As A Clairsentient Who Is Also Empathic


I am clairsentient and empathic.

My abilities go beyond, they enable me to experience emotions and feel energy across a broader spectrum.

As both, we can feel and discern other people’s energy. We know what they think and how they feel about us.

We can read people just by looking at them. We can tell what kind of people they are automatically.

We know when people like us and when they do not.  We know when people are genuine and when they are phony.

We may not always let these people know that we are aware of their true thoughts, feelings, motives, or judgements, but we can read into them and into their situations without trying to.

As both clairsentient and empathic, we can pick up on the things going on within other people’s lives without being anywhere around them as the power to receive energy has no limitations when it comes to connections within the spiritual.

We also gather information from the energy we retrieve through environments and objects. We can feel the outer as well as inner scope of things more keenly, forces/energies that are not visible to our physical senses.

We can feel if or when things or events will happen just as we can feel the present, past, and future emotional, physical, and mental states of people.




A Precognitive Dream In Regard To Amazon


I had a dream about Steven Ellmore last night or during the wee hours. 
I was not even thinking about this guy.

However, those of us who have gifts don’t have to be thinking of or anywhere around someone to receive or to pick up messages of information concerning them or a situation, especially when it is regarding ourselves. 
In the dream, he came to me to apologize to me. 

As he acknowledged and expressed regret for his mistake, he offered, on behalf of the establishment that he is affiliated with a luxury property, to offer me to permanently reside by choice as a one-time immediate offer. 
I was filled with too much gloat over the fact that I had never done wrong to begin with to accept.

I was more preoccupied with how Steven had tried to put something on me that was never there, only to find out how foolish he was. 
Supposedly, a customer of Asian descent claimed I said something to her in the Chinese language-which I have never spoken and do not understand. I do not know any words in the Chinese language. 
That was the first clue of his arrogance and stupidity that I had explained to him. Yet, he acted as if he did not want to believe it. 
Either the situation was a set-up, the customer was mentally ill, or just flat out lied. I did not care one way or the other. 
What pissed me off, and a fast way to get on my bad side is to lie on me or to accuse me of something that I did not say or do- and that goes for anybody! 
Whatever the nature of this misunderstanding or if this is regarding some other incident or circumstance, it has been cleared up. 

This is not the first time I have gotten spiritual messages of myself being vindicated in this Amazon nonsense that was all nothing, but a result of others’ jealousy directed towards me.

Certain people have always, and will always be jealous or intimidated by me.
I did not accept Steven’s offer or his apology. The “I told you so” was enough satisfaction for me. 
This was a precognitive dream. There is meaning behind it. 
Some dreams play out exactly how  
they were revealed or shown.

Some dreams have a hidden meaning that needs to be interpreted through what is shown.

They may not necessarily play out identically, though the details portray actual events and the disposition  
of others in relation to what was revealed. 

Some dreams even show another person in place of the person in question whereas we have to distinguish who is actually being acknowledged.

There are many examples of lessons to be gained from this vision.

I was able to read a lot from what I gathered, and in fact, the information was enlightening on both parts. 

On my part, I think the spirit was telling me not to behave disdainfully when someone is humble enough to come to me and admit that they were wrong, and that they initially handled the situation in error. 

Ignorant People Are Always So Quick To Judge And Accuse When They Don’t Understand Where Another Person Is Coming From


In Response To My Post: Soul Ties? No, Not Really!

I am accused of having an attitude for being honest and resolute. So be it.  😂😹

I am not forcing anything on anyone, take it or leave it, I just state my truth.

I, LaToya, know and believe what God says! Better heed the message:

The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness – Thessalonians 2:9-12

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. -1John 4:1

Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast to what is good. -1Thessalonians 5:20-21

Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ -Matthew 7: 21-23



yes, there is reincarnation to correct anything you have not made right same people same souls. So you’re saying this makes me believe you are not a Caulbearer. As a small child, I remember my past life and so did my brother. I will remove myself from your blog. I do not to be involved with those who bare false witnesses.


