The Trials And Truths Of A Caulbearer

668793_red_carnation_on_table_1I get a lot of people contacting me claiming that they were born with a caul/veil. Of course, everyone is not being honest and there are ways of telling.

A true caulbearer knows another caulbearer. We as caulbearers all have our own different ranges of spiritual abilities, yet the truth will always eventually come out to the forefront.

I do believe certain people who have sought me out for help and I sincerely do have a regard for their circumstance because being born with a caul is a wonderful/beautiful thing.

As caulbearers, we all do have our personal thoughts and/or feelings about our own experiences. People have acknowledged to me that they have felt rejected and misunderstood, and so on.

To give a very short summary of myself, I have naturally been a loner and at the same time a very outgoing person.

I am also a very strong person who has never cared whether or not other people accepted me, or my ways of being, thinking and knowing.

I have much wisdom/knowledge that many others do not understand and that others will try to downplay. There is a whole lot of information that I could share throughout my life as being clairvoyant.

Seeing visions, communicating with spirits, and the many other abilities that I have has always served as a comfort and stability in my life. It is who I am.

So my experience with the caul is a very positive one. My problem is that people have always been very jealous of me and my life.

Caulbearers are often very lucky and prosperous in many ways of their life whether it is through finance, talent, material possessions, relationships etc…

And it can sometimes makes us spiritually vulnerable to those who may try to take our good luck away.

I’ve battled for years with people working all forms of santeria/brujeria on me to cause blockages in my pathways to the great success that I was destined to have.

True caulbearers that are endowed with “specific” purpose and ability will always become targeted by those who are sick, jealous, miserable, and demonic.

Now, I do not care who anyone chooses to follow (may it be the guidance of a particular individual or the spirituality of a particular deity) or how anyone chooses to live their life.

I however will not stay in silence when “spirit” moves me to stand up for the truth by bringing a corruption ( fraudulent or dishonest matter ) out into the forefront.

One thing that I have learned though, is that when I am inspired by “spirit” to reveal a message, or certain other things, not to question it. Especially when I am incisively seeing into the motives and instances of others.

Even when I am not fully aware of every detail right away I know that I can truly trust and go with what I am responsibly instructed to do.

I always find out either rather quickly or within the long run that my guidance was correct and beneficial to my state of existence and the universe as well as to certain others.

104 thoughts on “The Trials And Truths Of A Caulbearer

  1. A visitor of mine recently commented on one of my posts in regards to the caul. As a result I re-read the post as I had written it some years ago to refresh my memory because I have written over six hundred posts altogether between both my blogs ( I’ve been writing my blogs online for twelve years now) and as I read over my personal writings I thought that it would be nice to share for those that may not have come across this particular one of my genuine life stories and self expressions that are summed up in this post.

    I am posting it here with a link to the actual page where it is located on my other blog as a source of inspiration and enlightenment:


    I do not believe in fear. And being afraid to express one’s self.

    I was born with a caul (veil), a thin membrane that will sometimes envelop a newborn baby’s entire face at birth.

    The caul itself is a message. A sure sign that denotes psychic or clairvoyant ability.

    I recognized a lot of the special abilities that I had early on in life. My clairvoyant gifts were strong, accurate, and necessary. They had brought me a very long way here in life.

    I’ve always had a strong spirit. I did not care or worry about what people said or thought. Some people would rather have wanted to consider me to be crazy than to accept or acknowledge that I actually had a gift.

    Ignorance is a burden that will always cause confusion. Especially when there are those around who are jealous, and limited within the things that exist and in the things that are possible.

    As a child growing up in society I did not feel that I belonged here in the world. And I still do not til this day.

    I think that it is deep for a person to have to live in a place where they really do not want to be. A place that they cannot relate to. A place that they do not feel connected to.

    The world to me is more of a penitentiary than a suitable place to live.

    A world that is governed with bias rules and regulations. A world that conforms to a particular style of life and in which shows a favoritism for certain types of people.

    And, I do not at all mean regarding race.

    I am speaking in general. About the way of life. How things are operated and catered toward those who share commonality.

    We have psychologist who judge people by their mindset and behavior. Deciding on what is considered as acceptable and normal behavior according to research. Many people tend to estimate and form opinions based on experience and study.

