My Third Eye 👁


My third eye has been open and clear since I was a youngster.

Although I did not exactly know there was a name for it back then I thought as a child that the ability to see visions was something that everybody had.

I learned differently as I grew older.

The third eye has been very helpful and enlightening for me throughout my life.

I have been safeguarded from the negative intentions of certain others as well as protected from dangerous situations by seeing things for how they really are instead of how they appear to be or falsely portrayed to be by others and circumstance.

Viewing things that manifest themselves from the spiritual realm unseen here by others into the physical realm along with the emitting of magnetic vibrational waves that traverse through dimensions.

My third eye has opened me up to extraordinary intuitive insight into occurrences indecipherable to the ordinary senses of normal range.

I as one born with Second Sight naturally grasp what generates from the outer world into the inner mind’s eye which connects to my spirit.

I understand the meaning gained from the intangible connections that link together within this sphere and state of being.


















Messages From Dreams🕊🕊🕊


At times, dreams are just irrepressible creations of the mind.

Nothing more than subconscious reactions, deep hidden thoughts, reflective stimulus, or a series of recollection relating images of reality or a seemingly form of illusion.

The instance results from random or deliberate states of consciousness into sensation within imagination.

Other times, dreams are passageways into the unknown. Ethereal connections of preternatural inspections.

In dreams, we may occasionally or constantly encounter access into the spirit realm.

We may experience visitations from those who currently dwell throughout spaces there.

These dreams of vision often come with lessons and messages attached to be learned from, gathered, then applied to present life events that could be tied to all aspects of time occurring from the past up to what is now ahead.latoya lawrence 



Better Than Them❤🕊


Just be yourself. Do not care if others falsely perceive you. If they have misconceptions about you and misjudge you due to their own lack of knowledge, comprehension or experience then that is on them- not you.

I am always going to be my true self and whoever does not like it or cannot deal with it that is too bad! I do not bow down to opposition or pressure to relent.

It is bad enough when one has to make allowances in certain situations.



Regarding those beneath us who are on a lower vibration:

Some people are nothing. They were not born to be anything; they were born to be nothing.

Never give any energy to or pay any attention to low scale/no-good/trash people who are below one’s mental or spiritual level.

They know when someone else is better than they are they just do not want us to think we are.

That is why they attempt to manipulate and do underhanded dirty deceitful things toward us in effort to try to lower our self-esteem to bring us down a peg or two- which never works on those of us who are “consciously awake and/or linked” to the spirit realm.

If anything, their tactics will enable us to be brought up higher through the wisdom and knowledge that we already possess along with the discernment we continue to gather and grasp through seasons of preparation to elevation.

These negative people are either just jealous or incongruous- or maybe even both- because they can and will never measure up regardless of what they are led to believe through their ignorance.- latoya lawrence

A Little Over A Week Ago: My Nature’s Uncontrollable Urge


As a true, natural born writer, my literature writes the story that automatically and spontaneously writes through me.

I am just a vessel pleasantly inspired by spirit to engage in what I effortlessly love to do.

Writing is a part of who and what I am, nothing can stop this process of propensity.

There are times when I am on a roll constantly stimulated by the energy to utilize creativity.

I do not even think of ideas, ideas reveal themselves to me, already planned out waiting for me to move forward into action.




Timeless In Age


My mother used to say that I had been here before. Though I never believed in reincarnation, I do strongly believe in the possibility that we were of consciousness in the spirit realm before we came here to earth to take part in this dreadful human experience.

I was a very bright youngster, ahead of my time, knowing and discerning at a level beyond what was usual for my age.

During my teenage years an evaluation by testing at school credited me with having an outstanding comprehension. I was surprised they were able to detect that from however they came upon the discovery.

Most of the things in life that I know now in my forty-seven years of life I knew then.

A lot of life just taught and confirmed to me what I already knew and was aware of.

There is always something to learn and expand in to enhance the progression in life.

