A Vision: What I Dreamed This Morning


I did not go to sleep until after midnight last night. It was about around one-thirty or forty something when I hit the sack, so technically I had this dream this morning:

One of the gifts I have as one born with extra sensory perception is the ability to dream things that come true.

Nothing and no one are off limits.

For years I have dreamed all types of events that concerned all types of occurrence or people- from the president of the United States to celebrities to everyday ordinary people (not that the president or celebrities are any better within quality due to their status) I am just distinguishing the extent of area in regard to what, where, and who I can pick up on.

Last night I had a vivid precognitive dream of the royal palace and the involvement of animal sacrifice ritual done by one of the monarchies as a well-known who I will not mention took part.

I am not surprised.

After the chicken was sliced across the breast with a sword it would later be cooked and eaten by an associate who catered food.

I saw in detail the ceremony which stood only two people at a distance apart from one another dressed in fancy attire, their stance poised within a certain manner.

The calm colors they wore coordinated with the tone of the large almost auditorium-like room they were in along with a set of separate curtains that hung behind the two royal individuals.

There are a lot of people who profess God in public yet behind closed doors lives an entirely different story.

Little note: The message I received from my vision was this dream I had showed me an incident that has already played out within the past (I have always dreamed real life events of the past, present, and future) but the scene is not a well-known disclosure or open display amongst the public as it was done in private- a kept secret among those within the monarch family who partake in such perverse activities to gain and maintain power, prestige, money, and/or fame through demonic assistance.

Telepathic Communication


Those of us with extra sensory perception not only sense with our minds- but also communicate with our minds.

As we have a supernatural ability to acquire information not obtained through the familiar physical senses, the energy we receive radiates vibration unlimited.

Everyone’s faculty is not equivalent we all have our own unique traits and capability whether similar or unlike- strong or just a touch of.

We are able to pick up on the thoughts of others, hear their spoken words, or feel what they are thinking while we are nowhere within their physical presence.

Those who are also endowed are able to correspond back and forth with us through the mind and some just happen to think of us while we are thinking about them.

There is a lot more to telepathy in regard to precognitive visions and dreams. I could go on and on from my own encounters of experience that has been validated throughout my lifetime.



A Step Above


Do you stand out from the crowd?

Do you think differently than the majority while still being able to relate, release or be repulsed by what is familiar and foreign?

Are you an innovator, a visionary, one who by drive creates through the natural energy of manifest?

Does your purpose lead you?

Are you original, advanced, unconventional?

Do your words inspire, provoke, or offend?

Are you spiritually in-tune, highly sensitive to all of your surroundings?

Do you take your heightened abilities to new heights unbound?

Do you master the challenge of your challenges and the challenges that people challenge you?

You are an inventor- one who plans, masterminds, and architects design from an extraordinary perception.latoya lawrence