A Note Of Wisdom: Negative People Do Not Win They Are Already Lost❤


Witchcraft/Black Magic/Voodoo has never worked on me mentally or emotionally.

I am spiritual so I will feel multiple energies of sensation and receive messages within the process.

When I was crossed up at a period in my life within the distant past over sixteen years ago it was not a condition that was able to control me or my surroundings due to the nature of my state of being along with divine intervention it was just able to tug at my spirit to cause unnatural negativity around me.

Jealous, envious people who were low scale that were involved tried to invade my destiny and territory.

However, what I had realized is that God was not allowing these evildoers in any such fashion to bury me into their form of destruction he was allowing the situation to plant a deeper root of growth and development within me to further empower and enlighten me on the path of my journey.

We must be fully prepared and equipped to carry on in our purpose.

We may get slowed down sometimes by those who wish to intervene, yet God will indeed work it all out for our own good in his favor to make us even more abundant in whatever it is that he has planned for us according to his glorious purpose.

Evildoers never win against God’s children they just foolishly deceive themselves within their own devious undertakings.

This is also why Black Magic/Witchcraft/Voodoo will never return into my life- they can shoot their arrows, but they will miss every time. The past was an unfortunate experience that turned fortunate for me to learn from.

I learned just how powerful I am within spirit and within my spiritual abilities. I was amazed by finding out the depth of how God designed me when I got Brujeria removed. It was like something one would see in a movie. Everything was an authentic live magical event to take place. An account of an experience that I will treasure and never forget.

What God let to be possible within the human experience as a spiritually inclined person was extraordinary.

We all have undesired crosses to bear in this life.

Recently, there have been a few jealous/envious/resentful people who attempted to cross me up. Nevertheless, they are unable to. There is nothing for their evil/negative intentions of Witchcraft/Black Magic/Voodoo to latch on to.



No Weapon Formed Against Us Shall Prosper

It is strange how trouble-makers are stagnant they keep on with the same nonsense unable to move forward. Misery loves company, however, I never occupied myself in the company of miserable people.

I love peace. I am in a good place spiritually.

It is not healthy to be around negativity or toxic people. Just because we can handle or not be affected by negative energy does not mean we have to or should tolerate its presence or essence.

Our gifts keep us alert, aware, and informed but we are not meant to be consumed. I am always repulsed by toxicity and allergic to negative people so my attention is never focused upon them. I grasp the situation but the situation never takes a hold on me.

It’s Halloween all year around for this demonic looking creature.


I never understood unattractive dumb, naive whores with low self esteem who do, fall for, and go along with anything a degenerate guy tells them.

They make such fools out of themselves.

Well, both of them are used goods (Michael and Tiffany) nobody else wants to deal with- other than the prostitutes and low-scale whoremongers that roam around within their circle.

These two both use and abuse one another- toxicity at its worst.

I refused to play into the nonsense of their game so they played themselves, and they are so played out with their lies. The bitch didn’t even know me at all. And Michael didn’t really know me either because if he did he would have never tried to set me up or challenge me in the first place with his jealousy and ignorance due to his ego and whatever mental illness he has. He is a very weak individual.

I read him like a book, though.

I got to him and defeated him with the truth and I won!

Yet he is a liar who believes in and hides behind his own lies, and I don’t care one bit. He needs to stop worrying about what I write about and move on. He needs to get a life.  All I did was show him that he messed with the wrong person.

While he may have gotten away with doing dirt to others within the past he didn’t get away with anything this time around.

God doesn’t like ugly, he isn’t crazy about beauty, and what people do in the dark towards those who didn’t do anything toward them are brought out into the light.

P.S. It is funny how evildoers view the consequences of their actions as a trial or test. They perpetrate when they are nothing but wolves trying to hide in sheep’s clothing.

No good people should always be exposed for who they really are.

Whore Bitch

Tiffany is a ugly dopefiend-looking bitch.

This skanky whore needed her ass kicked for lying on me. With her smelly crotch/funky coochie.



The Pursuit

The Power Of The Lord Burns Strong For His Children

The pursuit is real. There is nothing one can do to stop it. When God comes to confront you be prepared to be swept away! Nothing can keep us from him. God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. He knows all. He knows when he will return us back to himself ahead of time. -latoya lawrence

Be encouraged and inspired by my self written devotionals and messages of Jesus Christ on “Daily Inspirations” (https://dailyinspirationsforyourlife.wordpress.com/)
and “The Power Of God: My Testimony” (https://dailyinspirationandencouragement.wordpress.com/) Visit or subscribe to both my sites and be motivated and strengthened within your walk with God- sincerely LaToya Lawrence

To give a brief summary to make a point, I went through a lot as a child. I had a lot of good times in the process also, blessed in ways that inspired plenty of envy and jealously toward my mother and I. Which spurred up more discontentment from resentful neighbors and others whom we came into contact with who continuously witnessed our advantages.

