A Note Of Wisdom: Negative People Do Not Win They Are Already Lost❤


Witchcraft/Black Magic/Voodoo has never worked on me mentally or emotionally.

I am spiritual so I will feel multiple energies of sensation and receive messages within the process.

When I was crossed up at a period in my life within the distant past over sixteen years ago it was not a condition that was able to control me or my surroundings due to the nature of my state of being along with divine intervention it was just able to tug at my spirit to cause unnatural negativity around me.

Jealous, envious people who were low scale that were involved tried to invade my destiny and territory.

However, what I had realized is that God was not allowing these evildoers in any such fashion to bury me into their form of destruction he was allowing the situation to plant a deeper root of growth and development within me to further empower and enlighten me on the path of my journey.

We must be fully prepared and equipped to carry on in our purpose.

We may get slowed down sometimes by those who wish to intervene, yet God will indeed work it all out for our own good in his favor to make us even more abundant in whatever it is that he has planned for us according to his glorious purpose.

Evildoers never win against God’s children they just foolishly deceive themselves within their own devious undertakings.

This is also why Black Magic/Witchcraft/Voodoo will never return into my life- they can shoot their arrows, but they will miss every time. The past was an unfortunate experience that turned fortunate for me to learn from.

I learned just how powerful I am within spirit and within my spiritual abilities. I was amazed by finding out the depth of how God designed me when I got Brujeria removed. It was like something one would see in a movie. Everything was an authentic live magical event to take place. An account of an experience that I will treasure and never forget.

What God let to be possible within the human experience as a spiritually inclined person was extraordinary.

We all have undesired crosses to bear in this life.

Recently, there have been a few jealous/envious/resentful people who attempted to cross me up. Nevertheless, they are unable to. There is nothing for their evil/negative intentions of Witchcraft/Black Magic/Voodoo to latch on to.



A Vision: What I Dreamed This Morning


I did not go to sleep until after midnight last night. It was about around one-thirty or forty something when I hit the sack, so technically I had this dream this morning:

One of the gifts I have as one born with extra sensory perception is the ability to dream things that come true.

Nothing and no one are off limits.

For years I have dreamed all types of events that concerned all types of occurrence or people- from the president of the United States to celebrities to everyday ordinary people (not that the president or celebrities are any better within quality due to their status) I am just distinguishing the extent of area in regard to what, where, and who I can pick up on.

Last night I had a vivid precognitive dream of the royal palace and the involvement of animal sacrifice ritual done by one of the monarchies as a well-known who I will not mention took part.

I am not surprised.

After the chicken was sliced across the breast with a sword it would later be cooked and eaten by an associate who catered food.

I saw in detail the ceremony which stood only two people at a distance apart from one another dressed in fancy attire, their stance poised within a certain manner.

The calm colors they wore coordinated with the tone of the large almost auditorium-like room they were in along with a set of separate curtains that hung behind the two royal individuals.

There are a lot of people who profess God in public yet behind closed doors lives an entirely different story.

Little note: The message I received from my vision was this dream I had showed me an incident that has already played out within the past (I have always dreamed real life events of the past, present, and future) but the scene is not a well-known disclosure or open display amongst the public as it was done in private- a kept secret among those within the monarch family who partake in such perverse activities to gain and maintain power, prestige, money, and/or fame through demonic assistance.

The Spirit Speaks Truth/The Strength Of The Caul

The purity of spirit comes from within and exudes without. The body is the temple, the beauty preserved within the life force sustained by the celestial energy. 

Strong Spirit


Love, peace, and happiness stems from a spirit well fed by nature’s essentials. 

The crucial flow of innate wisdom; vital to the appetite, the hunger fortified unto abundant growth. 

Spiritual Prosperity

The richness of spirit cannot be bought, this type of wealth is priceless. The value exceeds anything tangible within nature or on this earth. 

Trust, loyalty, and honesty go a very long way and when one’s spirituality/faith is built on these merits there stands a solid foundation of mutual respect and devotion to the betterment and continuity of a favorable existence. 

The circumstance is even more fabulous when it is preordained and one is eager to join within their own agreement/alignment as everything falls suitably into place/in balance to one another. 

The vibration is wonderful and beautiful; the pure energy is refreshing. When the rest of the world is in danger, we are and remain untouched.  When the rest of the world is full of worry and frustration, we are comforted and reassured. When the rest of the world lack in their requirements, we gain and maintain. While the rest of the world is restless and within an uproar, we are sound asleep prophetically dreaming of the future paradise that is to come. 



I am unaffected by the bullshit of this world

It Doesn’t Pay To Do Dirt

I was told a long time ago that I’m supposed to have the things that I want.

All through out my life I indeed have usually gotten what I wanted most of the time just by the act of wishing or thinking about something.

My desires didn’t even have to be intensely felt in order for me to receive them they just had to be sincere.

I was given what I wanted either swiftly or at an appropriate later time.

Everything is still the same for me till this very day no matter how old I get. I still have that special luck and blessings, that part in which came along with me being born with a caul.

I never asked for much and I never took anything for granted. These gestures have been touching and of deep contemplation to my sincerest regard. The energy within the universe has been kind, caring and generous toward me.

The connection and the protection from my ancestors has been phenomenal. The solicitous attention from my orishas has been noteworthy.

Even while all through out my life certain individuals have tried to interfere and delay my opportunities and prospects because they were discontent with how things always worked out for certain family members and I.

We utilized our talents and knowledge as we were ambitious and independent whereas those who were envious and jealous couldn’t.

Nevertheless, we kept on going. And as we continued to persevere we consistently had spiritual back up clearing our pathways and heading us within even better, and more inspiring directions.

The road wasn’t always smooth, however, during the intermittent bumps we were hit with intangible advantages.

One’s patience can wear out yet I learned that the endurance is necessary sometimes to work out all of the specific kinks.

People don’t realize the depth of how they’re killing themselves within the process of trying to hinder someone else.

They know far down inside they will pay the consequences but the severity gets harsher with each unsavory action done among them toward us and toward others.

When they transition and reach the lower depths of hell they’ll have to face the reality they’re trying to escape through their current delusions.

People shouldn’t go around messing with people of spirit and people of a decent nature there is no escape when what they’ve sown comes to ruthlessly fetch.





Motive And Intention: My Words Of Wisdom And Truth


I never cared what anyone ever said or thought about me,  and I have benefitted ultimately from my genuine attitude of natural faculty, I was concerned and occupied by “spirit” which in turn preoccupied me with inspiration and elevation. -Miss LaToya

I’ve been continuously blessed through out my entire life and the fortunate circumstance remains the same until this current day.

We who are decent and genuine have all had people judge, and, misjudge us but, who in the hell are they to judge us to begin with, especially when we surpass them within character?

People initially judged me not for what I was doing but for the things that I wasn’t doing. I was even told once, “You think your better than everyone else because you’re not doing the same things everybody else is doing”.

I laugh at people like them harshly.

A lot of individuals usually judge others by their actions when “spirit” judges by our intentions.

It’s not what we do but why we do what we do and the reasons behind it.

Ignorant people often point the finger at or accuse others of the things in which they are actually guilty of feeling, or doing, when confronted with an action or reaction done,  speculated, or displayed in correspondence to someone else.

They define others by the range incorporated within their own inclined behavior and limited scope of comprehension they don’t have the capacity to think or rationalize otherwise.

