Yoruba Orishas And God



I cannot lie or deny that when I was angry with fierce hatred for God on account of a combination of things that I still till this day do not like or appreciate to venerate my beautiful Ancestors and Orishas nothing negative had become of that choice I had made.

It was a positive experience for me, a natural connection for me as I was called when Elegba came looking for me.

What I loved and respected most about the legitimate Orishas that I spiritually dealt with was that one cannot go to them on their own- the Orishas must summon you.

They do not just want or accept anyone in comparison to Jesus.

Elegba, of course, did or does not have the power to create, but he has the power to destroy.

What I dislike about the one and only God (Jehovah) is that he gives life to anything and will accept anyone who comes to him.

In my opinion, he should not have given life to everybody. I would have preferred not to have been born if I had to share a world with certain types of people and undesirable conditions of life that I have no interest, concern, or agreement to the nature of.

I feel like if he was going to create certain types of people, things, and ways of life, then he should have separated us to put the trash on a section of the earth with the other trash and let them all be the stupid undesirable garbage that they all are together.

It is believed by some that Orishas are demons posing as such- as Lucifer will disguise himself as an angel of light.

However, we all do not know everything there is to know about creation and the spirit realm.

All I know is that I have seen through my third eye and experienced visions and have had significant/meaningful paranormal encounters within dreams and while fully awake here on earth regarding the Orishas that prove otherwise.

Deep down inside I still have love for Oshun, Elegba, Ogun, Orunmila,  and another Orisha that appeared to me within the past.

The deities treated me with nothing but love, kindness and respect. And there was nothing but peace and protection around me at the time.

What I also loved about the Orishas is that they had a raw sense of humor when the situation called for it. They made me burst into laughter unexpectedly one time when an active scene/vision was reflected to me.


An Ex-Coworker Working His Nonsense: Rituals


Jealous, envious, or resentful twisted people trying to attack me through black magic/witchcraft/voodoo had become a thing of the past.

I myself have never been into witchcraft or black magic, but I did have the ability and know how to protect myself and reverse negativity done to me and others who needed my help.

I also knew how to cleanse myself spiritually, everything I did was pure and for good.

Candles, incense, and other elements that represent earth, air, fire, and water- which I all used are not bad, evil, or negative within themselves. It is how they are used.

It has been years since I burned a candle. I do not burn candles anymore or maintain an altar for spiritual work of protection or veneration.

Yes, I was born with strong faculties.

However, I allow and rely totally on God now to fight my spiritual battles along with me putting on the armor of God by his word- which is the shield of faith.

There has recently been one who himself (an ex-coworker) with the help of another or certain others who attempted, and is still in the process of endeavoring to attack me spiritually through witchcraft of some sort.

They are absolutely wasting their time.

I have been ultimately protected against any form of evil for over twenty years.

The sad thing about the situation is these people are not at all harming me, they are hurting themselves.

I used to not understand God urging us as his children to pray for those who persecute or try to harm us. But the Lord revealed to me it is because they are the ones who are in danger. They are lost in their wickedness, destined to darkness and damnation.

They are blind to what they do and the consequences thereof and need guidance to see their way out.

We, as those saved and following God’s example, have nothing to worry about.

The more they try to hurt us without true remorse and repentance- especially when they are not justified- the further they dig an eternal grave for themselves.


The Spirit Speaks Truth/The Strength Of The Caul

The purity of spirit comes from within and exudes without. The body is the temple, the beauty preserved within the life force sustained by the celestial energy. 

Strong Spirit


Love, peace, and happiness stems from a spirit well fed by nature’s essentials. 

The crucial flow of innate wisdom; vital to the appetite, the hunger fortified unto abundant growth. 

Spiritual Prosperity

The richness of spirit cannot be bought, this type of wealth is priceless. The value exceeds anything tangible within nature or on this earth. 

Trust, loyalty, and honesty go a very long way and when one’s spirituality/faith is built on these merits there stands a solid foundation of mutual respect and devotion to the betterment and continuity of a favorable existence. 

The circumstance is even more fabulous when it is preordained and one is eager to join within their own agreement/alignment as everything falls suitably into place/in balance to one another. 

The vibration is wonderful and beautiful; the pure energy is refreshing. When the rest of the world is in danger, we are and remain untouched.  When the rest of the world is full of worry and frustration, we are comforted and reassured. When the rest of the world lack in their requirements, we gain and maintain. While the rest of the world is restless and within an uproar, we are sound asleep prophetically dreaming of the future paradise that is to come. 



I am unaffected by the bullshit of this world

We’re Not Defined By The Ignorance Of Others

I never feared to be who I am no matter how many people talked. I never cared what anyone said or thought: they were scared of me; they were jealous of me; they wanted to be like me!

