Spiritual Sensitivity

Strong intuition, gut feelings, and constant or repetitive thoughts- whatever you want to call it- our inner voice of spirit talks to us often to impart certain messages, specific warnings and special knowledge/wisdom according to any particular situation that may be at hand.

I had a recent bout with a relentless alert to inform me about a pastor at a church I attended. The message came to me within my spirit, heightening within my thoughts and within my sensitivity to “feel”. I discerned as usual and took heed. “You can’t trust him. He is trouble. Stay away from him,” the inner voice conveyed.

I listened and acted as soon as I continued to get these intense revelations.

I did try to give the pastor the benefit of the doubt though one day the mention of a certain issue/subject matter during his Sunday morning church sermon confirmed what the holy spirit disclosed to me ahead of time in regard to him.

I appreciate that I was made aware and I ended our sessions of bible study before the circumstance became a disagreeable incident of some kind. I do very well to devote my own personal time and attention into scripture every day without an exchange of discussion with the pastor.

I was open and honest with him without giving him all of the major details and once I confronted him by email the nagging sensations gradually left me and I was at peace.

To conclude, this Pastor is not a bad guy, there is just something not right and that does not sit well with me within his disposition. I think one of the elements is that I am a little too pure and distinct within spirit for him.

He admitted to me that compared to other people he counselled with I did not have any dire issues. In fact, he told me I had the best life in terms of my lifestyle and spiritual foundation.

The pastor told me the trouble with certain others coming to him was about them having children by different men, and so on. I never had any predicament of that nature or the like.



Why Some Of Us Are Born With Second-Sight

Not yesterday, but last Sunday night a week ago, I watched a mystery, suspense, thriller, drama, titled “Second-Sight” which I could actually relate to.

This was a 2016 made for television movie. It starred a predominantly African American cast including the late Marla Gibbs (who played Florence on the Jeffersons many years ago).

Marla played a grandmother who explained to her granddaughter the gift of the “knowing power” through dreams, visions, and feelings (empathic)- how it passed and skipped through the generations of their family lineage.

I also liked the message behind the further impart of how God enables us who have these particular gifts to help other people through what we foreknow and foresee when her granddaughter asked why and what was the purpose of going through the circumstance of the warnings and messages that she received.

I was once told during my early twenties by another fellow person gifted with second-sight that our gifts are not for ourselves but for others, however, I strongly disagree.

Yes, those of us who are spiritually endowed by birth are to use our ability to further promote the Kingdom of God, but also the faculty is to bring us ourselves even closer to know our Lord ourselves and to enrich and assist us along within the process of our journey.

I know this all as a fact from my own lifelong deep encounters, numerous accounts, and incredible experiences.

God interacts with all of his children differently and according to the uniqueness in which he made us. We all have a special purpose to fulfill designed especially to his plan and the Lord will continue to guide us along the way that he has prepared.