Everyone doesn’t do things out of the same motives and everyone does not respond the same to occurrences or events which may effect certain others within specific ways.

It all depends on one’s own individuality,  and although I’ve been told I’m one out of a million when it comes to being unique, I still give distinction among others when it does actually apply.

Those who instantly judge other people solely on their actions or what they assume without knowing the genuine facts or details of a situation are just reflecting their own true susceptibilities, tendencies, flaws, and insecurities.

Their interpretations have absolutely nothing to do with us or what we’ve done or haven’t done it is all a mirror image of those themselves. Their conjectures tell more about them and who they are more than anything else, and we know these truths for a fact as we absolutely know ourselves.

Then, these people turn around and wonder why we constantly overcome, succeed, and prevail, with consistent peace and blessings while they don’t experience these constant advantages at all.

Yet, we already know the answer to this obvious question and that is because we aren’t anything at all like them.

Our motives and intentions are pure, logical, intelligent, far-seeing, and well meaning, something they couldn’t even begin to imagine.

Whereas others cannot see “spirit” knows and views everything. We have nothing to prove or to apologize for all we have to do is to keep doing what we do by fiercely continuing to be who we authentically are.



Well-Being For The Spiritually Inclined

Like I’ve said and addressed before in some of my posts, it’s not the circumstances of being born with a caul and inheriting gifts which bestow supernatural/preternatural faculties that cause or bring to us problems, it is the propensities and ways of other people.

One doesn’t even have to be born with a caul to be burdened by the incompatibility of the world and of society.

Many of these individuals don’t see how their thoughts and behavior reflect on how we view and feel about them when it comes to how we’re treated, especially since we have the third eye which allows us to gaze into instance at a sagacious level.

I cannot speak for all but for those similar to me It’s always been more than just people but principalities and the fashions in which God created things in specific to be where I find dissension and disharmony at.

I won’t get into all detail as it is not necessary but I strongly feel I don’t belong here, like I’m an old soul because I was already familiar with life so early on without having to experience things, having constantly been in tune and ahead of my time while being tired of living a life and going through the cycle of motions in a world that doesn’t coincide and measure up to who I am in true essence and what I yearn for within an existence as whereas to reside in.

I wonder if I’m too spiritual for my own good with this heightened extraordinary sensitivity. I can’t complain because it keeps me informed and structured in this vile and corrupt world.

And the “sensitivity” has absolutely nothing to do with “emotional weakness” or “fragile feelings” as some often mistake with us who are born spiritually inclined. Our heightened sensitivity is the intensity of what we perceive (our intuitive capacity) and absorb to the point where it can make us a reflecting vessel of whatever energy we may come into contact with or connect to.

Energies can also damper our moods and make us physically ill as some of us “feel” others elemental residue and the weight of the world.

Nevertheless, we who have a strong spirit endure and sustain regardless and we have guidance continuously watching over us to protect and to help us get through the burdens and ordeals in which we are bombarded and repulsed by.

I’ve noticed how something ethereal has carried me all along. We still have to do our parts by remaining faithful to our own states of being and mode of particular belief systems. This is not a hard thing to do as sincerity and loyalty naturally support the foundation of a spirituality when the alignment is pure and genuine.

A lot of us have been introduced to different types of trauma during childhood though those experiences do not define who we become yet circumstances do shape us into who we are whether negatively, positively, or within a neutral aspect.

We just have to keep on moving and improving and living and doing the things in which bring to us our own personal joy and fulfillment. Whatever further answers, closure, or epiphanies that pertain to our inquiries, discoveries, and/or additional contentment or enlightenment will be revealed by our inner voices of spirit when each period crosses and we’re ready to receive those significant messages.

Socially Inept Or Socially Unsatisfied ?

The world/government makes money off of the stupid people. Look at shows like Jerry Springer and Maury Povich.

In this society the comfort of the intelligent is sacrificed to cater to the dumb for huge profit as good television programs are taken off the air to display idiotic ones, good and tastfully designed apparel has been swiped for ridiculously styled clothing lines made to fit a more tacky appeal, and etc…

It just goes on and on. I mean, who wants to see pants hanging off of someone’s ass not to mention the crack of somebody’s ass with those tight mid and low-riders. Many of them who wear that shit swear they look cute, though.

Unfortunately, some people don’t like what stands out from the normal range of things and of what is considered ordinary. Some fear what comes off to them as strange and some just want to destroy the undetected beauty of a rarity.

I know that people who are different just as well as those born with a caul frequently have a hard time in life and with a variety of ignorant and unsavory people.

Highly intelligent people have to go through the erroneous stereotype of not possessing social skills if they don’t regularly interact or appear too sociable and nothing could be farther from the truth. It is these people in which are very adroit and quite ahead of their time.

Most of us aren’t preoccupied with the shallow interests and desires that embrace, gratify, and suit the average world. A lot of us choose not to pretend just to fit into a group that we don’t belong to for the sake of jeopardizing our own identity and we don’t mind to get penalized for the decision to go against the odds.

We are oftentimes driven to make allowances yet we refuse to dumb ourselves down or to downplay ourselves in order to not be criticized.

We get bored with the usual commonalities and with the useless, meaningless, and pointless communication and we are appalled by the disturbing occurrences that come to unnecessarily arise.

Our attention is grabbed by what is productive or substantial to our well-being and to the environment around us and it is an aspect that we define as relevant.

Society wasn’t specifically designed for people like us who lean toward depth and revolution.



“Blessed” Originally posted on December 31, 2018 to My Voice Weblog by Miss LaToya

Another new year is about to come in and things are going my way and working in my favor as I continue to elevate and advance even further mentally and spiritually as usual as I was always ahead of my time.

When I look back at how all the jealous people had tried to interfere and bring me down within my life since childhood on up with lies, mind games, manipulations, black magic/voodoo/witchcraft and so on I just don’t understand why they all wasted their time yet one cannot explain logic and reason to deeply sick and disturbed individuals that redefine the true meaning of what being morbidly twisted actually represents.

They couldn’t take away my self-love, they couldn’t take away my high self-esteem, they couldn’t take away my intelligence, they couldn’t take away my strength, they couldn’t take away my confidence, they couldn’t take away my gifts and talents so what was the purpose?

They also definitely couldn’t take away the intense and genuine love, protection, respect, distinction and blessings that surround within my energetic field as they so desperately wanted that beauty and wellness for themselves but would never receive such an honor as the privilege and specialness was never meant for those of an inadequate and degenerate nature.

I was never happy within the way the world is and I never will be as I am not and never will be a part of this world.

I continue to want no part of it but I am so happy with my self and genuinely have so much love, peace, and security that steadfastly resides from within.

I am ever so grateful to the universe for being on point and constantly delivering I have faith in what to expect due to the loyalty though I never take anything for granted as I accept appreciatively.

What is around me you never cease to amaze me, truly awesome! – latoya lawrence

The Beauty Of The Caul

Just because one is born with a caul doesn’t automatically mean that they’re going to be honest or that they’ll do well in life. Born with a caul just signifies extraordinary attributes that average people don’t have and at different variations and levels of capacity or range.

It is up to the individual whether or not they choose to do good or bad with the special talents that they are granted by birth and life condition also determines what route one may take or how things may turn out for them with or without their control it all depends on situation and circumstance just as many other happenings amongst us within living on this earth.

