Yoruba Orishas And God



I cannot lie or deny that when I was angry with fierce hatred for God on account of a combination of things that I still till this day do not like or appreciate to venerate my beautiful Ancestors and Orishas nothing negative had become of that choice I had made.

It was a positive experience for me, a natural connection for me as I was called when Elegba came looking for me.

What I loved and respected most about the legitimate Orishas that I spiritually dealt with was that one cannot go to them on their own- the Orishas must summon you.

They do not just want or accept anyone in comparison to Jesus.

Elegba, of course, did or does not have the power to create, but he has the power to destroy.

What I dislike about the one and only God (Jehovah) is that he gives life to anything and will accept anyone who comes to him.

In my opinion, he should not have given life to everybody. I would have preferred not to have been born if I had to share a world with certain types of people and undesirable conditions of life that I have no interest, concern, or agreement to the nature of.

I feel like if he was going to create certain types of people, things, and ways of life, then he should have separated us to put the trash on a section of the earth with the other trash and let them all be the stupid undesirable garbage that they all are together.

It is believed by some that Orishas are demons posing as such- as Lucifer will disguise himself as an angel of light.

However, we all do not know everything there is to know about creation and the spirit realm.

All I know is that I have seen through my third eye and experienced visions and have had significant/meaningful paranormal encounters within dreams and while fully awake here on earth regarding the Orishas that prove otherwise.

Deep down inside I still have love for Oshun, Elegba, Ogun, Orunmila,  and another Orisha that appeared to me within the past.

The deities treated me with nothing but love, kindness and respect. And there was nothing but peace and protection around me at the time.

What I also loved about the Orishas is that they had a raw sense of humor when the situation called for it. They made me burst into laughter unexpectedly one time when an active scene/vision was reflected to me.


So Lovely

It’s amazing and beautiful how essence surrounds and envelops one with support and protection; the nurturing, the preservation, the love and the certainty.

I feel good and I maintain a positive outlook.

The concrete foundation proves to serve as an authentic life fulfilling purpose within its specific design.

It is loyal and fully consistent. Oh, so lovely and generous. It is all worthwhile.

I just had to give and show praise and appreciation unto the nature behind it.

Thank You So Much.

The Love For Oshun

Orisha Oshun has treated me lovely she’s been so very nice and caring toward me.

Oshun had even shown benevolence toward Brandie, my beloved dog who I possessed for seventeen years, before I had to put her to sleep due to arthritis in the legs and because she would no longer eat or urinate and move her bowels.

Years ago, Oshun showed me a vision of her and brandie lounging serenely on a beach on the sand. Oshun relaxed upon a comfortable lounge chair with her legs and feet propped up while brandie was stretched out beside her watching the tides come in to shore.

It was such a beautiful sight to view. The sunlight was beautiful, just the two of them alone, enjoying the still of the day.


Aside from watching out for my pet in the afterlife Oshun has equally watched out for me at numerous times here on the earth, warning me against certain dangers and insuring that I was sufficiently provided for within the things that I needed.

One time I was so tired and didn’t light a candle for Oshun as I’d faithfully do on her day of the week in honor of the Orisha and I had felt so bad and expressed it out loud to a relative.

Within a short time after, a voice spoke to me uttering out the words, “Oshun loves you”, and the feeling and sensation that had come along with it was one of an attentiveness.

The courteous expression served as an acknowledgement to me at how Oshun was more preoccupied with the genuine devotion that was within me compared to the outward expression of a well-meaning gesture.

She didn’t care about the candle that I was too tired to prepare and burn she cared about me for being real and for being good within intention.


Hey Taurus!

Bathed within the freshness of her rejuvenating waters her presence is here she is always there.

Orisha Oshun our ruling planet Venus Goddess of love, money, and beauty.

It’s Taurus season! Happy Birthday Taurus!

Spring again has arrived the two months of when we were born. No bullshit for the bulls!

True to the name, outspoken in the game, we absolutely have no shame!

What a fabulous sign to be born under. Strong and patient. Kind and deadly.

We’re a people of genuine character. One can depend on us. We see things through.

Calm, cool, and collected our shit is always perfected!








“Blessed” Originally posted on December 31, 2018 to My Voice Weblog by Miss LaToya

Another new year is about to come in and things are going my way and working in my favor as I continue to elevate and advance even further mentally and spiritually as usual as I was always ahead of my time.

When I look back at how all the jealous people had tried to interfere and bring me down within my life since childhood on up with lies, mind games, manipulations, black magic/voodoo/witchcraft and so on I just don’t understand why they all wasted their time yet one cannot explain logic and reason to deeply sick and disturbed individuals that redefine the true meaning of what being morbidly twisted actually represents.

