My Third Eye 👁


My third eye has been open and clear since I was a youngster.

Although I did not exactly know there was a name for it back then I thought as a child that the ability to see visions was something that everybody had.

I learned differently as I grew older.

The third eye has been very helpful and enlightening for me throughout my life.

I have been safeguarded from the negative intentions of certain others as well as protected from dangerous situations by seeing things for how they really are instead of how they appear to be or falsely portrayed to be by others and circumstance.

Viewing things that manifest themselves from the spiritual realm unseen here by others into the physical realm along with the emitting of magnetic vibrational waves that traverse through dimensions.

My third eye has opened me up to extraordinary intuitive insight into occurrences indecipherable to the ordinary senses of normal range.

I as one born with Second Sight naturally grasp what generates from the outer world into the inner mind’s eye which connects to my spirit.

I understand the meaning gained from the intangible connections that link together within this sphere and state of being.


















Messages From Dreams🕊🕊🕊


At times, dreams are just irrepressible creations of the mind.

Nothing more than subconscious reactions, deep hidden thoughts, reflective stimulus, or a series of recollection relating images of reality or a seemingly form of illusion.

The instance results from random or deliberate states of consciousness into sensation within imagination.

Other times, dreams are passageways into the unknown. Ethereal connections of preternatural inspections.

In dreams, we may occasionally or constantly encounter access into the spirit realm.

We may experience visitations from those who currently dwell throughout spaces there.

These dreams of vision often come with lessons and messages attached to be learned from, gathered, then applied to present life events that could be tied to all aspects of time occurring from the past up to what is now ahead.latoya lawrence 



Yoruba Orishas And God



I cannot lie or deny that when I was angry with fierce hatred for God on account of a combination of things that I still till this day do not like or appreciate to venerate my beautiful Ancestors and Orishas nothing negative had become of that choice I had made.

It was a positive experience for me, a natural connection for me as I was called when Elegba came looking for me.

What I loved and respected most about the legitimate Orishas that I spiritually dealt with was that one cannot go to them on their own- the Orishas must summon you.

They do not just want or accept anyone in comparison to Jesus.

Elegba, of course, did or does not have the power to create, but he has the power to destroy.

What I dislike about the one and only God (Jehovah) is that he gives life to anything and will accept anyone who comes to him.

In my opinion, he should not have given life to everybody. I would have preferred not to have been born if I had to share a world with certain types of people and undesirable conditions of life that I have no interest, concern, or agreement to the nature of.

I feel like if he was going to create certain types of people, things, and ways of life, then he should have separated us to put the trash on a section of the earth with the other trash and let them all be the stupid undesirable garbage that they all are together.

It is believed by some that Orishas are demons posing as such- as Lucifer will disguise himself as an angel of light.

However, we all do not know everything there is to know about creation and the spirit realm.

All I know is that I have seen through my third eye and experienced visions and have had significant/meaningful paranormal encounters within dreams and while fully awake here on earth regarding the Orishas that prove otherwise.

Deep down inside I still have love for Oshun, Elegba, Ogun, Orunmila,  and another Orisha that appeared to me within the past.

The deities treated me with nothing but love, kindness and respect. And there was nothing but peace and protection around me at the time.

What I also loved about the Orishas is that they had a raw sense of humor when the situation called for it. They made me burst into laughter unexpectedly one time when an active scene/vision was reflected to me.


A Note Of Wisdom: Negative People Do Not Win They Are Already Lost❤


Witchcraft/Black Magic/Voodoo has never worked on me mentally or emotionally.

I am spiritual so I will feel multiple energies of sensation and receive messages within the process.

When I was crossed up at a period in my life within the distant past over sixteen years ago it was not a condition that was able to control me or my surroundings due to the nature of my state of being along with divine intervention it was just able to tug at my spirit to cause unnatural negativity around me.

Jealous, envious people who were low scale that were involved tried to invade my destiny and territory.

However, what I had realized is that God was not allowing these evildoers in any such fashion to bury me into their form of destruction he was allowing the situation to plant a deeper root of growth and development within me to further empower and enlighten me on the path of my journey.

We must be fully prepared and equipped to carry on in our purpose.

We may get slowed down sometimes by those who wish to intervene, yet God will indeed work it all out for our own good in his favor to make us even more abundant in whatever it is that he has planned for us according to his glorious purpose.

Evildoers never win against God’s children they just foolishly deceive themselves within their own devious undertakings.

This is also why Black Magic/Witchcraft/Voodoo will never return into my life- they can shoot their arrows, but they will miss every time. The past was an unfortunate experience that turned fortunate for me to learn from.