I just know that I am not, have never been, and never will be average in way of thinking or spiritual nature.

Nevertheless, I have the natural instincts and abilities to relate to peoples and society while at the same time not relating to what is foreign, but understanding the nature of how others are and where they come from.

One does not necessarily have to walk in another person’s shoes to grasp their individuality and life path.



A Note Of Wisdom: Negative People Do Not Win They Are Already Lost❤


Witchcraft/Black Magic/Voodoo has never worked on me mentally or emotionally.

I am spiritual so I will feel multiple energies of sensation and receive messages within the process.

When I was crossed up at a period in my life within the distant past over sixteen years ago it was not a condition that was able to control me or my surroundings due to the nature of my state of being along with divine intervention it was just able to tug at my spirit to cause unnatural negativity around me.

Jealous, envious people who were low scale that were involved tried to invade my destiny and territory.

However, what I had realized is that God was not allowing these evildoers in any such fashion to bury me into their form of destruction he was allowing the situation to plant a deeper root of growth and development within me to further empower and enlighten me on the path of my journey.

We must be fully prepared and equipped to carry on in our purpose.

We may get slowed down sometimes by those who wish to intervene, yet God will indeed work it all out for our own good in his favor to make us even more abundant in whatever it is that he has planned for us according to his glorious purpose.

Evildoers never win against God’s children they just foolishly deceive themselves within their own devious undertakings.

This is also why Black Magic/Witchcraft/Voodoo will never return into my life- they can shoot their arrows, but they will miss every time. The past was an unfortunate experience that turned fortunate for me to learn from.

I learned just how powerful I am within spirit and within my spiritual abilities. I was amazed by finding out the depth of how God designed me when I got Brujeria removed. It was like something one would see in a movie. Everything was an authentic live magical event to take place. An account of an experience that I will treasure and never forget.

What God let to be possible within the human experience as a spiritually inclined person was extraordinary.

We all have undesired crosses to bear in this life.

Recently, there have been a few jealous/envious/resentful people who attempted to cross me up. Nevertheless, they are unable to. There is nothing for their evil/negative intentions of Witchcraft/Black Magic/Voodoo to latch on to.



Clairalience, Clairgustance, Clairaudience: Extrasensory Range


When it comes to Extra Sensory Perception I was born with just about the “entire kit and caboodle”

From experiencing the sensation of taste without anything physically entering my mouth (Clairgustance) to smelling scents or odor (Clairalience) that are not physically present to others, yet spiritually present in a physical sense to me and to others who are inclined to this energy.

Hearing outside of ordinary range (Clairaudience) when no one is around whether it is the spoken words or thoughts from people- messages, noises/sound, or communications from the spirit realm and affiliations.

I remember an incident years ago when my uncle had died and photos of him in a casket were mailed out to me from a relative.

While I had his picture around, I continuously smelled his funky feet that he used to have. Once I burned up his picture (I literally set fire to it with a lighter in an astray) the stink odor faded away for good.

There was another time my mother and I (she had spiritual gifts too) both smelled a wonderful, sweet Strawberry scent/fragrance as we sat inside my bedroom.

The pleasant odor brought a warm, comforting presence that came as a delight to us with it.

We checked around, there had been no empty Strawberry drink, or any food/dessert product left over or in the garbage to have lingered that smell.

I had been at work years ago (I was in my thirties then), in a storage room that I oversaw and maintained. I stored and managed delivered items that I would display and ticket on the sales floor as part of my duty as a Merchandise Pricing Associate.

One day I was in the back room organizing items while I began to taste a sweet pastry on my tongue (a donut). I had not eaten a donut since I was twelve or thirteen at the time.

I have tasted energy itself and as the best way that I can describe it felt like a distinctive electric wave that sizzled in my mouth physically, yet it is a supernatural experience felt naturally within my birthright.


