A Finally Closed Chapter


There was no mistake at me getting hired by and working for Amazon in 2021.

I knew in hindsight that the relatively short ten months spent there I was never meant to stay. It was just another steppingstone for me to step upon and to pass through.

It was not a mistake that I encountered and met Michael Gonzalez either.

People like him want or expect people like me to be lower than what we are.

When we do not display preconceived notions of how or what they feel we should be they prefer to view us as thinking that we are better than we are, that we are purely riding on ego by having an exaggerated opinion of ourselves and/or capabilities.

I know how some people of this type of nature think, feel, and respond when it comes to people like us who are on a higher vibration, wavelength/level of intelligence, and substance of character.

There has always been a clash of energy between people like him, or people even worse than him, and me.

They see nothing wrong with themselves as they relate to one another in character, disposition, nature and mindset.

And they probably are good for one another but they need to stay in their place and let us live in peace because we are nothing like them in thinking or way of incentive.

This is why there is often miscommunication, misunderstanding, and unnecessary conflict.

They put on facades to camouflage as being the ones who are “better” (For my current lack of a better word at this moment as I write this. Maybe a suitable alternative word will come to me later, long after this post is completed and has already been published. I could later edit, yet maybe I did use the correct term after all) classifying us as the ones who are lesser. When indeed they already know the real deal although they do not want to accept or come to terms with it.

People such as myself do not go around thinking that we are better than everybody. That accusation among people we consider trash is ridiculous. And it does not make any sense.

There is a huge world out there with diversity and variety that contribute their own uniqueness or distinction.

However, it is a fact that there are higher quality of people out there in comparison to others (and I am one of them) and it has nothing to do with a professional title or occupational position that one has, how much money or material possessions someone has, the type of educational degree one may have and etc…

A penniless bum or homeless person in the street can be higher mentally or spiritually than any professor or doctor.

That person may have just fell on hard times or did not have or was not granted the same opportunities that others may have had.

It is about who and what we are made up of in heart, mind, and spirit. Some people are just demonic or knuckleheaded in nature and spiritually inclined individuals can pick that up keenly.

Since childhood my spirit did not take well to certain types of people. I am not perfect myself but I was always a good, decent person who was on the level and who never went around starting trouble or bothering anybody. A lot of people will back that up too if they are honest.

The reason I may come off as harsh and intense toward them is because I have had many encounters of firsthand experience with them and know the depth of their mentality, their behavior, and the sicknesses many of them have that have not been diagnosed due to a lot of them not being called out or even recognized by their actions. There are so many of them that have influence over the world that to justify their accepted unscrupulous flaws they unjustly come down on us as the ones who deserve the consequences that unethically result from their disapproval to bring us down to their level or lower.

It is all about control and their fear of facing the inadequacy within themselves.

They resort to all sort of underhanded tactics in attempts to hinder, block, or destroy those who are really meant to rise, succeed, excel, or who were just meant to live the life that was comfortably meant for them to live. Simple and quiet. However, miserable people do not enjoy to see others happy and not going through the same predicament they may be residing in.

For years I had these types who had backgrounds of drug use and so on in effort to invade upon my life. It is always those who have tons of dirt on them and are used as Maytags/Flunkies to try to bring those who are a threat in some way or who they are envious and jealous of down.

I never had problems with other people who were of genuine class or decency- and the thing about it is these people did not personally know me and I never hung out with them. It was people who I was pointed out to or who knew of me from the neighborhood and I am not the only one who has gone through this.

They do it to people who have things going on for themselves- and when you are really smart and you are not friendly towards them forget about it!

That was my problem.

Since I strongly absorb energy, I know who to trust, who not to trust, who is good, who is not so good. It is not healthy or desirable for me to be around certain types of people.

Even when people of their kind whether male or female liked me as a person, I used to hate it because I really did not want them to like me. I did not like their kind coming around me. I had no problem with courtesy. There were times I would be rude because these people do not know how to back off as they do not understand that we do not see them the way they see themselves. And just because we see them as nothing does not mean that they see themselves as nobodies.

And when it came to guys who were romantically interested it really was a turn-off because I knew we were not cut from the same cloth. We were not similar or of the same nature.