I didn’t understand what motivated these people to act out and react at that exact time period during my early youth but my mother knew why. I grasped the depth of it as I had gotten older. I never imagined people could be so ill. I knew I had never liked them, knowing there was something off about them. The envy and jealousy lasted way up into my adulthood, taking on an even uglier turn.

When I entered my teenage years and realized favor was and had always been upon me from God, I hoped for unsavory things to never again appear the way it had before. Then certain events did happen again. I was pretty ticked off at God about it too. Furious about the people, the circumstances they caused, and God for having allowed the incidents to happen.

When life gets really taxing and does not go as planned or expected we get very upset because we are human. We feel this way because we think the Lord owes us something, I did. I believed he owed me because I hadn’t asked to be born into the world. So, I felt if he wanted me here so badly then make it worth my while. I didn’t appreciate all the trials and tribulations, especially as a young child- there were certain traumas even though I was strong and overcame them- it was the principal of the matter to me.

God can dish out to us so many wonderful big and small every day blessings that we ultimately love and enjoy. Still, we become annoyed, resentful, and distant the instant he permits something within our life that we didn’t appreciate or ask for. This reaction usually stems from our sense of unjust treatment from the bad experiences.

When I look back now, I see how much the Lord took care of me. He blessed me richly in far too many ways to count. I was very fortunate in spite of particular situations that came and went. God is really good and excellent regardless of what our minds are sometimes limited to comprehend about him.

When I stepped away from God out of frustration- he still protected and provided for me the whole time and kept my feet on solid ground. His holy spirit remained and maintained a work in me. My flesh was full of hatred but my spirit was full of peace and joy. I believed that peace and joy was from another source out of my wishful thinking.

Nevertheless, the Lord in his patience gave me my space, waiting for the exact day he would put my animosity to an end and wake me up from my nonsense to realize his extreme love and compassion for me.

God readily embraced me, eagerly forgave me, and now he celebrates me and my return with a stronger bond of love and devotion between us than ever before. I went back to the Lord immediately when I was faced by him. I was able to do this without a problem because of the trust that developed over the years when I experienced his incredible accounts of faithfulness.

Don’t get me wrong now, God is full of grace and mercy, nonetheless, he will correct us when necessary but it is not a punishment the act is done purely out of his precious love and care for us.

God is completely dependable and true, and I am on fire for him!

This Road To Hell Is Paved With Bad Intentions

It’s a shame, however, I still have adversaries who still won’t quit at their nonsense and who seek to conquer and to destroy me through vain demonic techniques.

It is really deep how sick and desolate these pathetic individuals are no matter how much times goes by they still cannot move on.

They’ll have to continue on the road alone as It is impossible for them to drag me along for a ride within their eternal lanes of destruction.

These pitiful idiots are unable to spoil my joy or rattle my spirit.


It Doesn’t Pay To Do Dirt

I was told a long time ago that I’m supposed to have the things that I want.

All through out my life I indeed have usually gotten what I wanted most of the time just by the act of wishing or thinking about something.

My desires didn’t even have to be intensely felt in order for me to receive them they just had to be sincere.

I was given what I wanted either swiftly or at an appropriate later time.

Everything is still the same for me till this very day no matter how old I get. I still have that special luck and blessings, that part in which came along with me being born with a caul.

I never asked for much and I never took anything for granted. These gestures have been touching and of deep contemplation to my sincerest regard. The energy within the universe has been kind, caring and generous toward me.

The connection and the protection from my ancestors has been phenomenal. The solicitous attention from my orishas has been noteworthy.

Even while all through out my life certain individuals have tried to interfere and delay my opportunities and prospects because they were discontent with how things always worked out for certain family members and I.

We utilized our talents and knowledge as we were ambitious and independent whereas those who were envious and jealous couldn’t.

Nevertheless, we kept on going. And as we continued to persevere we consistently had spiritual back up clearing our pathways and heading us within even better, and more inspiring directions.

The road wasn’t always smooth, however, during the intermittent bumps we were hit with intangible advantages.

One’s patience can wear out yet I learned that the endurance is necessary sometimes to work out all of the specific kinks.

People don’t realize the depth of how they’re killing themselves within the process of trying to hinder someone else.