In reply to mademoiselleyvettemarie.

One having been born with extra sensory perception has absolutely nothing to do with people’s false beliefs of having past lives.

There is no such thing. I have been gifted all of my life that is a fact. The Holy Spirit can attest to that.

If anyone bares false witness it is you.

Obviously you do not know the true definition of a false witness. I have always spoken the truth even if you do not comprehend my writings.

If you cannot accept the truth that is your problem not mine.

You removing yourself from following my blog does not faze me.



In reply to misslatoya.

so much attitude you have a lot to learn



This is an interesting comment.

However, I was never one to back down from standing my ground or from speaking the truth.

Of course, everyone will not always come into agreement, and some will never come to accept the truth when they are strongly deceived by the devil and his tactics of illusion and delusion.

Yes, spiritual gifts of extra sensory perception (which is the scientific word for preternatural ability) are definitely real and some are born with these strong faculties, as I indeed was.

There are those for years who denote the term being born with a “Caul” or “Veil” as a physical sign through birth of one to possess supernatural ability (second-sight).

There are those who do not believe in the Caul or Veil term as it may be deemed to them as a New Age or Pagan term.

When I first heard the word “Veil” used as a younger person a long time ago, I instantly knew that it meant “to see”.

So, the word Veil is just a descriptive terminology/expression of the link and connection to the spiritual realm. One who is “in tune”, in touch, with the outer scope of things.

And, a “Caul” is a legitimate membrane that is sometimes enveloped over a newborn baby’s face- this is a fact.

Anyhow, reincarnation is an entirely different subject.

Anyone having a recollection of a past life is mistaken.

Either there is a misinterpretation of an impression somewhere or they are just being misled.

Calling someone a “false witness” because they do not agree or believe in the lie of people continuing to come back to life within different lifespans to appease “karma” or for whatever reason is entirely bogus.

One with true discernment would know this.

Near death experiences are a true reality. People have died and have come back to life through resuscitation and so on to share their divine experiences.

I myself have had divine supernatural accounts but they have surfaced in authenticity. I always deliberate and test out certain occurrences just to be sure.

Of course, others in particular do not have to believe in something for it to be true, and no one can tell another what they did or did not go through or have encountered, as each individual is different and their own experience is unique.

Nevertheless, the Holy Spirit will lead one into truth and since I was a child, I have always had common sense and was open to weighing out logic or reason.

Everyone is not going to want to hear the truth, yet I will always be bold enough to speak the truth and not fall into the deceptions of the world.

Soul Ties? No, Not Really!


Two things I never agreed with or believed in were reincarnation and soul ties.

I have heard people say that sexual relations with another person can transfer their energy or negativity, which does not make any sense to me.

And, I am an extremely sensitive person spiritually as well as open-minded.

This concept is a New Age and Wiccan concept.

Yes, people can absorb other people’s energy, but it has nothing to do with the transference of residue or the intertwine of one soul to another.

Feeling or picking up on another person’s vibe or “energy” is purely a trait of discernment or a supernatural gift, as everything within the universe is made up of energy.

There can be connections between people who have never had sex and it has nothing to do with them having a mystical connection to one another from a past life.

Even in the Bible, when it talks about a man and a woman becoming one flesh, the instance does not mean that their souls are actually becoming one, but that their bodies are physically united as one within the sanctity of a marriage. God never created sex to be outside of wedlock.

Anything contrary to God’s intended purpose is considered wrong or incorrect and can produce undesirable effects.

If a person has sex with a rapist or serial killer does it automatically reflect and rub-off on them to do the same and follow up in their footsteps? Absolutely not!

Some people are just unable to mentally or emotionally detach themselves from certain people, events, or situations in life.

When it comes to spiritual ability, aspects can manifest to respond on an ongoing basis for the purpose of keeping the individual alert and aware of actual current or future occurrences that may take place bearing significance.


Reincarnation? No!