One In A Million: A Rare Individual 🕊🕊🕊


As far as Michael Gonzalez (and any other low-scale no-good nigger from the past who wanted me, did not deserve me, could not have me), and other undesirable (individuals who are trash) people from the distant past in my old neighborhood who were jealous of my character, talents, intelligence while they had set out to tarnish my name, cross up my body, bind up my spirit and other negative deeds from childhood to adulthood through black magic/witchcraft they all failed within their outcomes.

I won against them all and everybody knows it!

As one who was always steps ahead of them- having advantage over them spiritually and mentally through spirit, wisdom and knowledge there is no way they could ever conquer me.

I am on an entirely whole different level within mind, soul, energy, and destiny.

I am a true testimony. People cannot understand the things I have been through from an early age and how I came through as a lovely, sturdy, beautiful flower to bloom vibrantly.

It just goes to show the power and nature of the divine spirit-energy that fully resides within me.

I have always been a fighter, a survivor. I always will be.

P.S. A little note: Evildoers never get away with the dirt that they do or try to do- that is a fact. Either they will pay some day in this realm or permanently within the next! –latoya lawrence 


Dear Hallmark


While I was out shopping today, I stopped to purchase a Mother’s Day card for a friend.

While I was searching for the perfect card, I came across a cute birthday card that I took a photo of.

I thought the outside cover and inside greeting was adorable as there was also humor to it.

My friend’s birthday is not until near late summer, so I did not buy the card. I could have purchased it and saved it to give to her later. However, I did not.

When her birthday comes around, I will find another gorgeously cute card.

The Mother’s Day card I picked out for her is awesome, though. It plays music!


The Magic Within Me


When I was a little girl my mother said I and the things I used to do was like magic- she told me she always knew I had a special gift.

Over sixteen years ago when jealous adversaries were doing Brujeria against me most of them did not know what they were doing or who they were messing with.

They tried to work in opposition toward me within a supernatural system that was naturally made to work for and within me to my advantage.

Such fools they were! Nothing but silly puppets being pulled by the strings of the devil.

Half the time they were getting high on top of already having dead brain cells.

Low scale/low-class trash often sets out to destroy those of quality.

It is an age-old story.

I had experienced it since my youth, yet I had that ever-burning fire inside of me. The ability of connection within spirit, the forces to conquer them all.


My/Our Psychic/Clairvoyant Faculties


A lot of people stereotype or associate psychic ability with Crystal balls, Tarot cards and the like. Everyone does not partake in the use of those symbols or devices.

My clairvoyant abilities have always been very strong and on point.

I never needed Tarot cards or any other so-called divination tool to aid me in knowing or seeing into the unknown.

My gifts were and are totally natural from the beginning of my birth as the faculty of extra sensory perception ran through both sides of my family.

God has given me and blessed certain others with these gifts for a reason unto the uniqueness of our being as well as to be used as an example of his power and shown for his glory.

My faith in God and within the awareness of spirituality and spirit matters would not be as strong as it was/is if I were not spiritually inclined the way that I have been.

This occurrence has served to be a great advantage for me.

We all have free will but regardless- God’s spiritual gifts are irrevocable.

One does not have to use their abilities for profit in the way of devil worship by casting evil spells, manipulating destiny to set others back, or so on with other wicked deeds and things not necessarily seen as wicked behavior by an individual’s erroneous mindset.

Some people were not even born with genuine faculties. They received or developed their doings through the devil- which is not true talents.

My knowledge, discernment and bestowment of second sight is a part of who I am. It is what I am in combination with my purpose here in life.

As a rare human being who possesses unique and special talents altogether, I am one set apart from this world.

Though, I am one who did not ever think like the rest of society as I always had a mind of my own and did things in my own way according to the nature of my character.

My identity does not come from this world and is not defined by others.

I am defined by the one who created me as I was signed and sealed by his divine signature.

I remember sitting in a restaurant during lunch with another female one day two years ago.

I met her at a church we attended during Alpha where it was suggested I could be a team lead.

