was eighteen years of age by putting the hallucinogenic drug mescaline into a hot pot of black eyed peas that I had cooking over the stove.

People often use recreational “trip” drugs to increase the chance or enhance the effect of mental and chemical alterations of the brain while also performing the negative spiritual influences within black magic/voodoo/witchcraft.

My aunt went a step further in her malicious attempt by also putting tainted hiv fluids inside my food. Anyone educated would know the disease would not survive within the air and within a pot of scalding hot water.

Nevertheless, I didn’t lose my head or have a breakdown, my mind was too strong with faculty and awareness, and I didn’t, of course, become infected with aids either.

I was young, innocent, and very spiritually inclined, so divine intervention took over and protected me.

My aunt Tina (Ernestine Lawrence) has been hiv positive since the 1980’s due to intravenous drug use and promiscuous behavior from the 1970’s on up and instead of using her limited time to spend changing her life around for the better, she continued to do tons of constant dirt. She and other envious and jealous ruthless dummies, whores, drug addicts, and degenerates attacked me and other family for decades.

They’ve in addition done it to others, however, when they came after my mother and I, they messed with the wrong individuals. We are people of the light and they are people of the darkness. My ancestors and orishas were ready for them all, and the universe was recording and keeping record of every notorious deed in which was repeatedly done toward us.

Tina had poisoned food of my mother’s years ago too while neighbors were working black magic/voodoo/witchcraft against her.

My grandfather was driven to mental affliction before he was killed and found dead in the Hudson river.

My aunt Charise was drugged and raped which caused her to be afflicted with mental illness.

My grandfather, mother, younger aunt, and I were targeted for manipulative breakdowns because we were all very smart, strong, and fighters who could literally kick ass if needed be. We weren’t the type to back down or be bullied by anyone, and we were all good upstanding people.

The intent for causing mental, emotional, and spiritual breakdowns are to weaken one, to render them as incredible, and to lower their self esteem and spirit.

Certain evildoers want those of us who have knowledge in which threaten their unscrupulous ways either dead or labeled as crazy.




The Art Of Truth

There is a new movie titled The Art Of Racing In The Rain that is constantly being advertised on the radio and television.

I haven’t read up on the movie in regard to gathering any additional detail other than what is continuously being previewed as I really don’t care.

I have absolutely no interest in this movie at all I am just going to focus on the lines in which the media keeps running over and over in specific.

The characters within the film address “The dog is a spiritual being”, “The dog taught us all how to be human”, and the dog itself stating “he was meant through fate to be with the family who owns him”.

Society is always late when on the verge of or beginning to take notice of things and facts that quite a few of us people have already experienced and knew decades ago that others were ignorant about or may would have laughed off as nonsense or superstition.

I always hated people who, in general, talked shit, doubted, or made light of something until the encounter or situation happened to them or became non obscure.

Anyway, back to this particular subject, I knew a dog I adopted was born and meant to be in my life back in the 1980’s. She was a spiritual blessing temporarily residing within a canine’s body and she did a lot for me within the many years we spent together.

Of course, there are special dogs and sets of circumstances involving numerous instances and various aspects of life that are sent to certain people for reasons in which have deep spiritual meanings and messages to benefit, to learn, and to grow from.

Tell us “certain people in specific” something that we don’t already know mainstream society!

Seeing Into The Future

Supernatural power is no joke and it cannot be learned or gathered through online information.

Everything I speak about on all of my blogs and literature comes straight from the source, me. As a person born of the caul and second-sight/extra sensory perception I don’t need to search for outside information to know who I am or what It means to be spiritually inclined.

My existence itself is the true explanation.

We who have wisdom learn from ourselves and others alike through firsthand experience the most important aspect in which to gain legitimate knowledge from.

We know what is bullshit and what is not as we have the third eye, our highly developed sense of intuition, our mind’s eye, to look deep into view to connect with and to recognize the intangible vibrations within our own inner voice of spirit and the energy around us.