I find it an annoyance to hear someone tell me I am connected to someone from a past life.

The acknowledgement is absolutely ridiculous.

Even during my teenage years, I never entertained the idea of reincarnation because I knew in my heart, mind, and soul there was no credence to the subject.

I do believe in Deja vu, which is a feeling of having experienced the present situation. I myself can attest to the reality of it on more than one occasion.

However, this is no indication that I lived before in another lifetime that I am not completely aware of here on the planet.

What I do and always believed is possible, though I am not for certain, is that we were already living souls in the realm of God our creator before we were born into these physical bodies.

We may have agreed to come here on this earth as a test with no recollection of our spiritual existence beforehand.

In that way, I believe we may have lived before but coming back here in different bodies as different people continuously- no.

I have been called an old soul and my mother swore that I have been here before. It may be so, especially the way some of us are advanced through gifts of the spirit with preternatural ability.

I do believe we are not strangers to this existence. There is more to the picture than what we can see or visualize.

We will not know the entire story until we meet Jesus face to face.

The Bible does state that we were thought about before the creation of the world and I know there is a connection we have to God beforehand.

With the Lord there is no beginning and no end, so who really knows when we actually began?

Once we die in our bodies and transition, that is final, we do not come back until Jesus returns like a thief in the night to get us, resurrect, and clothes us with new improved bodies fit for eternity.

An Ex-Coworker Working His Nonsense: Rituals


Jealous, envious, or resentful twisted people trying to attack me through black magic/witchcraft/voodoo had become a thing of the past.

I myself have never been into witchcraft or black magic, but I did have the ability and know how to protect myself and reverse negativity done to me and others who needed my help.

I also knew how to cleanse myself spiritually, everything I did was pure and for good.

Candles, incense, and other elements that represent earth, air, fire, and water- which I all used are not bad, evil, or negative within themselves. It is how they are used.

It has been years since I burned a candle. I do not burn candles anymore or maintain an altar for spiritual work of protection or veneration.

Yes, I was born with strong faculties.

However, I allow and rely totally on God now to fight my spiritual battles along with me putting on the armor of God by his word- which is the shield of faith.

There has recently been one who himself (an ex-coworker) with the help of another or certain others who attempted, and is still in the process of endeavoring to attack me spiritually through witchcraft of some sort.

They are absolutely wasting their time.

I have been ultimately protected against any form of evil for over twenty years.

The sad thing about the situation is these people are not at all harming me, they are hurting themselves.

I used to not understand God urging us as his children to pray for those who persecute or try to harm us. But the Lord revealed to me it is because they are the ones who are in danger. They are lost in their wickedness, destined to darkness and damnation.

They are blind to what they do and the consequences thereof and need guidance to see their way out.

We, as those saved and following God’s example, have nothing to worry about.

The more they try to hurt us without true remorse and repentance- especially when they are not justified- the further they dig an eternal grave for themselves.


A Vision: What I Dreamed This Morning


I did not go to sleep until after midnight last night. It was about around one-thirty or forty something when I hit the sack, so technically I had this dream this morning:

One of the gifts I have as one born with extra sensory perception is the ability to dream things that come true.

Nothing and no one are off limits.

For years I have dreamed all types of events that concerned all types of occurrence or people- from the president of the United States to celebrities to everyday ordinary people (not that the president or celebrities are any better within quality due to their status) I am just distinguishing the extent of area in regard to what, where, and who I can pick up on.

Last night I had a vivid precognitive dream of the royal palace and the involvement of animal sacrifice ritual done by one of the monarchies as a well-known who I will not mention took part.

I am not surprised.

After the chicken was sliced across the breast with a sword it would later be cooked and eaten by an associate who catered food.

I saw in detail the ceremony which stood only two people at a distance apart from one another dressed in fancy attire, their stance poised within a certain manner.

The calm colors they wore coordinated with the tone of the large almost auditorium-like room they were in along with a set of separate curtains that hung behind the two royal individuals.