They know far down inside they will pay the consequences but the severity gets harsher with each unsavory action done among them toward us and toward others.

When they transition and reach the lower depths of hell they’ll have to face the reality they’re trying to escape through their current delusions.

People shouldn’t go around messing with people of spirit and people of a decent nature there is no escape when what they’ve sown comes to ruthlessly fetch.





Dear Perpetrator



In reply to Beth Williams.



In reply to JOAN SALMON.

Sad about what? The feeling of not belonging here is a good thing as those who genuinely do feel within this way are not of the world.

They may be at a higher level of knowledge and spiritual consciousness.

You had a hard life? Only negative people create obstacles and trouble towards good and fortunate people.

Principalities in which lurk within the universe also create interference among many of us.

You felt no love? Maybe you were around the wrong type of people.

I grew up around a lot of negative people yet I knew positive people too and I always had a lot of love around me from my good family relatives as well as certain other people on the outside. I could care less about my no good relatives who brought a lot of unsavory problems toward me. It all depends on who you come into contact with.

It sounds like your true problem is low self esteem. One’s self value or self worth is not measured by who loves you or not. You needed to love yourself.

Self love and self respect is all that really counts.

If nobody loved me I wouldn’t have cared one bit. Although, love is part of what made me so strong aside from already having a strong spirit. I always loved and believed within myself.

People who are jealous are very insecure and suffer from their own feelings of inadequacy. It shouldn’t get you down it should raise you up and make you fight harder to know you have what they only wish they could have and aspire to be.

A Nonsexual Caulbearer In A Sexual And Sexist World

I am a person born of the caul who happens to be asexual and that has been disturbing to individuals who are twisted. I just unfortunately in the past had lived and grown up in a neighborhood full of sick and low-minded people in which I was far set apart from within mind and character.

Luckily, I was always able to branch out and come across and meet those of a higher vibration and of versatile range that I could relate to and appreciate all throughout my life as I went different places unbeknownst to the assholes who remained amongst the fellow likes of themselves and who couldn’t go no further.

There were men whose sisters, nieces and daughters had got hurt or dogged out by men and there was nothing to talk about when it came to me.

What was so special about LaToya? Why didn’t she get caught up out there?

This is the absurd way in which these degenerate people thought and we have people like this and who generate within this fashion all over the place.

So these neighborhood people had for years endeavored to calculate an unnatural situation through the use of deceptive black magic along with lies to create a facade of camouflaging negativity toward my life that would coincide with and shadow up the celestial light of my true destiny and fate.

They tried to bring me into their darkness and cover me within a glue of a paint so ugly and stagnant in color. A substance of demonic craft they didn’t ensure for me to vehemently peel away from.

I think at one time adversaries were spreading and also wanted me to believe that I was a whore with diseases, a prostitute, and other off the wall things, I don’t know for sure if I was suppose to be a drug addict too, and I also think that because I wasn’t fazed by this nonsense I was supposed to be either crazy or putting up a front because their conspiracy of fabrications was supposed to be my ultimate truths even though they all knew what they were doing.

They wanted me to appear lower than what they were so everything they had done within their lives they put on me to make themselves feel better and they intended for their lies to follow me for the rest of my life in payback for me not having been in the same category as them as they perceived me as to think that I was better than them.

In spite of all the dirt these people have directed toward me it has not killed my spirit or brought me down.

The words bitch and whore don’t faze me. I’ve never been intimidated or affected by utterances intended to bring down a woman’s confidence or self-esteem. If anything, I was further liberated and elevated in discerning that I was at a higher level of knowledge and spiritual consciousness.

I don’t know how much this would resonate with other Caulbearer’s who had to go through shit or just others who stood out for whatever reasons but when it came to a man and sex people around my old neighborhood really yearned for me to get swallowed up in the same holes they had gotten trapped into.

My father’s sister told my father years ago that “I was too hard for a girl”.

“Really?” I had thought to myself. I didn’t know that as a female I was supposed to be weak or defined as what society projected an acceptable or proper female out to be. All I knew is how to be my true self and I wasn’t changing that for anyone or to meet anyone’s bias standards.

No one can dictate to me how I should be or not be as a genuine female within my own distinct mode of character.

One thing in which really struck me as quite odd and ridiculous is among the particular gutter-rats and certain people on a low-level within mentality and intellect where I grew up around who for some outrageous reason erroneously took for granted and automatically expected me to have had an interest in men, an attraction, or sexual desire, just because most people were wired or designed, or came out to be this way, whereas I never did, never was, and never will, and it came to be an actual subject of silly gossip and idle debate.