I learned just how powerful I am within spirit and within my spiritual abilities. I was amazed by finding out the depth of how God designed me when I got Brujeria removed. It was like something one would see in a movie. Everything was an authentic live magical event to take place. An account of an experience that I will treasure and never forget.

What God let to be possible within the human experience as a spiritually inclined person was extraordinary.

We all have undesired crosses to bear in this life.

Recently, there have been a few jealous/envious/resentful people who attempted to cross me up. Nevertheless, they are unable to. There is nothing for their evil/negative intentions of Witchcraft/Black Magic/Voodoo to latch on to.



Supernatural Affects/Effects 🕊


People gaslight and play heads games to control one.

It is also an attempt used in black magic to weaken the senses unnaturally through spiritual manipulation.

A strong mind or spirit is not overcome by witchcraft.

However, if some become spiritually entangled when targeted and encounter certain effects it does not necessarily mean that they are weak.

There are strong people for whatever reason who may have adverse reactions when targeted but they come through and survive as there are other life factors involved that have contributed to their dilemma which- to those who lack knowledge- appear as if the negativity worked, conquered, or had some type of influence. This is not the case at all.

There may be a tug of war or struggle with some, or no battle at all- just a recognition of what is happening- depending on mood, energy, environment etc…. Yet there is no true affectation just an experience to learn and take heed from.


Seeing Into The Unseen


Of course, there are some of us who can see, feel, or know into the past, present and/or future along with other capacities linked to preternatural bestowment.

There are people who do not believe in the supernatural or that there are people who can prophet or foretell events and sense through means out of the ordinary range of scope known to the physical realm.

Whether some believe or not does not make the occurrence of ability untrue.

I am one who knows for a fact that something extraordinary exists among certain individuals as I was born with these types of spiritual gifts.

God himself is extraordinary/supernatural.

He does allow some of us to take peeks into the unknown and to see, know, discern, and communicate in ways that are not accessed by others.

In the same, no matter how far in capacity our faculties are developed or advanced we will never be able to see, know, or interpret everything. We are not supposed to.

God may show or allow us glimpses into the unknown through extrasensory means, but no one knows the future or outcome of event and how all things will play out but God.

Everyone has an expiration date. Tomorrow is not planned for anyone. God set a time for us to be born, a lifespan for us to live out, and the exact moment for us to transition.

Regardless of if we have a precognitive dream and know that someone will eventually give birth or that someone will die etc…. God is still the one in control and our present and future is totally in his hands.

We are to use our gifts as a source of insight, as a spiritual guide in certain areas.

We are to view our gifts as an example of God’s love, power, wonder, beauty, mystery and grace.

God’s gifts are irrevocable he will not take them away even when people use them maliciously or as an advantage over others within an unfair way.

Still, that does not give one the go-ahead to behave unscrupulously.

Throughout my life, from what I have encountered and experienced supernaturally from a child on up through the gift of second sight, is what contributed to my faith being so strong in the knowing of God.


I woke up feeling wonderful. The vibration around me is fantastic. I always generated and exuberated excellent energy when the unsavory weren’t trying to mask or to block the beauty of my aura and magnetism with unnatural influence.

Those who are not distinctly spiritually inclined don’t understand intrisnic spiritual connection, the state of actually living within spirit, and having spirit live within one incessantly.

The inborn apathetic nature that I possess toward things in which are generally considered interesting, exciting, moving, challenging, or devastating is mind boggling to some.

Every individual is different, however, when one is at a higher level of intellect and spiritual consciousness they are not affected by things in the way of the ordinary.

In general, certain people on the outside looking in at another or their situation often interpret things to be much worse off than what they actually are when things aren’t really as bad as they think, or aren’t bad at all, depending on their own level of perception and what they exactly believe to be.

People are quick to make judgements upon what they no nothing about, simply going by what they immediately speculate and what they are frequently accustomed to.

So when those of us who are deeply connected to spirit are happy and content at times, or within circumstances, in which others feel or determine that we shouldn’t be it is because we have that inner voice of wisdom and discernment and are able to see and recognize the true reality of our conditions, and the happenings within life, as well as the life that surrounds us.

The bottom line is those who aren’t genuinely happy or at peace within themselves and within their own lives don’t like to see or want to hear about those of us who genuinely are living good with internal pleasure.




Mental, Emotional, And Spiritual Breakdown

Everyone who has had a breakdown of some sort is not weak, crazy, or dangerously unstable.

A breakdown is spiritual within many instances. A Yoruba priestess even acknowledged this fact to me years ago. I know firsthand as my own mother was a victim of brujeria in the early 1980’s.

I was even targeted. My aunt tried to flip me out when I was eighteen years of age by putting the hallucinogenic drug mescaline into a hot pot of black eyed peas that I had cooking over the stove.