There are a lot of people who profess God in public yet behind closed doors lives an entirely different story.

Little note: The message I received from my vision was this dream I had showed me an incident that has already played out within the past (I have always dreamed real life events of the past, present, and future) but the scene is not a well-known disclosure or open display amongst the public as it was done in private- a kept secret among those within the monarch family who partake in such perverse activities to gain and maintain power, prestige, money, and/or fame through demonic assistance.

Telepathic Communication


Those of us with extra sensory perception not only sense with our minds- but also communicate with our minds.

As we have a supernatural ability to acquire information not obtained through the familiar physical senses, the energy we receive radiates vibration unlimited.

Everyone’s faculty is not equivalent we all have our own unique traits and capability whether similar or unlike- strong or just a touch of.

We are able to pick up on the thoughts of others, hear their spoken words, or feel what they are thinking while we are nowhere within their physical presence.

Those who are also endowed are able to correspond back and forth with us through the mind and some just happen to think of us while we are thinking about them.

There is a lot more to telepathy in regard to precognitive visions and dreams. I could go on and on from my own encounters of experience that has been validated throughout my lifetime.



A Step Above


Do you stand out from the crowd?

Do you think differently than the majority while still being able to relate, release or be repulsed by what is familiar and foreign?

Are you an innovator, a visionary, one who by drive creates through the natural energy of manifest?

Does your purpose lead you?

Are you original, advanced, unconventional?

Do your words inspire, provoke, or offend?

Are you spiritually in-tune, highly sensitive to all of your surroundings?

Do you take your heightened abilities to new heights unbound?

Do you master the challenge of your challenges and the challenges that people challenge you?

You are an inventor- one who plans, masterminds, and architects design from an extraordinary perception.latoya lawrence



A Step Ahead Of The Game


Isn’t it something when certain people plan and plot to do dirt against you but you are two steps ahead?

We know what they are going to do before they even know or do themselves.

When their schemes fail and we show them up- they are bewildered and full of wonder.

We cannot help but to laugh at them sometimes when we are not shaking our heads at them in disgust.

Never take the gift of insight for granted. Always use it to serve for good. Use second-sight with honest intent and the intent to protect.

Others who understand us and what we are bestowed with who mean us well support and share within our positivity to discern while living out and fulfilling our purpose.



Precise: When One Knows Their Stuff


We as humans are not perfect.

We all make some type of mistake here and there in regard to something even if it is just a small or insignificant thing.

No one is right about everything all of the time, depending on the circumstance. Some situations are complex.

And, things are not always what they seem.

Nevertheless, there are things in life many of us know we can trust, be certain about, and believe in without a doubt!


Don’t Work Too Hard


I know I said I was going to cut down on being a workaholic and I will in no way overdo it but I have undertaken more hours.

Yes, we have to make a living, though, we must continue to rely on the Lord understanding that we have to take time out to rest and to let him overtake our work schedule within a way that will not burn us out but that will preserve us.

Be sure to maintain proper hygiene. Get the proper nutrition by eating beneficial foods. Get adequate enough sleep, and enjoy pleasurable pastimes.


Do You Know Him Personally? I Do


There are people who speak God’s name, or mention his ways, but they only run to him and truly acknowledge him when they want something.

The Lord is not a God of convenience. He is not one to go to when in need to just forget about him once what one has is gained.

These particular individuals are aware of God and they know of him, however, they do not really know anything about him as a father.

No Need To Worry

That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?” -Mathew 6:25-27



Sometimes it may be easier said than done to not worry or be anxious, yet I cannot deny the fierce action that the Lord takes upon my life time and again.

He never ceases to amaze me.

Life can be very unpredictable often catching us on unawares. We are not at times prepared for what will occur.

It is within those moments that we rest assured only to lean on the one who already had the situation under control before it came to be.

Oh, I just love the verses above and below. The message ran through my thoughts recently when the Lord immediately took heed to my urgent need when I felt uncertain.