    As soon as something or someone appears to be what is out of the ordinary, people are ready to draw conclusions or experiment on what is not familiar to them.

    There are people in the world who have a habit of not being able to mind their own business. Always worried about what someone else is, or is not doing.

    I’ve had that problem quite a lot through out the years. People inquisitive as to why I was living my life the way that I did, not associating with anyone and not falling prey to the pitfalls of this society. They made speculations that were just as equivalent to their mediocre mentality.

    Nobody likes to hear the truth when they are looking for something to be negative. Finding out that they could be wrong in their assumptions is humiliating to them. Then they feel silly.

    Reality is sometimes too painful for some to deal with. So they look for an escape.

    Some people escape through drugs and alcohol. And some escape through illusions and delusions that are associated with mental illness by lying to themselves and about their circumstances. These people are habitual, compulsive, and pathological liars.

    I’ve come into contact with many personality types within my young lifetime.

    I have a very perceptive nature. And always knew that there had to be way much more to life than what was on this material side. Something much more meaningful and fulfilling. Missing pieces to the puzzle that I needed to put together within my life.

    Here and there. And little by little things would start to unveil. Then after a certain point in time bigger things began to unravel. Bringing further insight and clarity that later brought to me true freedom.

    The freedom to know who I really was. The freedom to completely be myself. The freedom to genuinely live my life the way that I was supposed to.

    I truly know the meaning of existing in the world yet not being anything of it. I love not having to live under any biblical law or influence that does not pertain to my lifestyle. Just living In what comes natural to me under the correct guidance.

    Spirituality is my foundation. It is what sustains me. I love the peace and quietness of meditation. The serenity and solitude of being alone.

    I love living in a sphere that is full of truth, knowledge, and consistency. An extension of my true habitat and a peek into my eternal destiny.

    People who are born with certain spiritual gifts often experience the extraordinary. Their minds think ahead. Their eyes see beyond. And their mouths speak of things that are to come.

    Strong and positive energies surround me through out my day to day life. They contribute to my survival here on this earth.

    By nature I am influenced by spirit. Vehemently inspired to use my gifts and to fulfill out my purpose.

    My actions are automatic. As in the way that I write. I do not plan ahead. The plan leads me.

    Through experience I have learned to trust in the things that I cannot explain. I am only challenged so that spirit can reveal to me the further things that I am able to accomplish.

    And as I continue to trust in the things that I cannot explain, I still know and understand everything that is around me, and why.

    My energy is who I am.

    A fiery light that burns. Radiating with the natural powers of the occult. And shining brightly amongst the powers that be and that protect me.

    1. Only point one males are born with a veil. I consider myself to be a fledgling having recently learned of my abilities and reflect upon my past well from the truth is imminent.

    2. Hello I am a caulbearer I was born with a caul over my whole face I have been scared to accept the things I see and feel I’ve tried to love a normal life unaware of what I was goin threw I am ready now to accept everything I am

    3. Everything written are correct, and i am sad to be a caulbearer experiencing all these negative from your colleague, and not getting what you deserved because of jealousy . relatives, friends are always behind my back to take everything from me.
      thank you for enlighten me. Only prayers are my back up! but still the negative are always the winning side.

    4. Hello Latoya….. I thought I would go crazy never finding anyone to talk to. My paternal grandmother’s Aunt Lottie was born with the veil. She lived across the street from my grandmother’s sister whom we visited every Saturday evening. I was raised by my grandmother because my mother had abandoned me. I was drawn to Aunt Lottie like a magnet. My grandmother used to say, stay away from her she’s crazy and talks to dead people. I couldn’t stay away from her. She had chihuahuas and I love dogs. My grandmother had come looking for me but would not go inside. I came out and she was angry with me. I went back inside and my cousins asked me what she was doing. I said she was having a party. My grandmother said she wasn’t there was no one there and I said she has a house full of people I saw them. I noticed some of them looked sick and white. After that my grandmother was afraid of me. I could never figure out why. People shy away from me so I have always been a loner especially when I know what they are thinking. Before my grandmother died she told me I was just like her Aunt Lottie. My mother was a deceitful person who used drugs and alcohol. My mother lived in an apartment above me briefly and her husband invited a clairvoyant over and he said to him your wive is a very powerful witch. He asked him how he knew that. Hee said she is upstairs and her husband said my wife is at work and her daughter lives upstairs. She’s the powerful witch. When they told me that. I am not a witch! Why would he say that about me?? I have seen and talked to angels as a child until I was frightened by it one day. He came up from behind and spun me around gently off the ground.