Mating with one of them type of people can literally/physically mess up one’s body if you are a woman. I would never carry a child by one of them mixing with them is not good. A lot of people do not know this. Who would want to intertwine with one of them?

Some of them try to get with people of substance purposely to either drown out our bloodline of substance or to improve theirs through another generation.

Their seed is morbid- I cannot get into that right now it is another entire subject but a legitimate one dealing with spiritual truths. I have already written more than what was intended as I just had wanted to get straight to the point as well as to offer detail to thoroughly explain certain points.

Nevertheless, the incident with Michael has come to a close. I still feel him (his energy) because on his part he is still in the picture. I have felt people for years who still had or kept me in thought for reasons that pertained to situations. But on my part, I gained what I further needed from a spiritual aspect of a tie that had been chasing me for decades that needed to finally be completely severed.

I do not know why things must sometimes take place with particular people we cross paths with and it is not always for us to figure out just as long as we understand.

Whatever had to happen or take place I am glad now that the energy around me is keeping the negative people away from me and possibly giving a signal off to them in a vibe for them not to like me. This is excellent for them to stay away from me.

This is what I had always wanted from the get-go. That is part of why witchcraft was put on me in the first place. To allow negative people and unwanted/unnatural occurrence to invade my life and territory to change the original destiny ordained to me.

When I interact day to day it is how life is supposed to be. It has been this way for a while now but it only gets better.

I am grateful for the other gifted people I met who could see what went on along with those on my level in my personal life who are also aware of how these people operate.

It is an unfortunate part of life.

I often wondered if this was part of my purpose here on earth.

No matter what I went through on account of sick people I have remained true to myself, and a better version of myself discovering potentials I did not know I had until it was revealed to me.

Negative people were unable to break me.

Negative people will always be out there-their same ignorant, trouble causing energy but for the most part this chapter of my life has come to an end.

Spirit will use me through my writing as one who has experienced a lot to serve as a resource and expression of power through the connection I innately have to the universe.



Who Cares? I Never Did!


My mother and I never ran to anybody. People always came to us.

We’d be on the steps of our house chilling out in the summer or spring listening to music on our stereo/cassette/CD boombox only to draw small groups of people from time to time who enjoyed our company.

Those around me knew nothing bothered me, especially in the sense of bullshit.

I noticed in the 90’s how I was not thinking anything those in my age group were thinking or some who were older as far as mindset.

I did not care what anyone was doing or what was going on with anybody either, yet a lot of them were worried about what was going on in my life since they were enviously judging me for the things that I was not doing.

This is another reason why these certain sickos resorted to witchcraft. They wanted to get inside of my head to try to bother me with lies they made up and other things that would not ordinarily bother me- usual things that would bother them and bring them down.

Negative people do not like who they consider goody two shoes who they feel are too good to be true.

Negative people do not like anyone or anything that reminds them of how messed up they really are.

A lot of them think or believe that they know everything when they know nothing at all but ignorance. One must go down to their pathetic level for them to understand where one is coming from or what one is talking about.

Nevertheless, I am not one to stoop that low.

Why care to explain anything to airhead individuals who are unable to learn any better aside from doing underhanded dirt?

I ignored most of the garbage (trash people).

I acted as if they were not even there as I hated their existence to begin with.

They were never anything to me- their kind never will be.


Energy Suckers



Certain negative/jealous/envious people want and try to take my energy- but they cannot have it, and they will never get it!!!

Negative people of this nature feed my spirit because it is a testimony to the purity and positivity that resides in me that makes them bitter and resentful.

I love being a good, strong person who is not demonic, unclean, and corrupt like they are.


A Note Of Wisdom: Negative People Do Not Win They Are Already Lost❤


Witchcraft/Black Magic/Voodoo has never worked on me mentally or emotionally.

I am spiritual so I will feel multiple energies of sensation and receive messages within the process.

When I was crossed up at a period in my life within the distant past over sixteen years ago it was not a condition that was able to control me or my surroundings due to the nature of my state of being along with divine intervention it was just able to tug at my spirit to cause unnatural negativity around me.

Jealous, envious people who were low scale that were involved tried to invade my destiny and territory.