As we talked, I spiritually picked up on another lady she brought up and began to discuss. Before she could start to go on- I told her major information/details regarding this negative woman in totally accuracy.

The female was excited and went and told her sister the things I knew through the spirit while I never met or seen the woman she spoke of before.

This is nothing out of the ordinary for me as I have experienced the extraordinary time and again since childhood.

To whom much is given much is required- this female quoted to me from scripture one night at the church back then.

The reminder of wisdom that we are held responsible for what we have whether blessed with wealth, talents, knowledge, leadership etc…. God expects us to benefit others.

I was never the type who set out or desired to save the world or to be an intentional source of help to others by lending myself.

Nevertheless, I believe God does use us even when we are not trying to be used.

He works through us by us just being us in the things we go through in life and by living out our interests that lead or follow through design.



The Heart Of A True Writer


I am sure many of us would love to commit to an occupation we enjoy doing.

I have worked a share of jobs that I considered fun instead of undesirable work, particularly when I held positions at JC Penney, Bloomingdale’s, and Sears Roebuck years ago.

I was very successful in my role at my workplace.

I believe one will do their best when they partake in a task that they delight in compared to a duty they do not.

Now do not get me wrong. There are plenty of people who do very well and succeed in jobs they hate doing because they are motivated to reach a certain goal, or they are just determined in their undertakings.



Nevertheless, there is nothing more satisfying than having the opportunity to do the work that one loves.

Writing is not only a hobby of mine but an area of my profession.

It is an activity I completely take pleasure in. A natural propensity, a drive, a passion of the spirit.

Yes, we all want to get paid for utilizing the talents that fulfill us the most, however, if or when that is not possible it really does not make a difference.

A true writer does not write primarily to receive an income or to gain recognition.

A true writer writes from the heart, from a place deep within.

We write when no one is around or viewing. We do not need an audience or require validation.

To the one who is inspired by the energies of their own craft, the act of writing itself is what brings out the greatest reward.


Seeing Into The Unseen


Of course, there are some of us who can see, feel, or know into the past, present and/or future along with other capacities linked to preternatural bestowment.

There are people who do not believe in the supernatural or that there are people who can prophet or foretell events and sense through means out of the ordinary range of scope known to the physical realm.

Whether some believe or not does not make the occurrence of ability untrue.

I am one who knows for a fact that something extraordinary exists among certain individuals as I was born with these types of spiritual gifts.

God himself is extraordinary/supernatural.

He does allow some of us to take peeks into the unknown and to see, know, discern, and communicate in ways that are not accessed by others.

In the same, no matter how far in capacity our faculties are developed or advanced we will never be able to see, know, or interpret everything. We are not supposed to.

God may show or allow us glimpses into the unknown through extrasensory means, but no one knows the future or outcome of event and how all things will play out but God.

Everyone has an expiration date. Tomorrow is not planned for anyone. God set a time for us to be born, a lifespan for us to live out, and the exact moment for us to transition.

Regardless of if we have a precognitive dream and know that someone will eventually give birth or that someone will die etc…. God is still the one in control and our present and future is totally in his hands.

We are to use our gifts as a source of insight, as a spiritual guide in certain areas.

We are to view our gifts as an example of God’s love, power, wonder, beauty, mystery and grace.

God’s gifts are irrevocable he will not take them away even when people use them maliciously or as an advantage over others within an unfair way.

Still, that does not give one the go-ahead to behave unscrupulously.

Throughout my life, from what I have encountered and experienced supernaturally from a child on up through the gift of second sight, is what contributed to my faith being so strong in the knowing of God.

As A Clairsentient Who Is Also Empathic


I am clairsentient and empathic.

My abilities go beyond, they enable me to experience emotions and feel energy across a broader spectrum.

As both, we can feel and discern other people’s energy. We know what they think and how they feel about us.

We can read people just by looking at them. We can tell what kind of people they are automatically.

