Better Than Them❤🕊


Just be yourself. Do not care if others falsely perceive you. If they have misconceptions about you and misjudge you due to their own lack of knowledge, comprehension or experience then that is on them- not you.

I am always going to be my true self and whoever does not like it or cannot deal with it that is too bad! I do not bow down to opposition or pressure to relent.

It is bad enough when one has to make allowances in certain situations.



Regarding those beneath us who are on a lower vibration:

Some people are nothing. They were not born to be anything; they were born to be nothing.

Never give any energy to or pay any attention to low scale/no-good/trash people who are below one’s mental or spiritual level.

They know when someone else is better than they are they just do not want us to think we are.

That is why they attempt to manipulate and do underhanded dirty deceitful things toward us in effort to try to lower our self-esteem to bring us down a peg or two- which never works on those of us who are “consciously awake and/or linked” to the spirit realm.

If anything, their tactics will enable us to be brought up higher through the wisdom and knowledge that we already possess along with the discernment we continue to gather and grasp through seasons of preparation to elevation.

These negative people are either just jealous or incongruous- or maybe even both- because they can and will never measure up regardless of what they are led to believe through their ignorance.- latoya lawrence

A Finally Closed Chapter


There was no mistake at me getting hired by and working for Amazon in 2021.

I knew in hindsight that the relatively short ten months spent there I was never meant to stay. It was just another steppingstone for me to step upon and to pass through.

It was not a mistake that I encountered and met Michael Gonzalez either.

People like him want or expect people like me to be lower than what we are.

When we do not display preconceived notions of how or what they feel we should be they prefer to view us as thinking that we are better than we are, that we are purely riding on ego by having an exaggerated opinion of ourselves and/or capabilities.

I know how some people of this type of nature think, feel, and respond when it comes to people like us who are on a higher vibration, wavelength/level of intelligence, and substance of character.

There has always been a clash of energy between people like him, or people even worse than him, and me.

They see nothing wrong with themselves as they relate to one another in character, disposition, nature and mindset.

And they probably are good for one another but they need to stay in their place and let us live in peace because we are nothing like them in thinking or way of incentive.

This is why there is often miscommunication, misunderstanding, and unnecessary conflict.

They put on facades to camouflage as being the ones who are “better” (For my current lack of a better word at this moment as I write this. Maybe a suitable alternative word will come to me later, long after this post is completed and has already been published. I could later edit, yet maybe I did use the correct term after all) classifying us as the ones who are lesser. When indeed they already know the real deal although they do not want to accept or come to terms with it.

People such as myself do not go around thinking that we are better than everybody. That accusation among people we consider trash is ridiculous. And it does not make any sense.

There is a huge world out there with diversity and variety that contribute their own uniqueness or distinction.

However, it is a fact that there are higher quality of people out there in comparison to others (and I am one of them) and it has nothing to do with a professional title or occupational position that one has, how much money or material possessions someone has, the type of educational degree one may have and etc…

A penniless bum or homeless person in the street can be higher mentally or spiritually than any professor or doctor.

That person may have just fell on hard times or did not have or was not granted the same opportunities that others may have had.

It is about who and what we are made up of in heart, mind, and spirit. Some people are just demonic or knuckleheaded in nature and spiritually inclined individuals can pick that up keenly.

Since childhood my spirit did not take well to certain types of people. I am not perfect myself but I was always a good, decent person who was on the level and who never went around starting trouble or bothering anybody. A lot of people will back that up too if they are honest.

The reason I may come off as harsh and intense toward them is because I have had many encounters of firsthand experience with them and know the depth of their mentality, their behavior, and the sicknesses many of them have that have not been diagnosed due to a lot of them not being called out or even recognized by their actions. There are so many of them that have influence over the world that to justify their accepted unscrupulous flaws they unjustly come down on us as the ones who deserve the consequences that unethically result from their disapproval to bring us down to their level or lower.

It is all about control and their fear of facing the inadequacy within themselves.

They resort to all sort of underhanded tactics in attempts to hinder, block, or destroy those who are really meant to rise, succeed, excel, or who were just meant to live the life that was comfortably meant for them to live. Simple and quiet. However, miserable people do not enjoy to see others happy and not going through the same predicament they may be residing in.

For years I had these types who had backgrounds of drug use and so on in effort to invade upon my life. It is always those who have tons of dirt on them and are used as Maytags/Flunkies to try to bring those who are a threat in some way or who they are envious and jealous of down.

I never had problems with other people who were of genuine class or decency- and the thing about it is these people did not personally know me and I never hung out with them. It was people who I was pointed out to or who knew of me from the neighborhood and I am not the only one who has gone through this.

