Reciprocated Thoughts

 A while before it was divulged to me through a course of following visions whereas Orisha Oshun had come into contact with my deceased dog Brandie, only to become greatly fond of her and incited to hospitably serve to her as a congenial and escort within the spirit realm, I was concerned for Brandie.

I’d usually get visitation sessions with my pet during my dream states and had not seen or occupied any time with her within my sleep.

So I was up in my bed one night uttering to myself within my thoughts, “I want to see my baby”.

Shortly after, I began to see dim flashes of what appeared to be a leg and a paw of Brandie’s develop right there in front of my eyes in apparition mode.

Later that night, I finally again reunited with my beloved pet, satisfied and relieved. I just wanted and needed to know that she was alright since I had been elevating her spirit to keep her safe and comfortable.

Unbeknownst to me at the time the reason I hadn’t came into contact with Brandie was because she was in the process of raising to a higher dimension that was temporarily interrupted on the account to put my mind at ease beforehand.

It is said that time within the spirit realm differs considerably measured to our specific mode of time.

Through another following dream the elevation process which allowed me to be present this time around to aid Brandie myself into her upgrade was resumed.

I have clear memory of being with my dog moments prior to her entry into the dimension yet no recollection at all of what happened and how the instance actually transpired.

I guess the revelation was not for me to be tangibly conscious of at this period within my stage of discovery and I completely understand and am totally fine with this as I feel lucky and honored already to have took part in such an experience to begin with.

We know what we need to know for now, however, everything within our incorporeal accounts as well as the missing pieces to our mysterious puzzles will be manifested unto us within due time. My baby is at peace.

The Love For Oshun

Orisha Oshun has treated me lovely she’s been so very nice and caring toward me.

Oshun had even shown benevolence toward Brandie, my beloved dog who I possessed for seventeen years, before I had to put her to sleep due to arthritis in the legs and because she would no longer eat or urinate and move her bowels.

Years ago, Oshun showed me a vision of her and brandie lounging serenely on a beach on the sand. Oshun relaxed upon a comfortable lounge chair with her legs and feet propped up while brandie was stretched out beside her watching the tides come in to shore.

It was such a beautiful sight to view. The sunlight was beautiful, just the two of them alone, enjoying the still of the day.


Aside from watching out for my pet in the afterlife Oshun has equally watched out for me at numerous times here on the earth, warning me against certain dangers and insuring that I was sufficiently provided for within the things that I needed.

One time I was so tired and didn’t light a candle for Oshun as I’d faithfully do on her day of the week in honor of the Orisha and I had felt so bad and expressed it out loud to a relative.

Within a short time after, a voice spoke to me uttering out the words, “Oshun loves you”, and the feeling and sensation that had come along with it was one of an attentiveness.

The courteous expression served as an acknowledgement to me at how Oshun was more preoccupied with the genuine devotion that was within me compared to the outward expression of a well-meaning gesture.

She didn’t care about the candle that I was too tired to prepare and burn she cared about me for being real and for being good within intention.


Hey Taurus!

Bathed within the freshness of her rejuvenating waters her presence is here she is always there.

Orisha Oshun our ruling planet Venus Goddess of love, money, and beauty.

It’s Taurus season! Happy Birthday Taurus!

Spring again has arrived the two months of when we were born. No bullshit for the bulls!

True to the name, outspoken in the game, we absolutely have no shame!

What a fabulous sign to be born under. Strong and patient. Kind and deadly.

We’re a people of genuine character. One can depend on us. We see things through.

Calm, cool, and collected our shit is always perfected!