We know when people like us and when they do not.  We know when people are genuine and when they are phony.

We may not always let these people know that we are aware of their true thoughts, feelings, motives, or judgements, but we can read into them and into their situations without trying to.

As both clairsentient and empathic, we can pick up on the things going on within other people’s lives without being anywhere around them as the power to receive energy has no limitations when it comes to connections within the spiritual.

We also gather information from the energy we retrieve through environments and objects. We can feel the outer as well as inner scope of things more keenly, forces/energies that are not visible to our physical senses.

We can feel if or when things or events will happen just as we can feel the present, past, and future emotional, physical, and mental states of people.




Future Writing Projects


A longtime family friend has mentioned to me more than once that she cannot wait for me to write or publish another book.

I completed two manuscripts years ago in addition to two books I previously published.

Once I finish a manuscript, I send a copy to the Library of Congress to ensure that my material is copy-written ahead of time.

I also had stories that I was in the process of writing that I have not completed.

I started these novels back in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s.

In fact, the second book I published while I was in my twenties was originally conceived when I was just twelve years of age.

I, of course, had to update the storyline to go along with the times according to how I wanted to depict my novel.

My stories practically write themselves.

When I published my very first book, I knew the ending before I wrote the beginning. I don’t plan, the words and ideas just pop out.

I even awoke from a dream one evening long ago, having viewed one of my manuscripts in cinematic form, then I began to write about the story as soon as I awakened.

Recently, another person suggested to me to get back into publishing books now.

These two encouragers know my love and passion for writing, and they know my natural drive as a writer.

The long-time family friend is a writer herself.

I never gave up on the desire to publish books. I just took a break.

I am in the process of gathering up my creativity to further explore and deliver future projects in the making.




A Vision: What I Dreamed This Morning


I did not go to sleep until after midnight last night. It was about around one-thirty or forty something when I hit the sack, so technically I had this dream this morning:

One of the gifts I have as one born with extra sensory perception is the ability to dream things that come true.

Nothing and no one are off limits.

For years I have dreamed all types of events that concerned all types of occurrence or people- from the president of the United States to celebrities to everyday ordinary people (not that the president or celebrities are any better within quality due to their status) I am just distinguishing the extent of area in regard to what, where, and who I can pick up on.

Last night I had a vivid precognitive dream of the royal palace and the involvement of animal sacrifice ritual done by one of the monarchies as a well-known who I will not mention took part.

I am not surprised.

After the chicken was sliced across the breast with a sword it would later be cooked and eaten by an associate who catered food.

I saw in detail the ceremony which stood only two people at a distance apart from one another dressed in fancy attire, their stance poised within a certain manner.

The calm colors they wore coordinated with the tone of the large almost auditorium-like room they were in along with a set of separate curtains that hung behind the two royal individuals.

There are a lot of people who profess God in public yet behind closed doors lives an entirely different story.

Little note: The message I received from my vision was this dream I had showed me an incident that has already played out within the past (I have always dreamed real life events of the past, present, and future) but the scene is not a well-known disclosure or open display amongst the public as it was done in private- a kept secret among those within the monarch family who partake in such perverse activities to gain and maintain power, prestige, money, and/or fame through demonic assistance.

Telepathic Communication


Those of us with extra sensory perception not only sense with our minds- but also communicate with our minds.

As we have a supernatural ability to acquire information not obtained through the familiar physical senses, the energy we receive radiates vibration unlimited.

Everyone’s faculty is not equivalent we all have our own unique traits and capability whether similar or unlike- strong or just a touch of.

We are able to pick up on the thoughts of others, hear their spoken words, or feel what they are thinking while we are nowhere within their physical presence.

Those who are also endowed are able to correspond back and forth with us through the mind and some just happen to think of us while we are thinking about them.

There is a lot more to telepathy in regard to precognitive visions and dreams. I could go on and on from my own encounters of experience that has been validated throughout my lifetime.