Spiritual Blockages

Envy And Jealousy

When I was a little girl there was always a lot of jealousy around me and my mother, certain people constantly judging me on account of me not doing the same things that they, or their children were doing. People judging her on account of her strong personality, intelligence, style and advantages. 

Many had the nerve to ignorantly speculate what direction my life was heading in and what or how I would turn out to be while all along I in no way had showed any indication of having a negative outcome as they had and as their children did. 

It was more about them wanting to see something bad come about me and my way. Their children were supposed to be superior-not because they actually were-but because they bought them certain material things. Money couldn’t buy inherent wisdom! 

My mother was able to buy me particular things also. What did it mean? My mother showed me genuine love, concern, attention, and she was very smart and had the knowledge to sufficiently raise me. 

It was known that I was meant to do well in my life whereas others in specific weren’t as fortunate or spotless in matters of personal regrets or mistakes in which they couldn’t get past or considered setbacks or skeletons in their closets. The way their minds thought was a reflection on them and not anyone else who thought on a higher or opposite level. 

My mother was also meant to succeed. 

No matter what undesirable people would throw our way we continuously rose above and conquered to our liking of satisfaction. 

The Knowing Power

Power Of My Ancestors

Mind And Spirit Was Too Strong

Whether from relatives or outsiders (associates/acquaintances) people who are jealous for various reasons of their own will attempt to cause spiritual blockages in efforts to bring one down to their level or below.  

When they cannot measure up to certain calibers and are insecure about the situations that they may be in they will falsely rationalize or misinterpret their interference as a solution/downfall to equalize one to them all. Especially if they felt or interpreted that these people were better than them or considered themselves to be. Then they erroneously figure that their target will have to relent.  

Unfortunately, some individuals do break down and feel lesser than what they were as they are oblivious to what may have taken place. 

When I was in the fifth grade, I could actually feel an energy trying to block my intelligence. My great-grandmother and certain others at the time were having witchcraft done on me to halt my ability to grasp and to learn because I was very intellectually advanced at such a young age. However, the negativity didn’t prevail. I was able to know what was happening because I was born with a caul, I had intuitively felt and discerned the unnatural energy around me. 

There were also blockages put up to cause hostility between my mother and I because of the loving and close relationship that we had. 

The Spiritual blockages of various negativity (voodoo/black magic/witchcraft/evil eye/etc….) consists of attempting to block one’s intelligence, healthy and loving relationships/friendships, career/job/money, happiness/peace of mind/luck, health/lifestyle, spirituality and so on. 

The light is never put out by the darkness, it is impossible. The darkness may be able to place a temporary shadow over the light in order for the unveiling of further enlightenment, however, if one chooses to remain within the illusion of the shade that is totally on them! 

The Darkness Cannot

Overpower The Light

I turned out wonderfully as the individual I was supposed to within mind and character

My ancestors and orishas got me! They always had and they always will!


It Doesn’t Pay To Do Dirt

I was told a long time ago that I’m supposed to have the things that I want.

All through out my life I indeed have usually gotten what I wanted most of the time just by the act of wishing or thinking about something.

My desires didn’t even have to be intensely felt in order for me to receive them they just had to be sincere.

I was given what I wanted either swiftly or at an appropriate later time.

Everything is still the same for me till this very day no matter how old I get. I still have that special luck and blessings, that part in which came along with me being born with a caul.

I never asked for much and I never took anything for granted. These gestures have been touching and of deep contemplation to my sincerest regard. The energy within the universe has been kind, caring and generous toward me.

The connection and the protection from my ancestors has been phenomenal. The solicitous attention from my orishas has been noteworthy.

Even while all through out my life certain individuals have tried to interfere and delay my opportunities and prospects because they were discontent with how things always worked out for certain family members and I.

We utilized our talents and knowledge as we were ambitious and independent whereas those who were envious and jealous couldn’t.

Nevertheless, we kept on going. And as we continued to persevere we consistently had spiritual back up clearing our pathways and heading us within even better, and more inspiring directions.

The road wasn’t always smooth, however, during the intermittent bumps we were hit with intangible advantages.

One’s patience can wear out yet I learned that the endurance is necessary sometimes to work out all of the specific kinks.

People don’t realize the depth of how they’re killing themselves within the process of trying to hinder someone else.

They know far down inside they will pay the consequences but the severity gets harsher with each unsavory action done among them toward us and toward others.

When they transition and reach the lower depths of hell they’ll have to face the reality they’re trying to escape through their current delusions.

People shouldn’t go around messing with people of spirit and people of a decent nature there is no escape when what they’ve sown comes to ruthlessly fetch.