      My question to you is, am I a caul bearer? Was it supposed to be kept a secret from me? Please give me some insight?

      Thank you, Yvette Marie

    5. A person born with a caul inherently has special traits and faculty that average individuals don’t have.

      Aside from being paranormally endowed, there are distinguishing characteristics and ways of thinking, and veiwing things. Our knowledge and discernment range beyond the scope of what is ordinary due to the natural link and connection that we have to the otherworldly in which cannot be denied.

      Our inborn tendencies and propensities are to see, feel, hear, smell, and taste at an extraordinary level, without the actual physical use of our eyes, touch, ears, nose and mouth.

      It is a heightening of the senses whereas we see, feel, hear, smell, taste, and also “know” (the sixth sense) through our mind’s eye ( the third eye).

      Only one born of the caul and with this special capacity would understand the depth of the experience, as the experience is who we inevitably are.

      We are just people born with paranormal ability, we are precognitive, clairvoyant, telepathic souls who are gifted with different forms of second-sight whether in combination, or at separate aspects of supernatural endowment.

      Your question is were you born with a caul? One cannot be born with genuine psychic or clairvoyant power without it. The caul over the face denotes one is born with psychic abilities.

      One can have spiritual encounters and experiences without being born with a caul, one doesn’t have to be psychic or clairvoyant to actually see an apparition or to receive a significant divine message in relation to some life event once in a while.

      However, true caul birth identification pertains to individuals who experience preternatural tendency and propensity daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly, as it is a part of one’s day to day life, and at intervals, depending on the individual person.

      We are highly intuitive people who are deeply connected to the universe and we are highly receptive to the certain energies and vibrations that we pick up from people, things, and the environment.

      As far as keeping one being born with a caul a secret. These are personal choices that result from the mentality or rationality of those who for reasons of their own consider the issue taboo or not for everybody.

      In life in general, we can’t or shouldn’t discuss particular things with just anybody. We’re all people varying within different genre’s, and so on.

      Psychic ability has always been realized and sort out by those who believed and who seeked their fortunes to be read or who wanted rituals cast. Nevertheless, the lives of those possessing powers of second-sight or of the occult are often put in danger or indifference.

      A man at a Botanica store once told me to keep my mouth shut about being born with a caul because of the things that I knew and encountered, and the reactions that could be brought on by specific ignorant, or unscrupulous people toward me.

      Yet if we all did keep our mouths totally shut how would those of us who are truly born with these gifts and that need assistance or further insight into knowing and understanding that their existence, purpose, and experience is legitimate, and necessary?

      We don’t learn, develop, and grow by repressing who we are on account of the lack of awareness, or the lack of scruples of others.

      People like us become teachers, writers, artists, film producers, entrepreneurs, health enthusiasts, advocates, researchers, physicians, psychologists, and etc…

      Our circumstance is a part of the reality of life whether others believe or not, and whether they approve or not.

      We’re not crazy or complicated we’re very canny and constructive.

      So to answer your question Yvette, you should know whether or not you were born with a caul. If you truly were you wouldn’t need validation from anyone. The truth always comes to the light and spirit reveals through inner voice of spirit.

      And a little side note: A lot of spiritual advisors that seem to have psychic ability and who may read professionally were not necessarily born with cauls. They are able to foretell and conduct spells under the ceremonial sacrificing of animals during invocations in the mountains or at temples.