People often use recreational “trip” drugs to increase the chance or enhance the effect of mental and chemical alterations of the brain while also performing the negative spiritual influences within black magic/voodoo/witchcraft.

My aunt went a step further in her malicious attempt by also putting tainted hiv fluids inside my food. Anyone educated would know the disease would not survive within the air and within a pot of scalding hot water.

Nevertheless, I didn’t lose my head or have a breakdown, my mind was too strong with faculty and awareness, and I didn’t, of course, become infected with aids either.

I was young, innocent, and very spiritually inclined, so divine intervention took over and protected me.

My aunt Tina (Ernestine Lawrence) has been hiv positive since the 1980’s due to intravenous drug use and promiscuous behavior from the 1970’s on up and instead of using her limited time to spend changing her life around for the better, she continued to do tons of constant dirt. She and other envious and jealous ruthless dummies, whores, drug addicts, and degenerates attacked me and other family for decades.

They’ve in addition done it to others, however, when they came after my mother and I, they messed with the wrong individuals. We are people of the light and they are people of the darkness. My ancestors and orishas were ready for them all, and the universe was recording and keeping record of every notorious deed in which was repeatedly done toward us.

Tina had poisoned food of my mother’s years ago too while neighbors were working black magic/voodoo/witchcraft against her.

My grandfather was driven to mental affliction before he was killed and found dead in the Hudson river.

My aunt Charise was drugged and raped which caused her to be afflicted with mental illness.

My grandfather, mother, younger aunt, and I were targeted for manipulative breakdowns because we were all very smart, strong, and fighters who could literally kick ass if needed be. We weren’t the type to back down or be bullied by anyone, and we were all good upstanding people.

The intent for causing mental, emotional, and spiritual breakdowns are to weaken one, to render them as incredible, and to lower their self esteem and spirit.

Certain evildoers want those of us who have knowledge in which threaten their unscrupulous ways either dead or labeled as crazy.




Seeing Spirits

There are more than one way in which we with the gifts of sight are able to view and connect with apparitions.

Some of us see energy forces that materialize around or directly in front of our eyes, some of us see the energy within our minds eye through visions, some of us see energy force during our dream state, some may only be able to hear an apparition’s messages, and some are just able to view and communicate with apparitions in all of the above circumstances.

I’m one who has experienced all of the above and, of course, if or when we don’t see them we know and feel when they are around us and we envelop and interpret the sensation which comes along with the encounters of presence.

I can even at times “smell” when an apparition or force is within the midst or afar.

Energy and vibration is the essence to all life force.



"My Voice" Weblog By Miss LaToya Lawrence

Lizette Roubert Lizette Roubert

My experiences with brujeria:

With all of the personal information that I have on this subject I could write a book about it. I spoke to a lady over the phone about six or seven years ago who was suppose to be a psychic. I mentioned the word “brujeria”.

“Are you Puerto Rican?” she asked me. I said “no”

“Well then how do you know about brujeria?” she said.

Then I went on about the nganga (cauldron), the paleros (grave robbers), the kiyumba (corpse that is used) then she stopped me. “Alright, alright”, she uttered.

I mean the ignorance in some people. I am an African American with Native American Indian descent. I am spiritual and know that magic (voodoo) first originated in Africa so why wasn’t I suppose to know? Anyway, I don’t know where to begin since this all started when I was at the age…

View original post 1,977 more words

Breath Of Spirit

I engulf the soft blows of a luminous breeze.

I am informed and guided by hidden knowledge which is constantly revealed to me on occasion. -miss latoya

“Spirit” reigns in my life and I am celestially satisfied within its essence around me. My life force breathes inner peace and understanding.

I exhale inner vision and inner voice of wisdom and revelation.

I don’t rely on the physical realm as I am not of this plane I revel in pure natural energy.

In this day and age and for some time now it seems as if one has to be damaged goods in order to excel within certain areas of life.

I’ve succeeded and excelled within my own positive fashions and without being tarnished or lowered into a vessel for anyone to demean when it is convenient I hold the deck of cards and “fresh air”  to my life.


My Altar

I’ve set up quite a few altars within my lifetime with the aid and essence of “spirit” carefully guiding and motioning my steps.

 I’d actually feel and sense the energy of my ancestors and deities, and, if my deities weren’t pleased with something they’d let me know as to confirmation to the things I may have suspected beforehand as well as to what they were content with in regards to our own simultaneous commonality.

I had learned that my orishas and I shared the same features and attributes of particular behavior and attitude.

It is a wonderful and lovely fashion in which to connect, communicate, and acquire, personally and supernaturally.

 Set aside a certain area most suitable and preferable to your liking and accord. The location of the altar can be established and situated anywhere one feels comfortable to prepare their spiritual vessel of dedication.

