Negativity Reversed


When certain people are unable to get to other people naturally- out of desperation they resort to unnatural means.

Whatever the motive may be for whatever reason they find witchcraft/voodoo/black magic to be an answer.

I usually know when someone attempts this sort of negativity toward me. I know the reason why, and I know who. If there is something I am not certain of I am always aware of something else in specific.

I am fully protected so anyone would be wasting their time, effort and money.

More harm comes to those who indulge within these morbid activities than to the ones they are actually trying to harm, hinder or halt.



Botanica Shops Are Scarce These Days


For a very long time now, I haven’t seen any Botanica stores anywhere anymore.

During the 1980’s to 1990’s I couldn’t go anywhere without seeing them somewhere whether I was in Queens, Manhattan, or visiting my cousins over in the Bronx.

I was told by a guy who reads people professionally that a lot of those stores were shut down due to all the animal sacrifices that were being done inside for rituals, invocations, and spells.

I always felt the cutting and shedding blood of innocent animals for the sake of supernatural ceremonies were sick, and ridiculous.


This Road To Hell Is Paved With Bad Intentions

It’s a shame, however, I still have adversaries who still won’t quit at their nonsense and who seek to conquer and to destroy me through vain demonic techniques.

It is really deep how sick and desolate these pathetic individuals are no matter how much times goes by they still cannot move on.

They’ll have to continue on the road alone as It is impossible for them to drag me along for a ride within their eternal lanes of destruction.

These pitiful idiots are unable to spoil my joy or rattle my spirit.