For those where a genuineness and advantageous of nature or destiny reside shines a light.

As one born with a strong spirit the light that reflects upon I and us is a spiritual illumination of strength, knowledge and wisdom that we ascribe and apply.

Those of the darkness entertain deception and shortcoming out of naivety, vulnerability, and weakness and use these negatives as stepping stones for and to promote their ominous prospects.

We that are positive were not built for demonology but for gloriousness and we are expected and tend to compliment that natural factor by living and treating ourselves well.

Lifestyle is the key to keeping our minds, body and spirits clean, healthy and pure.

Spirit leads us into what is proper and appropriate for us and our well being right down to the people we associate with to the foods that we eat and if staying and remaining away from what is not harmonic unto our surroundings and constitution then so be it!

Orisha Oshun

basketAroma of cinnamon spice in the air, a fresh sunflower elegantly styled into my hair, the sweet taste of honey inside my mouth, I feel like a woman who came from down south.

Gazed into a mirror so mysteriously filled with glee, I turned around and who do I coincidentally see? Oh my gosh, it was not me it was her from behind it was none other than she!

sweet honeyShe has visited me within my dreams acknowledging to me that I have a means, she has showed me herself through numerous of visions encouraging me to achieve in my decisions.

Astonishing me with much of her approval and praise she has given me an establishment to incorporate for the rest of my days. I have been enveloped upon within her pure love insistent to the promise that I shall rise above.

pumpkinsOshun, she announced out within an utter I come to you with the tender heart of a mother, I am the queen who rules over the waters and I generously welcome you into my headquarters.

As I was adorned in luxury and advantage I understood now how I was going to manage, and when I went to smile it had turned into a blush, I then went to run my mouth and she said no then told me to hush.

mysticalDon’t say a word, I’ve already heard. I have been by your side and I have observed. Your treasure, that is, it is much well-deserved I am Oshun and this very event here is sure to occur soon.

-latoya lawrence

A Hearty Generation Of Quality

flavored rice and chickenThrough out my family’s generations and while I was growing up we were all well-bred and fell fed. We weren’t filthy rich people but we always had and seldom went without. I have family members that had and that still have their own businesses.

My mother’s grandparents on her mother’s side of the family made (farmed and manufactured) and sold their own products down in their native hometown of Virginia when she was a little girl. Their items ranged from food to soap. Her grandfather and grandmother worked together while her uncles pitched in to gather within their profession. My mother’s aunts did not join in the trade altogether.

chickenOne thing that consistently traveled down unto our legacy aside from the many other good circumstances and qualities were our sense of immediate priorities. Along with shelter and convenience, of course, came our food. We were brought up on value and to always have nourishment and maintain sanitary practices.

As I am an “eater” yet nowhere near a “glutton” I have naturally followed in accordance to how I was raised in that fashion.

I take care of my constitution in-taking mainly vegetable proteins and very little animal protein (I only eat poultry and seafood from time to time) as I mostly flourish on a vegetarian diet. Nevertheless, I thrive on tasty dishes as well as what is in correlation to my own internal system.

broccoli and shrimpOur family was knowledgeable of those particular sufficient old time home and herbal remedies that often treated or cured ailments. We often would analyze and recognize a diagnosis within our body before a doctor could. We knew what to do for minor onsets of illness or infection caused by stomach upset, weather changes, insect stings or bites, and so on.

Keeping ourselves clean, safe and healthy was key to our vitality and a good habit to maintain for a lifetime to come. As children we were instilled with the wholesomeness and significance of self love, self respect, independence and the ways of survival, it was just innately within our bloodline.

So my dignified generation of relatives and I had more than nutritious and quality foods to bite off of and chew up we ingested much depth.










Warrior In The Midst (A Caulbearer’s Power)

goddessI remember in the early part of the year 2000 when I had gotten one of my occasional spiritual readings from a Yoruba priestess that I would consult with once in a while and how she had stated to me that I had envious, jealous people in my neighborhood but that I had a “Strong Spirit” and she was very accurate and correct about the things that she revealed.

She confirmed everything that I could supernaturally “see” and “sense” that was indeed going on around me.

The Yoruba priestess explained to me that the people’s envy and jealousy was at the root of them spreading their gossip about me at the time and this also happened to be around the same time that my foes were in the middle of working their Brujeria on me to make me succumb to the rumors along with the other malicious intents that they all had wanted me to fall under and come down from.

Nevertheless, I was totally unaffected by any of the lies and gossip that circulated around the neighborhood and slightly beyond, and I victoriously survived and conquered all of the black magic without any damage having been done to my state of well-being.

There was a lot of damage done though as far as to the manifestation and hindrance of my destined success/prosperity but career was an option that was always able to be rebuilt as it was and still is available for me now and for my future prospects.

My talents, ability and fate is something that my enemies could never take away from me as I am too steadfast and determined, and my celestial purpose is far too strong for that anyway.

It is ridiculous and sick when people stay on the same entire thing constantly year after year and decade after decade, especially without having any reasonable merit yet that is what cults do as they are predominately out to steal one’s soul and power, preferably a caulbearer.

Caulbearers have psychic ability and pose a threat to such evil sects and demonic activity in general, and if there is a good caulbearer with a substantial amount of ability or a serious depth of special talents and they are unwilling to join in for unity or so that their energy could be stolen and drained, these cults would endeavor to a lifetime of continuous torture and follow.



The Epiphanies Of The Extraordinary


It is funny how people attempt to go behind one’s back to do dirt, actually believing that the person that they are scheming against is unaware, or that they will never find out about the shenanigans that were done until it is far too late.

What if one is far ahead? Knowing and figuring out just about every detail of sequence that there is to an episode.

During negative instances of calamity some people will tend to believe that a person is oblivious as to what is going on around them if they appear to be undisturbed or unabashed.

Now, what is the definition of calamity?

Does what some people consider a loss, distress, affliction, or disaster actually account for what another person is actually going through?

The answer is no.

What if a circumstance or situation that is deliberately arranged for a negative purpose and outcome has absolutely no bearing or affect upon its inspired target?

What if an ordeal that had maliciously transpired in vain came to serve as an unintentional major advancement within that targeted person’s life?

It is strange and interesting to learn about the depths of gravity when experiencing the epiphanies that distinctly pertain to one’s own personal life.

I have recognized that in the times of my life that were to be altered by uncongenial people, I stayed intact.

I have noticed within the events that were suppose to cause me greats setbacks and downfalls that they were indeed just great pushes to send me up forward, and farther.

Extra Sensory Perception is a divine revelational attribute for certain people to possess. It is a very beneficial and resourceful gift for one to experience and to utilize.

In the present, through out, and over time, the past and the future will back set, set, then reset.

The reality that is set within and that is set apart from my own true world and within the world that we all live in proves to be at a direct seesaw level, a tug of war over the world and the accords that should inevitably win.

What I am innately surrounded by I intend to maintain. There is no other more appropriate outlet, or better way for me to survive. I live sustained by the natural desirable elements of my own existence my own pure deities, my own pure loves and lights, my own true fates.

Everyone has their own spiritual and nonspiritual beliefs. One person’s fact can be another person’s fiction.

As I have said before in the past, what is the truth to one person is sometimes foreign to another, yet both of their circumstances are real but not to each other.

Any claims that individuals do not come up into an agreement upon do not make any of those certain claims out to be false or non existent.