      Those born of true powers of the occult don’t have to indulge within any ceremony or incantation, they have their faculties naturally, and work through the universe and through rituals generated by their own pure energy. –latoya lawrence

      I explain here more in depth about the caul:

      The Purpose Of The Caul

      Child Of The Caul

    6. Hi, I was told by my Mother recently i was born with a veil around my head. Is it possible for this gift to be taken away or removed/blocked and how do i get it back. Im starting to see shadows moving but when i look there is noting.
      feeling lost

    7. If your gift is God-given then absolutely no one can take it away from you. There are people who can attempt to block your gifts using witchcraft, however, God/Jesus is, of course, far more powerful than the devil. Satan and his demons are no competition for our heavenly father, neither are negative/wicked people.

      Drugs like caffeine can block your dreams and certain medications as they may cause a repression of them.

      Other than that, stay positive, pray and stay close to God and everything will work out fine. Don’t worry, just go to God with all of your concerns no matter how big or how small your worries may be.

      Take care and God bless you.

    8. My mother sold mine. She said the nurse took it but I know otherwise. As a child my grandmother raised me and she was afraid of me. Her aunt who lived across the street from her sister. I would sneak over there to see Aunt Lottie. I loved her very drawn to her. I am not sure at what point I was enlighted but at that moment it all made sense. So, perhaps when you realized it came to fruition. I pull back sometimes not wanting to know.That doesn’t always work. Believe in yourself and take care of yourself. You know the truth.

  2. You said you can tell which of us are really caulbearers. I’m here now and I don’t want to write down my life story I just need your help who ever you are.

    1. Yes, I can tell who’s real and who is not. I’ve always been a good judge of character and knew who was a fake and a phony.

      I could always sense things about people and things that other people couldn’t sense even if the truths and revelations took a long time to come out and to be made known to those that were oblivious I just have had that ability all throughout my life.

      At times I have been blunt about it and sometimes I have shown diplomacy it all depended on instance, tendency and mood.

      However, sometimes I will just let some make a fool out of themselves while at the same time educating or confirming and/or encouraging and supporting those that are genuine.

      I’ve had plenty of people contact me online and a few with deliberate nonsense, lies and exaggerated stories even in an attempt to mimic similarities to what I have written about the details and truths within my own life which many do not actually comprehend the preternatural “happenings” and “occurrences” of the accounts and extent thereof within the content unless they have actually went through it themselves or at least have that “level of consciousness” or deeper understanding as some actually do.

      Like I’ve acknowledged before on another post awhile back (some years ago) on my other blog, once in a while if I’m contacted by a perpetrator I’ll only respond to give answers to those who’ll stop along the way that are real and that will come across and read through my posts and the comments that people leave and my responses.

      So while some are acting silly and obnoxious with bullshit that I don’t have any time for I use the opportunity to bring something positive and enlightening.

      “Spirit” exercises itself through me and I love the energy that it brings and performs through my writing.

      I’m here for those that are genuine and will be of help if I can and only if spirit allows me to.

      And a little side note: Those of us born with the caul have a special energy about us that is indefinable and that certain people pick up on but can’t put a finger on it. All they can say is “There is something special about you”.

    2. I am a caulbearer. People say I am intimidating and I don’t have many friends. Those who are close to me, tell me I’m different. That they don’t know how, but that I am. Have you ever had people Tell you that? I’ve had a Hard life. Yet people Tell me I’m The strongest person they ever have known. That with All I have endured thru life, they don’t know how I can still be so full of Strength and have the ability to love.


    4. Sad about what? The feeling of not belonging here is a good thing as those who genuinely do feel within this way are not of the world.

      They may be at a higher level of knowledge and spiritual consciousness.

      You had a hard life? Only negative people create obstacles and trouble towards good and fortunate people.

      Principalities in which lurk within the universe also create interference among many of us.

      You felt no love? Maybe you were around the wrong type of people.

      I grew up around a lot of negative people yet I knew positive people too and I always had a lot of love around me from my good family relatives as well as certain other people on the outside. I could care less about my no good relatives who brought a lot of unsavory problems toward me. It all depends on who you come into contact with.

      It sounds like your true problem is low self esteem. One’s self value or self worth is not measured by who loves you or not. You needed to love yourself.

      Self love and self respect is all that really counts.

      If nobody loved me I wouldn’t have cared one bit. Although, love is part of what made me so strong aside from already having a strong spirit. I always loved and believed within myself.