I woke up feeling wonderful. The vibration around me is fantastic. I always generated and exuberated excellent energy when the unsavory weren’t trying to mask or to block the beauty of my aura and magnetism with unnatural influence.

Those who are not distinctly spiritually inclined don’t understand intrisnic spiritual connection, the state of actually living within spirit, and having spirit live within one incessantly.

The inborn apathetic nature that I possess toward things in which are generally considered interesting, exciting, moving, challenging, or devastating is mind boggling to some.

Every individual is different, however, when one is at a higher level of intellect and spiritual consciousness they are not affected by things in the way of the ordinary.

In general, certain people on the outside looking in at another or their situation often interpret things to be much worse off than what they actually are when things aren’t really as bad as they think, or aren’t bad at all, depending on their own level of perception and what they exactly believe to be.

People are quick to make judgements upon what they no nothing about, simply going by what they immediately speculate and what they are frequently accustomed to.

So when those of us who are deeply connected to spirit are happy and content at times, or within circumstances, in which others feel or determine that we shouldn’t be it is because we have that inner voice of wisdom and discernment and are able to see and recognize the true reality of our conditions, and the happenings within life, as well as the life that surrounds us.

The bottom line is those who aren’t genuinely happy or at peace within themselves and within their own lives don’t like to see or want to hear about those of us who genuinely are living good with internal pleasure.




Living Well

Are you living life or are you letting your life live you?

Live your life. Be happy and Healthy!

Live how you want, do what you want, be fierce, and be fearless!

Be who you are, be proud of who you are, enjoy the state of being blessed.

Love yourself, love your loved ones, let your loved ones enjoy loving you.

Have fun, have laughter, have a good time.

Eat well, be well, and sleep well. – miss latoya


Authentic Joy

The darkness cannot overpower the light and when our light shines the darkness can no longer cast it’s shadow. -miss latoya

Are you genuinely happy inside? It is a question that only we are able to answer and define for ourselves as happiness means different things to a variety of people.

I can honestly say that I am very happy inside and I have been that way for a very long time now.

I have a joy and a peace of mind that no one gave to me, and a peace and joy, in which no one can take away from me.

We have the capacity and the spirit to be happy and healthy in the midst of any type of negativity because the negativity of others and the negative energy within the world does not belong to those of us who are not of its bleak vibration.

We take from our situations to make the circumstance work out to our own advantage and to the best of our interest. In no fashion should we let or allow an unsavory situation or event to comprise us into its desolate condition.


Mental, Emotional, And Spiritual Breakdown

Everyone who has had a breakdown of some sort is not weak, crazy, or dangerously unstable.

A breakdown is spiritual within many instances. A Yoruba priestess even acknowledged this fact to me years ago. I know firsthand as my own mother was a victim of brujeria in the early 1980’s.

I was even targeted. My aunt tried to flip me out when I was eighteen years of age by putting the hallucinogenic drug mescaline into a hot pot of black eyed peas that I had cooking over the stove.

People often use recreational “trip” drugs to increase the chance or enhance the effect of mental and chemical alterations of the brain while also performing the negative spiritual influences within black magic/voodoo/witchcraft.

My aunt went a step further in her malicious attempt by also putting tainted hiv fluids inside my food. Anyone educated would know the disease would not survive within the air and within a pot of scalding hot water.

Nevertheless, I didn’t lose my head or have a breakdown, my mind was too strong with faculty and awareness, and I didn’t, of course, become infected with aids either.

I was young, innocent, and very spiritually inclined, so divine intervention took over and protected me.

My aunt Tina (Ernestine Lawrence) has been hiv positive since the 1980’s due to intravenous drug use and promiscuous behavior from the 1970’s on up and instead of using her limited time to spend changing her life around for the better, she continued to do tons of constant dirt. She and other envious and jealous ruthless dummies, whores, drug addicts, and degenerates attacked me and other family for decades.

They’ve in addition done it to others, however, when they came after my mother and I, they messed with the wrong individuals. We are people of the light and they are people of the darkness. My ancestors and orishas were ready for them all, and the universe was recording and keeping record of every notorious deed in which was repeatedly done toward us.

Tina had poisoned food of my mother’s years ago too while neighbors were working black magic/voodoo/witchcraft against her.

My grandfather was driven to mental affliction before he was killed and found dead in the Hudson river.

My aunt Charise was drugged and raped which caused her to be afflicted with mental illness.

My grandfather, mother, younger aunt, and I were targeted for manipulative breakdowns because we were all very smart, strong, and fighters who could literally kick ass if needed be. We weren’t the type to back down or be bullied by anyone, and we were all good upstanding people.