They couldn’t take away my self-love, they couldn’t take away my high self-esteem, they couldn’t take away my intelligence, they couldn’t take away my strength, they couldn’t take away my confidence, they couldn’t take away my gifts and talents so what was the purpose?

They also definitely couldn’t take away the intense and genuine love, protection, respect, distinction and blessings that surround within my energetic field as they so desperately wanted that beauty and wellness for themselves but would never receive such an honor as the privilege and specialness was never meant for those of an inadequate and degenerate nature.

I was never happy within the way the world is and I never will be as I am not and never will be a part of this world.

I continue to want no part of it but I am so happy with my self and genuinely have so much love, peace, and security that steadfastly resides from within.

I am ever so grateful to the universe for being on point and constantly delivering I have faith in what to expect due to the loyalty though I never take anything for granted as I accept appreciatively.

What is around me you never cease to amaze me, truly awesome! – latoya lawrence

Poetic Tidings: My Orishas

I am an only child brought here into the wild I was not left here a stray yet I still want to get far away.

Spiritual mother bathes me in her oceans as I am one of the daughters of the waters,

Spiritual father opens my roads and destroys anyone that tries to heavy my loads,

Spiritual uncle clears away all of the pathways equipping me with everything that I need to make it through each of my long days,

Spiritual uncle constantly keeps me on track heeding out warnings to everyone that he always has my back,

Spiritual grandfather instills within me the wisdom from learning therefore I am able to go out and make a decent earning.

Still, I wonder why I am alive even with all of the multiple skills that I have to survive.

I’ve been to this place some time before I didn’t want to have to come again anymore.

This is not where I feel I should be.

This is not meant it is just not suitable enough for me. Why don’t you seem to agree?

Two warrior uncles of spirit, grandfather of oracles, mother goddess of the rivers and father of destinies all responded in reply:

“To you it makes no sense being put through so much shit to all at what expense?”

“We had to come take back what was ours and that is why you were given the powers”.

“If you couldn’t do it you wouldn’t have been put through it. So continue to do it and subdue it!”

“You were made strong enough to swim through any tide and back to shore”.

“It was sealed in the plan before you was set to begin only to be revealed on that day we surely knew you’d succeed to win “.-latoya lawrence

Lucky And Special


I think it is so nice to be appreciative and say thank you and I love you from the heart to the ones and to the circumstances that we hold and that also hold us dear.

Although our experiences may vary or differ those of us born with the caul are generally very lucky children and I know this for a fact as I have had great spurts of luck all through out my life.

I’d get the things that I had wanted and wished for and knew that there was something around me guiding my steps and watching over me because I’d always somehow avoid danger and serious injury and things would work out for me whereas others may not have been as fortunate.

There would also be sensations of awareness that had made me feel self assured, at ease, and safe.

As we’re born with the capacity of precognition the aspects also endow us with a manifestation of spirit that inhabits us quite often as we find ourselves reacting and responding to things spontaneously and automatically without any initiation on our part, a blessing that is natural and inherent.

These are things that we take notice of as children and teenagers and start to wonder about ourselves when we observe others around us that don’t identify or connect in the fashion that we do.

Some of us have been fortunate enough to have had family members and/or associates that also may have been born with cauls or that had knowledge of the nature of our births and that could help shed light on and give support to our situation.

I was always told that it was a good thing to be born with a caul and that we were very special children.

My mother use to tell me all the time that I had a gift and that I was special and I believed but when spirit came to me in my thoughts as a young adult and kept telling me that I was special until I finally accepted it is when I truly understood the depth of what that all meant.

Those of us with the power of the particular have a responsibility to pay attention to the messages that we receive and a responsibility to honor and respect what was bestowed upon us by heeding warnings and learning through revelations because it is all for our well being, best interest, growth and survival.

Some of us choose a right path, some choose a wrong path, and some choose a undecided path to travel down according to their own inclination it is our decision and one that we have to answer for in the end and that is our choice alone and one that we have to be content with.

Orisha Oshun

basketAroma of cinnamon spice in the air, a fresh sunflower elegantly styled into my hair, the sweet taste of honey inside my mouth, I feel like a woman who came from down south.

Gazed into a mirror so mysteriously filled with glee, I turned around and who do I coincidentally see? Oh my gosh, it was not me it was her from behind it was none other than she!

sweet honeyShe has visited me within my dreams acknowledging to me that I have a means, she has showed me herself through numerous of visions encouraging me to achieve in my decisions.

Astonishing me with much of her approval and praise she has given me an establishment to incorporate for the rest of my days. I have been enveloped upon within her pure love insistent to the promise that I shall rise above.

pumpkinsOshun, she announced out within an utter I come to you with the tender heart of a mother, I am the queen who rules over the waters and I generously welcome you into my headquarters.