The essence of the spirit of truth carried a sound of love, comfort and affirmation.



And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

Natural Signals


As an empath I feel strongly. I have for all of my life.

I feel other people’s energy, I pick up on circumstances and situations like radar.

I am kept alert and aware.

There is a deep meaning and profound reason as to why God gifted some of us in this way.

To see, hear, know, feel, smell, and taste beyond the ordinary range of things.

Us highly sensitive- spiritually inclined are connected to nature.

The universe itself is our antenna of frequency.


Workers Of Evil Have No Power Over You


Workers of evil have no power over you unless you give it to them- latoya lawrence


Do not fear or be afraid of those who do black magic- they cannot harm you.

I know that people have died from and been killed with voodoo/black magic/witchcraft.

Lives have even been destroyed by other means as a result from being crossed.

I don’t have all of the answers or explanations as to why some people tragically fall prey. Only God knows.

Sometimes God allows incidents to occur to teach and to show us examples of things.



Other reasons are that this is a fallen world where evil principalities reign. Unfortunately sin and destruction are a part of everyday life.

None of these occurrences will totally end until Jesus returns.

What I do know for sure is that not everyone will succumb, be a victim, or even be affected by supernatural negativity.

Some of us may at one time or another be a target but never under the mercy of such wickedness.

I speak from experience.

The Brujeria people worked on me during the past had absolutely no bearing on me. I was too strong within mind and spirit- and I defeated them.

God is constant and consistent when he protects his children.


Rise And Shine


We never know what the day may bring yet we walk through each moment with faith in the things hoped to come.

Some of us have the insight to see certain scenes ahead of time to either prepare, warn, or show us an example of our spiritual connection to God within his power.

The universe is a force of energy, energy that we’re all receptive to whether knowingly or unknowingly.

We are attracted to certain things while we are repelled by others. We are aligned and within harmony to our celestial paths when we vibrate in correspondence to the supernatural guidance that dwells from within.

When there is detachment there is unbalance and one cannot resonate in accordance to the inner force of wisdom that sustains them.

None of us are able to “rise” or “shine” without the energy that generates our life-force.


Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing” -John 15:5 NLT


Why Some Of Us Are Born With Second-Sight

Not yesterday, but last Sunday night a week ago, I watched a mystery, suspense, thriller, drama, titled “Second-Sight” which I could actually relate to.

This was a 2016 made for television movie. It starred a predominantly African American cast including the late Marla Gibbs (who played Florence on the Jeffersons many years ago).

Marla played a grandmother who explained to her granddaughter the gift of the “knowing power” through dreams, visions, and feelings (empathic)- how it passed and skipped through the generations of their family lineage.

I also liked the message behind the further impart of how God enables us who have these particular gifts to help other people through what we foreknow and foresee when her granddaughter asked why and what was the purpose of going through the circumstance of the warnings and messages that she received.

I was once told during my early twenties by another fellow person gifted with second-sight that our gifts are not for ourselves but for others, however, I strongly disagree.

Yes, those of us who are spiritually endowed by birth are to use our ability to further promote the Kingdom of God, but also the faculty is to bring us ourselves even closer to know our Lord ourselves and to enrich and assist us along within the process of our journey.

I know this all as a fact from my own lifelong deep encounters, numerous accounts, and incredible experiences.

God interacts with all of his children differently and according to the uniqueness in which he made us. We all have a special purpose to fulfill designed especially to his plan and the Lord will continue to guide us along the way that he has prepared.

The Pursuit

The Power Of The Lord Burns Strong For His Children

The pursuit is real. There is nothing one can do to stop it. When God comes to confront you be prepared to be swept away! Nothing can keep us from him. God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. He knows all. He knows when he will return us back to himself ahead of time. -latoya lawrence

Be encouraged and inspired by my self written devotionals and messages of Jesus Christ on “Daily Inspirations” (
and “The Power Of God: My Testimony” ( Visit or subscribe to both my sites and be motivated and strengthened within your walk with God- sincerely LaToya Lawrence

To give a brief summary to make a point, I went through a lot as a child. I had a lot of good times in the process also, blessed in ways that inspired plenty of envy and jealously toward my mother and I. Which spurred up more discontentment from resentful neighbors and others whom we came into contact with who continuously witnessed our advantages.