The intent for causing mental, emotional, and spiritual breakdowns are to weaken one, to render them as incredible, and to lower their self esteem and spirit.

Certain evildoers want those of us who have knowledge in which threaten their unscrupulous ways either dead or labeled as crazy.




Vile Strength

Daily Living, By Miss LaToya

My mother had me when she was twenty-two years old and we became very close as we bonded immediately after I was born.

We’ve been through a lot together enduring circumstances in which many would not have survived and coming out sustained within a fashion that has caused some to wonder and to be amazed.

My mother and I have battled a very long way from the negativity directed towards us by envious, jealous, and unsavory people in specific.

My mother and I both constantly held our ground and we continue to stand.

Hooray to Peace, power, love, and protection.

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Well-Being For The Spiritually Inclined

Like I’ve said and addressed before in some of my posts, it’s not the circumstances of being born with a caul and inheriting gifts which bestow supernatural/preternatural faculties that cause or bring to us problems, it is the propensities and ways of other people.

One doesn’t even have to be born with a caul to be burdened by the incompatibility of the world and of society.

Many of these individuals don’t see how their thoughts and behavior reflect on how we view and feel about them when it comes to how we’re treated, especially since we have the third eye which allows us to gaze into instance at a sagacious level.

I cannot speak for all but for those similar to me It’s always been more than just people but principalities and the fashions in which God created things in specific to be where I find dissension and disharmony at.

I won’t get into all detail as it is not necessary but I strongly feel I don’t belong here, like I’m an old soul because I was already familiar with life so early on without having to experience things, having constantly been in tune and ahead of my time while being tired of living a life and going through the cycle of motions in a world that doesn’t coincide and measure up to who I am in true essence and what I yearn for within an existence as whereas to reside in.

I wonder if I’m too spiritual for my own good with this heightened extraordinary sensitivity. I can’t complain because it keeps me informed and structured in this vile and corrupt world.

And the “sensitivity” has absolutely nothing to do with “emotional weakness” or “fragile feelings” as some often mistake with us who are born spiritually inclined. Our heightened sensitivity is the intensity of what we perceive (our intuitive capacity) and absorb to the point where it can make us a reflecting vessel of whatever energy we may come into contact with or connect to.

Energies can also damper our moods and make us physically ill as some of us “feel” others elemental residue and the weight of the world.

Nevertheless, we who have a strong spirit endure and sustain regardless and we have guidance continuously watching over us to protect and to help us get through the burdens and ordeals in which we are bombarded and repulsed by.

I’ve noticed how something ethereal has carried me all along. We still have to do our parts by remaining faithful to our own states of being and mode of particular belief systems. This is not a hard thing to do as sincerity and loyalty naturally support the foundation of a spirituality when the alignment is pure and genuine.

A lot of us have been introduced to different types of trauma during childhood though those experiences do not define who we become yet circumstances do shape us into who we are whether negatively, positively, or within a neutral aspect.

We just have to keep on moving and improving and living and doing the things in which bring to us our own personal joy and fulfillment. Whatever further answers, closure, or epiphanies that pertain to our inquiries, discoveries, and/or additional contentment or enlightenment will be revealed by our inner voices of spirit when each period crosses and we’re ready to receive those significant messages.

Brujeria/Signed And Sealed Back To The Senders Through The Powers Of The Universe

I’ve never mentioned this in any of my writings, however, during the time brujeria was done on me during my adulthood (because it was also done during my early childhood by my great grandmother against my mother and I with certain other people taking part) along with animal sacrifice there was a burial of objects at a cemetery in attempts to cause my death.

Spirit imparted to me: What they buried will come to bury them as the grave they made for you they all will lay in.

In due time, no matter how long or how fast or how in between, the universe will come to collect.


Blocked Witchcraft Attempt

"My Voice" Weblog By Miss LaToya Lawrence

As a child I wasn’t sheltered. I’d seen and heard a lot and encountered numerous types of people and situations while at the same time not being negatively influenced within my own behavior by incorporating undesirable habits or lifestyle choices, yet informed, as I had a mind of my own.

I had firsthand experience without having to personally indulge in order to know and since I was spiritually inclined I was able to clearly discern things that were hidden under the surface and I definitely knew what appealed to me and what turned me off and what I wanted to avoid as I grew up in life.

One of my strongest points is my excellent communication skills and comprehension. What I lack though is a sympathetic nature toward people and the world in general. I do love the hell out of puppies and dogs, though, they just steal my heart…

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Gifted people come in all varieties. We as individuals can do anything that is within what we are capable of doing.

When I was in my early twenties an associate of my mother’s had met with me in person for the first time and heard me speak and hold a conversation and responded later to my mother by addressing “I was nowhere near the level that she’s on at that age. I thought she was in college”.