A Step Above


Do you stand out from the crowd?

Do you think differently than the majority while still being able to relate, release or be repulsed by what is familiar and foreign?

Are you an innovator, a visionary, one who by drive creates through the natural energy of manifest?

Does your purpose lead you?

Are you original, advanced, unconventional?

Do your words inspire, provoke, or offend?

Are you spiritually in-tune, highly sensitive to all of your surroundings?

Do you take your heightened abilities to new heights unbound?

Do you master the challenge of your challenges and the challenges that people challenge you?

You are an inventor- one who plans, masterminds, and architects design from an extraordinary perception.latoya lawrence



Rise And Shine


We never know what the day may bring yet we walk through each moment with faith in the things hoped to come.

Some of us have the insight to see certain scenes ahead of time to either prepare, warn, or show us an example of our spiritual connection to God within his power.

The universe is a force of energy, energy that we’re all receptive to whether knowingly or unknowingly.

We are attracted to certain things while we are repelled by others. We are aligned and within harmony to our celestial paths when we vibrate in correspondence to the supernatural guidance that dwells from within.

When there is detachment there is unbalance and one cannot resonate in accordance to the inner force of wisdom that sustains them.

None of us are able to “rise” or “shine” without the energy that generates our life-force.


Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing” -John 15:5 NLT


Spiritual Sensitivity

Strong intuition, gut feelings, and constant or repetitive thoughts- whatever you want to call it- our inner voice of spirit talks to us often to impart certain messages, specific warnings and special knowledge/wisdom according to any particular situation that may be at hand.

I had a recent bout with a relentless alert to inform me about a pastor at a church I attended. The message came to me within my spirit, heightening within my thoughts and within my sensitivity to “feel”. I discerned as usual and took heed. “You can’t trust him. He is trouble. Stay away from him,” the inner voice conveyed.

I listened and acted as soon as I continued to get these intense revelations.

I did try to give the pastor the benefit of the doubt though one day the mention of a certain issue/subject matter during his Sunday morning church sermon confirmed what the holy spirit disclosed to me ahead of time in regard to him.

I appreciate that I was made aware and I ended our sessions of bible study before the circumstance became a disagreeable incident of some kind. I do very well to devote my own personal time and attention into scripture every day without an exchange of discussion with the pastor.

I was open and honest with him without giving him all of the major details and once I confronted him by email the nagging sensations gradually left me and I was at peace.

To conclude, this Pastor is not a bad guy, there is just something not right and that does not sit well with me within his disposition. I think one of the elements is that I am a little too pure and distinct within spirit for him.

He admitted to me that compared to other people he counselled with I did not have any dire issues. In fact, he told me I had the best life in terms of my lifestyle and spiritual foundation.

The pastor told me the trouble with certain others coming to him was about them having children by different men, and so on. I never had any predicament of that nature or the like.



No Mention Of Being Born With A Caul In The Bible, However, There Were Special, Gifted And Chosen People within Scripture

I enjoy reading my bible. I like reading the bible now even more than I did when I was younger. The bible doesn’t mention anything about cauls as a sign of being special or having any supernatural/spiritual gift, yet there definitely were quite a few who communicated with God, had visions and prophetic dreams.

Since the caul denotation is not in the bible and is not biblical some Christians would consider it derived from a pagan source of origin. I was told when I was younger by someone who was ignorant (a woman I use to have bible study with when I was eighteen) that gifts that I had were of or from the devil which was ridiculous. Yes, the devil does give certain people mystical abilities through familiar spirits but this is not the case for everyone. Some believe that only when the Holy Spirit comes to unite with one are we able to receive gifts from God.

I know for a fact that God will use his spirit early on to guide and to lead us into further seeking and understanding. Some don’t even believe that the baptismal or christening of a baby is significant which is not true. I was christening at four months old and it was a blessing in which God had his hand over my life from the beginning.