No one can touch or undue what is relevant and prevalent to and within one’s own special birthrights.



Visit My Voice Weblog If You’re Suppose To Be Evil Why Are You So Good?, The All Seeing Truth Not Blinded By The Lies, My Love And Light

Mechanisms Used Through The Use Of Black Magic/Witchcraft To Control One


There are all types of people in the world. All have their own different kinds of personality, attitudes, and demeanor.

As many people are unique and distinct within their own specific ways most people tend to be the same in the many of other ordinary ways when it comes down to socialization.

From an early age we as people are trained on how to interact with other people, how to cope with the cohabitation of the world and with society.

We are taught the basics of how to greet and to treat other people, how to respect and to be courteous toward other people, how to share with and how to accept from other people then how to mingle and to become engaged with other people.

However, what happens when one naturally does not want to behave or conduct themselves in the modes that are deemed standard or appropriate?

Every human individual cannot adapt to being trained or conveniently cultivated into something that they are not just to suit, or to meet the needs and demands of a swayed world and society.

A world and society that predominantly caters to familiarity to what primarily is within the general standpoint.

I know that I cannot and will not properly adjust to the things that are foreign to me without a bit of conflict and protest. I stand up for what I believe in and what I do not agree with at no matter what the cost may be.

If I were to give in to the specific moral or social requirements that innately are not of and within me then I would be giving up my true identity.

I am not an individual to compromise myself or any of my own set of rules and standards just to please or pacify anyone else.

Who has the authority to dictate to me how I should go about living or conducting my affairs within the certain orderly fashions?

A lot of people who refuse to go along with the programs that are designed by government or religious law are usually reprimanded and condemned, blatantly considered as an outcast.

Attacks are deliberated then made upon their character some even suggesting that these particular people were not raised or brought up correctly due to their parental guardians or environment, any and everything to disguise what is really at the root of the problem, the matter at hand, which is nothing more than the loss of control the inability to cause fear in one, the inability to influence, the inability to bribe, the inability to manipulate, the inability to coerce.

Too many people may have gotten offended or may have gotten their feelings hurt by some one who behaved too standoffish, spoke too much of their opinions, or who spoke too much of the truth.

There are numerous reasons behind what can get certain people up in arms and ready to underhandedly retaliate.

Nevertheless, when people fail at the psychological techniques of game playing by toying with another person’s mind they resort to the filthy and despicable.

When they do not succeed in trying to play on a person’s insecurities, or in trying to initiate a person into having insecurities, they then try to divert and tarnish by unnatural force.

A great deal of the world and society are under the influence and are being affected by evil black magic/witchcraft without even realizing it. Black magic is a negative form of magic that is derived from types of voodoo and witchcraft.

There is the positive side as well as the negative side within all aspects of life and the supernatural is no exception.

Not all voodoo or hoodoo (rootwork) is bad or negative. White magic/white witchcraft is done for positive and for good purposes.

As a person born of the caul/veil I innately possessed occult power that I had naturally utilized through my own Yoruba spirituality. I am an authentic and original voodoo priestess who does not follow the many general standardized traditional modes of worship.

I have that old time unique and potent power that I inherited through my beautiful family lineage of gifted priestesses. Which from an early age partly accounted for the evil black magic/brujeria that had constantly been done unto me.

I am protected as I venerate my ancestors and orishas yet there are many people out in the world who are very vulnerable and susceptible to such harsh and vile attacks.

Many things that appear normal and that appear to be a natural part of life are actually just indeed the interference of universal spirits, forces, and energies.

Supernatural influences that affect then maintain people’s circumstances, their situations, their minds, and their actions.

I have noticed a lot of things that go on that do not make any kind of sense, things that in my opinion give no reasonable explanation for certain behavior and circumstance.

However, those who may be of the same mentality or who may be involved in the same predicament will make agreeable rationalizations with one another, agreements that only make complete sense amongst their own type of crowd.

A sad fact, but a true one, is that most will go after the intelligent and productive people of the world who are strong, honest, and upstanding, because they have the power or ability to positively influence and make a significant change within the world and society.

I too often do not hear of people using evil black magic to apprehend and destroy the child molesters, rapists, and murderers of the world. However, they are quick to want to cause destruction to some innocent soul that they are jealous, envious, or intimidated by.

Our world and societies have many unresolved issues and discoveries that need to be dealt with and dug into.

Corruption is everywhere and the government also has a deviant hand in greed when it comes to control through the use of evil black magic/witchcraft.

Conjure is put into the things that we eat and drink, on our accessories, by our personal touch and belongings, through our names and dates of birth. And, so on.

As more and more people in particular are aware of how much of an intrusion that evil black magic is on the quality of life there should be a severe intolerance for these malicious burdens and blockages.

Positivity is indeed stronger than any form of negative deprivation.

Nevertheless, it takes a strong action just as well as a powerful reflective thought or meditation to attract a serious alternation.

Various measures contribute to the victorious defeat of those who connive through the cowardice mechanisms of evil black magic/witchcraft.

Whatever action that is spiritually appointed to one should always be done out wholeheartedly and sufficiently.

Any designated mission that is carried on with zeal and consistency guarantees the absolute win of each and every triumph that will never be overturned.



Visit My Voice Weblog Brujeria, Spiritual Survival/The Supernatural Way, The Symptoms Of Voodoo/Black Magic

Witchcraft People (Black Magic/Brujeria)


A very nice and dear viewer of my blog wrote to me. And I would not use this article to disclose what was written even though we had corresponded in public. I have respect for her and would never go to exploit her in any way whatsoever.

Any way, what I had expressed to this viewer could not have been better well said than to add to this particular subject.

Now as far as witchcraft people and the like go toward the good and those who are gifted, born of the caul:

“They are sick and they set out to devour people like us with their lies and schemes.

And in the process they steal from us. They try to take away all of our innate positive luck, energies, talents and mental capacity.

They are jealous and envious of our kind.

Many people fall for their schemes when we from the beginning knew what they were about.

Sometimes the ignorant people listen to them then turn against us and that is how they get over.

You know that it is sad but lies tend to spread faster than the truth and when the truth does eventually come out it is already sometimes too late because the damage has already been done.

I have went through this all of my life.

However, I learned that it was for a grave reason. I’ve known people like them for years, I’ve had people like them within my family.They are everywhere, so I know.

I’ve been blessed and watched out for due to my spiritual aspects and prevailed over them.

I am ahead of them because I have the gift of second-sight. I was given a message a while back to stop people like them, to get rid of them. And there is no one better for the job than I because I actually hate them and their kind with a great genuine passion.

We can kill them by truth-which is something foreign to them-and by our own natural spiritual power (voodoo magic if we choose to/we can do both).

I have these enemies still now trying to retaliate because spirit has me writing natural messages and insights of truth and it is bringing them all down.

I am sure as a spiritual person you understand what I mean and where I am coming from. Things and the universe work out then proceed in a way that average people do not understand.

People like us are here to make a change because we see, know, and understand what the rest of the world cannot.

The garbage type of people cannot destroy us unless we allow them to. We are much wiser and stronger than they are.

You just have to believe in yourself and within whatever may be around you (whatever faith or spirituality that you go with if any because I would never try to influence you about anything).

We are here to destroy them and take back our world and what belongs to us.”

By nature, I was born high class. Not rich, or having a large sum of money to frequently spend, but elegant and dignified although I still never did do without.