I wondered to myself “What does college have to do with intellect and mentality?”

Even a professional who I wrote an essay for when I got accepted at a college years ago which I decided not to attend asked me “How do you know how to write so good if you’ve never been to a college?” I didn’t get it because I’ve never associated intelligence and talents with professional training. To me, everything depends on ones own individual capacity.

This person didn’t mean any harm (my mother’s associate), of course, his words were actually a compliment and acknowledged that just because someone is in college doesn’t make them smarter than someone who is not.

I was never one to believe that school actually made one smart and I was never intimidated by anyone’s degree as I could attain the same achievement or higher if I chose to. School is just a tool of enhancement to progress an already intelligent and capable mind. However, learning comes within all fashions and within all places it is whether one is able to fully grasp what is being taught to them.

I remember back in the day how left back students attending high schools who didn’t have a satisfactory grade level of reading skills were eventually promoted out of school and allowed to graduate just because administration was tired, frustrated, or just didn’t want to deal with the problem anymore and decided to get rid of them instead.

When I was ten years old I took and passed tests high school children were unable to complete and pass without a problem. I even had an opportunity to get published by a mainstream publisher for short stories that I wrote back then.

Now I’m hearing in this day and age kindergarten children are getting left back. Some of it is the parents fault as they may have messed their children up with drugs and alcohol or are just not putting in the extra effort or time to help and teach their children. Even some parents themselves don’t have the knowledge to properly raise and guide their children

Don’t get me wrong, though, school is a positive and constructive resource, however, education is just the incorporation of particular knowledge which can be learned within any setting to the individual who has the right development and equipment.

I already knew how to read and write before I ever began school as a youngster and when I got older I was skipped a grade into a class for the gifted. Yet, school never held my interest as I was bored.

I didn’t have a problem with school itself but it was the individuals and the environment in which I had to attend school with. I liked it better learning one on one with a sufficient older person or within the presence of a specific group of other like-minded adolescents.

When I became fully grown and totally came into my own I liked partaking within classes better since I was not a child who didn’t have the control around my situations as children are oftentimes not taken as seriously within maturity and allowed the partiality of making their own fair judgments among other adults in certain situations.

Some are naturally born with communication skills and have the faculty to problem solve as I was.

I know people who’ve attended school and higher education who are still in school and they are definitely not too bright, especially within the area of common sense. And some people do cheat their way out.

I know some people who battle with low self esteem, ignorance, a complex of some sort and use their credentials as a badge of authority toward others. I don’t cater to people like that I don’t consider people experts soley depending on a course they’ve took or a certificate they’ve recieved I have too much of an open mind as well as common sense and too much experience to know that knowledge or brilliance is not packaged strictly in standard wrappings there is also the papers that come decorated in all styles and design.

Breath Of Spirit

I engulf the soft blows of a luminous breeze.

I am informed and guided by hidden knowledge which is constantly revealed to me on occasion. -miss latoya

“Spirit” reigns in my life and I am celestially satisfied within its essence around me. My life force breathes inner peace and understanding.

I exhale inner vision and inner voice of wisdom and revelation.

I don’t rely on the physical realm as I am not of this plane I revel in pure natural energy.

In this day and age and for some time now it seems as if one has to be damaged goods in order to excel within certain areas of life.

I’ve succeeded and excelled within my own positive fashions and without being tarnished or lowered into a vessel for anyone to demean when it is convenient I hold the deck of cards and “fresh air”  to my life.


(God) A Supernatural Bully

I am and always was blessed within many ways at the same time had to undergo unnatural encounters just because of the person that I am.

I’m glad not to be average and that I’m unique in my own right. I don’t owe anyone anything and I didn’t ask to come into this world to share within a life with other human beings with different natures and various mindsets.

The Lord did me no favor whatsoever as in my dreams when I sleep display and explain more beauty and meaning than on this earthly plane that he created.

God didn’t ask my permission in order for me to come here so I don’t need his while I have to remain here. Like I said, he didn’t do me any favor, this world isn’t a paradise that I should be ever so grateful to exist in.

The world in its dreadful condition is grotesquely overpopulated as it is with all kinds of shit. From disgusting insects to disgusting animals, disgusting principalities, and disgusting people.

Life is often times strange, unfair, and full of circumstantial misinterpretation and situations that compromise the lives of people on account of the ignorance or biases of others.

It seemed irresponsible to me to have us all here on the earth together why not keep the compatible in one section and the incompatible in other sections let everyone have their own suitable accomodating place of habitat.