They do it to people who have things going on for themselves- and when you are really smart and you are not friendly towards them forget about it!

That was my problem.

Since I strongly absorb energy, I know who to trust, who not to trust, who is good, who is not so good. It is not healthy or desirable for me to be around certain types of people.

Even when people of their kind whether male or female liked me as a person, I used to hate it because I really did not want them to like me. I did not like their kind coming around me. I had no problem with courtesy. There were times I would be rude because these people do not know how to back off as they do not understand that we do not see them the way they see themselves. And just because we see them as nothing does not mean that they see themselves as nobodies.

And when it came to guys who were romantically interested it really was a turn-off because I knew we were not cut from the same cloth. We were not similar or of the same nature.

Mating with one of them type of people can literally/physically mess up one’s body if you are a woman. I would never carry a child by one of them mixing with them is not good. A lot of people do not know this. Who would want to intertwine with one of them?

Some of them try to get with people of substance purposely to either drown out our bloodline of substance or to improve theirs through another generation.

Their seed is morbid- I cannot get into that right now it is another entire subject but a legitimate one dealing with spiritual truths. I have already written more than what was intended as I just had wanted to get straight to the point as well as to offer detail to thoroughly explain certain points.

Nevertheless, the incident with Michael has come to a close. I still feel him (his energy) because on his part he is still in the picture. I have felt people for years who still had or kept me in thought for reasons that pertained to situations. But on my part, I gained what I further needed from a spiritual aspect of a tie that had been chasing me for decades that needed to finally be completely severed.

I do not know why things must sometimes take place with particular people we cross paths with and it is not always for us to figure out just as long as we understand.

Whatever had to happen or take place I am glad now that the energy around me is keeping the negative people away from me and possibly giving a signal off to them in a vibe for them not to like me. This is excellent for them to stay away from me.

This is what I had always wanted from the get-go. That is part of why witchcraft was put on me in the first place. To allow negative people and unwanted/unnatural occurrence to invade my life and territory to change the original destiny ordained to me.

When I interact day to day it is how life is supposed to be. It has been this way for a while now but it only gets better.

I am grateful for the other gifted people I met who could see what went on along with those on my level in my personal life who are also aware of how these people operate.

It is an unfortunate part of life.

I often wondered if this was part of my purpose here on earth.

No matter what I went through on account of sick people I have remained true to myself, and a better version of myself discovering potentials I did not know I had until it was revealed to me.

Negative people were unable to break me.

Negative people will always be out there-their same ignorant, trouble causing energy but for the most part this chapter of my life has come to an end.

Spirit will use me through my writing as one who has experienced a lot to serve as a resource and expression of power through the connection I innately have to the universe.



Who Cares? I Never Did!


My mother and I never ran to anybody. People always came to us.

We’d be on the steps of our house chilling out in the summer or spring listening to music on our stereo/cassette/CD boombox only to draw small groups of people from time to time who enjoyed our company.

Those around me knew nothing bothered me, especially in the sense of bullshit.

I noticed in the 90’s how I was not thinking anything those in my age group were thinking or some who were older as far as mindset.

I did not care what anyone was doing or what was going on with anybody either, yet a lot of them were worried about what was going on in my life since they were enviously judging me for the things that I was not doing.

This is another reason why these certain sickos resorted to witchcraft. They wanted to get inside of my head to try to bother me with lies they made up and other things that would not ordinarily bother me- usual things that would bother them and bring them down.

Negative people do not like who they consider goody two shoes who they feel are too good to be true.

Negative people do not like anyone or anything that reminds them of how messed up they really are.

A lot of them think or believe that they know everything when they know nothing at all but ignorance. One must go down to their pathetic level for them to understand where one is coming from or what one is talking about.

Nevertheless, I am not one to stoop that low.

Why care to explain anything to airhead individuals who are unable to learn any better aside from doing underhanded dirt?

I ignored most of the garbage (trash people).

I acted as if they were not even there as I hated their existence to begin with.

They were never anything to me- their kind never will be.


A Note Of Wisdom: Negative People Do Not Win They Are Already Lost❤


Witchcraft/Black Magic/Voodoo has never worked on me mentally or emotionally.

I am spiritual so I will feel multiple energies of sensation and receive messages within the process.

When I was crossed up at a period in my life within the distant past over sixteen years ago it was not a condition that was able to control me or my surroundings due to the nature of my state of being along with divine intervention it was just able to tug at my spirit to cause unnatural negativity around me.

Jealous, envious people who were low scale that were involved tried to invade my destiny and territory.