Nevertheless, one being born or bestowed with certain spiritual gifts from God is a truth and reality and Moses is a great example.

She saw that he was a special baby and kept him hidden for three months. Exodus 2:2

It was by faith that Moses’ parents hid him for three months when he was born. They saw that God had given them an unusual child, and they were not afraid to disobey the king’s command. Hebrews 11:23

We are suppose to use our gifts to glorify god

Essential Worker: Essentially Protected During Pandemic/The Vital Power Of Spirit

When I entered into the area of health care professionally six and a half years ago a long-term dedication within the field was never my intention. Health care wasn’t a passion of mine and it still isn’t.

As a caregiver, I knew that I’d always have a job and never be out of work for any long period of time, and I was correct. So, it was a great back up gig and I am excellent at what I can do. After all, I do have over twenty years of total experience aside from having learned certain medical procedures through being trained and certified/licensed for the six years in which I have.

Health Care is an important occupation when one is responsible for the personal welfare of an ill or dependent individual who needs specific care or attention.

I’ve done and dealt with practically most all kind of patients/clients with all types of requirements. I’ve had to administer medication, take blood pressure, prepare and change ostomy bags, monitor blood sugar and insulin injections, care for hospice, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s/dementia, stroke, blind, deaf, amputated, psychiatric and etc.…. The list just goes on. I’ve worked in hospitals, assisted living facilities, and within residential homes.

I’ve even had to travel out of my way at times but the experience was good and I had received good worthwhile pay.

Fortunately, I haven’t had to be out there within the health care field now during this Corona Virus episode, even though I was ready willing and able to work for the main reason of earning the income that I am use to making, regardless of the pandemic.

This virus doesn’t scare me, yet the universe doesn’t want me out there constantly within that particular environment for my overall well-being. It’s like one not permitting their beloved child to go walk through a fire even if they wouldn’t possibly get burned. The universe doesn’t even want me feeling the heat or inhaling smoke-even though I can handle the flames, and I honor and respect the “power of spirit” with much regard and appreciation.

Reading And Just A Little Of My Reminiscent Ramblings

Reading by misslatoya

jay bijwe said 1 week ago

I am addicted to reading. In spare time I used to read. Reading is fun.


You said 6 days ago

In reply to jay bijwe.

Yes indeed, reading is fun! And it is a wonderful and very healthy addiction to have.


In addition to sharing the comment above to the beauty and pleasure of good reads that can bring delight as well as learning:

I am definitely one who always enjoyed the luxury of reading as the instance came natural. In this computer age I still appreciate holding a book in my hands and turning the pages to a novel in which I can’t put down.

As a writer myself I know the beauty of vision, creativity, and originality through imagination.

I’m glad as a youngster that I grew up in a time without the internet. A time where I played and came up with things on my own and could think for myself and solve on my own.

The internet is beneficial and a great resource for communication, business, expressing artistic ventures, convenience and etc… Our cell phones and computers are very vital in this particular day and age.

However, I’m still a person who likes to talk and communicate face to face, a person who likes to think and determine for herself, a person who doesn’t need to look to the internet for inspiration, guidance, or stimulation within a mandatory or instinctual format.

I didn’t come up that way, although, it was easy for me to adapt to technology, It’s fantastic to have known the other essential productive way of life that I grew up with in regard to strong interactive skills and nurturing and utilizing various aptitudes without a global network influence.

I grew up with games, toys, cartoons, shows and literature (many that were even before my time) like Miss Pac-Man, Merlin, Simon, Paper Dolls, Barbie, Archie Comics, Tom And Jerry, Pop Eye, Woody Woodpecker, Flintstones, Jetsons, Lassie, Wonder Woman, Bionic Woman, Batman, Alfred Hitchcock, One Step Beyond, Suspense Theater, Police Woman, Streets Of San Francisco, Leave It To Beaver, Little House On The Prairie, The Virginian, I Love Lucy, Kojak, Columbo, Adam 12, Dragnet, Bank Street Readers, Babar, and so much more.