Some people have a false definition of what being high class actually is. Anyone could acquire a lot of money if fortunately they were born into a wealthy family, received an inheritance, won the lottery, or whatever other circumstance that may serve as a relevant example.

However, the possessions of financial wealth do not equate the possessions of a high class stature.

Many people walk around in pretense. Playing the part or role of what they consider to be refined and tasteful.

Most of them just put on an arrogant “uppity” air.

True high class nature is a state of mind an inborn attitude, an innate demeanor. Any gross income that is rewarded is just an enhancement to aid to a better well deserved life.

A well deserved life obtained through an honestly earned way of living.

I, like many other good, talented, hardworking people in the world knew what they were able to accomplish and knew what they were meant to have within their lifetime. Whether we dreamed our destined futures big, or whether we dreamed them small.

Nevertheless, there are the negatives that lurk, and the interferences that emerge from the darkness to devour.

They are the evil witchcraft people. Those demented and demonic souls who endeavor to hold other people back through the use of their wicked devices.

They try to harm and hurt yet they only bring pain to themselves. They are weak and wretched, full of heartaches and strains.

One can never take away from a person what they are, or what they are able to achieve. No matter what the circumstance.

The terms “you can’t turn a whore into a housewife”, or “you can take a person out of the street but you cannot take the street out of the person”, goes just the same for those who have been attacked by witchcraft.

They will not automatically be turned into what they are not.

People work witchcraft for many different reasons, however, the most common-and I know this from experience-is the sabotage and hindrance of the successes that are due to other deserving people.

Many who cast spells or who have others to cast the spells for them believe that if they take away a person’s lot (luck/fate) that they will lose sight of their hopes and dreams only to trot down to a path of repetitive disappointment.

Some people do give up then give in to the illusion of manipulative black magic; however, they are not always to blame.

Some people are not even aware that they may have been crossed up. They may not understand the concept or intent that is behind the certain forms and mechanisms of black magic.

Some even do not believe in the negative effects of witchcraft at all. They may just chalk up their situation to the notion of life not always being fair.

For those who do know and believe in the dark forces that are conjured to be placed and violated upon one know that where there is a will there definitely is a way.

They then fight their way through their ordeal by whatever means that is necessary.

White magic is a much stronger tool.

It is way more powerful and way more potent to use against black magic/witchcraft.

Especially while at the same time reversing all of the black magic straight back to each of the senders.

The universe works in wondrous ways. Not only just by karma, but by giving the negative witchcraft people an extra dose of their own well deserved medicine.

I personally recognized on my own that no one’s use of wicked device could ever kill my spirit, or kill any of my dreams.

Nor could the wickedness kill my peace and happiness.

Anything that anyone is able to take away is not worth having to begin with. Therefore I would really not want it. So there leaves within itself no loss.

In the like, anything that anyone is not able to take away has far great value. As it is equivalent to that particular one. Only set for that one, unwavering from that one. So there is much that is to be gained upon by that one.

There have always been people in the world who have sought out to bring other people down. And witchcraft has always been an option that certain people have resorted to whether it was out of extreme hate, or out of extreme desperation.

A low class mind is no match for a mind that is high.

A high mind is not preoccupied with the disapproval or the criticism of others but with the satisfaction that is found upon within one’s self.

A high mind is not preoccupied with the calamity of others or of the calamity that is wished upon from others but with the prosperity that is built upon by one’s own self.

A high mind is not preoccupied with the burdens of a dislike that holds one back but with the triumphs of a hatred that prevents one from being held back.

No matter how hard witchcraft people stalk other people. How hard they try to confuse other people. How hard they try to contaminate other people’s spirit. It is the high mind that will overcome and conquer.



Visit My Voice Weblog Brujeria, Spiritual Survival/The Supernatural Way, Symptoms Of Voodoo/Black Magic

The Beauty And Blessing Of Authenticity: Attacks On Character For Being Unique

281066_stemsI hate when people have the audacity to attack a person over something that they have known and have been doing for all of their life.

Where do they get the gall to doubt, accuse, or challenge someone about their motives and capabilities?

They come from out of no where. As if one were just born yesterday and not aware of anything within their surroundings or of how to survive.

Jealousy and envy are indeed an irrational sickness and ignorance among many.

I have been the object of such attack by a chosen number of few in particular who believed that they were better than what they actually were. It had went on since I was a child and escalated as I became an adult.

Those type of people who feel that they are more sufficient and able to outdo someone else who is really the more qualified and the more innately equip.

I’ll admit that the instance use to anger me due to the fact that I knew the real deal behind the situation. That they were the ones who were inadequate and indeed acting out on preconceived notions and misconception.

They had inadvertently deceived and revealed themselves all at the same time. These people could not compare to me at what I knew or what I did in the least bit.

It would take them a while to discover that revelation and then to accept that fact. Yet it did not stop their disdain. And I really did not care.

A lot of the time when I had made an impression or an accomplishment, of course, they would have to downplay my achievements as being of no serious or legitimate value.

The mystery to this particular circumstance is, however, that I could instantly and accurately pick up on these people right off the back. The abilities that they lacked as well as their true ulterior motives.

The affirmation of their inferiority. Their states of being a bunch of nothings and nobodies. People of no real value. Of no grave importance. However, they would always continue to go on with their own fantasy and delusions.

They weren’t even on my level when it came down to intelligence and discernment. They did not have anywhere near the knowledge, strength, or power that I had.

All that they really had to show for anything was the bunch of skeletons that were in their unsightly closets.

Just because someone is older and so called more experienced in doing something does not necessarily mean that they are more efficient. They may just have not come across the right person to show them what certain things really mean and how certain things are really to be done.

To each his or her own. What goes for some people absolutely does not go for all.

I have an old soul. I have been here before. I was born with a caul. Just because someone is different does not give anyone the authority to underestimate and discredit them.

Some people will often deny or refuse to admit to the existence of what they may have never heard of or what they may have never come across.

These type of people really kill me when one does not behave in accordance to their specific standards. Usually in regard to the things that supposedly correspond with the approval of general society.

Conducting one’s self in any other opposing mode is considered by some individuals as reflecting an apparent stupidity or incompetency.

Tell me though, who is really the uneducated one? The one who is limited in their particular information or the one who is broader within their own mental horizons. I do not even need to ask a question to an answer that I already cognize.

No one can tell me anymore about myself than of what I definitely know.

If anything, I could tell them more about themselves that they’d never recognize to know.

The ridiculous crap that I have had to put up with certain people.

People who did not know me personally or even well enough. Just judging me with their infantile minds.

I never had to prove anything to anyone. And I never tried. However, the universe has abundantly brought me out into the open for all of the world to see just like the many others in the world who have a distinct and special purpose to fulfill.

My great ancestors and orishas have got me up on the top. Publicly rubbing my success in all of my haters and down-players  faces.

My enemies were always jealous of me. Scared of me. And desiring to become like me.

They did not want me to recognize myself for the person that I actually was. They never wanted me to seem as if I was good enough. When in actuality they were the ones who did not have the capacity to measure up.

I am very unique.

There is no one else out there in the world who is like me. Though there are those who are similar. Real children of the caul/veil are rare in character.

That is what makes me so honest. So genuine. So Authentic.

Visit My Voice Weblog By Miss LaToya Lawrence

The Advantages Of Blogging

36778_flowersI love to write. I am a natural born writer. I have been writing ever since I was a child.