Upon the altar may be placed anything necessary in reference and into relation to who and what is being venerated and communicated with.

In addition, inner voice of spirit as well as spirit guides will further direct and navigate within accordance to other requirements and development.

Poetic Tidings: My Orishas

I am an only child brought here into the wild I was not left here a stray yet I still want to get far away.

Spiritual mother bathes me in her oceans as I am one of the daughters of the waters,

Spiritual father opens my roads and destroys anyone that tries to heavy my loads,

Spiritual uncle clears away all of the pathways equipping me with everything that I need to make it through each of my long days,

Spiritual uncle constantly keeps me on track heeding out warnings to everyone that he always has my back,

Spiritual grandfather instills within me the wisdom from learning therefore I am able to go out and make a decent earning.

Still, I wonder why I am alive even with all of the multiple skills that I have to survive.

I’ve been to this place some time before I didn’t want to have to come again anymore.

This is not where I feel I should be.

This is not meant it is just not suitable enough for me. Why don’t you seem to agree?

Two warrior uncles of spirit, grandfather of oracles, mother goddess of the rivers and father of destinies all responded in reply:

“To you it makes no sense being put through so much shit to all at what expense?”

“We had to come take back what was ours and that is why you were given the powers”.

“If you couldn’t do it you wouldn’t have been put through it. So continue to do it and subdue it!”

“You were made strong enough to swim through any tide and back to shore”.

“It was sealed in the plan before you was set to begin only to be revealed on that day we surely knew you’d succeed to win “.-latoya lawrence

Essences Into Us


In reply to misslatoya.

I am new to the site. I’ve been an outcast all my life. Sorry for posting on a reply to another’s post also. Can you give some insight into my abilities? They have always been strong but also all over the place.


In reply to Sheremiah.

This is what spirit moved me to write:

Just want to say first for those that it genuinely pertains to because one honestly has to be inclined to truly “know and see” we are all individuals with our own range of special talent/abilities that have went through our own personal life experiences so what may be for one is definitely not necessarily the same for another though we may find some similarity or connection within or without.

All I can do is speak the truth and what I know and I have went through a lot and definitely know a lot-not everything that there is to know because we’ll never know entirely everything within the universe until the end-but a whole lot! And I have always known and been aware of the world, things going on around me, and what people were up to toward me and others ever since I was a kid.

We have our gifts in different ways according to our own states of existence which innately defines our individuality when we truly and whole heartedly accept ourselves. When we’re proud of our nature our nature is proud of us and rewards us.

There are gifted people out there that can do things that I am not able to do and there are things that I can do that others are not able to do and there are things that some of us think that we can’t do just to learn and find out that we were able to do it all along or that it happened to come to us at a later time.

We never know what else will develop because as we grow our powers get even stronger if we pay attention as it is a natural part of spiritual process and attributes of lineage within some.

That is part of being distinguished aside from us all being unique.

You know, as a young child that was advanced due to being gifted intellectually and spiritually I rejected society and certain types of people and was a loner by nature even though I was accepted and very well liked by those that took to me.

A lot of people that were around me didn’t understand me as I was extremely unique and didn’t share the average thoughts, desires, concerns and tendencies as everyone else, and a lot of people still don’t understand me and never will. I am a entirely different person with an entirely different type of mentality.

When individuals such as ourselves are “celestially” directed upon that anointed/extraordinary road to elevated heights that continue to take us through the stage of levels which promote our monumental growth and travel that is outlined with devine guidance and instruction it makes it hard for us to submit, cater, or conform to a world and society and things that don’t equivalate.

We are not of this dimension. We are free spirits temporarily binded to this physical realm for “observance” until transition.

There is so much that I could get into, however, I will note this: As I continue to go through my life I see just how serious being born with a caul really is and the blessings and responsibilities that actually go along with it the circumstance is absolutely no joke!

Things that came to me as a child how much significance the revelations hold now, how vital the knowledge was and is for my maintenance and survival. We in particular can see things about the world and beyond with such clarity, we can see things about people and instances with such depth, we can see things that could either get us killed or committed.

For those of us with special purpose and a purpose so strong that nothing can moves us our gifts are for ourselves it is what we are. The world needs us even when it doesn’t always appreciate us because the negative resent us (I never had any desire within my life to save anyone or the world but we end up helping people and making a difference within their lives just by imparting our presence and knowledge to those that count even if we didn’t intend to). We see the things that many don’t want us to know, we hear the things that many want kept quiet. We have an influence which provokes and creates chance and change. We have an energy that is dangerous yet positive and compelling.

Double Veil

I was born with a double veil.

As one born with twice the power and ability of the extraordinary I’ve been told that I see more than average, that I am more psychic than most, that I was always meant to have a little more in life than others and that I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders and this has been acknowledged by other gifted people that I have crossed paths with and that had experienced me for themselves.