However, what I had realized is that God was not allowing these evildoers in any such fashion to bury me into their form of destruction he was allowing the situation to plant a deeper root of growth and development within me to further empower and enlighten me on the path of my journey.

We must be fully prepared and equipped to carry on in our purpose.

We may get slowed down sometimes by those who wish to intervene, yet God will indeed work it all out for our own good in his favor to make us even more abundant in whatever it is that he has planned for us according to his glorious purpose.

Evildoers never win against God’s children they just foolishly deceive themselves within their own devious undertakings.

This is also why Black Magic/Witchcraft/Voodoo will never return into my life- they can shoot their arrows, but they will miss every time. The past was an unfortunate experience that turned fortunate for me to learn from.

I learned just how powerful I am within spirit and within my spiritual abilities. I was amazed by finding out the depth of how God designed me when I got Brujeria removed. It was like something one would see in a movie. Everything was an authentic live magical event to take place. An account of an experience that I will treasure and never forget.

What God let to be possible within the human experience as a spiritually inclined person was extraordinary.

We all have undesired crosses to bear in this life.

Recently, there have been a few jealous/envious/resentful people who attempted to cross me up. Nevertheless, they are unable to. There is nothing for their evil/negative intentions of Witchcraft/Black Magic/Voodoo to latch on to.



One In A Million: A Rare Individual 🕊🕊🕊


As far as Michael Gonzalez (and any other low-scale no-good nigger from the past who wanted me, did not deserve me, could not have me), and other undesirable (individuals who are trash) people from the distant past in my old neighborhood who were jealous of my character, talents, intelligence while they had set out to tarnish my name, cross up my body, bind up my spirit and other negative deeds from childhood to adulthood through black magic/witchcraft they all failed within their outcomes.

I won against them all and everybody knows it!

As one who was always steps ahead of them- having advantage over them spiritually and mentally through spirit, wisdom and knowledge there is no way they could ever conquer me.

I am on an entirely whole different level within mind, soul, energy, and destiny.

I am a true testimony. People cannot understand the things I have been through from an early age and how I came through as a lovely, sturdy, beautiful flower to bloom vibrantly.

It just goes to show the power and nature of the divine spirit-energy that fully resides within me.

I have always been a fighter, a survivor. I always will be.

P.S. A little note: Evildoers never get away with the dirt that they do or try to do- that is a fact. Either they will pay some day in this realm or permanently within the next! –latoya lawrence 


Twisted Minds Think Alike🥨


There are some people who for some strange reason think or believe that what matters to them in life are the concerns, yearnings and desires that are engraved onto the hearts of certain others.

Oh, how deeply confused, misled, and uninformed are the ignorant who are confident within their serious lack of knowledge and guile.

They for some strange reason think or believe that they are riding high when they are on their way straight to hell.

They laugh at while they plot against those who are good-natured when those who are good-natured are spiritually untouchable, at ease, producing within their state of celestial being, steering into the reality of consciousness into the essence of their very state of view.


Supernatural Affects/Effects 🕊


People gaslight and play heads games to control one.

It is also an attempt used in black magic to weaken the senses unnaturally through spiritual manipulation.

A strong mind or spirit is not overcome by witchcraft.

However, if some become spiritually entangled when targeted and encounter certain effects it does not necessarily mean that they are weak.

There are strong people for whatever reason who may have adverse reactions when targeted but they come through and survive as there are other life factors involved that have contributed to their dilemma which- to those who lack knowledge- appear as if the negativity worked, conquered, or had some type of influence. This is not the case at all.

There may be a tug of war or struggle with some, or no battle at all- just a recognition of what is happening- depending on mood, energy, environment etc…. Yet there is no true affectation just an experience to learn and take heed from.




I am not going to write every time an incident with asshole happens or occurs.

Some people are foolish enough to believe that if or when someone does not react to or mention a subject, incident, or matter that one is not informed or cognizant of the event- which is not the case in many situations and circumstances.

Though when spirit moves me to write I will oblige as there is purpose to these and other inspirations that manifest through all my literature.

But so far, according to the energy that I currently feel- even though he has wasted his time trying to do negative spiritual work against me- it finally seems that he may be waning off in certain areas of projection.

This has happened before though; he will get distracted only to continue to become occupied with me some more.