I had the opportunity to get a book published by a mainstream publishing company when I was about ten or eleven years of age.

Since then, I actually have gotten two books self published.

I have been a blogger on the internet now for seven years straight. I first started on a site called Blogsource but they had eventually shut down.

So I moved on and found an even better platform at WordPress.

All writers need a solid place to express themselves and to release their talents. Building a foundation is essential. Once established, one endeavors to find sustainment.

Whether they want to maintain a specific literary venture, a creative practice of their skills, an experimentation, or so on.

My writing calls out to me. It is automatic. It is spiritual as well as occupational.

Aside from the natural desire to write as a hobby and as a career, there are the obligations that will sometimes occur.

The binds of censorship.

We are not always at liberation to convey our views, discoveries, or messages just anywhere.

It is very nice to be able to get paid a little or a lot of money by doing something that one loves to do if the investment of time is well worth the effort.

There are plenty of individuals who find what they do so rewarding within itself that they are not really too concerned in earning such a large sum of money for their accomplishments.

It is not always about the money with all people. It is more about the satisfaction of personal achievement and fulfillment. To gain even further through earning a significant figure just adds to the venture being absolutely grand.

In my judgment, and also as a fact, one can go quite far pursuing their writing aspirations on the internet.

Now exactly what route that one should take is absolutely up to the individual person because what will work out for one will not necessarily take at hold for another.

These many particular write to get paid websites on the internet are a very constructive and productive mode of sharing and promoting our literature.

The only downfall is that all writing sites that claim to pay are not always effective.

When one has found one to best suit their need that is a great and beneficial advantage.

Another possible drawback is how much leeway a site may give in regard to the particular content submitted from a member.

Some write to get paid sites are lenient while others are quite strict with their rules.

Most of the time these certain guidelines and restrictions cater to the quality of the website. And that is fair and understandable. However, some are just not worth the inconvenience.

That is why I continue to love ordinary blogging.

On a personal blog one is totally free to self express without limitations, except for extremely obscene or vulgar content.

I often write subjects that are written in a controversial manner-yet I do know how to curb and moderate the things that I put out into the open when it is appropriate professionally.

There are instances when we have to make allowances.

I am blunt. Very candid. I do not hold back on anything. Well, mostly anything depending on what I am motivated by.

I do not entirely let out everything within my words of wisdom and insight. Every single acknowledgement is not meant to be shared or told. A lot of statements are just better left unsaid.

Nevertheless, I speak the truth and I do not care who does not like it.

Visit My Voice Weblog By Miss LaToya Lawrence

The Right Career Path

1169981_windowchairNo matter what. And if it is possible. One should endeavor to be satisfied within them self and within their life.

It is very important to never give up on the most passionate desire.

Many people know what they are and/or what they want to become at a very early age.

I definitely knew what I was born to be.

Even if one temporarily loses focus due to whatever circumstance that may come to be their purpose-if truly meant-will eventually find it’s way straight back to them.

Throughout our journey here on earth we go through experiences and are given many opportunities.

It is up to us to make the right decisions and to learn from our certain mistakes.

What I have recognized about myself and within my life is that-if there is something or someone that my heart really is not into-then the situation will not at all turn out for the best.

In spite of any efforts that were made to persuade or to change my mind regarding particular circumstances, I stood firm and unyielding.

I refused to submit to the interference of others.

I was absolutely clear on what I did and did not want within my own life. And I was always correct in my judgment.

I have worked for employers. Holding down positions that were just a waste of my time. That were beneath me. And that were not allowing me to exceed to my fullest potential.

Although I had been recognized and honored at my jobs they did not at all do me any justice.

I knew that I was capable of achieving a whole lot more due to my talent, knowledge, and abilities.

I am extremely independent so I had to work to keep myself occupied.

I made good money-even sometimes working two jobs-to support and to provide for myself the things that I had needed.

I am not the type to sit around to do nothing. I am very constructive and productive.

At the same time, I am not the type to sit around and let my true destination run by pass me.

Not after my purpose had called out to me then stared me in the face.

No way. I am a fighter.

I chase after what I want. Then I take what is mine. I took pleasure in the occupations that I had. However, I was in no way dependent upon any of them.

I could become much more successful in doing what I was made to be, what I was born to do.

I had plenty of jealous and envious people along down the road, striving to hold me back from advancement and success-even still til this day- yet I knew that they would fail. And they did whatsoever.

Life is extremely deeper than what many people can see.

One cannot ultimately stop inevitability. Especially when there lays truth, discovery, and then change.

Perseverance is highly underestimated.

When one is steadfast and determined nothing and no one will be able to stand in their way.

They will prevail. They will succeed in whatever mode for them that is possible. I absolutely know because I am living proof.

Never give up. I did not. I never will. Not on anything that I genuinely believe.

Visit My Voice Weblog My True Career/What I Am And What I Was Really Born To Do (The Thing I Want In My Life And I Have It Naturally)


I Write What I Want To Write

872463-200I believe in the power of freedom. And I believe in the privilege of liberation. I also believe in the importance of self expression.

I am one who has never suffered from fear. The fear to be truly who I am.

Authenticity is a very powerful thing. Especially in a world that is dominated by conventionality.

I take advantage of my originality.

Facing possible ridicule or rejection from anyone or anything in general has never discouraged me from continuing on with being innately different and unique.

I find excitement and much delight in the things that I like even if or when no one else does.

Generality is boring to me.

Some people let certain others influence them. Then dictate to them how they should go about conducting and maintaining their own lives.

I do not.

Never have. Never will. I have my own way of thinking. My own style. My own way of approach. And I have never been afraid to speak my mind.

I-and I only-decide what is and what is not beneficial to or appropriate for me within my own life.

I have always enjoyed the literary craft of writing. One of the most artistic modes of personal and creative expression.

I have the gift of automatic writing.

A natural, energetic talent that has followed me from childhood to adulthood. Words and sentences just flow about in accordance without the use of previous contemplation or strenuous efforts.


My spontaneous, various thoughts and ideas have a distinct life of their very own.

They are lively and eager-all waiting to be born. Each a reflective production of the mind and of the spirit.

Both active and consistently ready to give birth. Their remnants survive then multiply by the marks that are left in the signature of their celestial prints.

If I dared to compromise my genuine identity. My true inner voice of supernatural magnetism.

I’d only be defying myself. My own grave and special purpose.

I would never downplay or sell myself short to please anyone. I will never change or alternate my writing techniques for any amount of money, weak authoritative power, or shallow misplaced prestige.

What I am surrounded by is not cheap and easy to buy.

It is a spirituality, a force that constantly exudes richness, strength, veneration, and loyalty.

Sustained by foundation.

Tied to what I am honestly of. With the desire to never disown where I come from and what has gotten me here today.

I recognize and treasure all that great beauty.

I’ll never pretend to satisfy or to gain the appreciation of others who do not matter in the least bit to me.

I am led by my connection to the universe.

To share and to spread my accurate knowledge, experiences, analysis, unconventional lifestyle, and perspectives on life, and society.

To indulge in the urges of my constructive passion. The mastering of my arts. The aptitude of my gifts.

And I do not care who does not like or agree with the many forms of my content.

I am a fighter, a survivor, a truth teller.

Visit My Voice Weblog By Miss LaToya Lawrence

Measured Success/The Many Definitions Of Success

file0001680678086Success is many things to different people. To some, success may be fame. To others, success may be fortune.