However, what I had realized is that God was not allowing these evildoers in any such fashion to bury me into their form of destruction he was allowing the situation to plant a deeper root of growth and development within me to further empower and enlighten me on the path of my journey.

We must be fully prepared and equipped to carry on in our purpose.

We may get slowed down sometimes by those who wish to intervene, yet God will indeed work it all out for our own good in his favor to make us even more abundant in whatever it is that he has planned for us according to his glorious purpose.

Evildoers never win against God’s children they just foolishly deceive themselves within their own devious undertakings.

This is also why Black Magic/Witchcraft/Voodoo will never return into my life- they can shoot their arrows, but they will miss every time. The past was an unfortunate experience that turned fortunate for me to learn from.

I learned just how powerful I am within spirit and within my spiritual abilities. I was amazed by finding out the depth of how God designed me when I got Brujeria removed. It was like something one would see in a movie. Everything was an authentic live magical event to take place. An account of an experience that I will treasure and never forget.

What God let to be possible within the human experience as a spiritually inclined person was extraordinary.

We all have undesired crosses to bear in this life.

Recently, there have been a few jealous/envious/resentful people who attempted to cross me up. Nevertheless, they are unable to. There is nothing for their evil/negative intentions of Witchcraft/Black Magic/Voodoo to latch on to.



One In A Million: A Rare Individual 🕊🕊🕊


As far as Michael Gonzalez (and any other low-scale no-good nigger from the past who wanted me, did not deserve me, could not have me), and other undesirable (individuals who are trash) people from the distant past in my old neighborhood who were jealous of my character, talents, intelligence while they had set out to tarnish my name, cross up my body, bind up my spirit and other negative deeds from childhood to adulthood through black magic/witchcraft they all failed within their outcomes.

I won against them all and everybody knows it!

As one who was always steps ahead of them- having advantage over them spiritually and mentally through spirit, wisdom and knowledge there is no way they could ever conquer me.

I am on an entirely whole different level within mind, soul, energy, and destiny.

I am a true testimony. People cannot understand the things I have been through from an early age and how I came through as a lovely, sturdy, beautiful flower to bloom vibrantly.

It just goes to show the power and nature of the divine spirit-energy that fully resides within me.

I have always been a fighter, a survivor. I always will be.

P.S. A little note: Evildoers never get away with the dirt that they do or try to do- that is a fact. Either they will pay some day in this realm or permanently within the next! –latoya lawrence 


Twisted Minds Think Alike🥨


There are some people who for some strange reason think or believe that what matters to them in life are the concerns, yearnings and desires that are engraved onto the hearts of certain others.

Oh, how deeply confused, misled, and uninformed are the ignorant who are confident within their serious lack of knowledge and guile.

They for some strange reason think or believe that they are riding high when they are on their way straight to hell.

They laugh at while they plot against those who are good-natured when those who are good-natured are spiritually untouchable, at ease, producing within their state of celestial being, steering into the reality of consciousness into the essence of their very state of view.


People In The Family


Just because we are related to people does not mean that we automatically must love, like, or care for them.

Feelings must come naturally and for me feelings do not result on account of simply being related to someone.

Just because we are related to people does not mean we should keep company with them or that we must be around them.

We cannot help being born into families with certain undesirables and/or people we do not connect with or get along with.

Energy does not lie and if something seriously is not right and causes discomfort or conflict within the spirit ties are to be cut loose for those who choose.

When family members I strongly disliked or had an aversion to went away or died/passed away I found relief to not or to never have to be in their presence again.

I eliminate anything that threatens my peace, harmony, or contentment when it is within my power to do so as we are not always able to always control all things depending on temporary or seasonal circumstances.

Nevertheless, I am not one to tolerate things which cause revolt around me.


Conditions In Life🌹


There are things in life that happen for a reason. We must let situations run their course.

No one gets away with anything when they are unjustified in their actions. Even if they seem to.

I have seen time and again people will get what is coming to them either by their own misdeeds that backfire on them or through the universal laws of nature- sometimes both.

God is on the throne no one will escape their deliberate treacherous behavior.

Life is a constant battle of good versus evil.

Ones who are on the correct team or path will prevail.

Life is energy, energy is life.

Make room and adjustments for spirit- and spirit will solicitously grant accommodations unto you.





Supernatural Affects/Effects 🕊


People gaslight and play heads games to control one.

It is also an attempt used in black magic to weaken the senses unnaturally through spiritual manipulation.

A strong mind or spirit is not overcome by witchcraft.

However, if some become spiritually entangled when targeted and encounter certain effects it does not necessarily mean that they are weak.