Of course, when we’re not like everyone else and don’t exude the same type of behavior as the majority or as average it gets noticed and talked about.

Others who aren’t thoroughly acquainted with us (even those who may have been around us for years) enough make quick assumptions or generalizations about our character taking into presumption that we must have the same needs, wants, mindsets, emotions, shortcomings and/or etc… And these drawn up conclusions are not always the case within many people’s nature and everday lifestyles.

I’ve been told personally by certain others that I’m very unique and that there’s no one out there who is like me. Though I do know there are a variety of distinct individuals within existence who differ greatly as this is a huge world in which we all live in, but for the most part, these people were just acknowledging to me that I was a rare person from their own observation and perception.

A distant relative of mine had even stated to my mother that it wasn’t normal for me to not have any nature (sexual appetite). I strongly disagreed because to me it is not about what is so called normal but it is about what serves as being healthy to one and within one’s own nature and life. The way I am is indeed normal to me, however, to each his or her own.

Why was the fact that I and my vagina didn’t need or want the undesirable pounding of a penis or the attention of any man so interesting and prone to circulating?

So spread out and disappointing to the point where it created hostility and denial on the part of those who for jealous reasons of their own preferred that I innately share the same tendencies and susceptibilities as they did?

I was born with my own individual attributes.

No man can do anything for me mentally or physically and I don’t express this to be harsh but I have to convey because it is the absolute truth. It is important for one to not repress who they really are on account of other people’s judgments due to a lack of knowledge in specific areas on their part.

It is very unhealthy for one to do so.

I don’t know why sex is so important and significant to these people. I don’t understand why they believed or hoped that if I indulged in the sexual act or had a man attempt to degrade me with nonsense talk equivalent to a mediocre mindset in regard to false sexual encounters or the delusion of what they believed to be would actually have any bearing or reflection on me as they gambled so hard on the outcome and for it to follow me within my life as if it was something legitimate.

It’s also sad how sex sells and how sex is promoted the way that it is when in my opinion intercourse itself actually means nothing. I have written many articles and quite a few were editors picks in online publishing and magazines yet it was the article that I wrote about being Asexual that prompted a few publishers to contact me for permission to display them as they thought the write up was “powerful” and beneficial.

I didn’t mind at all it’s just out of all the things I have written about it’s the one regarding not having any interest in sex or men that catches the most attention?

Society is too sex crazed that it clouds their judgment when it comes to those who have no true interest in sexual matters.



"My Voice" Weblog By Miss LaToya Lawrence

Lizette Roubert Lizette Roubert

My experiences with brujeria:

With all of the personal information that I have on this subject I could write a book about it. I spoke to a lady over the phone about six or seven years ago who was suppose to be a psychic. I mentioned the word “brujeria”.

“Are you Puerto Rican?” she asked me. I said “no”

“Well then how do you know about brujeria?” she said.

Then I went on about the nganga (cauldron), the paleros (grave robbers), the kiyumba (corpse that is used) then she stopped me. “Alright, alright”, she uttered.

I mean the ignorance in some people. I am an African American with Native American Indian descent. I am spiritual and know that magic (voodoo) first originated in Africa so why wasn’t I suppose to know? Anyway, I don’t know where to begin since this all started when I was at the age…

View original post 1,977 more words

The Power Of Nature

Ever since I was a young child I knew that if there was something that I didn’t want within my life then the situation was not going to work out.

Only the things that I preferred and under the circumstances in which I truly desired would instances turn out favorably and long lasting to my concordance.

I was never the type of female that ever hoped to one day get married and have children. I didn’t initially yearn to be a mother, when the idea later on within young adulthood came into mind to have a child it was with the intention of being a single parent, yet I eventually changed my mind about having a baby altogether and it was the right choice for me.

If I did have a child though it definitely would have been on my own without a man involved in the picture.

I fortunately grew up in a home without my father present and that is the way I liked it as I grew up strong, confident, independent and liberated-not implying that females that are raised in homes with their father’s can’t turn out that way-it was just an advantage that served a great purpose for me.

When I was little I never wished for or thought about having a dad around and when I saw other children that parents were married or together as a couple it was a situation that I didn’t require to be in I was very content and accustomed to my family order with me and my mom.

I wasn’t alone either there were other kids like me whose mothers raised them without a father it was normal to us. I can’t speak on how they actually felt about the matter, however, everything suited me just fine.

My mother never had any problems out of me I was a good child.