Those of us who genuinely have the ability to delve into the unknown and to call it forth, absolutely can attest to such real and momentous occurrence.

Our encounters are distinct within one another yet we all share a common thread.

We see visions while we’re awake, and we dream about situations while we are asleep.

Our scenes playback only to come true time and time again.

Whenever I’d dream a specific happening  over and over again it meant the augury was a “definite” event to “surely” come to be.

I’ve learned this revelation from my very own personal experience, however, another’s certainty of a forecast may differ within style or mode.

We don’t only see into the present, past, and future. We in addition hear, know, and feel what is going on, what may have went on, as well as what will be.

We even taste and smell elemental clues to pieces of vital information in which help to clarify things we’re kept aware about.

We don’t have these gifts to “save” the world.

We have these gifts to brings us closer into truth and enlightenment, to be a genuine source of help to certain others, and for our own individual maintenance against the negativity and dark forces of the world.

Our gifts mean quite a few things to the highly “in tune”.

We also have these gifts (for those of us of the light) to prepare us and get us ready to go to the right place once we make our transition if we’re listening and heeding to the warnings and the messages.

It is so obvious to me how these preternatural gifts of ours show of what power resides within the universe and within creation unto which solidifies the faith in what we know to exist.

Seeing Spirits

There are more than one way in which we with the gifts of sight are able to view and connect with apparitions.

Some of us see energy forces that materialize around or directly in front of our eyes, some of us see the energy within our minds eye through visions, some of us see energy force during our dream state, some may only be able to hear an apparition’s messages, and some are just able to view and communicate with apparitions in all of the above circumstances.

I’m one who has experienced all of the above and, of course, if or when we don’t see them we know and feel when they are around us and we envelop and interpret the sensation which comes along with the encounters of presence.

I can even at times “smell” when an apparition or force is within the midst or afar.

Energy and vibration is the essence to all life force.


Outside The Ordinary Senses

Does your head race?

My mind use to race constantly and at an intense pace.

The strong and rapid flow of random thoughts and visions without relief will seem to drive one crazy. It has ran some people into a state of confusion and upset from not understanding why and what they are experiencing and the nature of the cause.

It can be frustrating and annoying when we are unable to get repetitive preoccupations and assorted visual scenes out of our mind. No matter what we’re doing or where we’re at these distractions totally engross our concentration without our permission.

There is absolutely nothing we can do about this but learn to live with it.

Some people unfortunately resort to drugs and/or alcohol to drown out the stream of extra sensory indicative representations  while others take medication in order to repress the unidentified or tormenting encounters.

I’ve handled the condition as best I could and just analyzed and learned from the situation and fashions in which the faculty operates.

Throughout the years the racing has not stopped It eased up to where I could adjust to it at a tolerable level after developing an understanding and sense of balance within the absorption of specific paranormal messaging and communications attributed over time.

The explanation is in connection to celestial tiding as it is the nature and part of the state of being to those of us inclined.

Everything I’ve picked up within the thought process, aside from dreams, visions, telepathy, empathy and other means of clairvoyance, has served to be very accurate and very legitimate therefore it is a vital and resourceful part of my life which comes in handy when it is the most important.


ESP In The Family Tree/Extra Sensory Perception

I had conversed over the phone once in a while with Simmie (my father) from a teenager up to my early adulthood, not frequently, but like I said once in a while and we talked good with one another whenever we did communicate.

However, I was never interested in developing a relationship with him. There were just some things I was curious about on his side of the family in regards to nationality and background.

I had found out he was part Native American as well as the rest of his family having a lot of Native American ancestry along with some European bloodline just as like there was both the same on my mother’s side of the family.

I had also found out through one of my father’s aunts that their mother, which was my father’s grandmother, had Extra Sensory Perception, and It was later confirmed by another one of his aunts along with Simmie’s sister. It was said that she was a wise woman and that no one could do anything without her knowing about it.

