Twisted Minds Think Alike🥨


There are some people who for some strange reason think or believe that what matters to them in life are the concerns, yearnings and desires that are engraved onto the hearts of certain others.

Oh, how deeply confused, misled, and uninformed are the ignorant who are confident within their serious lack of knowledge and guile.

They for some strange reason think or believe that they are riding high when they are on their way straight to hell.

They laugh at while they plot against those who are good-natured when those who are good-natured are spiritually untouchable, at ease, producing within their state of celestial being, steering into the reality of consciousness into the essence of their very state of view.


True Peace Of Mind🕊🕊🕊


Peace of mind is priceless. One of the precious gems that is bestowed by spirit.

Gained anywhere else is not true peace. Only a temporary state of comfort relied upon by whatever is satisfying for those limited periods of time.

Invaluable within value as when comfort wears out- or no longer exists- out goes the conditional description of what was providing one’s peace.

Now the true inner peace derived through spirit that cannot be deciphered through veiled eyes and which remains undisturbed when chaotic events strike is not dependent upon tangible items, favorable circumstances, or material things.

This peace is solely dependent upon what is intangible. What is out of grasp and maintained by the unreachable.

What we see touch and feel will not last, but what is beyond the sense of what appears is forever lasting, bringing great peace and protection beyond what we can feel, touch, or see.

So just be and let the spirit set one free. latoya lawrence


People In The Family


Just because we are related to people does not mean that we automatically must love, like, or care for them.

Feelings must come naturally and for me feelings do not result on account of simply being related to someone.

Just because we are related to people does not mean we should keep company with them or that we must be around them.

We cannot help being born into families with certain undesirables and/or people we do not connect with or get along with.

Energy does not lie and if something seriously is not right and causes discomfort or conflict within the spirit ties are to be cut loose for those who choose.

When family members I strongly disliked or had an aversion to went away or died/passed away I found relief to not or to never have to be in their presence again.

I eliminate anything that threatens my peace, harmony, or contentment when it is within my power to do so as we are not always able to always control all things depending on temporary or seasonal circumstances.

Nevertheless, I am not one to tolerate things which cause revolt around me.


Conditions In Life🌹


There are things in life that happen for a reason. We must let situations run their course.

No one gets away with anything when they are unjustified in their actions. Even if they seem to.

I have seen time and again people will get what is coming to them either by their own misdeeds that backfire on them or through the universal laws of nature- sometimes both.

God is on the throne no one will escape their deliberate treacherous behavior.

Life is a constant battle of good versus evil.

Ones who are on the correct team or path will prevail.

Life is energy, energy is life.

Make room and adjustments for spirit- and spirit will solicitously grant accommodations unto you.





Supernatural Affects/Effects 🕊


People gaslight and play heads games to control one.

It is also an attempt used in black magic to weaken the senses unnaturally through spiritual manipulation.

A strong mind or spirit is not overcome by witchcraft.

However, if some become spiritually entangled when targeted and encounter certain effects it does not necessarily mean that they are weak.

There are strong people for whatever reason who may have adverse reactions when targeted but they come through and survive as there are other life factors involved that have contributed to their dilemma which- to those who lack knowledge- appear as if the negativity worked, conquered, or had some type of influence. This is not the case at all.

There may be a tug of war or struggle with some, or no battle at all- just a recognition of what is happening- depending on mood, energy, environment etc…. Yet there is no true affectation just an experience to learn and take heed from.




I am not going to write every time an incident with asshole happens or occurs.

Some people are foolish enough to believe that if or when someone does not react to or mention a subject, incident, or matter that one is not informed or cognizant of the event- which is not the case in many situations and circumstances.

Though when spirit moves me to write I will oblige as there is purpose to these and other inspirations that manifest through all my literature.

But so far, according to the energy that I currently feel- even though he has wasted his time trying to do negative spiritual work against me- it finally seems that he may be waning off in certain areas of projection.

This has happened before though; he will get distracted only to continue to become occupied with me some more.

Even when those who put-up blocks in attempt to prevent one from knowing or feeling their energy or what they are doing my energy overrides enabling me to see beyond the scope.

Dark forces cannot blind out positive light.

Sometimes it is our own good energy that will put up blocks against others for protection and/or spiritual wellness.

Of course, I do not care about his infatuation, jealousy, and/or resentment toward me but as a gifted person I will always “know” and “feel” as to be warned or to be made aware of people and occurrence as I always have since childhood.


The Magic Within Me


When I was a little girl my mother said I and the things I used to do was like magic- she told me she always knew I had a special gift.

Over sixteen years ago when jealous adversaries were doing Brujeria against me most of them did not know what they were doing or who they were messing with.

They tried to work in opposition toward me within a supernatural system that was naturally made to work for and within me to my advantage.

Such fools they were! Nothing but silly puppets being pulled by the strings of the devil.

Half the time they were getting high on top of already having dead brain cells.

Low scale/low-class trash often sets out to destroy those of quality.

It is an age-old story.

I had experienced it since my youth, yet I had that ever-burning fire inside of me. The ability of connection within spirit, the forces to conquer them all.


Earth Element


Dirt is a natural element that represents the earth.

I used to gather clean granules of dirt from a bag I purchased from the hardware store years ago.

I had originally bought the dirt years beforehand for a plant that I rerooted.

Since then, the bag had sat unused until it came in handy again for my spiritual purposes.

It felt good to observe, inadvertently smell, and to rub one’s hands through the dirt if it was touched. A tangible interaction within the essence of nature itself.