There are strong people for whatever reason who may have adverse reactions when targeted but they come through and survive as there are other life factors involved that have contributed to their dilemma which- to those who lack knowledge- appear as if the negativity worked, conquered, or had some type of influence. This is not the case at all.

There may be a tug of war or struggle with some, or no battle at all- just a recognition of what is happening- depending on mood, energy, environment etc…. Yet there is no true affectation just an experience to learn and take heed from.




I am not going to write every time an incident with asshole happens or occurs.

Some people are foolish enough to believe that if or when someone does not react to or mention a subject, incident, or matter that one is not informed or cognizant of the event- which is not the case in many situations and circumstances.

Though when spirit moves me to write I will oblige as there is purpose to these and other inspirations that manifest through all my literature.

But so far, according to the energy that I currently feel- even though he has wasted his time trying to do negative spiritual work against me- it finally seems that he may be waning off in certain areas of projection.

This has happened before though; he will get distracted only to continue to become occupied with me some more.

Even when those who put-up blocks in attempt to prevent one from knowing or feeling their energy or what they are doing my energy overrides enabling me to see beyond the scope.

Dark forces cannot blind out positive light.

Sometimes it is our own good energy that will put up blocks against others for protection and/or spiritual wellness.

Of course, I do not care about his infatuation, jealousy, and/or resentment toward me but as a gifted person I will always “know” and “feel” as to be warned or to be made aware of people and occurrence as I always have since childhood.


The Magic Within Me


When I was a little girl my mother said I and the things I used to do was like magic- she told me she always knew I had a special gift.

Over sixteen years ago when jealous adversaries were doing Brujeria against me most of them did not know what they were doing or who they were messing with.

They tried to work in opposition toward me within a supernatural system that was naturally made to work for and within me to my advantage.

Such fools they were! Nothing but silly puppets being pulled by the strings of the devil.

Half the time they were getting high on top of already having dead brain cells.

Low scale/low-class trash often sets out to destroy those of quality.

It is an age-old story.

I had experienced it since my youth, yet I had that ever-burning fire inside of me. The ability of connection within spirit, the forces to conquer them all.


A Precognitive Dream In Regard To Amazon


I had a dream about Steven Ellmore last night or during the wee hours. 
I was not even thinking about this guy.

However, those of us who have gifts don’t have to be thinking of or anywhere around someone to receive or to pick up messages of information concerning them or a situation, especially when it is regarding ourselves. 
In the dream, he came to me to apologize to me. 

As he acknowledged and expressed regret for his mistake, he offered, on behalf of the establishment that he is affiliated with a luxury property, to offer me to permanently reside by choice as a one-time immediate offer. 
I was filled with too much gloat over the fact that I had never done wrong to begin with to accept.

I was more preoccupied with how Steven had tried to put something on me that was never there, only to find out how foolish he was. 
Supposedly, a customer of Asian descent claimed I said something to her in the Chinese language-which I have never spoken and do not understand. I do not know any words in the Chinese language. 
That was the first clue of his arrogance and stupidity that I had explained to him. Yet, he acted as if he did not want to believe it. 
Either the situation was a set-up, the customer was mentally ill, or just flat out lied. I did not care one way or the other. 
What pissed me off, and a fast way to get on my bad side is to lie on me or to accuse me of something that I did not say or do- and that goes for anybody! 
Whatever the nature of this misunderstanding or if this is regarding some other incident or circumstance, it has been cleared up. 

This is not the first time I have gotten spiritual messages of myself being vindicated in this Amazon nonsense that was all nothing, but a result of others’ jealousy directed towards me.

Certain people have always, and will always be jealous or intimidated by me.
I did not accept Steven’s offer or his apology. The “I told you so” was enough satisfaction for me. 
This was a precognitive dream. There is meaning behind it. 
Some dreams play out exactly how  
they were revealed or shown.

Some dreams have a hidden meaning that needs to be interpreted through what is shown.

They may not necessarily play out identically, though the details portray actual events and the disposition  
of others in relation to what was revealed. 

Some dreams even show another person in place of the person in question whereas we have to distinguish who is actually being acknowledged.

There are many examples of lessons to be gained from this vision.

I was able to read a lot from what I gathered, and in fact, the information was enlightening on both parts. 

On my part, I think the spirit was telling me not to behave disdainfully when someone is humble enough to come to me and admit that they were wrong, and that they initially handled the situation in error. 

Ignorant People Are Always So Quick To Judge And Accuse When They Don’t Understand Where Another Person Is Coming From


In Response To My Post: Soul Ties? No, Not Really!