To me, success is truly accomplishing the many things in life that serves to our purpose and that brings to us fulfillment.

If no one knew about any of our talents and gifts-the abilities that we have, the things that we are capable of doing, the things that we can achieve-would that make us any less able? Absolutely not!

People tend to underestimate the qualities and sufficiency of those that have yet not been discovered.

There are many everyday people within the world who are just as much knowledgeable, equip, and naturally endowed as any judge, lawyer, doctor, scientist, teacher, journalist, actress, singer, dancer, and so on-if not more so.

Often times it is just a chosen number of few close by relatives, friends, or mentors that are aware of a particular individual’s potential.

One does not have to be famous and rich to validate their importance, value, or worth.

There are plenty of rich and famous people in the world that are not really so talented and who do not really have anything vital or beneficial to offer to society, or even to themselves.

There is nothing wrong with gaining encouragement and inspiration from other people. However, what happens when or if there is discouragement from the negative people?

I know that I do not need the approval and acceptance of certain others to define what I recognize within myself.

Yes, sometimes there are those individuals who can see things in other people that they are unable to see within themselves. At the same time, no one knows us better than we do our own selves.

So just as long as we as people are satisfied with the outcome of efforts, the drive that creates determination, and the personal rewards of accomplishment-whatever it is that that may be-there is significant gained success.

True happiness comes from within.

Money, home, and occupation are indeed vital necessities that we all desire to maintain in life.

Nevertheless, in which way that we prefer to receive these establishments differs and varies depending on each individual person.

Knowledge is power.

It does not take a whole lot to make some people happy. An abundance of money is just an enhancement to those who are already content in their surroundings.

I personally am very successful. Gratified in my state of being. Just by doing and enjoying the things that I love, and having the access and platforms in which to do them. Any further advantages will all come in do time.

Before one can become a success throughout their venture they must have a secure structure and foundation within them self.

Only then will they definitely know how to measure the true depth of what their success actually means as opposed to what is ordinarily generalized.

Visit My Voice Weblog By Miss LaToya Lawrence

Immovable And Firmly Fixed Is Who I Am

SpaI definitely know who I am as a person. Indeed I’ve always have. I just continue to grow and enhance then learn even further things about and regarding myself.

I absolutely know who I was born to be, what I was born to do.

I do not know how to be anyone or anything other than who I am. I do not want to be anything other than my own true self, and I will not.

There are many sick, envious, jealous people around who endeavor to change my life destiny, my character, all of my positive and distinct circumstances.

They make numerous attempts to put negative, deceptive thoughts into my mind. Wanting me to believe that I am the complete opposite of who I really am by trying to persuade, manipulate, and discourage me through the use of evil black magic tactics.

The more that these people fail within their accomplishments the harder they try to maneuver and deceive me.

I do not even understand where those undesirable and inadequate people get the idea that it is even possible for them to coerce, intimidate, and stop me by the mechanisms of their witchcraft.

Obviously these idiots know that my mind cannot be swayed or easily influenced through anyone or anybody who I have come into contact with so for years they have resorted to the negative energies that are derived from ominous black magic.

I, a female individual, born with a caul and gifted with the many abilities of clairvoyance, am far more advanced and way ahead of all my jealous, envious enemies and attackers.

Even though I am able to naturally “feel, hear, see, and know” any of the negativity that may be around me-that negativity cannot and will not touch me. The evil energy is unable to affect or invade my life  because I and what spiritually surrounds me is much more stronger, powerful-and much more deeper.

I have a special purpose within myself to continue to fulfill-and absolutely nothing will ever get into the way of that beautiful design.

I am prompted everyday in my mission to prevail and succeed. I was not born or meant to be or become a failure. My ancestors and Orishas will not hear of it nor will they ever accept that falsity that is not created within my nature.

Anyone who tries or attempts to set out to cause my destruction and demise will inadvertently cause their own. I’ve already seen it happen on many occasions.

Logic cannot always be explained to sick or ignorant people who do not seek to better learn or understand but who prefer to remain hindered and stagnant within their incessant mode of living.


My enemies do not like the fact that I am strong willed, have a mind of my own, and that I cannot be controlled. They hate the fact that I am unique within my state of being, thinking patterns, spirituality, and mode of conduct.

I do things on my own terms. I refuse to follow what does not inspire or apply to me.

I do not live to or attempt to impress anyone.

Everything that I am motivated by comes from within through my strong energetic spirit, the universe.

I am “in tune” with nature, the spirit world, and everything that is associated with the supernatural and the occult-and I absolutely love all of my special spiritual connections.

That is where I have originated from and in which I will return once I am finished here with my session down upon earth.

I am firmly grounded. I am at peace.

My enemies have peeked into my pleasant present and prosperous future. And-under no circumstances-are they able to tolerate such fortunate positivity or productivity that they know they will never encompass and ever obtain.

I have no sympathy for any of my foes nor will I ever accept them or their kind. I hate and resent their existence. They’ve turned me off since the very first moment I ever came into contact with their types during childhood.

They have never had the power to hurt me in any way possible.

I am not of them, and thankfully, I never will be. No matter how hard that they unnaturally try to convert me or my life’s destiny.

They are nothing to me. They are just a bunch of “poop”.

Explore more of my knowledge and experiences at My Voice Weblog By Miss LaToya Lawrence

No One Can Stop Me From Anything That I Want To Do

Message StonesThere are a lot of people who try to discourage other people from moving forward in life. They do not like or want to see them get anywhere.

There are also the certain types of people who underestimate the abilities and potential of other people and will do everything within their power to try to downgrade their efforts or aspirations.

No one knows us better than we know ourselves. And absolutely no one can tell us what we are and are not capable of doing or accomplishing.

Some people kill me. How they will just come along, not really knowing anything about one personally, yet think that they can sum up their life story within an instant or after a few encounters.

Some people treat others as if they were just born yesterday. The stupid people always think that they have all of the answers. They think that they know everything.

When one who actually does have more knowledge about particular things than they do they do not want to hear it. They will not listen.

It may take them a while before they realize that they were wrong. One would think that they would learn from their mistakes and lack of intellectual acuity. However, they always do not. And they get angry or vindictive when someone else is in the right.

They often try to force their ideas, thoughts, and opinions on a person who refuses to accept what they do not agree with and/or knows that is wrong.

Some will admit to their fault. Some will just try to deny that they had made a certain judgement or determination to begin with because they do not want to feel and appear obtuse.

Many of them want to be looked up to. They want appreciation and gratitude. So sometimes their overbearing attitude is more of a need for importance rather than insolence.

On other occasions it is pure ignorance on their part. They are too stubborn to consider another point of view. In fact, if another person’s knowledge or point of view is something that is authoritative, too heavy for them to comprehend, and maybe even foreign, they get offended and defensive. And ready to retaliate by downgrading one to a further extent.

Later down the line though these people do experience what others could perceive and distinguish earlier on in regard to their circumstances and situations.

The predicaments that they fall under more than makes up for the aggravation and trouble that they may have caused to other people. Incidents and occurrences often come and bring to them humiliation and embarrassment.

And the ones who they had belittled, underestimated, or tried to discourage are the same ones that they would have to bow down to.

I hate pompous people who think and try to be more than what they are. Usually they are the ones who have had the most dirt on them. Having done the most atrocious of things yet they have the nerve to want to downgrade someone else. They love to tear and put people with upstanding character in positions where they do not belong.