Even when those who put-up blocks in attempt to prevent one from knowing or feeling their energy or what they are doing my energy overrides enabling me to see beyond the scope.

Dark forces cannot blind out positive light.

Sometimes it is our own good energy that will put up blocks against others for protection and/or spiritual wellness.

Of course, I do not care about his infatuation, jealousy, and/or resentment toward me but as a gifted person I will always “know” and “feel” as to be warned or to be made aware of people and occurrence as I always have since childhood.


The Magic Within Me


When I was a little girl my mother said I and the things I used to do was like magic- she told me she always knew I had a special gift.

Over sixteen years ago when jealous adversaries were doing Brujeria against me most of them did not know what they were doing or who they were messing with.

They tried to work in opposition toward me within a supernatural system that was naturally made to work for and within me to my advantage.

Such fools they were! Nothing but silly puppets being pulled by the strings of the devil.

Half the time they were getting high on top of already having dead brain cells.

Low scale/low-class trash often sets out to destroy those of quality.

It is an age-old story.

I had experienced it since my youth, yet I had that ever-burning fire inside of me. The ability of connection within spirit, the forces to conquer them all.


An Ex-Coworker Working His Nonsense: Rituals


Jealous, envious, or resentful twisted people trying to attack me through black magic/witchcraft/voodoo had become a thing of the past.

I myself have never been into witchcraft or black magic, but I did have the ability and know how to protect myself and reverse negativity done to me and others who needed my help.

I also knew how to cleanse myself spiritually, everything I did was pure and for good.

Candles, incense, and other elements that represent earth, air, fire, and water- which I all used are not bad, evil, or negative within themselves. It is how they are used.

It has been years since I burned a candle. I do not burn candles anymore or maintain an altar for spiritual work of protection or veneration.

Yes, I was born with strong faculties.

However, I allow and rely totally on God now to fight my spiritual battles along with me putting on the armor of God by his word- which is the shield of faith.

There has recently been one who himself (an ex-coworker) with the help of another or certain others who attempted, and is still in the process of endeavoring to attack me spiritually through witchcraft of some sort.

They are absolutely wasting their time.

I have been ultimately protected against any form of evil for over twenty years.

The sad thing about the situation is these people are not at all harming me, they are hurting themselves.

I used to not understand God urging us as his children to pray for those who persecute or try to harm us. But the Lord revealed to me it is because they are the ones who are in danger. They are lost in their wickedness, destined to darkness and damnation.

They are blind to what they do and the consequences thereof and need guidance to see their way out.

We, as those saved and following God’s example, have nothing to worry about.

The more they try to hurt us without true remorse and repentance- especially when they are not justified- the further they dig an eternal grave for themselves.




As a child, Halloween was innocently celebrated.

We had costume parties at the end of the day in elementary school. I decorated the windows of my home with posters and had volumes of candy ready to eat for that particular day.

Children of the neighborhood knocked on my door and the doors of others and we gave them candy as we had throughout the years.

However, I was never into Halloween as I grew older. I thought it was cute to see people dress up creatively to enjoy themselves, but the reality in itself is that Halloween is really a demonic event.

There is nothing wrong with the fantasy of celebration. However, just like Easter, bunnies have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus- Pumpkins have absolutely nothing to do with evil.

Parts of society turned a Jack O’ Lantern into a trademark of fright, a scene of cobwebs, spiders, skeletons, witches, and other ghostly figures to manifest a superstition.

Although Halloween does have a specific merit in history, it is not one derived from purity or holiness.

It is definitely okay to have harmless fun on Halloween just as long as it is not taken within the same likeness or extreme as the Pagans do.


A Vision: What I Dreamed This Morning


I did not go to sleep until after midnight last night. It was about around one-thirty or forty something when I hit the sack, so technically I had this dream this morning:

One of the gifts I have as one born with extra sensory perception is the ability to dream things that come true.

Nothing and no one are off limits.

For years I have dreamed all types of events that concerned all types of occurrence or people- from the president of the United States to celebrities to everyday ordinary people (not that the president or celebrities are any better within quality due to their status) I am just distinguishing the extent of area in regard to what, where, and who I can pick up on.