I am accused of having an attitude for being honest and resolute. So be it.  😂😹

I am not forcing anything on anyone, take it or leave it, I just state my truth.

I, LaToya, know and believe what God says! Better heed the message:

The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness – Thessalonians 2:9-12

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. -1John 4:1

Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast to what is good. -1Thessalonians 5:20-21

Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ -Matthew 7: 21-23



yes, there is reincarnation to correct anything you have not made right same people same souls. So you’re saying this makes me believe you are not a Caulbearer. As a small child, I remember my past life and so did my brother. I will remove myself from your blog. I do not to be involved with those who bare false witnesses.


In reply to mademoiselleyvettemarie.

One having been born with extra sensory perception has absolutely nothing to do with people’s false beliefs of having past lives.

There is no such thing. I have been gifted all of my life that is a fact. The Holy Spirit can attest to that.

If anyone bares false witness it is you.

Obviously you do not know the true definition of a false witness. I have always spoken the truth even if you do not comprehend my writings.

If you cannot accept the truth that is your problem not mine.

You removing yourself from following my blog does not faze me.



In reply to misslatoya.

so much attitude you have a lot to learn



This is an interesting comment.

However, I was never one to back down from standing my ground or from speaking the truth.

Of course, everyone will not always come into agreement, and some will never come to accept the truth when they are strongly deceived by the devil and his tactics of illusion and delusion.

Yes, spiritual gifts of extra sensory perception (which is the scientific word for preternatural ability) are definitely real and some are born with these strong faculties, as I indeed was.

There are those for years who denote the term being born with a “Caul” or “Veil” as a physical sign through birth of one to possess supernatural ability (second-sight).

There are those who do not believe in the Caul or Veil term as it may be deemed to them as a New Age or Pagan term.

When I first heard the word “Veil” used as a younger person a long time ago, I instantly knew that it meant “to see”.

So, the word Veil is just a descriptive terminology/expression of the link and connection to the spiritual realm. One who is “in tune”, in touch, with the outer scope of things.

And, a “Caul” is a legitimate membrane that is sometimes enveloped over a newborn baby’s face- this is a fact.

Anyhow, reincarnation is an entirely different subject.

Anyone having a recollection of a past life is mistaken.

Either there is a misinterpretation of an impression somewhere or they are just being misled.

Calling someone a “false witness” because they do not agree or believe in the lie of people continuing to come back to life within different lifespans to appease “karma” or for whatever reason is entirely bogus.

One with true discernment would know this.

Near death experiences are a true reality. People have died and have come back to life through resuscitation and so on to share their divine experiences.

I myself have had divine supernatural accounts but they have surfaced in authenticity. I always deliberate and test out certain occurrences just to be sure.

Of course, others in particular do not have to believe in something for it to be true, and no one can tell another what they did or did not go through or have encountered, as each individual is different and their own experience is unique.

Nevertheless, the Holy Spirit will lead one into truth and since I was a child, I have always had common sense and was open to weighing out logic or reason.

Everyone is not going to want to hear the truth, yet I will always be bold enough to speak the truth and not fall into the deceptions of the world.

Soul Ties? No, Not Really!


Two things I never agreed with or believed in were reincarnation and soul ties.

I have heard people say that sexual relations with another person can transfer their energy or negativity, which does not make any sense to me.

And, I am an extremely sensitive person spiritually as well as open-minded.

This concept is a New Age and Wiccan concept.

Yes, people can absorb other people’s energy, but it has nothing to do with the transference of residue or the intertwine of one soul to another.

Feeling or picking up on another person’s vibe or “energy” is purely a trait of discernment or a supernatural gift, as everything within the universe is made up of energy.

There can be connections between people who have never had sex and it has nothing to do with them having a mystical connection to one another from a past life.

Even in the Bible, when it talks about a man and a woman becoming one flesh, the instance does not mean that their souls are actually becoming one, but that their bodies are physically united as one within the sanctity of a marriage. God never created sex to be outside of wedlock.

Anything contrary to God’s intended purpose is considered wrong or incorrect and can produce undesirable effects.

If a person has sex with a rapist or serial killer does it automatically reflect and rub-off on them to do the same and follow up in their footsteps? Absolutely not!

Some people are just unable to mentally or emotionally detach themselves from certain people, events, or situations in life.

When it comes to spiritual ability, aspects can manifest to respond on an ongoing basis for the purpose of keeping the individual alert and aware of actual current or future occurrences that may take place bearing significance.


Reincarnation? No!


I find it an annoyance to hear someone tell me I am connected to someone from a past life.