These individuals are so absurd and obnoxious.

When people are unable to affect a person in the mind they attempt to do other things. Such as cause harassment.

It is very important in life to never under any circumstance allow anyone or anything to hinder a progression. If it is within one’s power to do so there is no other choice but to fight. Surrendering is not an option by any means.

Whenever someone endeavors to interfere with my life-the things that I am meant to do and achieve-the way that I am suppose to remain and become. It only sparks a fire within me. Naturally and passionately inspiring more determination. A higher and more intense motivation to succeed. I’d die before I give into anyone or anything that I am opposed to.

I do not believe in compromising any of my standards. I will not accept half way. Alternatives. Or a redo. When it is in regard to my destiny it is all or nothing.

And nothing is just what those in particular would get who dare to stop me from attaining anything in life that I genuinely earn and deserve.

Visit My Voice Weblog By Miss LaToya Lawrence

I Unlock The Doors With My Keys Of Faith


I believe in the things that I know are yet to come. I believe in what is. And I know that in which I am surrounded by has the faith in me to see things through.

I anticipate with confidence. Not bound by the ropes of any worry or fear. I look forward to what I expect.

For what is to be-already went to proceed.

Real faith is a very powerful tool. One should not underestimate the tenacity of the mind and spirit.

When something is consistent in nature it builds trust, loyalty, and/or presume.

However, to abruptly take things for granted can lead to one’s chilling disappointment.

In dealing with what is reliable we learn to depend.

And we should always appreciate what we can depend on with honor and grace so that we may continue to receive the most ultimate things that the universe has to offer.

When someone tells me that I cannot, faith tells me that I can. And I do, because I really knew that I could!

When someone says that it is not possible, faith tells me that it is. And I see, because I really knew that I would!

When someone wants me to not believe in what I know, faith tells me not to listen. And I hear, because I really knew that I should!

Faith knocks down the doors that are closed. Faith opens up the windows that are shut. And faith will fly us directly into the sky that is limited.

Without faith there is nothing. And for those who do not believe will receive nothing.

So I don’t believe that I have faith. I have faith in what I believe and what I believe-gives me the faith to continue to achieve.


Visit My Voice Weblog By Miss LaToya Lawrence

My Spiritual Clan And Our Family Tree

I have great love, protection, guidance and loyalty from my beloved ancestors and orishas. We are a complete spiritual team.

I call them “my spiritual clan (the orishas/loas and elemental universal forces) and our family tree (my ancestors/spirit guide energies)”.

They were always there for me. Leading me in my way and escorting me throughout my journey of exploration and discovery.

Things that I knew and perceived about life when I was a child were revealed, defined, and confirmed to me during the stages of my development.

By nature, there is an unwavering consistency of character and affect between my spiritual connection and I.

I am a person of my word. One who is able to be relied upon. And a person who does not fail to come through if I am genuine and/or knowledgeable about the situation.

These responses are automatic and intense. And not only toward one another but within ourselves as “dependability” and “productivity” are our own natural inherited traits and ability.

My spiritual clan and our family tree are completely aware of every an all of the inside and outside things that are associated with the happenings of this life and can concurrently manage through any type of barrier.

I have confidence in them and their wisdom. They have proved so much to me time and again, upholding everything together and sharing with me a lot of hidden knowledge.

The loas are powerful supernatural beings, greatly differing in force yet not so foreign from us in attitude and reaction. They have dispositions that are very similar to humans.

My departed loved ones who lived as strong authentic Yoruba priestesses in their day an age work harmoniously in accordance with the loas.

Other noble relatives of mine who weren’t involved in the priesthood serve their purpose through various means of devotion.

And all of them are highly venerated. I am just as devoted to them as they are to me. All of my good ancestors, and the specific loas that are attached to me, are the loves of my life.

My ancestors and orishas have always had my back in what seemed like the most chaotic of times. Nothing was ever too big or too small for them all to handle. And I was always important enough to gain their solicitous and undivided attention.

That is what is so fabulous about the universe. It has the ultimate power to simultaneously preserve any situation at any time with anyone and anything.

My spiritual clan and our family tree know more about what I am capable of-than I do myself. And the overwhelming love and faith that they have in me is priceless/ irreplaceable.

The spiritual connections that cling around me and the energies that surround us are my greatest motivators and inspires.





Visit My Voice Weblog By Miss LaToya Lawrence

Fruits Of Life


“Good eating” pertains to more than just a physical nourishment and source of energy that contributes to good health and longevity.

A healthy constitution involves and caters to the mind and spirit as well as the body when one is living a salutary lifestyle.

I have a natural course of drive and determination that has followed me all through out my life. And my innate hunger for liberty, selection, and flourishing-is non stop and inevitable.

I love to eat food. Not just any kind of food but good food. I was brought up on eating the best of things from a very young age.

I tend to eat things that are delicious yet at the same time very healthy. It is said that the things that taste the nastiest are the best things for us health wise, and that is very true. However, there are plenty of edibles that we can consume that attribute great taste along with essential benefits.

Let’s take fresh fruits for one. The “granny smith” green apples, watermelons (also honey dew and cantaloupe), pineapples, oranges, grapes, cherries, strawberries, plums, peaches, pears and bananas are great tasting and very nutritious.

Eating good also makes you feel and look good. I have tremendous energy, and my body glows with youth.

When one constantly intakes vital nutrients the body returns the favor by cleansing and detoxifying, resulting in regularity and better circulation and rejuvenation of cells.

Nothing is perfect, though; excellent lifestyle choices are the definite starts to building satisfying eating habits, and ones that will always bring back great rewards.

And all of those examples work out just the same when it comes to maintaining the proper functionality of one’s mind and spirit.

In my particular case, environment is vital. The “body” cover in which holds mind and spirit:

Having a clean and peaceful surrounding free from contamination (negativity, polluted people and etc.) and disturbance (energy disrupts, social commotions and etc.).

The internal “flesh” that engulf mind and spirit when it is and becomes nourished:

Having the things that I want and things that go my way for significant reasons one does not necessarily have to go through nasty and distasteful ordeals in order to gain strength or to further build character.

Sweet and delightful modes of pleasure can be just as effective an intense in means of fortifying resilience and structure of disposition.

In fact, happiness is the key and serves a far more greater purpose than what comes along to make us unhappy. I for a very long time have noticed that if there is something in life that I do not want or do not want to do, then it absolutely will not work out favorably.

There is nothing wrong with getting everything that one wants if it is in their best interest and they are able to get it. There is a big difference between being “properly spoiled” and having an arrogant sense of “entitlement”.

The love and spoiling in which I received contributed to my self confidence (self sufficiency, security within myself) and independence. I am very stubborn to do for myself and to work for what I want on my own rather than to get and take from others. However, I can accept a gift (token of appreciation or nice gesture) of kindness from someone yet it does not bring me a needed gratification.

When mind and spirit is attentively and thoroughly taken care of through the special quality natural nutrients (ingredients including earth, water, fire and air) that it deserves and needs they consistently revitalize and in return sustain us altogether within any and all ailments and affliction.

The ultimate rewards promote the enjoyment of salutary habits, again igniting the cycle of continuity and ultimately extinguishing the causes of impediments.


Visit My Voice Weblog By Miss LaToya Lawrence