I don’t know what this shit is today. The music isn’t even as good as it use to be.

Anyhow, I miss the electric typewriters, I love the way I grew up back within the day compared to now, and I love to read a good hardcover or paperback book.

This computer age cannot ever steal away the lovely memories and experience of the late seventies and eighties culture.



The tasty fruits of inborn talents, labor, and energetic vibration is so mouth-watering.


I’ve had many jobs that categorize more than one field of work. The tasks and pursuits I experienced during the varying areas in regard to employment enhanced and developed additional inspiring factors within my utilizations.

Each particular encounter proved to be very rewarding and enlightening. The instances imparted to me how I do better as a multitasker. I can’t be held down to one description I am a combination of specific variety and creativity rooted from deep inside.

Isn’t it marvelous when we have the option to choose what lanes to walk down?

As our paths lead us out into the open doors of opportunity why not go all out to explore all there is to achieve within the many things we desire to accomplish?

When the knocks call do you answer or do you leave the door shut? Does the pounding motivate or does it annoy?

I answer expectedly and enthusiastically, giving it my best shot! Why not? I don’t turn down an offer that demands for me in which to excel. In return, I succeed!

The knocks inspire me as bestowment within correspondence believes in me. Why else would it had summoned thee?

When we genuinely have confidence in ourselves and are strong within determination those doors began to fly open.

I know what I’m capable of doing and I use my tools of nature to expand even farther. It’s an order!

A command to approach and reach the steps meant for us to climb at our own pace and at our own periods of readiness.

No one has the authority to define the contents within the recipes prepared to flavor us as deliciously fruitful. We come in the most delectable packages full of excitement and coated surprises.

It’s fulfilling and inspiring to me to not be limited within faculty and to have the capacity to do more than just one thing as versatility allows us to express the distinct versions of our competent selves within personality, aptitude and performance.

“Think Of Me Spells” Black Magic Manipulation

I’m grateful for the way I am and for the way in which I truly think. I love my strong and deciphering mind.

There was a recent attempt in which included a spell to be placed upon me this past week and I cannot for the life of me understand why as the desired results will never come to be.

It has been done over and over by and about this same male before off and on and I am sick and tired of this nonsense.

As a very spiritually inclined individual with strong empathic capacity I will always feel and discern occurrences.

The spell was being conducted for me to become attracted to this guy and to like him and then as I was not at all receptive to the manipulation it was induced to try to get me to love or to fall in love with this person a ridiculous circumstance that is impossible for me to do and one that I’ve absolutely never believed in as in my opinion a man is nothing to fall in love with.

I’ve never been genuinely attracted to any man I’ve never had any amorous feelings or desires for any man and proudly I never will and there is not enough black or white magic within the world or beyond that can ever incite me to do so.

For me, as a real woman with a competent mind, to be with a man is and would be so very absurd, undesirable, and unnatural.

I sincerely love myself and I definitely love who I am as I am secure, confident, and complete within myself and I constantly have been, and it is such an insult to my very well being, character, and state of existence to the very mere thought of any essence attempting to pair me with a man.

It’s bad and sick enough that God created life in that way to begin with yet it is a thing in which I was fortunate enough not to be connected to and a thing in which I will never take part in.

It could be a good man and I still wouldn’t desire or want him. Any “lovey-dovey” shit, romantic or “sexual” shit has always turned me off.

And, as ugly as the human penis and testicles are one has got to be crazy to lust after it. This is a very sick world ruled by a sick god.

I was born and blessed with a very special gift of extra sensory perception yet I didn’t ask to come into this world and I’d rather have not been born if god was going to create the world under these dumb unnecessary circumstances. God could have chosen more reasonable elemental factors but instead went for the sick designs of his own very nature to acquire to a so called “human nature” which is so disagreeable to me.

I’m so glad to have the hovering of unconventional and intangible aspects within my true life and mode of living.