The acknowledgement is absolutely ridiculous.

Even during my teenage years, I never entertained the idea of reincarnation because I knew in my heart, mind, and soul there was no credence to the subject.

I do believe in Deja vu, which is a feeling of having experienced the present situation. I myself can attest to the reality of it on more than one occasion.

However, this is no indication that I lived before in another lifetime that I am not completely aware of here on the planet.

What I do and always believed is possible, though I am not for certain, is that we were already living souls in the realm of God our creator before we were born into these physical bodies.

We may have agreed to come here on this earth as a test with no recollection of our spiritual existence beforehand.

In that way, I believe we may have lived before but coming back here in different bodies as different people continuously- no.

I have been called an old soul and my mother swore that I have been here before. It may be so, especially the way some of us are advanced through gifts of the spirit with preternatural ability.

I do believe we are not strangers to this existence. There is more to the picture than what we can see or visualize.

We will not know the entire story until we meet Jesus face to face.

The Bible does state that we were thought about before the creation of the world and I know there is a connection we have to God beforehand.

With the Lord there is no beginning and no end, so who really knows when we actually began?

Once we die in our bodies and transition, that is final, we do not come back until Jesus returns like a thief in the night to get us, resurrect, and clothes us with new improved bodies fit for eternity.

An Ex-Coworker Working His Nonsense: Rituals


Jealous, envious, or resentful twisted people trying to attack me through black magic/witchcraft/voodoo had become a thing of the past.

I myself have never been into witchcraft or black magic, but I did have the ability and know how to protect myself and reverse negativity done to me and others who needed my help.

I also knew how to cleanse myself spiritually, everything I did was pure and for good.

Candles, incense, and other elements that represent earth, air, fire, and water- which I all used are not bad, evil, or negative within themselves. It is how they are used.

It has been years since I burned a candle. I do not burn candles anymore or maintain an altar for spiritual work of protection or veneration.

Yes, I was born with strong faculties.

However, I allow and rely totally on God now to fight my spiritual battles along with me putting on the armor of God by his word- which is the shield of faith.

There has recently been one who himself (an ex-coworker) with the help of another or certain others who attempted, and is still in the process of endeavoring to attack me spiritually through witchcraft of some sort.

They are absolutely wasting their time.

I have been ultimately protected against any form of evil for over twenty years.

The sad thing about the situation is these people are not at all harming me, they are hurting themselves.

I used to not understand God urging us as his children to pray for those who persecute or try to harm us. But the Lord revealed to me it is because they are the ones who are in danger. They are lost in their wickedness, destined to darkness and damnation.

They are blind to what they do and the consequences thereof and need guidance to see their way out.

We, as those saved and following God’s example, have nothing to worry about.

The more they try to hurt us without true remorse and repentance- especially when they are not justified- the further they dig an eternal grave for themselves.


A Step Ahead Of The Game


Isn’t it something when certain people plan and plot to do dirt against you but you are two steps ahead?

We know what they are going to do before they even know or do themselves.

When their schemes fail and we show them up- they are bewildered and full of wonder.

We cannot help but to laugh at them sometimes when we are not shaking our heads at them in disgust.

Never take the gift of insight for granted. Always use it to serve for good. Use second-sight with honest intent and the intent to protect.

Others who understand us and what we are bestowed with who mean us well support and share within our positivity to discern while living out and fulfilling our purpose.



Negativity Reversed


When certain people are unable to get to other people naturally- out of desperation they resort to unnatural means.

Whatever the motive may be for whatever reason they find witchcraft/voodoo/black magic to be an answer.

I usually know when someone attempts this sort of negativity toward me. I know the reason why, and I know who. If there is something I am not certain of I am always aware of something else in specific.

I am fully protected so anyone would be wasting their time, effort and money.

More harm comes to those who indulge within these morbid activities than to the ones they are actually trying to harm, hinder or halt.



Do You Know Him Personally? I Do


There are people who speak God’s name, or mention his ways, but they only run to him and truly acknowledge him when they want something.

The Lord is not a God of convenience. He is not one to go to when in need to just forget about him once what one has is gained.

These particular individuals are aware of God and they know of him, however, they do not really know anything about him as a father.

Workers Of Evil Have No Power Over You


Workers of evil have no power over you unless you give it to them- latoya lawrence


Do not fear or be afraid of those who do black magic- they cannot harm you.

I know that people have died from and been killed with voodoo/black magic/witchcraft.

Lives have even been destroyed by other means as a result from being crossed.

I don’t have all of the answers or explanations as to why some people tragically fall prey. Only God knows.