Last night I had a vivid precognitive dream of the royal palace and the involvement of animal sacrifice ritual done by one of the monarchies as a well-known who I will not mention took part.

I am not surprised.

After the chicken was sliced across the breast with a sword it would later be cooked and eaten by an associate who catered food.

I saw in detail the ceremony which stood only two people at a distance apart from one another dressed in fancy attire, their stance poised within a certain manner.

The calm colors they wore coordinated with the tone of the large almost auditorium-like room they were in along with a set of separate curtains that hung behind the two royal individuals.

There are a lot of people who profess God in public yet behind closed doors lives an entirely different story.

Little note: The message I received from my vision was this dream I had showed me an incident that has already played out within the past (I have always dreamed real life events of the past, present, and future) but the scene is not a well-known disclosure or open display amongst the public as it was done in private- a kept secret among those within the monarch family who partake in such perverse activities to gain and maintain power, prestige, money, and/or fame through demonic assistance.

Botanica Shops Are Scarce These Days


For a very long time now, I haven’t seen any Botanica stores anywhere anymore.

During the 1980’s to 1990’s I couldn’t go anywhere without seeing them somewhere whether I was in Queens, Manhattan, or visiting my cousins over in the Bronx.

I was told by a guy who reads people professionally that a lot of those stores were shut down due to all the animal sacrifices that were being done inside for rituals, invocations, and spells.

I always felt the cutting and shedding blood of innocent animals for the sake of supernatural ceremonies were sick, and ridiculous.


Workers Of Evil Have No Power Over You


Workers of evil have no power over you unless you give it to them- latoya lawrence


Do not fear or be afraid of those who do black magic- they cannot harm you.

I know that people have died from and been killed with voodoo/black magic/witchcraft.

Lives have even been destroyed by other means as a result from being crossed.

I don’t have all of the answers or explanations as to why some people tragically fall prey. Only God knows.

Sometimes God allows incidents to occur to teach and to show us examples of things.



Other reasons are that this is a fallen world where evil principalities reign. Unfortunately sin and destruction are a part of everyday life.

None of these occurrences will totally end until Jesus returns.

What I do know for sure is that not everyone will succumb, be a victim, or even be affected by supernatural negativity.

Some of us may at one time or another be a target but never under the mercy of such wickedness.

I speak from experience.

The Brujeria people worked on me during the past had absolutely no bearing on me. I was too strong within mind and spirit- and I defeated them.

God is constant and consistent when he protects his children.


My Source Of Power


As extra sensory perception runs on both sides of my family I have known since childhood that psychic ability is definitely real.

I have been clairvoyant my entire life.

My accounts and experiences are endless. A day-to-day normality that are an inherent part of us who are spiritually inclined.

I have been told by others who are sensitive that I have a beautiful “energy”.

Of course, within the past I have had those who we call “vampires” who desire and attempt to rob us of our “spark” try to drain me of my good energy.

There are legitimate spiritual workers out there with the ability to remove heavy witchcraft/brujeria/voodoo/obeah or whatever one wants to call it- negative supernatural attacks are all satanic/demonic.

God allows certain people gifts to heal and to bring deliverance through the acts of his mighty power.

There are those who don’t go to the extreme of hexes but try to gain our energy within other ways.

The devil uses some of these people by making some of us appear to them as vulnerable, easy spiritual targets when indeed we are not.

The devil is a liar and the one’s he actually uses are vulnerable as they are blinded by what they fall for within the Devil’s tactics.

There are people who claim to be spiritual advisors who will try you by telling you you’re in need of spiritual cleansing, chakra balancing, and the like.

The truth is that Jesus is the great physician and will lead one unto the correct path toward healing or rejuvenation whether it is through a situation or a designated person/persons he will send one’s way.

One of my abilities is to spiritually fight, remove, and block negativity- and to heal.

God is my ultimate source of radiating power within this ability.

All I do is trust in him, let him take control, and he works through me to fight, remove, block and heal whatever tries to or causes harm.














We’re Not Defined By The Ignorance Of Others

I never feared to be who I am no matter how many people talked. I never cared what anyone said or thought: they were scared of me; they were jealous of me; they wanted to be like me!