      People who are jealous are very insecure and suffer from their own feelings of inadequacy. It shouldn’t get you down it should raise you up and make you fight harder to know you have what they only wish they could have and aspire to be.

  3. Hi, This is very interesting. Caul story reminds me of the Book I read ” The greatest life changing testimony gave us a child after 14 years of marriage ” by Gideon Cebekhulu. This book is published by Penguin. I think there is a lot of good and interesting Truths we can all learn from Caulbeares.

    The Truth about Created Man acc to Genesis 1: 26 – 28 versus the Physical Formed Man acc to Genesis 2: 7 can liberate the Chosen Nation. Maybe Caulbeares need to communicate because it looks like the Whole world is waiting for such people to stand up Spiritually and Physically

    1. What is interesting is that you want to use my site to advertise and promote your book. Let’s see how far you get since you actually believe that you’re doing it on the sly. Nobody is stupid over here!

      Your comment regarding that book has nothing in common with this post at all and if you truly knew anything about a genuine caulbearer you would know that it is impossible to truly get over on one, they may sometimes let you think that you have within your own foolishness by letting you fool yourself, but never in actual reality can you con or deceive a legitimate person born of a caul whom is actually so far ahead of you!

      To me, your shit attempt is weak, obvious, and laughable.

  4. I have the weird ability to see things before they happen or know what people are saying without me being there. If i envision something and say that I want to it will soon happen. I thought I was crazy growing up and started taking medication to control my thoughts and visions. Now I have found my purpose and am on a mission or basically following my vision I had years ago of what I needed to do so that I can have the ultimate peace.

    1. Extra Sensory Perception is not a “weird” ability it is a natural and normal gift bestowed to those that are incline.

      True, those of us that have these extraordinary talents that haven’t formally been taught or thoroughly explained to us may have at times thought unwarranted things about ourselves because we live in a world where one of the biggest parts of our nature isn’t
      typical and/or even accepted as a reality among many within the general population, especially since many of psychic or clairvoyant traits carry the same symptoms of what some people and professionals consider mental illness.

      And it is sad and very unfair for someone to be put on medication or hospitalized simply for having a gift that others are uneducated about or just don’t believe in.

      I hope your okay and flourish within your ability and never doubt yourself continue to learn and grow from your own experiences and know that you’re not alone we’re out here and our gifts and the energies around us are definitely real.

      Continue to maintain your peace, seek your destiny, and fulfill your purpose and never consider yourself crazy just because you know, see, and can call out what others can’t. It is the world that we live in that is crazy along with the people and principalities that continue to make it that way.

    2. Thank you over the past 2 years I have learned to embrace my gifts and spend more time alone to focus on my visions and what I should do when they appear. I have accepted that I am blessed and that I’m not crazy.

    3. I think someone has used Santeria on me without me knowing to block my success in life. I know this because one night I had a bad dream and for some reason I woke up and I heard a voice saying someone cursed you. And the odd thing is I think it was my sister on my dad’s side who I met only once. I remember her just looking at me angrily, arms folded, legs folded on the other side of the room. She held this look for like almost an hour. I remember hearing that her mom, which is not my mom, practiced voodoo. Did she put like a evil eye spell and if she did how do I remove it?

  5. i just got to learn..after years of shocked luck from people..god is great.and im truely blessed..i know now.i thank all for th
    is blog is a guide to my real reason of existence

  6. This is really fascinating. Two weeks ago, we had a home birth and had a baby boy whose head came out covered in the amniotic sac. The sac ruptured after his head came out and unleashed a torrent of water.

    Before all this happened we spent months pondering a name. It took time because due to his heritage, we had to come up with a name that worked in Chinese and Japanese. We gave him a name that means the “opening of the floodgates” or flood or a new era. We gave him a corresponding English name, Noah. (No, we are not religious). We weren’t sure of his name until we saw the way he made his entrance, then he basically confirmed it himself.

    He seems very calm and self-assured. He cries very little and instead communicates to us, quite effectively, when he needs milk or has an uncomfortable tummy full of gas. For the past week I’ve been observing the way he sleeps. Now I don’t know if this is normal: he sleeps deeply, but in his sleep his eyes open and appears to show him in REM sleep. His eyeballs dart around and he’s quite expressive with smiles, whines, whimpers, fear, laughter, all while asleep. Sometimes his eyes even move in opposite directions, which is kind of creepy. Our other son didn’t do this at all. Seeing this at first was a little disturbing but now I’m fascinated watching him sleep.