As I was adorned in luxury and advantage I understood now how I was going to manage, and when I went to smile it had turned into a blush, I then went to run my mouth and she said no then told me to hush.

mysticalDon’t say a word, I’ve already heard. I have been by your side and I have observed. Your treasure, that is, it is much well-deserved I am Oshun and this very event here is sure to occur soon.

-latoya lawrence

My Yoruba Deity/Ochosi

wild horseWhen I was a child I consistently won every fight that anyone ever started with me because I was never the one that would initiate a problem or confrontation.  I was always one to take up for myself no matter what the cause if it was absolutely necessary.

As one born under the zodiacal sign Taurus we are in general very kind people and can be slow to anger, however, when we do get mad it is indeed no lie-and I know from my own personal fashion-we have the most violent and ferocious tempers on the planet.

I was born a good person of honest, authentic and resilient character I am not and have never been a pushover yet I do not go throwing my “mental weight” (brainpower and durability) around. Yes, I am very talkative and prone to fun when I am in a natural spirited and energetic state though I also have my quiet and solitary moments.

Nevertheless, never have I ever played the role of troublemaker nor do I desire to. If anything I aim to avoid problems in spite of not being afraid to face them.

I am pretty sure on more than one occasion throughout my life certain individuals may have assumed I had instigated a difficulty but that is only because they were lacking knowledge of my extra sensory perception, and those who I would retaliate against who knew that they had done wrong toward or against me without knowing exactly how I knew about the circumstance who had accused me were just plain sick in the mind.

There are times to let particular situations go and die down due to the fact that it is too small or not even worth the effort of passion. At other times one has to take care of business good or bad.

When I get those supernatural notions, those tugging involuntary darts that literally won’t stop jabbing at my spirit it is time to go into justifiable action, and once retribution has been carried out spirit within me is appeased.

Orisha Ochosi is all about fairness and a helping hand along with my ancestors and other personal deities that surround anything that I may miss out on. They are there to pick up the leftover trail in my honor when I am not immediately aware or just simply in need.

Intervention and further justice is handed out promptly by the means of righteousness and Ochosi stands within the background of my life to seize and to deliver anytime the day or night calls for it.


Orisha Orunmila

shellsFour or five years ago I had a session with a Babalawo and during the reading, which had a specific “title” that I will not reveal, he acknowledged to me, of course, what I had known previously that first and foremost an “ancestor altar” had to be set up in my home and had to be separate apart from any of my other altars.

The Babalawo then stated “You have to start worshipping Ifa, and then you will be foretelling your true destiny.(https://misslatoya.wordpress.com/2012/11/21/i-am-a-fighter-a-survivor/)

sea shellsI hadn’t divulged to him though that for three years prior to our encounter that I had already made acquaintance with the “Orisha of Divination” and was naturally drawn and lead to purchase and consecrate Orunmila’s statue which was for some time now placed upon my altar.

The Orishas that are within my presence have been around me far long before I actually became “conscious” of them and their influence upon my life.

Ancestor and Orisha worship was not something that I went to seek out or to find the inception had come out and found me on it’s own. The amalgamation was entirely mutual and natural once I was confronted.

shells divineOne of the many important messages that I have received through a dream was that there are both real and fake representations of the Orishas. I was shown in detail a while back what the imitations appear as compared to the genuine likeness of the authentic images.

So in further explanation, there are many people following Orishas that are not of the same origin these are in fact nothing more than “demonic figures” impersonating the true deities.


My Yoruba Deity/Ogun

sharpFor many years back Orisha Ogun has been around me along with Orisha Oshun. His black and green beads rest upon my altar along with Oshun’s honey colored beads and Orisha Elegba’s black and red beads.

I can attest to the fact that Ogun is indeed a fierce warrior and a solid protector as I have seen him work within my life first hand.

Along with my other personal Orishas and alone Ogun has fought many of my spiritual battles against the very negative demonic forces that are centered around within the universe. He has also ruthlessly sought vengeance against my evil enemies in my honor and defense, cleared pathways that were blocked, removed specific obstacles, and has secured my employment opportunities so that no one could any longer maliciously interfere with any of my chosen occupations.

Ogun has worked with me on a personal, professional, and a spiritual level in so many genuine and sufficient ways that I would never reveal and/or mention to anyone. My deep and natural relationships and connections with the Orishas are private and built upon faith and complete loyalty.

Ogun is a legitimate part of my “spiritual family circle”, a counterpart that goes way back to my female warrior ancestors.

I do not take Ogun or any of my other personal Orishas along with any of my good and endearing ancestors or special spirit guides for granted or lightly. And they do not take me lightly or for granted. I am significant to them as they are to me.

Ogun is there for me when needed. He can help as well as hurt and not looking for me to have any fear of him. Although the deity of war and iron is dangerous he has shown me nothing but benevolence.

natural medicine