Spiritual Blockages

Envy And Jealousy

When I was a little girl there was always a lot of jealousy around me and my mother, certain people constantly judging me on account of me not doing the same things that they, or their children were doing. People judging her on account of her strong personality, intelligence, style and advantages. 

Many had the nerve to ignorantly speculate what direction my life was heading in and what or how I would turn out to be while all along I in no way had showed any indication of having a negative outcome as they had and as their children did. 

It was more about them wanting to see something bad come about me and my way. Their children were supposed to be superior-not because they actually were-but because they bought them certain material things. Money couldn’t buy inherent wisdom! 

My mother was able to buy me particular things also. What did it mean? My mother showed me genuine love, concern, attention, and she was very smart and had the knowledge to sufficiently raise me. 

It was known that I was meant to do well in my life whereas others in specific weren’t as fortunate or spotless in matters of personal regrets or mistakes in which they couldn’t get past or considered setbacks or skeletons in their closets. The way their minds thought was a reflection on them and not anyone else who thought on a higher or opposite level. 

My mother was also meant to succeed. 

No matter what undesirable people would throw our way we continuously rose above and conquered to our liking of satisfaction. 

The Knowing Power

Power Of My Ancestors

Mind And Spirit Was Too Strong

Whether from relatives or outsiders (associates/acquaintances) people who are jealous for various reasons of their own will attempt to cause spiritual blockages in efforts to bring one down to their level or below.  

When they cannot measure up to certain calibers and are insecure about the situations that they may be in they will falsely rationalize or misinterpret their interference as a solution/downfall to equalize one to them all. Especially if they felt or interpreted that these people were better than them or considered themselves to be. Then they erroneously figure that their target will have to relent.  

Unfortunately, some individuals do break down and feel lesser than what they were as they are oblivious to what may have taken place. 

When I was in the fifth grade, I could actually feel an energy trying to block my intelligence. My great-grandmother and certain others at the time were having witchcraft done on me to halt my ability to grasp and to learn because I was very intellectually advanced at such a young age. However, the negativity didn’t prevail. I was able to know what was happening because I was born with a caul, I had intuitively felt and discerned the unnatural energy around me. 

There were also blockages put up to cause hostility between my mother and I because of the loving and close relationship that we had. 

The Spiritual blockages of various negativity (voodoo/black magic/witchcraft/evil eye/etc….) consists of attempting to block one’s intelligence, healthy and loving relationships/friendships, career/job/money, happiness/peace of mind/luck, health/lifestyle, spirituality and so on. 

The light is never put out by the darkness, it is impossible. The darkness may be able to place a temporary shadow over the light in order for the unveiling of further enlightenment, however, if one chooses to remain within the illusion of the shade that is totally on them! 

The Darkness Cannot

Overpower The Light

I turned out wonderfully as the individual I was supposed to within mind and character

My ancestors and orishas got me! They always had and they always will!


This Road To Hell Is Paved With Bad Intentions

It’s a shame, however, I still have adversaries who still won’t quit at their nonsense and who seek to conquer and to destroy me through vain demonic techniques.

It is really deep how sick and desolate these pathetic individuals are no matter how much times goes by they still cannot move on.

They’ll have to continue on the road alone as It is impossible for them to drag me along for a ride within their eternal lanes of destruction.

These pitiful idiots are unable to spoil my joy or rattle my spirit.


It Doesn’t Pay To Do Dirt

I was told a long time ago that I’m supposed to have the things that I want.

All through out my life I indeed have usually gotten what I wanted most of the time just by the act of wishing or thinking about something.

My desires didn’t even have to be intensely felt in order for me to receive them they just had to be sincere.

I was given what I wanted either swiftly or at an appropriate later time.

Everything is still the same for me till this very day no matter how old I get. I still have that special luck and blessings, that part in which came along with me being born with a caul.

I never asked for much and I never took anything for granted. These gestures have been touching and of deep contemplation to my sincerest regard. The energy within the universe has been kind, caring and generous toward me.

The connection and the protection from my ancestors has been phenomenal. The solicitous attention from my orishas has been noteworthy.

Even while all through out my life certain individuals have tried to interfere and delay my opportunities and prospects because they were discontent with how things always worked out for certain family members and I.