One born with a double veil is even rarer than the general rare caul birth itself as most have never even heard of the term yet a person born of extra sensory perception that has never heard a description before will automatically interpret a corresponding meaning through a natural discernment. I’ve constantly been able to do this on many levels of subject.

I’ve been fortunate enough to come into contact with a few that were able to recognize the significance of the double veil through talking with me and connecting to my energy.

I’ll be one of the very first to elaborate as only one who is born within this fashion is able to because only we know who we are.

It shouldn’t take a genious to realize that aside from chance heritage plays a large role within the endowment of gaining special talents that are passed down and that skip through the generations.

As I have those born of the “sight” all within my family unit on both my mother and father’s side and not just on one generation but coincidentally all heavily spread about the lineage I was celestially and genetically attributed with an extra dose of supernatural parentage.

It happens once in a while that some of us get an overloaded package at birth, more than one share of surprising and challenging gifts to open up and learn how to use, and apply to daily living.

For those that are ignorant “double” has nothing to do with the texture of a caul as the caul itself is just as signification of one born with preternaural ability but of the nature and extent of ability within combination of one’s own unique talents enhanced by what was handed down through ancestry as well as divinity.

Children born of a double veil have an extremely heightened ability of power/energy and are able to tap into the universe and the unknown whereas other Caulbearer’s cannot.

We have a deeper connection to other dimensional realms and a keener understanding and interaction with nature. We have a remarkable view into people and into the nature of their being.

I am not going to go into all of the serious details as enough has been exploited by the posers out there who violate us by using our own information of personal experiences to gain attention and notoriety to falsely represent as their very own. So I will not give any more information for perpetrators to feed off of just enough for those that identify and to confirm their encounters. Let’s keep some of our truths sacred and unattainable to those that only pretend to know.

So to wrap it up us very few born with double veils are literally “double the power”.







Respect To The Caul

There are a lot that claim to have been born with a “veil” but compared to the vast majority only a small percentage really were born with cauls over their faces.

Many claim to be psychic or to have paranormal abilities but actually only very few really do and it is a disgrace and so disrespectful to those of us that genuinely do fall into that category of having second-sight/extra sensory perception.

These individuals violate the true gravity, beauty, and sacredness of what these gifts mean and represent. It is not something common or for those in specific to put their own handle on.

Yes, we that are truly incline have our own special talents in a variety of different ways and at different levels but no one can define for us what our gifts are, how they operate, the connection unto and no one can redefine what was celestially designed within originality and distinction for any group to claim and rearrange into the norm.

I hate when outsiders or wannabees attempt to invade then sully by charging in on a territory that was not meant for them to inhabit within the first place just because they want to be “special” too.

What is a dead giveaway to many fakes and phonies is when they underestimate the power that we authentic bearers of the caul really hold. They don’t know because they don’t actually have true paranormal ability and they don’t understand how it functions so they think or believe that they can fool us.

And when they doubt us and what we actually have the ability to do and to connect with there is where we catch them because if they were themselves genuinely real they wouldn’t have questioned or denied us to begin with they would have “known better!”

I laugh at liars because a liar constantly worries about what others are thinking, has to keep up a story, and then they have to remember their lies, however, when one tells the truth they have nothing to worry about and the validity always carries them through.


Empathic Expressions

I feel strongly and I always have I feel everything and I always will whether I want to or not because it is a part of my nature, my gift.

I feel things and people in my thoughts and even within different parts of my body could be in my shoulder, chest or stomach or just around my being.

There is a difference between someone and something being in my thoughts (I don’t mean willfully thinking of anything on my own but things that come precognitive) compared to feeling them within my body and thoughts both have meaning yet distinguishing significance.

I feel when people are no good, when they lie, their motives, their problems, when people like me, when they don’t like me, if something will go right or wrong and so on the list never ends It is just a spontaneous response to the energy that I automatically pick up on and it is not limited to a specific vicinity I feel things throughout the world of locations. There are no boundaries when it comes to feeling energy as spiritual surpasses the physical within my personal encounters of experience.

The feelings will at times constantly nag at me to validate the information that I receive and also will initiate me into a specific action if need be.

Where would I be without my empathic ability? Where would I be without any of my abilities? I have no desire to find out as I need to feel in connection with what I paranormally hear, see, touch, smell and taste they all bring in clarity of their own and within interpretation.

I use all the elements of my talents and skill to understand and conclude accounts as they all go hand in hand whether they act on their own or all together they all have a story to unfold and tell to me.

The Beauty Of The Caul

Just because one is born with a caul doesn’t automatically mean that they’re going to be honest or that they’ll do well in life. Born with a caul just signifies extraordinary attributes that average people don’t have and at different variations and levels of capacity or range.