Sometimes God allows incidents to occur to teach and to show us examples of things.



Other reasons are that this is a fallen world where evil principalities reign. Unfortunately sin and destruction are a part of everyday life.

None of these occurrences will totally end until Jesus returns.

What I do know for sure is that not everyone will succumb, be a victim, or even be affected by supernatural negativity.

Some of us may at one time or another be a target but never under the mercy of such wickedness.

I speak from experience.

The Brujeria people worked on me during the past had absolutely no bearing on me. I was too strong within mind and spirit- and I defeated them.

God is constant and consistent when he protects his children.


My Source Of Power


As extra sensory perception runs on both sides of my family I have known since childhood that psychic ability is definitely real.

I have been clairvoyant my entire life.

My accounts and experiences are endless. A day-to-day normality that are an inherent part of us who are spiritually inclined.

I have been told by others who are sensitive that I have a beautiful “energy”.

Of course, within the past I have had those who we call “vampires” who desire and attempt to rob us of our “spark” try to drain me of my good energy.

There are legitimate spiritual workers out there with the ability to remove heavy witchcraft/brujeria/voodoo/obeah or whatever one wants to call it- negative supernatural attacks are all satanic/demonic.

God allows certain people gifts to heal and to bring deliverance through the acts of his mighty power.

There are those who don’t go to the extreme of hexes but try to gain our energy within other ways.

The devil uses some of these people by making some of us appear to them as vulnerable, easy spiritual targets when indeed we are not.

The devil is a liar and the one’s he actually uses are vulnerable as they are blinded by what they fall for within the Devil’s tactics.

There are people who claim to be spiritual advisors who will try you by telling you you’re in need of spiritual cleansing, chakra balancing, and the like.

The truth is that Jesus is the great physician and will lead one unto the correct path toward healing or rejuvenation whether it is through a situation or a designated person/persons he will send one’s way.

One of my abilities is to spiritually fight, remove, and block negativity- and to heal.

God is my ultimate source of radiating power within this ability.

All I do is trust in him, let him take control, and he works through me to fight, remove, block and heal whatever tries to or causes harm.














No Weapon Formed Against Us Shall Prosper

It is strange how trouble-makers are stagnant they keep on with the same nonsense unable to move forward. Misery loves company, however, I never occupied myself in the company of miserable people.

I love peace. I am in a good place spiritually.

It is not healthy to be around negativity or toxic people. Just because we can handle or not be affected by negative energy does not mean we have to or should tolerate its presence or essence.

Our gifts keep us alert, aware, and informed but we are not meant to be consumed. I am always repulsed by toxicity and allergic to negative people so my attention is never focused upon them. I grasp the situation but the situation never takes a hold on me.

It’s Halloween all year around for this demonic looking creature.


I never understood unattractive dumb, naive whores with low self esteem who do, fall for, and go along with anything a degenerate guy tells them.

They make such fools out of themselves.

Well, both of them are used goods (Michael and Tiffany) nobody else wants to deal with- other than the prostitutes and low-scale whoremongers that roam around within their circle.

These two both use and abuse one another- toxicity at its worst.

I refused to play into the nonsense of their game so they played themselves, and they are so played out with their lies. The bitch didn’t even know me at all. And Michael didn’t really know me either because if he did he would have never tried to set me up or challenge me in the first place with his jealousy and ignorance due to his ego and whatever mental illness he has. He is a very weak individual.

I read him like a book, though.

I got to him and defeated him with the truth and I won!

Yet he is a liar who believes in and hides behind his own lies, and I don’t care one bit. He needs to stop worrying about what I write about and move on. He needs to get a life.  All I did was show him that he messed with the wrong person.

While he may have gotten away with doing dirt to others within the past he didn’t get away with anything this time around.

God doesn’t like ugly, he isn’t crazy about beauty, and what people do in the dark towards those who didn’t do anything toward them are brought out into the light.

P.S. It is funny how evildoers view the consequences of their actions as a trial or test. They perpetrate when they are nothing but wolves trying to hide in sheep’s clothing.

No good people should always be exposed for who they really are.

Whore Bitch

Tiffany is a ugly dopefiend-looking bitch.

This skanky whore needed her ass kicked for lying on me. With her smelly crotch/funky coochie.




Supervisors will bait employees with large sums of money just to advance themselves without any consideration for their fellow laborer’s welfare.

Regardless, there are people who will do anything for money.

About two months ago now, there was a text message that went out at a place of work for caregivers.

I didn’t believe my eyes when I saw the text advertise four-hundred dollars a day for a Caregiver case.