We utilized our talents and knowledge as we were ambitious and independent whereas those who were envious and jealous couldn’t.

Nevertheless, we kept on going. And as we continued to persevere we consistently had spiritual back up clearing our pathways and heading us within even better, and more inspiring directions.

The road wasn’t always smooth, however, during the intermittent bumps we were hit with intangible advantages.

One’s patience can wear out yet I learned that the endurance is necessary sometimes to work out all of the specific kinks.

People don’t realize the depth of how they’re killing themselves within the process of trying to hinder someone else.

They know far down inside they will pay the consequences but the severity gets harsher with each unsavory action done among them toward us and toward others.

When they transition and reach the lower depths of hell they’ll have to face the reality they’re trying to escape through their current delusions.

People shouldn’t go around messing with people of spirit and people of a decent nature there is no escape when what they’ve sown comes to ruthlessly fetch.





Mental, Emotional, And Spiritual Breakdown

Everyone who has had a breakdown of some sort is not weak, crazy, or dangerously unstable.

A breakdown is spiritual within many instances. A Yoruba priestess even acknowledged this fact to me years ago. I know firsthand as my own mother was a victim of brujeria in the early 1980’s.

I was even targeted. My aunt tried to flip me out when I was eighteen years of age by putting the hallucinogenic drug mescaline into a hot pot of black eyed peas that I had cooking over the stove.

People often use recreational “trip” drugs to increase the chance or enhance the effect of mental and chemical alterations of the brain while also performing the negative spiritual influences within black magic/voodoo/witchcraft.

My aunt went a step further in her malicious attempt by also putting tainted hiv fluids inside my food. Anyone educated would know the disease would not survive within the air and within a pot of scalding hot water.

Nevertheless, I didn’t lose my head or have a breakdown, my mind was too strong with faculty and awareness, and I didn’t, of course, become infected with aids either.

I was young, innocent, and very spiritually inclined, so divine intervention took over and protected me.

My aunt Tina (Ernestine Lawrence) has been hiv positive since the 1980’s due to intravenous drug use and promiscuous behavior from the 1970’s on up and instead of using her limited time to spend changing her life around for the better, she continued to do tons of constant dirt. She and other envious and jealous ruthless dummies, whores, drug addicts, and degenerates attacked me and other family for decades.

They’ve in addition done it to others, however, when they came after my mother and I, they messed with the wrong individuals. We are people of the light and they are people of the darkness. My ancestors and orishas were ready for them all, and the universe was recording and keeping record of every notorious deed in which was repeatedly done toward us.

Tina had poisoned food of my mother’s years ago too while neighbors were working black magic/voodoo/witchcraft against her.

My grandfather was driven to mental affliction before he was killed and found dead in the Hudson river.

My aunt Charise was drugged and raped which caused her to be afflicted with mental illness.

My grandfather, mother, younger aunt, and I were targeted for manipulative breakdowns because we were all very smart, strong, and fighters who could literally kick ass if needed be. We weren’t the type to back down or be bullied by anyone, and we were all good upstanding people.

The intent for causing mental, emotional, and spiritual breakdowns are to weaken one, to render them as incredible, and to lower their self esteem and spirit.

Certain evildoers want those of us who have knowledge in which threaten their unscrupulous ways either dead or labeled as crazy.




Brujeria/Signed And Sealed Back To The Senders Through The Powers Of The Universe

I’ve never mentioned this in any of my writings, however, during the time brujeria was done on me during my adulthood (because it was also done during my early childhood by my great grandmother against my mother and I with certain other people taking part) along with animal sacrifice there was a burial of objects at a cemetery in attempts to cause my death.

Spirit imparted to me: What they buried will come to bury them as the grave they made for you they all will lay in.

In due time, no matter how long or how fast or how in between, the universe will come to collect.


A Witchcraft Flashback

As I’ve said before all through out my life people have taken turns and worked negativity against me and I’ve always been aware of it.

There was always more than one person on my block involved in the later witchcraft attacks other than the dumb whore bitches (Lizette and Doritta) who lived across the street from me at the time, of course, as it was a neighborhood thing spread about with different sick and jealous people.