It is up to the individual whether or not they choose to do good or bad with the special talents that they are granted by birth and life condition also determines what route one may take or how things may turn out for them with or without their control it all depends on situation and circumstance just as many other happenings amongst us within living on this earth.

For those where a genuineness and advantageous of nature or destiny reside shines a light.

As one born with a strong spirit the light that reflects upon I and us is a spiritual illumination of strength, knowledge and wisdom that we ascribe and apply.

Those of the darkness entertain deception and shortcoming out of naivety, vulnerability, and weakness and use these negatives as stepping stones for and to promote their ominous prospects.

We that are positive were not built for demonology but for gloriousness and we are expected and tend to compliment that natural factor by living and treating ourselves well.

Lifestyle is the key to keeping our minds, body and spirits clean, healthy and pure.

Spirit leads us into what is proper and appropriate for us and our well being right down to the people we associate with to the foods that we eat and if staying and remaining away from what is not harmonic unto our surroundings and constitution then so be it!

Curses In General And With A Caulbearer

Witchcraft, Voodoo, Black Magic and whatever other names of origin that is used to describe the type of negative energies that are being utilized through individuals and principalities target people all over the world from all cultures and all walks of life.

It is a very cunning and underhanded method of attempting to manipulate, weaken, control, punish and kill someone out of jealousy, envy, hate, revenge, desire or demonic influence.

Curses all have and are all done for specific intentions and are definite and distinct forms of a crafty robbery as they block, prolong or steal from us time and opportunities.

There are innumerable effects of curses that manifest variously within and upon different individuals depending on their own state of mentality, lifestyle, and overall circumstance. There could be the same spell used on two or three people and all situations can result in totally conflicting outcomes as every instance is not the same.

Aside from others, in particular of the light, special children born of the caul are even more targeted as we have preternatural gifts that lend to us the extraordinary ability to detect, discern and dispel.

We are unique spiritual dimensional creatures that also come in very rare forms of character and personality according to our own natures and paths that are aligned and in vibration with our own realm of universe if grounded and conscious.

No one experience is completely identical, similar and comparable, but not exactly the same as we all have different energies, elevations, interpretations, perceptions, spirituality and destinies that are often compatible and plausible within our own life connections.

As I have mentioned on more than one occasion I’ve been attacked by witchcraft ever since the age of seven and had the advantage of being steps ahead of my enemies/attackers by sensing and knowing what was unnaturally occurring around me and within my life while I was growing up.

There wasn’t much that I could actually do at that young of age besides to comprehend what I’d felt but something was with me all the while serving as a protection and guide as I coped with and experienced the vibrations of evil that was placed upon my mother and I to deviate us from reaching the things in our life purpose.

Unbeknownst at the time to many that took part back then, I’m sure they had no idea that my young spiritual mind’s eye and heightened intuitive sensitivity was seeing, feeling, tasting, hearing and thoroughly realizing every step and activity within my predicament and oh how much I had learned all through out the years from my firsthand experience.

The bad luck spells to try to make things not go right, the revenge spells to try to get even, the love spells to try to make me interested in guys that I had absolutely had no attraction to or desire for.

I remember when I was in my mid to late teens how they tried to make me feel hideous in appearance but whenever I’d look into the mirror I’d always see the pretty girl that I always was and that I still am today. My attackers were jealous of my looks.

See, my mind was too strong for the curses of that evil negativity, with me, it was constantly mind over matter and I fought to the bitter end.

My attackers wanted me to feel bad about myself, they were jealous of my high self esteem. My attackers wanted me to feel stupid, they were jealous of my knowledge and intelligence. My attackers wanted me to be weak; they were jealous of my strength and confidence. My attackers wanted to bring me down, they were jealous of my character. My attackers wanted to kill me; they couldn’t do anything with me!

The only opinion of me that truly mattered was that of my very own and not that of others and that is the way that it will always be with me and that is why no amount of demonic manipulation was ever able to steer my mind. I’ve never looked for or needed the approval of others to validate me. So it is all about us and how we think and/or view the world or life in general and the things around us that may decide if we will be affected or non affected by condition.

Aside from the mental and emotional torments of curses there are many of the physical aspects that we know as well. And one ultimate reason that many of us are targeted is to forcefully snatch us up into alignment and unbalance with the satanic arena, that group of demonic individuals that are headed for eternal damnation that seek to devour our souls (especially those that are of the light), those slaves of the devil that want to unnaturally lure and take as many of us to hell with them as possible.

They all know where their forever going-there’s no turning back for them-and they don’t want to see us go the opposite way they want those of us in particular to lose our opportunity to make it to the right place.