I didn’t understand what motivated these people to act out and react at that exact time period during my early youth but my mother knew why. I grasped the depth of it as I had gotten older. I never imagined people could be so ill. I knew I had never liked them, knowing there was something off about them. The envy and jealousy lasted way up into my adulthood, taking on an even uglier turn.

When I entered my teenage years and realized favor was and had always been upon me from God, I hoped for unsavory things to never again appear the way it had before. Then certain events did happen again. I was pretty ticked off at God about it too. Furious about the people, the circumstances they caused, and God for having allowed the incidents to happen.

When life gets really taxing and does not go as planned or expected we get very upset because we are human. We feel this way because we think the Lord owes us something, I did. I believed he owed me because I hadn’t asked to be born into the world. So, I felt if he wanted me here so badly then make it worth my while. I didn’t appreciate all the trials and tribulations, especially as a young child- there were certain traumas even though I was strong and overcame them- it was the principal of the matter to me.

God can dish out to us so many wonderful big and small every day blessings that we ultimately love and enjoy. Still, we become annoyed, resentful, and distant the instant he permits something within our life that we didn’t appreciate or ask for. This reaction usually stems from our sense of unjust treatment from the bad experiences.

When I look back now, I see how much the Lord took care of me. He blessed me richly in far too many ways to count. I was very fortunate in spite of particular situations that came and went. God is really good and excellent regardless of what our minds are sometimes limited to comprehend about him.

When I stepped away from God out of frustration- he still protected and provided for me the whole time and kept my feet on solid ground. His holy spirit remained and maintained a work in me. My flesh was full of hatred but my spirit was full of peace and joy. I believed that peace and joy was from another source out of my wishful thinking.

Nevertheless, the Lord in his patience gave me my space, waiting for the exact day he would put my animosity to an end and wake me up from my nonsense to realize his extreme love and compassion for me.

God readily embraced me, eagerly forgave me, and now he celebrates me and my return with a stronger bond of love and devotion between us than ever before. I went back to the Lord immediately when I was faced by him. I was able to do this without a problem because of the trust that developed over the years when I experienced his incredible accounts of faithfulness.

Don’t get me wrong now, God is full of grace and mercy, nonetheless, he will correct us when necessary but it is not a punishment the act is done purely out of his precious love and care for us.

God is completely dependable and true, and I am on fire for him!

Quiet, Alone Time


I am an extremely positive person who carries a lot of positive energy. Energy that many have tried to drain and take for themselves unsuccessfully.

I have no tolerance for negativity and I do not ever intentionally envelop myself within anyone’s negative energy or bear any of their burdens. As an individual empathetically inclined I spiritually “feel” and absorb the vibration of others though I know how to fade out the unnecessary excess of what I paranormally apprehend within others mental and emotional states.

I am one who likes to do for herself, by herself, under her own order and itinerary. People consider me pleasantly sociable when I interact and I naturally am, I’m very high-spirited and love to talk and keep active. Even so, I often prefer solo engagement.

There are recreational sports we innermost like doing, or taking part in amongst ourselves, or around, and with family members. Those moments of meditation, cooking, crafting, reading, writing, planting, playing with pets and whatever else may satisfy one’s fancy.

Whatever one’s preference, it’s important to have time for self.

I am a person who likes their space, one who doesn’t want to be bothered with outsiders too often, or at all. So, there is no inconvenience within my regular periods of desired solitude as the matter comes naturally to me.

I’m very comfortable with myself and within my own skin and I enjoy my own company.

I don’t need the presence of others around me for gaiety or support. It feels good to not be burdened with a social dependence in which grants me no true fulfillment.