There was one neighbor’s house I passed by one morning years ago (2011) where someone in the home snapped a photo of me. I noticed the flash of the camera from the front livingroom picture window. Some time later, one of the occupants who lived in the house (one of the guys who raped my aunt back in the 1980’s by the name of Larry Butler) called out to me as I came home from work. I ignored the asshole.

He was scared. He and others had used satanic rituals in order to break my protection and failed as I and my energy was too strong and powerful. Their rituals backfired and now one of the assholes (who I and him were never on any speaking terms) had called out to me by my name out of fear and desperation.

He had told on himself when he did that. And I had already known everything because I had felt everything they were doing in the process while it was actually happening.




Blocked Witchcraft Attempt

"My Voice" Weblog By Miss LaToya Lawrence

As a child I wasn’t sheltered. I’d seen and heard a lot and encountered numerous types of people and situations while at the same time not being negatively influenced within my own behavior by incorporating undesirable habits or lifestyle choices, yet informed, as I had a mind of my own.

I had firsthand experience without having to personally indulge in order to know and since I was spiritually inclined I was able to clearly discern things that were hidden under the surface and I definitely knew what appealed to me and what turned me off and what I wanted to avoid as I grew up in life.

One of my strongest points is my excellent communication skills and comprehension. What I lack though is a sympathetic nature toward people and the world in general. I do love the hell out of puppies and dogs, though, they just steal my heart…

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“Think Of Me Spells” Black Magic Manipulation

I’m grateful for the way I am and for the way in which I truly think. I love my strong and deciphering mind.

There was a recent attempt in which included a spell to be placed upon me this past week and I cannot for the life of me understand why as the desired results will never come to be.

It has been done over and over by and about this same male before off and on and I am sick and tired of this nonsense.

As a very spiritually inclined individual with strong empathic capacity I will always feel and discern occurrences.

The spell was being conducted for me to become attracted to this guy and to like him and then as I was not at all receptive to the manipulation it was induced to try to get me to love or to fall in love with this person a ridiculous circumstance that is impossible for me to do and one that I’ve absolutely never believed in as in my opinion a man is nothing to fall in love with.

I’ve never been genuinely attracted to any man I’ve never had any amorous feelings or desires for any man and proudly I never will and there is not enough black or white magic within the world or beyond that can ever incite me to do so.

For me, as a real woman with a competent mind, to be with a man is and would be so very absurd, undesirable, and unnatural.

I sincerely love myself and I definitely love who I am as I am secure, confident, and complete within myself and I constantly have been, and it is such an insult to my very well being, character, and state of existence to the very mere thought of any essence attempting to pair me with a man.

It’s bad and sick enough that God created life in that way to begin with yet it is a thing in which I was fortunate enough not to be connected to and a thing in which I will never take part in.

It could be a good man and I still wouldn’t desire or want him. Any “lovey-dovey” shit, romantic or “sexual” shit has always turned me off.

And, as ugly as the human penis and testicles are one has got to be crazy to lust after it. This is a very sick world ruled by a sick god.

I was born and blessed with a very special gift of extra sensory perception yet I didn’t ask to come into this world and I’d rather have not been born if god was going to create the world under these dumb unnecessary circumstances. God could have chosen more reasonable elemental factors but instead went for the sick designs of his own very nature to acquire to a so called “human nature” which is so disagreeable to me.

I’m so glad to have the hovering of unconventional and intangible aspects within my true life and mode of living.



"My Voice" Weblog By Miss LaToya Lawrence

Lizette Roubert Lizette Roubert

My experiences with brujeria:

With all of the personal information that I have on this subject I could write a book about it. I spoke to a lady over the phone about six or seven years ago who was suppose to be a psychic. I mentioned the word “brujeria”.

“Are you Puerto Rican?” she asked me. I said “no”

“Well then how do you know about brujeria?” she said.

Then I went on about the nganga (cauldron), the paleros (grave robbers), the kiyumba (corpse that is used) then she stopped me. “Alright, alright”, she uttered.

I mean the ignorance in some people. I am an African American with Native American Indian descent. I am spiritual and know that magic (voodoo) first originated in Africa so why wasn’t I suppose to know? Anyway, I don’t know where to begin since this all started when I was at the age…

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