Special Delivery

envelopesI remember when my great grandmother (my mother’s father’s mother who passed away about six years ago) called up our home one evening asking my mother to refresh her memory by telling her when our birthdays were (me, my mother and one of my aunts).

When I heard my mother giving her grandmother the exact dates over the telephone I exclaimed at her “Don’t give her nothing. You shouldn’t have told her anything!”

It was too late.

My mother hadn’t suspected anything she thought that the inquiry was harmless I on the other hand knew instantly the moment that I heard and discerned my mother’s words relating the information back to my great grandmother although I could not hear what she actually communicated over the other side of the line.

When my mother got off of the phone I explained from my immediate perception of the situation that Amanda had just wanted our dates of birth to try to perform a design of witchcraft on us through another person who was actually going to conduct the ritual or spell.

And I was correct within my conceived notion.

A few weeks later a letter in the mail arrived that was saturated with remnants of voodoo black magic witchcraft matter all over it’s contents. That was just one of my great grandmother’s “method of operation” sending voodoo through the mail and it definitely is able to be done and it had been attempted within the past by others who had tried we just knew better than to open up the occasional ominous envelopes.

Once though my mother had gotten curious and opened up a letter that was sent by her grandmother that we’d usually throw away even if the correspondence was packed with money (my great grandmother always thought that she was slick by mailing us money anybody else would have accepted the currency but we constantly threw it away along with the price of being evilly crossed up that had came with it) and got hit with an envelopment of morbid vibration as a negative magnetism of energy had flown upon her directly heading straight on through and making it’s way into her body while I had also caught a slight whiff of envelopment as I sat behind her on the bed after she’d opened the letter when the negativity had entered into me through the chest area of my body.

inkThe only thing at the time was that I was protected from any form of evilly conjured magnetic vibrations yet she wasn’t so it made no difference if I had come into contact with any of the sorcery because it would not have stuck to me permanently or even significantly.

The first and foremost thing to do if or when in that situation is to get the conjured items out of the house so that it may return and backfire unto the sender or for it to just return back unto nature and to help to further expel any of the negative entities and energies out of the household and/or from the personal presence of ones self then take it from there by developing or seeking out a cleansing or a removal plus a type of spiritual shield if one is unprotected.


glassAside from the many negative of energies returning back to the sender black magic can also bounce off away from its target and unto inanimate objects.

Often when my adversaries would try to cross me or another family member up who were fortunately protected and spiritually resistant to the harsh effects of the demonic activity the energies would boomerang and go into specific parts of the house causing both minor and major temporary or permanent damage.

When we’d look at and observe all of the unexplainable sections of water stains, mildew, decay, cracked paint, dirt and dust, or problems with plumbing there was only one thing that added up and that was the manifestation of evil that had went into it.

Ever since her teenage years my mother had worn good quality sterling silver bracelets that she still wears till this day and whenever she’d get significantly ill her bracelets would turn very dull and dark, nearly black.

The same thing would happen to the bracelets when someone directed the workings of black magic toward her way and by the look of those bracelets along with the scenes of our home that occurrence just revealed how bad of a state the both of us would have been in if we had actually became vulnerable to all of the spells that were intended to inflict havoc upon our life.

I remember years ago how someone brought a business card into my home that was conjured, thinking that such a small item such as a thin piece of card stock wouldn’t raise up any type of suspicion, however, as one highly sensitive to vibration I had detected the negative energy within more ways than one as I watched the vileness as it sprung out from the business card and traveled within the atmosphere.

Immediately, I removed the business card from the house and threw it into the outside garbage can and three days later the guy that brought the card his car had broke down and eventually he had to get another vehicle. He was stopped dead in his tracks.

reflectionHis mother also had the nerve to get involved because among their kind they wanted to get in on the conspiracy and possibly be the ones responsible for having the ammunition to take me and my mother down in order to gain that street-trash credit that entertains the junkie mindset.

In another endeavor the silly bitch had sent her son back over to our home this time with some yarn that was conjured. As I was crocheting I felt the negative energy after it had left out of the acrylic threading enter into my leg, nothing happened though, when he left I threw the yarn away so he’d be non the wiser yet he knew that there was no desired result because, along with other failed attempts by many others, when he had gotten home he asked his mother, “Why can’t nothing happen to her?”

And his mother told him as she had to face the truth, “That is just the way that it is”.



sweeter momentI have miraculously escaped many of unnatural misfortune, misfortune that was not designed by fate but that was brought on by adversaries through malicious and supernatural means (sorcery) that was never meant to occur within my life in the very first place.

When those in particular on more than one occasion had set me up to get killed, raped, poisoned, tarnished and whatever other foul and hideous deeds or stunted attempts it had never come to be.