Why be made to live a life or in a condition that one truly doesn’t want to be in? I loathe God, I truly do, and for more reasons than one, and I feel so insulted to be one that was created in his perverted formation of a plan.

From the beginning by designing a man and a woman to be together and to have sex, and having to have sex to have children, is all a turn off to me. Cutting up animals in the old days to atone for a sin since the wages for transgressions was death there had to be bloodshed so finally Jesus eventually came and did the ultimate sacrifice, all a bunch of sick shit to me.

But I guess I’m suppose to be crazy for not liking or agreeing with a God and within the fashion in which he made things to occur.

One thing is for certain and that is that I genuinely do love myself. When I look back on my life as a child I’ve noticed how disrespected I was by God and how I never trusted in him because I knew deep down inside that he was no good.

He disrespected me and my life one time too many by altering my destiny, using his trash to assist him, and by placing too many undesirables within my pathways, knowing the extent of my hatred toward them.

I always wondered who the fuck he thought he was as I never thought too highly of him or his reasoning. As I have the gifts to see I never saw anything special or perfect within him.

It is said that God makes no mistakes and if that is so that is a dangerous reality. At least if he made errors I could give him the benefit of the doubt but since his intentions are meant as what is suppose to be right it shows me just how wrong he is as a creator.

God is a disgrace and it clearly shows within his creation.

It seems to me I’m too headstrong for him whereas his trash caters to his demented teachings as they are twisted too.

If his words are so true why am I happier without him? If his words are so true why do I have peace of mind without him? If his words are so true why is the energy around me good without him?

I didn’t began to really live until I recognized my true love and light and separated myself from God’s oppressing grip and because I’ve broken free (years ago) and confirmed his unsavory nature he doesn’t want me to live the life that I am suppose to fully receive.

So even though he adheres to keep me stuck in a rut the rut does not adhere to stick to my spirit.

I’d rather live my life within truth, love, and strength and be cheated from what I truly deserve than to live within lies, unhappiness, and weakness just to be given an abundance of riches for being a mindless flunky only to serve and praise a God that is not worthy to be glorified.

If one could take away God’s power where would that leave him if he didn’t have all that supernatural weight to throw around and bully with? If he was void of his mighty energy to manifest how many would fear him then? -miss latoya lawrence



Know-It-Alls Who Don’t Know Nothing

Undesirables who may have a little more knowledge than other undesirables often get swell-headed and misguided believing they’re actually brighter within the mind than what they actually are due to the fact that they haven’t come across, recognized, or accepted someone who is really on a higher level in comparison to their own perceived intellectual capacity.

I know quite a few of these kind of individuals (especially one by the name of George Owens/Taalib Muhammed) and they all share a familiar type of mentality when they feel they know how to read and deal with specific people and situations as they’re use to achieving confirmation or assurance through experiences with those individuals of an even lower caliber than themselves.

However, they don’t reflect themselves as being low. It isn’t until someone of true aptitude who they’ve often underestimated comes to knock them off of their fantasy ride to bring them back down into reality and certainty.

This happens a lot of the time when and after numerous attacks are thrown at and against those of us who are fixed and unwavering. We end up having to demonstrate to them by our own nature and instinct how they cannot mess and successfully compete with us in the knowledge and intellectual department.

Most of them get by doing dirt we get by with our strength and purpose within character something that isn’t so easily trampled upon when genuine depth holds up our foundation.

When they can’t manipulate us they use their mediocre psychology techniques when that doesn’t work they insult us by calling us names and placing derogatory labels on us.

We’re far ahead of the game discerning immediately while they’re still within the middle of their schemes and plans, and sometimes before they come up with a design we know what they will say and do.

I was told to laugh at people like them and to feel sorry for them but to me it’s not always funny it’s just plain sad and I don’t even have any pity for them.

The Power Of Nature

Ever since I was a young child I knew that if there was something that I didn’t want within my life then the situation was not going to work out.

Only the things that I preferred and under the circumstances in which I truly desired would instances turn out favorably and long lasting to my concordance.

I was never the type of female that ever hoped to one day get married and have children. I didn’t initially yearn to be a mother, when the idea later on within young adulthood came into mind to have a child it was with the intention of being a single parent, yet I eventually changed my mind about having a baby altogether and it was the right choice for me.

If I did have a child though it definitely would have been on my own without a man involved in the picture.

I fortunately grew up in a home without my father present and that is the way I liked it as I grew up strong, confident, independent and liberated-not implying that females that are raised in homes with their father’s can’t turn out that way-it was just an advantage that served a great purpose for me.

When I was little I never wished for or thought about having a dad around and when I saw other children that parents were married or together as a couple it was a situation that I didn’t require to be in I was very content and accustomed to my family order with me and my mom.

