Spiritual Sensitivity

Strong intuition, gut feelings, and constant or repetitive thoughts- whatever you want to call it- our inner voice of spirit talks to us often to impart certain messages, specific warnings and special knowledge/wisdom according to any particular situation that may be at hand.

I had a recent bout with a relentless alert to inform me about a pastor at a church I attended. The message came to me within my spirit, heightening within my thoughts and within my sensitivity to “feel”. I discerned as usual and took heed. “You can’t trust him. He is trouble. Stay away from him,” the inner voice conveyed.

I listened and acted as soon as I continued to get these intense revelations.

I did try to give the pastor the benefit of the doubt though one day the mention of a certain issue/subject matter during his Sunday morning church sermon confirmed what the holy spirit disclosed to me ahead of time in regard to him.

I appreciate that I was made aware and I ended our sessions of bible study before the circumstance became a disagreeable incident of some kind. I do very well to devote my own personal time and attention into scripture every day without an exchange of discussion with the pastor.

I was open and honest with him without giving him all of the major details and once I confronted him by email the nagging sensations gradually left me and I was at peace.

To conclude, this Pastor is not a bad guy, there is just something not right and that does not sit well with me within his disposition. I think one of the elements is that I am a little too pure and distinct within spirit for him.

He admitted to me that compared to other people he counselled with I did not have any dire issues. In fact, he told me I had the best life in terms of my lifestyle and spiritual foundation.

The pastor told me the trouble with certain others coming to him was about them having children by different men, and so on. I never had any predicament of that nature or the like.




Supervisors will bait employees with large sums of money just to advance themselves without any consideration for their fellow laborer’s welfare.

Regardless, there are people who will do anything for money.

About two months ago now, there was a text message that went out at a place of work for caregivers.

I didn’t believe my eyes when I saw the text advertise four-hundred dollars a day for a Caregiver case.

The message didn’t sound right to me. For all the years I worked in health care I never saw a case offered for four-hundred dollars a day.

I contemplated on the text, rationalizing what could be up. The only explanation I quickly came up with was the case had to be a Covid-19 positive client.

A while later, another text was sent out acknowledging that the case in need was indeed for someone who was Covid-19 positive.

The agency did not initially mention that vital information. They began to take loads of virus infected people, informing caregivers of PPE gear located at the homes of these clients for them to utilize.

No employee was obligated to accept any of the Covid-19 cases against their will. It was a free choice to any caregiver who worked for the agency.

One employee told me a supervisor sent her along with another coworker on a case at a hospital yet didn’t inform them ahead of time that the patient/client was positive for Covid-19.

I understand these people who have the virus need medical attention and have to be treated but it is the supervisor’s responsibility to inform their laborers in this particular life-threatening situation.

People have to be extra careful and look out for themselves because when money is involved unscrupulous professionals as well as ordinary individuals will generally put one at risk within a heartbeat.

People We Can Count On

There are friends who stick closer than certain family members. Though there is no other who will stick by us more than Jesus.

Isn’t it wonderful to have people around you who genuinely do have your best interest in mind?

I’ve been very lucky to have and to have come into contact with a small group of loving people who I can trust and who I can depend on if ever in need even if just to talk about something. I’ve never been the type to bother anyone or to ask anyone for anything, however it is nice to know that I can go to these people if the moment calls for it.

A few of the people I have known since I was a baby and the others I met not too long ago.

Not everyone can truly call someone a friend, let alone a lot of the people they may hang around. Fortunately, I never hung around many to have called or considered them real friends. I referred to people who I made acquaintance with in the past associates.

I am thankful and grateful to God that he surrounded me with a very small amount of handpicked people who are not of the world who are genuine than a large random pile of people who are of the world and not sincere.

Thank you so much, Jesus!

A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need. -Proverbs 17:17

Essential Worker: Essentially Protected During Pandemic/The Vital Power Of Spirit

When I entered into the area of health care professionally six and a half years ago a long-term dedication within the field was never my intention. Health care wasn’t a passion of mine and it still isn’t.

As a caregiver, I knew that I’d always have a job and never be out of work for any long period of time, and I was correct. So, it was a great back up gig and I am excellent at what I can do. After all, I do have over twenty years of total experience aside from having learned certain medical procedures through being trained and certified/licensed for the six years in which I have.

Health Care is an important occupation when one is responsible for the personal welfare of an ill or dependent individual who needs specific care or attention.

I’ve done and dealt with practically most all kind of patients/clients with all types of requirements. I’ve had to administer medication, take blood pressure, prepare and change ostomy bags, monitor blood sugar and insulin injections, care for hospice, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s/dementia, stroke, blind, deaf, amputated, psychiatric and etc.…. The list just goes on. I’ve worked in hospitals, assisted living facilities, and within residential homes.

I’ve even had to travel out of my way at times but the experience was good and I had received good worthwhile pay.

Fortunately, I haven’t had to be out there within the health care field now during this Corona Virus episode, even though I was ready willing and able to work for the main reason of earning the income that I am use to making, regardless of the pandemic.

This virus doesn’t scare me, yet the universe doesn’t want me out there constantly within that particular environment for my overall well-being. It’s like one not permitting their beloved child to go walk through a fire even if they wouldn’t possibly get burned. The universe doesn’t even want me feeling the heat or inhaling smoke-even though I can handle the flames, and I honor and respect the “power of spirit” with much regard and appreciation.

Proud To Be Unique/Proud To Be Real

Those of us in particular who are genuine messengers speak in truth through spirit; I write automatically within the form of automatic writing, a power that self- expresses and that writes itself. 

Self Love Self Respect

Strength Of Character

The Veil Of Truth

I love how energy manifests truth, the genuine essence of one that cannot be repressed or denied. 

When others aim to define us for who they want us to be or for who they falsely perceive us to be, and/or question, doubt, or speculate our true motives and intentions for why we operate in how we do-which is really just us being our authentic and distinct selves-validity knocks them down every time. 

A lot of people aren’t capable of dealing with actualities that they aren’t commonly accustomed to within certain individuals who are unconventional and unusual.  

Many often reflect their own insecurities and propensities onto others unsubstantially; some may even unrightfully accuse us of incorporating defense mechanisms instead of just accepting the harsh reality of our truths in regard to specific circumstances concerning numerous aspects of life, people, and situations.  

Some people kill me with the nonsense about putting up walls if we don’t like or want to be bothered-such a crock of bullshit! That may be true for some, in general; however, in the case of certain others and such as myself, we don’t put up walls we knock them down because we demand and enjoy the freedom to not be confined to the narrow margins/boundaries of ignorance. 

When we refuse to allow the negative views, opinions, or accusations of others to overthrow our veracity and reality truth automatically speaks for itself. It is that exact genuineness that gives us the natural authority and passion to ignore and scoff at the absurdities, enabling us to blossom and flourish even more elaborately through celestial energy. 

Fallacy has no bearing on the foundation wherewith we stand and wherefrom we go therefore.  

The profit through our blessings reward us for confidently placing our trust within the authenticity of our true identification; an honest verification to the origin of living one’s own special dimensional life force. 

The Truth Behind The Veil

Born with a caul is who I am, yet I am more than just one born with extra sensory perception.

Child Of The Caul

Spirit brings me into who I fully am and I love the assistance of a highly guided escort; the generation of my own exuding magnetic energy graciously outlining the pattern. 

The Body Is The Temple

Keep It Protected With The Vitality Of Spirit

Healthy Living

For Mind, Body, And Soul