So there was the gift of ESP on both my mother and father’s side. This is why I have my clairvoyance so strongly and by my Native American ancestry which consists of Blackfoot and Cherokee on my mother’s side and Cherokee on my father’s side I inherited a strong gift of innate spirituality that is combined with my african roots.

I am African-American genetically dressed in  multiple ethnical flavors of culture as a decorated adornment of my soul/spirit.

When I went down to Barnwell, South Carolina to meet the rest of Simmie’s family in person in the year 2001, aside from the others who lived in Queens, New York who I had already became acquainted with and the one’s I had a few times spoken over the phone to, I had gotten into a discussion with “Kookie”, Simmie’s sister.

My mother swears out this woman was not the same so called Kookie who’s real name is Dorothy that came to visit us back in the early 1980’s when I was about seven or eight years old. I remember the woman coming to the house with her husband but I don’t remember what she looked like as I was half asleep when she came.

But this ugly toad/frog looking thing was not the same sister of Simmie’s that came to our home back then my mother insists and I know she believes what she says so if this is indeed true either this woman’s appearance changed drastically or she was impersonating another family member by covering up some deep dark secret.

Nevertheless, I wasn’t too warm or accepting toward Simmie’s family as they weren’t my class of people yet Kookie interpreted my coldness as “being afraid to love”.

“You’re afraid to love”, Kookie had told me. We want you to love us the same way that we love you”.

These people didn’t even know me personally or at all to genuinely have any true feelings for me and neither did I for them and I could never love someone just because they had some type of family relation.

Love is something that has to come naturally and I have never loved easily as I haven’t met any beings, aside from the pet puppies and canines that I had, who incited that kind of strong feeling within me.

The truth of it all in which I kept quiet about in regard to Kookie was that to me she was nothing to love. She didn’t appeal to me in anyway whatsoever and neither did any of her family. All Kookie proved to be was trouble and other people eventually found that out about her too. She had too many skeletons in her closet in which she couldn’t deal with and she placed her insecurities onto others. That is why Kookie became so religious, to hide behind the church and to escape the life of regret she once lived.

Most of the people in the church are some of the worst ones out there if you ask me.

Simmie’s family weren’t shit, nothing but trash, and I had interpreted this revelation as a child when I first met my father. I knew if he was trash his family had to be also but I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt. All they did was prove me right though.

One of Simmie’s aunts by the name of Emily had took one hundred dollars of mine in which I had sent down to Barnwell, South Carolina years prior and never repaid me as she had promised. I told her I knew Simmie would not reimburse her for the money but even though she insisted that she would return my money back to me herself.

When the time came Emily refused to pay me back and lied about saying that she was going to. I told her that she was a ” Dirty Bitch”. And Emily and Kookie had the nerve to hold my words against me claiming I hurt and disrespected them as being elders.

Elders who are unscrupulous don’t deserve and will not get any respect from me. And what does age have to do with anything? One being older gives them the authority to get away with lying and doing dirt toward someone who is younger?


I got my money back when I went down there, though. The money Kookie handed out to me all added up to the one hundred I had sent down there. So I felt it was Kookie’s way of making right of the wrong for her aunt and the work of the universe handling out the situation within a fashion in which I recognized had turned out within my favor.

In spite of that fact, I am in no way declaring every single member of Simmie’s family out to be alike or judging them entirely to be the same, I know there are certain relatives in specific of his that are exceptions to what the others exhibit.

I of all people know that just because you have a few assholes within the family does not cause or classify the whole tree to be rotten.


A Witchcraft Flashback

As I’ve said before all through out my life people have taken turns and worked negativity against me and I’ve always been aware of it.

There was always more than one person on my block involved in the later witchcraft attacks other than the dumb whore bitches (Lizette and Doritta) who lived across the street from me at the time, of course, as it was a neighborhood thing spread about with different sick and jealous people.

There was one neighbor’s house I passed by one morning years ago (2011) where someone in the home snapped a photo of me. I noticed the flash of the camera from the front livingroom picture window. Some time later, one of the occupants who lived in the house (one of the guys who raped my aunt back in the 1980’s by the name of Larry Butler) called out to me as I came home from work. I ignored the asshole.