The message didn’t sound right to me. For all the years I worked in health care I never saw a case offered for four-hundred dollars a day.

I contemplated on the text, rationalizing what could be up. The only explanation I quickly came up with was the case had to be a Covid-19 positive client.

A while later, another text was sent out acknowledging that the case in need was indeed for someone who was Covid-19 positive.

The agency did not initially mention that vital information. They began to take loads of virus infected people, informing caregivers of PPE gear located at the homes of these clients for them to utilize.

No employee was obligated to accept any of the Covid-19 cases against their will. It was a free choice to any caregiver who worked for the agency.

One employee told me a supervisor sent her along with another coworker on a case at a hospital yet didn’t inform them ahead of time that the patient/client was positive for Covid-19.

I understand these people who have the virus need medical attention and have to be treated but it is the supervisor’s responsibility to inform their laborers in this particular life-threatening situation.

People have to be extra careful and look out for themselves because when money is involved unscrupulous professionals as well as ordinary individuals will generally put one at risk within a heartbeat.

No Mention Of Being Born With A Caul In The Bible, However, There Were Special, Gifted And Chosen People within Scripture

I enjoy reading my bible. I like reading the bible now even more than I did when I was younger. The bible doesn’t mention anything about cauls as a sign of being special or having any supernatural/spiritual gift, yet there definitely were quite a few who communicated with God, had visions and prophetic dreams.

Since the caul denotation is not in the bible and is not biblical some Christians would consider it derived from a pagan source of origin. I was told when I was younger by someone who was ignorant (a woman I use to have bible study with when I was eighteen) that gifts that I had were of or from the devil which was ridiculous. Yes, the devil does give certain people mystical abilities through familiar spirits but this is not the case for everyone. Some believe that only when the Holy Spirit comes to unite with one are we able to receive gifts from God.

I know for a fact that God will use his spirit early on to guide and to lead us into further seeking and understanding. Some don’t even believe that the baptismal or christening of a baby is significant which is not true. I was christening at four months old and it was a blessing in which God had his hand over my life from the beginning.

Nevertheless, one being born or bestowed with certain spiritual gifts from God is a truth and reality and Moses is a great example.

She saw that he was a special baby and kept him hidden for three months. Exodus 2:2

It was by faith that Moses’ parents hid him for three months when he was born. They saw that God had given them an unusual child, and they were not afraid to disobey the king’s command. Hebrews 11:23

We are suppose to use our gifts to glorify god

Proud To Be Unique/Proud To Be Real

Those of us in particular who are genuine messengers speak in truth through spirit; I write automatically within the form of automatic writing, a power that self- expresses and that writes itself. 

Self Love Self Respect

Strength Of Character

The Veil Of Truth

I love how energy manifests truth, the genuine essence of one that cannot be repressed or denied. 

When others aim to define us for who they want us to be or for who they falsely perceive us to be, and/or question, doubt, or speculate our true motives and intentions for why we operate in how we do-which is really just us being our authentic and distinct selves-validity knocks them down every time. 

A lot of people aren’t capable of dealing with actualities that they aren’t commonly accustomed to within certain individuals who are unconventional and unusual.  

Many often reflect their own insecurities and propensities onto others unsubstantially; some may even unrightfully accuse us of incorporating defense mechanisms instead of just accepting the harsh reality of our truths in regard to specific circumstances concerning numerous aspects of life, people, and situations.  

Some people kill me with the nonsense about putting up walls if we don’t like or want to be bothered-such a crock of bullshit! That may be true for some, in general; however, in the case of certain others and such as myself, we don’t put up walls we knock them down because we demand and enjoy the freedom to not be confined to the narrow margins/boundaries of ignorance. 

When we refuse to allow the negative views, opinions, or accusations of others to overthrow our veracity and reality truth automatically speaks for itself. It is that exact genuineness that gives us the natural authority and passion to ignore and scoff at the absurdities, enabling us to blossom and flourish even more elaborately through celestial energy. 

Fallacy has no bearing on the foundation wherewith we stand and wherefrom we go therefore.  

The profit through our blessings reward us for confidently placing our trust within the authenticity of our true identification; an honest verification to the origin of living one’s own special dimensional life force. 

The Truth Behind The Veil

Born with a caul is who I am, yet I am more than just one born with extra sensory perception.

Child Of The Caul

Spirit brings me into who I fully am and I love the assistance of a highly guided escort; the generation of my own exuding magnetic energy graciously outlining the pattern. 

The Body Is The Temple

Keep It Protected With The Vitality Of Spirit

Healthy Living

For Mind, Body, And Soul