I wasn’t alone either there were other kids like me whose mothers raised them without a father it was normal to us. I can’t speak on how they actually felt about the matter, however, everything suited me just fine.

My mother never had any problems out of me I was a good child.

One thing I hated though was when guys were attracted to me or interested in me whether their intentions were good or bad I didn’t care, I wasn’t flattered by any of the attention I was genuinely turned off by it.

And it feels so good that I don’t have to go through undesirable and unsavory individuals who use to send to me the annoying invasions of mind transference through voodoo/black magic.

They had been doing it within many ways for many years within different techniques but with the same motives and that was to bring me down to their level.

Whether it was to attempt to lower my self esteem or to get me to have feelings for a man they worked hard at it and failed miserably.

These people were jealous and resentful because I’d never been hurt or dogged out by a man as so many of them had even the guys were envious and jealous of me they all figured if I was in the same predicament as they were I couldn’t or wouldn’t think that I was better than any of them.

They were also jealous and envious of my intelligence and knowledge and where I could go within life if and when the opportunity arose.

They had such a warped sense of mindset that didn’t correspond with mine in the least if they had succeeded in their designs I’d still be the person who I am today with the same mentality no man could ever break me or kill my spirit. I wasn’t built within that fashion.

If I were interested in men I’d be able to get a good man and would only deal with one that was on my level, however, I’m proudly asexual and am fulfilled and complete as a woman and an individual.

Into Enlightenment

Too Deep Into It, Get A Life

Perpetrator who harassed me: (sheremiahhenderson5611

Our gifts are for ourselves and nothing or no one can take them away Its up to us how we choose to use our abilities no one answers for our own deeds but us. -miss latoya

Some people resort to going to read their dictionary after conversing with me because half the time they don’t know or understand what the fuck I’m saying.

I don’t have to explain shit to anybody.

Nevertheless, I have a strong connection to the universe that uses me as a vehicle to exercise my celestial energy through my natural talent to write.

And even though we all are unique within our own I’m very sure out of the millions and billions of bloggers or writers there have got to be a few that have a similar mode of celestial literary universal correlation within energy.

I speak the truth, I do not speak out of spite or insignificance, I am moved by spirit. I don’t claim to know everything, however, I do know a lot, and I do know what I be talking about when I speak on what I know through intelligence, second-sight, or from my own legitimate experiences.

Its interesting to me when undesirables accuse me of being negative just because what I express is not something in which they want to hear or admit to even though the validity of what I speak of is a well-known reality within life itself that I keenly discern.

It is so funny as I am one of the most positive human beings on the planet I can’t help that honesty isn’t always pretty and I don’t apologize for it.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with disagreement from having a contrasting viewpoint or perspective yet to lash out on account of not being able to accept and handle the truth through insecurity, distress, or resentment will not affect or reflect upon me so prior obvious attempts have really been fruitless.

Then, as a result, to use deceptive manipulative tactics in an effort to undermine me and to purposely distort my spiritually guided extramundane basis.

To talk about or emphasize within things in specific does not mean that one is bothered or vexed by their own subject matter very intelligent people tend to observe and analyze as we are deep thinkers who invent and create solutions. We don’t harbor the average mindset.

We are revolutionary and have cosmic influence.

The revelations of genuine enlightenment is not defined by an inspired mission to raise everybody up from the shadows of the darkness to momentously develop them into the light.

Enlightenment is a individual sagacity of one’s own personal “consciousness”, of self, and journey, along with the propensity to wipe out the shadows that lurk within the darkness to intangibly flourish brighter within the light.

My Birthday

In my own true words:

I’m a true friend to the end, I’m one who those can depend on, and I’m very strong and independent, I’m also too hard for anyone to get over on.

Happy Birthday To me. Today is my birthday and the little Toya that I use to be within the past is the same little Toya that I am today just an even better version of the girl I was born to be.

I’m down to earth, straight to the point, honest to the core, and as stubborn as one can be, its all still me.

I’ll continue to be my genuine self no matter what, it is within my nature, after all I am Taurus the bull.

Reciprocated Thoughts

 A while before it was divulged to me through a course of following visions whereas Orisha Oshun had come into contact with my deceased dog Brandie, only to become greatly fond of her and incited to hospitably serve to her as a congenial and escort within the spirit realm, I was concerned for Brandie.

I’d usually get visitation sessions with my pet during my dream states and had not seen or occupied any time with her within my sleep.

So I was up in my bed one night uttering to myself within my thoughts, “I want to see my baby”.

Shortly after, I began to see dim flashes of what appeared to be a leg and a paw of Brandie’s develop right there in front of my eyes in apparition mode.