He was scared. He and others had used satanic rituals in order to break my protection and failed as I and my energy was too strong and powerful. Their rituals backfired and now one of the assholes (who I and him were never on any speaking terms) had called out to me by my name out of fear and desperation.

He had told on himself when he did that. And I had already known everything because I had felt everything they were doing in the process while it was actually happening.




Preternatural Pets

I don’t care how crazy or impossible it may sound to nonbelievers or those who’ve never experienced paranormal encounters, however, the unimaginable does go on. Almost anything can happen and almost anything does.

I’m not surprised by anything though some things are exciting and interesting.

I know what to believe and what not to believe and what may seem unbelievable to some can turn out to be a thing in which is absolutely real.

It doesn’t matter to me I don’t knock anybody for what they do or don’t believe in because that doesn’t make any sense to me just as long as nobody tries to force their beliefs or disbeliefs on anyone.

Some animals know and understand more than some people think, believe, or give them credit for. Some of these creatures are greatly underestimated.

I’ve had canines all of my life growing up as I always had a deep love and natural connection to them.

I was fortunate enough to come across and own some smart puppies which one in particular was considered as a “human dog” while she grew up, adapting to her surroundings and to our family habits, and to the social scenes of others.

We had a moment once in which she, my german shepherd/collie mix, expressed to me telepathically as she looked into my eyes that she was dying as she knew what death was and what death had actually meant yet my family and I were able to save her life through an operation.

She demonstrated a lot of decisive and uncanny behavior. She was even affectionate and protective, coming to our aid when she discerned we were in need.

I even have a neighbor’s account on how she saved him from danger by fiercely warding off other stray dogs who were about to attack him. My baby girl was something else! I use to call her my furry friend, poo poo, and other endearing shit that she loved to know and hear.

I came across another dog once who I didn’t own and I uttered out to a relative of mine how cute she was and she, the dog, expressed a sincere reaction of being humbly flattered. The body language within her eyes and the bow of her head movement showed it all to me. I could interpret the gift in her.

I heard her say telepathically “aw”. She thought the compliment was a nice gesture coming from me. The next time I saw her I waved to her and she stared at me assessing the moment before running over to me outside on my stoop.

I pat her head as she refused to go back to her owner after numerous summons. I had to pick this dog up off of my stoop and literally put her in the arms of one of her owners.

Dogs know good people she probably wasn’t happy at home. She was a stray that my neighbors had took in they hadn’t had her that long. I saw her the first time she had roamed on my block years ago. Nowadays, I don’t even see stray dogs wandering around the street anymore so far.

My dog knew what cute meant too as I had told her how beautiful she was on many occasions. However, she comprehended the word, knowing through the channels of intelligence along with psychic ability, and we couldn’t tell her nothing one time when she pranced around the house adorably wearing her new flea collar.

Yes, without a doubt, some animals do have preternatural capacity just as some of us human beings do. It is a undeniable fact. Dogs are very special anyway and I can’t wait to be united with mine other than just within the visions and visitations I receive while I’m awake and during my dreams.

I had an honest dream one night a while back at how a few of my deceased dogs met up together in the spirit world.


"My Voice" Weblog By Miss LaToya Lawrence

Lizette Roubert Lizette Roubert

My experiences with brujeria:

With all of the personal information that I have on this subject I could write a book about it. I spoke to a lady over the phone about six or seven years ago who was suppose to be a psychic. I mentioned the word “brujeria”.

“Are you Puerto Rican?” she asked me. I said “no”

“Well then how do you know about brujeria?” she said.

Then I went on about the nganga (cauldron), the paleros (grave robbers), the kiyumba (corpse that is used) then she stopped me. “Alright, alright”, she uttered.

I mean the ignorance in some people. I am an African American with Native American Indian descent. I am spiritual and know that magic (voodoo) first originated in Africa so why wasn’t I suppose to know? Anyway, I don’t know where to begin since this all started when I was at the age…

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