I deal with people only if I choose to not because I have to out of loneliness or desperation-that was never my style. I was always content alone, even as a child and when I played. I was extremely creative and continuously kept my self-occupied. I found that certain individuals interrupted my entertainment or vibration when they imposed and tagged along.

Even when I’m bored, I don’t want to be disturbed. I am grounded and have foundation; I have peace of mind.

Well-being is first and foremost; keeping the chakras balanced, the aura strong and bright, and the spirit cleansed promotes optimal mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

It is very beneficial and sometimes vital to have that quiet, alone time where we distance ourselves periodically from others to rejuvenate and generate additional radiant energy.

We explore our interests, hobbies, or leisure more abundantly when vibration is within harmony to the essence in which particularly surrounds us.

Proud To Be Unique/Proud To Be Real

Those of us in particular who are genuine messengers speak in truth through spirit; I write automatically within the form of automatic writing, a power that self- expresses and that writes itself. 

Self Love Self Respect

Strength Of Character

The Veil Of Truth

I love how energy manifests truth, the genuine essence of one that cannot be repressed or denied. 

When others aim to define us for who they want us to be or for who they falsely perceive us to be, and/or question, doubt, or speculate our true motives and intentions for why we operate in how we do-which is really just us being our authentic and distinct selves-validity knocks them down every time. 

A lot of people aren’t capable of dealing with actualities that they aren’t commonly accustomed to within certain individuals who are unconventional and unusual.  

Many often reflect their own insecurities and propensities onto others unsubstantially; some may even unrightfully accuse us of incorporating defense mechanisms instead of just accepting the harsh reality of our truths in regard to specific circumstances concerning numerous aspects of life, people, and situations.  

Some people kill me with the nonsense about putting up walls if we don’t like or want to be bothered-such a crock of bullshit! That may be true for some, in general; however, in the case of certain others and such as myself, we don’t put up walls we knock them down because we demand and enjoy the freedom to not be confined to the narrow margins/boundaries of ignorance. 

When we refuse to allow the negative views, opinions, or accusations of others to overthrow our veracity and reality truth automatically speaks for itself. It is that exact genuineness that gives us the natural authority and passion to ignore and scoff at the absurdities, enabling us to blossom and flourish even more elaborately through celestial energy. 

Fallacy has no bearing on the foundation wherewith we stand and wherefrom we go therefore.  

The profit through our blessings reward us for confidently placing our trust within the authenticity of our true identification; an honest verification to the origin of living one’s own special dimensional life force. 

The Truth Behind The Veil

Born with a caul is who I am, yet I am more than just one born with extra sensory perception.

Child Of The Caul

Spirit brings me into who I fully am and I love the assistance of a highly guided escort; the generation of my own exuding magnetic energy graciously outlining the pattern. 

The Body Is The Temple

Keep It Protected With The Vitality Of Spirit

Healthy Living

For Mind, Body, And Soul

The Spirit Speaks Truth/The Strength Of The Caul

The purity of spirit comes from within and exudes without. The body is the temple, the beauty preserved within the life force sustained by the celestial energy. 

Strong Spirit


Love, peace, and happiness stems from a spirit well fed by nature’s essentials. 

The crucial flow of innate wisdom; vital to the appetite, the hunger fortified unto abundant growth. 

Spiritual Prosperity

The richness of spirit cannot be bought, this type of wealth is priceless. The value exceeds anything tangible within nature or on this earth. 

Trust, loyalty, and honesty go a very long way and when one’s spirituality/faith is built on these merits there stands a solid foundation of mutual respect and devotion to the betterment and continuity of a favorable existence. 

The circumstance is even more fabulous when it is preordained and one is eager to join within their own agreement/alignment as everything falls suitably into place/in balance to one another. 

The vibration is wonderful and beautiful; the pure energy is refreshing. When the rest of the world is in danger, we are and remain untouched.  When the rest of the world is full of worry and frustration, we are comforted and reassured. When the rest of the world lack in their requirements, we gain and maintain. While the rest of the world is restless and within an uproar, we are sound asleep prophetically dreaming of the future paradise that is to come. 