    He’s only two weeks old now. From reading what I’ve read here, it sounds like his future has the potential to be wondrous or terrifying. Is he considered a caulbearer?

    1. I’ll add that a couple days ago, while he was in his open-eyed trance-like sleep, my wife had leaned over him (I was holding him at the time) to give me a kiss. We looked down at him and he gave us a huge smile. We didn’t know if we should have been completely creeped out or what. Just a coincidence or something more than that??

    2. A true caul birth is a baby that is born with the thin membrane enveloping the infants head and face which denotes that the child is born very special imparted with second-sight, luck and a strong connection to the spiritual realm.

      To be born with a caul which is also called a “veil” is a good thing. There are circumstances of experience that are sometimes alarming or frightening depending on encounters and how deep one’s celestial attributes are but it is all a part of a caulbearer’s nature it is what we are-a life anointed and appointed journey and adventure into the power of the particular.

    3. Thank you so much for your reply. After yesterday’s message things became more interesting with his sleep. It’s not great for us as parents but now his open-eyed dreams are becoming nightmares that have been disrupting his sleep all night and day. He starts “looking around” and I see a look of fear in his little face immediately before he wakes up. In fact, he’s on me now doing just this. It’s been quite tiring for everyone. Our other son had no such behaviour. Obviously being such a small child there’s little we can do but hold him close or give him a boob.

      I wasn’t sure he’s even considered a “caulbearer” or “en caul” — there appears to be much debate online. The midwives and I watched him come out with the sac around his head, still filled with fluid. It broke as soon as his entire head emerged in that bubble, a very interesting experience our midwives have never even seen, and I didn’t know the significance of until last week.

      We were going to dispose of the caul along with the placenta but seeing all the comments against throwing away the caul I’m having second thoughts, though still not sure what to do with it…

  7. My grandma told me when I was younger that I was born with a veil over my face. I never really knew what that meant until I tired to look it up. I never thought too much about it either but I’ve always been super interested in supernatural things. I always thought I just had an over active immagination but my mom told me I was younger I was scared of my own shadows & she couldn’t figure out why I was always so jumpy. I often have events of deja vu I feel like I relive certain events over & over. There was an incident where I took my dog out late at night & I could see people walking on a different plane like their ground was higher up than mine it was faded tho I told my dad about it & he said I’m in tune with my ancestors. He’s all about praising his ancestors & before god so I figured he was just pushing his religion. I have dreams about people I don’t know & I often get feelings that someone else is around even when I’m alone. I see things from the corners of my eyes but nothing is ever there. I tend to daydream a lot kinda like I zone out into a whole different scene but I’m not laying down or sleep & my eyes are wide open. I use to always fall asleep while watching shows like “a haunting” even tho I’d be wide awake. I never figured out why I couldn’t stay awake. I’m not sure if I have any special abilities or if my imagination is just off the wall. I’ve always wondered tho. I am easily like by many even tho I like to keep my circle small I’ve just always felt different like I’m in the wrong century or something. My mom always said your not suppose to be able to say your in a dream when your sleep but I do all the time. I’m really in tact with my emotions as well it’s like I feel way more than I should sometimes especially for other people like my family I always wanna help I’m not sure what to make of all this

    1. You have strong ability, you are very spiritually inclined. You are drawn to the supernatural because that is your nature as you are in connection with the spiritual realm.

      Others are drawn to you and are fond of you due to the magnetism of your energy. You exude an intangible essence and one that attracts other energies.

      You are at a higher consciousness of awareness as your third eye is open and clear functioning within its own balance to your corresponding alignment with the universe.

      You absorb what is around you as you envelop and discern the weights of vibration and that is because people like us have multiple antennas that alert our extraordinary “radar”. That is all a part of your empathic nature, your inborn tendency.

      Just from me reading your writing I relate to what you have and from what I comprehend, feel and sense, you have something nice and special. It’s mystical and beautiful.