One thing I hated though was when guys were attracted to me or interested in me whether their intentions were good or bad I didn’t care, I wasn’t flattered by any of the attention I was genuinely turned off by it.

And it feels so good that I don’t have to go through undesirable and unsavory individuals who use to send to me the annoying invasions of mind transference through voodoo/black magic.

They had been doing it within many ways for many years within different techniques but with the same motives and that was to bring me down to their level.

Whether it was to attempt to lower my self esteem or to get me to have feelings for a man they worked hard at it and failed miserably.

These people were jealous and resentful because I’d never been hurt or dogged out by a man as so many of them had even the guys were envious and jealous of me they all figured if I was in the same predicament as they were I couldn’t or wouldn’t think that I was better than any of them.

They were also jealous and envious of my intelligence and knowledge and where I could go within life if and when the opportunity arose.

They had such a warped sense of mindset that didn’t correspond with mine in the least if they had succeeded in their designs I’d still be the person who I am today with the same mentality no man could ever break me or kill my spirit. I wasn’t built within that fashion.

If I were interested in men I’d be able to get a good man and would only deal with one that was on my level, however, I’m proudly asexual and am fulfilled and complete as a woman and an individual.

Keen Kids

Kids have it hard too when they are underestimated and treated unfairly by adults. They go through things in life too and need to be heard and taken seriously at times.

Youngsters who are just plain bright as well as those individuals who were born with second-sight are often wise in a fashion that others don’t always want to readily accept.

Some kids are even born smarter or more reasonable than their parents, and I know, because my mother was much smarter than her own mother and she was the mother to me that she never had.

I was told flat out by a psychic many years ago that certain people didn’t appreciate my knowledge as a grown up.

I understand completely. As a child I was very advanced often knowing and understanding a lot about life and situations than people much older than me did.

Many of these adults and older people, of course, didn’t consider themselves to be lacking within judgment, information, and experience when it came to understanding things and the things that concerned the anomalous nature of certain types of individuals as well as the complexities and unprecedented circumstances within life itself.

And, if some were actually aware, they didn’t want to acknowledge me in that particular light or rank.

They preferred to form their own misconstrued assumptions and to generalize only to reinforce the illusion of what they desired to perceive.

Not everyone had or displayed a bias or resentful attitude toward me just the ignorant, insecure, and sick-minded ones, even at this present time embarrassment and false pride forbid them to verbally recognize their errors and admit to disappointment instead they conveniently explain that, “No one knows everything” or “Everyone has a long way to go within learning”.

All just to detract and to minimize the fact that they were stupid, a scapegoat for pure bullshit.

I always thought it was beautiful to see highly talented or intuitive children of all origin. Of course, no matter how ahead a child is they still need proper guidance and direction from a nurturing parent, I sure did.

Bottom line is we’re never too old or too young to uncover something within life or to discover from one another just as long as we’re picking up information from a reliable source.

Higher Purpose

I’m turned off by liars, jealous people, and those who feel the need to challenge us due to the circumstances of their own discontent and lack of awareness

When we know who we are and what we are capable of no one can tell us any different

As I’ve said so many times before there are people in the world who are nothing and that weren’t born to be anything they just take up space.

When these people see others that do have something positive or constructive going on for themselves they often try to manipulate and discourage them from reaching or achieving their goals. They even sometimes imitate although unable to duplicate.

Success is many things to different people another cannot assert whether or not where one will arrive within their pursuits as self fulfillment is versatile.

A group of individuals who lack knowledge within certain areas yet share the same ignorant mentality often come into agreement and gain a false sense of security to erroneously believe within their convictions.

It is the wise that know and understand those who do not accept truth to lash out at what they are unable to discern and rise above as shortcomings and inadequacy determine their outcomes.

Believe within yourself and not within the blind eyes of another who doesn’t have the direction to see through the finely-crafted lenses that were especially prescribed for you.



Be Advised/If Not Careful: Danger Ahead

Those who unjustifiably go after and cause harm to others will and shall definitely reap what they sow yet with a much sharper repercussion- miss latoya


 It is very unwise to negatively mess with a highly spiritual person or one born with the caul and of naturally inherent occult energy/power. Do not pester their loved ones and do not mistreat their beloved pets.

The universe is watching.

As a mode of caution the tale should be a heed incorporated with both wisdom and warning.

The universe is waiting.

Puzzled or ticked off when the specific ones have no need or desire to get involved with the usual things, the usual people, the usual inauthentic conditioning?

Why disrupt the life of the rare or the distinctive people who keep to themself or who cause no trouble to no one else?

The universe will deliver.