I am unaffected by the bullshit of this world


I woke up feeling wonderful. The vibration around me is fantastic. I always generated and exuberated excellent energy when the unsavory weren’t trying to mask or to block the beauty of my aura and magnetism with unnatural influence.

Those who are not distinctly spiritually inclined don’t understand intrisnic spiritual connection, the state of actually living within spirit, and having spirit live within one incessantly.

The inborn apathetic nature that I possess toward things in which are generally considered interesting, exciting, moving, challenging, or devastating is mind boggling to some.

Every individual is different, however, when one is at a higher level of intellect and spiritual consciousness they are not affected by things in the way of the ordinary.

In general, certain people on the outside looking in at another or their situation often interpret things to be much worse off than what they actually are when things aren’t really as bad as they think, or aren’t bad at all, depending on their own level of perception and what they exactly believe to be.

People are quick to make judgements upon what they no nothing about, simply going by what they immediately speculate and what they are frequently accustomed to.

So when those of us who are deeply connected to spirit are happy and content at times, or within circumstances, in which others feel or determine that we shouldn’t be it is because we have that inner voice of wisdom and discernment and are able to see and recognize the true reality of our conditions, and the happenings within life, as well as the life that surrounds us.

The bottom line is those who aren’t genuinely happy or at peace within themselves and within their own lives don’t like to see or want to hear about those of us who genuinely are living good with internal pleasure.




Mental, Emotional, And Spiritual Breakdown

Everyone who has had a breakdown of some sort is not weak, crazy, or dangerously unstable.

A breakdown is spiritual within many instances. A Yoruba priestess even acknowledged this fact to me years ago. I know firsthand as my own mother was a victim of brujeria in the early 1980’s.

I was even targeted. My aunt tried to flip me out when I was eighteen years of age by putting the hallucinogenic drug mescaline into a hot pot of black eyed peas that I had cooking over the stove.

People often use recreational “trip” drugs to increase the chance or enhance the effect of mental and chemical alterations of the brain while also performing the negative spiritual influences within black magic/voodoo/witchcraft.

My aunt went a step further in her malicious attempt by also putting tainted hiv fluids inside my food. Anyone educated would know the disease would not survive within the air and within a pot of scalding hot water.

Nevertheless, I didn’t lose my head or have a breakdown, my mind was too strong with faculty and awareness, and I didn’t, of course, become infected with aids either.

I was young, innocent, and very spiritually inclined, so divine intervention took over and protected me.

My aunt Tina (Ernestine Lawrence) has been hiv positive since the 1980’s due to intravenous drug use and promiscuous behavior from the 1970’s on up and instead of using her limited time to spend changing her life around for the better, she continued to do tons of constant dirt. She and other envious and jealous ruthless dummies, whores, drug addicts, and degenerates attacked me and other family for decades.

They’ve in addition done it to others, however, when they came after my mother and I, they messed with the wrong individuals. We are people of the light and they are people of the darkness. My ancestors and orishas were ready for them all, and the universe was recording and keeping record of every notorious deed in which was repeatedly done toward us.

Tina had poisoned food of my mother’s years ago too while neighbors were working black magic/voodoo/witchcraft against her.

My grandfather was driven to mental affliction before he was killed and found dead in the Hudson river.

My aunt Charise was drugged and raped which caused her to be afflicted with mental illness.

My grandfather, mother, younger aunt, and I were targeted for manipulative breakdowns because we were all very smart, strong, and fighters who could literally kick ass if needed be. We weren’t the type to back down or be bullied by anyone, and we were all good upstanding people.

The intent for causing mental, emotional, and spiritual breakdowns are to weaken one, to render them as incredible, and to lower their self esteem and spirit.

Certain evildoers want those of us who have knowledge in which threaten their unscrupulous ways either dead or labeled as crazy.