Later that night, I finally again reunited with my beloved pet, satisfied and relieved. I just wanted and needed to know that she was alright since I had been elevating her spirit to keep her safe and comfortable.

Unbeknownst to me at the time the reason I hadn’t came into contact with Brandie was because she was in the process of raising to a higher dimension that was temporarily interrupted on the account to put my mind at ease beforehand.

It is said that time within the spirit realm differs considerably measured to our specific mode of time.

Through another following dream the elevation process which allowed me to be present this time around to aid Brandie myself into her upgrade was resumed.

I have clear memory of being with my dog moments prior to her entry into the dimension yet no recollection at all of what happened and how the instance actually transpired.

I guess the revelation was not for me to be tangibly conscious of at this period within my stage of discovery and I completely understand and am totally fine with this as I feel lucky and honored already to have took part in such an experience to begin with.

We know what we need to know for now, however, everything within our incorporeal accounts as well as the missing pieces to our mysterious puzzles will be manifested unto us within due time. My baby is at peace.

The Love For Oshun

Orisha Oshun has treated me lovely she’s been so very nice and caring toward me.

Oshun had even shown benevolence toward Brandie, my beloved dog who I possessed for seventeen years, before I had to put her to sleep due to arthritis in the legs and because she would no longer eat or urinate and move her bowels.

Years ago, Oshun showed me a vision of her and brandie lounging serenely on a beach on the sand. Oshun relaxed upon a comfortable lounge chair with her legs and feet propped up while brandie was stretched out beside her watching the tides come in to shore.

It was such a beautiful sight to view. The sunlight was beautiful, just the two of them alone, enjoying the still of the day.


Aside from watching out for my pet in the afterlife Oshun has equally watched out for me at numerous times here on the earth, warning me against certain dangers and insuring that I was sufficiently provided for within the things that I needed.

One time I was so tired and didn’t light a candle for Oshun as I’d faithfully do on her day of the week in honor of the Orisha and I had felt so bad and expressed it out loud to a relative.

Within a short time after, a voice spoke to me uttering out the words, “Oshun loves you”, and the feeling and sensation that had come along with it was one of an attentiveness.

The courteous expression served as an acknowledgement to me at how Oshun was more preoccupied with the genuine devotion that was within me compared to the outward expression of a well-meaning gesture.

She didn’t care about the candle that I was too tired to prepare and burn she cared about me for being real and for being good within intention.


My Altar

I’ve set up quite a few altars within my lifetime with the aid and essence of “spirit” carefully guiding and motioning my steps.

 I’d actually feel and sense the energy of my ancestors and deities, and, if my deities weren’t pleased with something they’d let me know as to confirmation to the things I may have suspected beforehand as well as to what they were content with in regards to our own simultaneous commonality.

I had learned that my orishas and I shared the same features and attributes of particular behavior and attitude.

It is a wonderful and lovely fashion in which to connect, communicate, and acquire, personally and supernaturally.

 Set aside a certain area most suitable and preferable to your liking and accord. The location of the altar can be established and situated anywhere one feels comfortable to prepare their spiritual vessel of dedication.

Upon the altar may be placed anything necessary in reference and into relation to who and what is being venerated and communicated with.

In addition, inner voice of spirit as well as spirit guides will further direct and navigate within accordance to other requirements and development.

Too Deep Into It/Get A Life

Has anybody had someone prematurely (the onset) stalk them for exercising natural spirit energy (automatic writing)?

Writing that isn’t premeditated but universally inspired and motioned?

So strange and ridiculous.

The crazy ones just get sicker by the day. I have a nut that has gotten too personally involved with my blogs, distorting my basis, and intentionally taking my literature out of context.

This individual was following two of my blogs for about five months. When she first wrote to me she claimed to have telekinetic abilities (that’s a good one). If so, I wish she’d burn the fuck up and disappear, or maybe go electrocute her ass.

Then she continued to write and make comments on my blog and I just began to ignore her as I didn’t want to be bothered I still have all of her correspondence from months back.

Lately she has been leaving comments on my blogs, highly disturbed by what I write, seems like a personal issue that she needs to take up with a therapist.

While I constantly ignored her she just kept coming back to my blog with her hang ups and off the wall bullshit in which I really didn’t give a fuck about. What is wrong with these nuts?

If she doesn’t like what I write why continue to follow and visit my blogs? Its just as simple as that. No body asked for her to come, just go away. Mad because I won’t fall for the bait? I have no desire or time to idly argue back and forth to satisfy her pathetic insecurities.

We have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

I mean let’s be real I’m not going to stop utilizing my literary talent just because some loon can’t handle the freedom of self expression. Perhaps if she developed a talent of her own she could stay out of other peoples business.