I would either get “mystically” or “intellectually warned as to any of the dangers that were to arise also acknowledging as to who and why.

From a little baby on up to my adulthood here within the present I am still being cared for and protected by the extramundane, a intangible power and blessing that puts me in a genuine state of humbleness and awe as I know that I would be nothing without the love and grace from what is industrious around me, and I have never taken any of that for granted.

All praise and credit goes out to my mother who raised me, my ancestors, orishas and to the higher universal divinity that rules.


Extramundane:  ( )‎

Orisha Oshun

basketAroma of cinnamon spice in the air, a fresh sunflower elegantly styled into my hair, the sweet taste of honey inside my mouth, I feel like a woman who came from down south.

Gazed into a mirror so mysteriously filled with glee, I turned around and who do I coincidentally see? Oh my gosh, it was not me it was her from behind it was none other than she!

sweet honeyShe has visited me within my dreams acknowledging to me that I have a means, she has showed me herself through numerous of visions encouraging me to achieve in my decisions.

Astonishing me with much of her approval and praise she has given me an establishment to incorporate for the rest of my days. I have been enveloped upon within her pure love insistent to the promise that I shall rise above.

pumpkinsOshun, she announced out within an utter I come to you with the tender heart of a mother, I am the queen who rules over the waters and I generously welcome you into my headquarters.

As I was adorned in luxury and advantage I understood now how I was going to manage, and when I went to smile it had turned into a blush, I then went to run my mouth and she said no then told me to hush.

mysticalDon’t say a word, I’ve already heard. I have been by your side and I have observed. Your treasure, that is, it is much well-deserved I am Oshun and this very event here is sure to occur soon.

-latoya lawrence

My Yoruba Deity/Ochosi

wild horseWhen I was a child I consistently won every fight that anyone ever started with me because I was never the one that would initiate a problem or confrontation.  I was always one to take up for myself no matter what the cause if it was absolutely necessary.

As one born under the zodiacal sign Taurus we are in general very kind people and can be slow to anger, however, when we do get mad it is indeed no lie-and I know from my own personal fashion-we have the most violent and ferocious tempers on the planet.

I was born a good person of honest, authentic and resilient character I am not and have never been a pushover yet I do not go throwing my “mental weight” (brainpower and durability) around. Yes, I am very talkative and prone to fun when I am in a natural spirited and energetic state though I also have my quiet and solitary moments.

Nevertheless, never have I ever played the role of troublemaker nor do I desire to. If anything I aim to avoid problems in spite of not being afraid to face them.

I am pretty sure on more than one occasion throughout my life certain individuals may have assumed I had instigated a difficulty but that is only because they were lacking knowledge of my extra sensory perception, and those who I would retaliate against who knew that they had done wrong toward or against me without knowing exactly how I knew about the circumstance who had accused me were just plain sick in the mind.

There are times to let particular situations go and die down due to the fact that it is too small or not even worth the effort of passion. At other times one has to take care of business good or bad.

When I get those supernatural notions, those tugging involuntary darts that literally won’t stop jabbing at my spirit it is time to go into justifiable action, and once retribution has been carried out spirit within me is appeased.

Orisha Ochosi is all about fairness and a helping hand along with my ancestors and other personal deities that surround anything that I may miss out on. They are there to pick up the leftover trail in my honor when I am not immediately aware or just simply in need.

Intervention and further justice is handed out promptly by the means of righteousness and Ochosi stands within the background of my life to seize and to deliver anytime the day or night calls for it.


Baby Girl

sea and skyI have a daughter, a genuinely beautiful healthy and special baby girl, though she has never actually been conceived in the biological term.

I have never ever been pregnant or implanted with any sperm naturally or artificially (in vitro fertilization) in order to have created my unborn child.

She is purely ethereal (unearthly) yet she does really exist.

I know through intuitive ability that I was meant to have two daughters but only the one to “arrive” first is the one who keeps in contact with me most of the time.

My daughter comes to me in my dreams and I have seen her within visions. I have held her and spent time with her during our moments, visits and communications with one another. She is completely mine, destined to be born unto me yet I do not want to give birth to this gorgeous young child.

I would not want to be a kid growing up in this society the way that the world is today in this day and age. I currently do not want any children but my daughter is here within my spiritual surroundings, her presence strong and longing for me, her dear unexpected mother.

This physical world in the state that it is in now is not good enough for any blessed child of mine to come to. Hell, I feel that the world is not a good enough place for me to be but I am here.

dawn at seaI know that my child does not truly want to materialize into the earth and develop unto the planet to experience the human lifespan of unfair endurance in regard to survival and unfamiliar order.

She just wanted to make that connection and awareness that she was a possibility and an availability within the future afterlife.