      You’re an old soul that is in touch with and visited by spirits and reminded of past events and the future and present events and
      circumstances of other individuals places and things along with the further unknown.

      Listen to your inner voice of spirit and pay close attention to your dreams and messages through visions.

    2. I was born with a call and sometimes I feel as if it’s a curse. I seem to convey pain and sadness from others. I can be happy and enter a place where there is a person upset or sad and I immediately feel their pain. I chose nursing as a profession before I had actually figured out what was going on. I have had spirits come to me in my room at night asking for help but out of fear I asked them to go and they disappeared.i want to embrace this gift buy am unsure how to go about it. Can you please help me?

    3. I can’t speak for everyone as some differ within personal capacity and experience, however, as a highly intuitive individual I absorb other people’s energy along with the dimensional energies of the universe. As very spiritual inclined people we sense and feel intensely and accurately we just sometimes have to find the correct interpretations of what we assess and process but we are indeed on point. So it is within our nature to feel as it is an attribute and advantage of our many gifts.

      On many occasion I have been helped by and have helped spirits, some were deceased relatives and some were of people I hadn’t known or met before but that were friendly and had important messages to convey and I was able to see visions of their lives and feel their past as well as present situation upon their materializations to me.

      Spirits are nothing to fear I feel and have connections to those that are within my circle. It is the negative evil spirits that will come and spread torment for their own specific purposes and they can give off terrifying vibes yet those scary sensations are just a warning and a testimony to be aware of what is around you and of what exist and is able to occur, and they are also learning experiences.

      We can protect ourselves against negative spirits and entities. The light is always more powerful and stronger than the darkness.

      To embrace any gift is to embrace one’s self. It is what you are. To push away any ability is to deny yourself why be afraid of who you are because of what you possess? Why be afraid to be unique and to celestially stand out? Be proud and learn how to use your special talents it is a blessing and one that is not meant for everyone if your destined for the right side of the podium (the correct path according to your own specific nature of existence unto infinity).

      The more open you are to yourself the more yourself will reveal to you.

    4. I am new to the site. I’ve been an outcast all my life. Sorry for posting on a reply to another’s post also. Can you give some insight into my abilities? They have always been strong but also all over the place.

    5. This is what spirit moved me to write:

      Just want to say first for those that it genuinely pertains to because one honestly has to be inclined to truly “know and see” we are all individuals with our own range of special talent/abilities that have went through our own personal life experiences so what may be for one is definitely not necessarily the same for another though we may find some similarity or connection within or without.

      All I can do is speak the truth and what I know and I have went through a lot and definitely know a lot-not everything that there is to know because we’ll never know entirely everything within the universe until the end-but a whole lot! And I have always known and been aware of the world, things going on around me, and what people were up to toward me and others ever since I was a kid.

      We have our gifts in different ways according to our own states of existence which innately defines our individuality when we truly and whole heartedly accept ourselves. When we’re proud of our nature our nature is proud of us and rewards us.

      There are gifted people out there that can do things that I am not able to do and there are things that I can do that others are not able to do and there are things that some of us think that we can’t do just to learn and find out that we were able to do it all along or that it happened to come to us at a later time.

      We never know what else will develop because as we grow our powers get even stronger if we pay attention as it is a natural part of spiritual process and attributes of lineage within some.

      That is part of being distinguished aside from us all being unique.

      You know, as a young child that was advanced due to being gifted intellectually and spiritually I rejected society and certain types of people and was a loner by nature even though I was accepted and very well liked by those that took to me.

      A lot of people that were around me didn’t understand me as I was extremely unique and didn’t share the average thoughts, desires, concerns and tendencies as everyone else, and a lot of people still don’t understand me and never will. I am a entirely different person with an entirely different type of mentality.

      When individuals such as ourselves are “celestially” directed upon that anointed/extraordinary road to elevated heights that continue to take us through the stage of levels which promote our monumental growth and travel that is outlined with devine guidance and instruction it makes it hard for us to submit, cater, or conform to a world and society and things that don’t equivalate.

      We are not of this dimension. We are free spirits temporarily binded to this physical realm for “observance” until transition.

      There is so much that I could get into, however, I will note this: As I continue to go through my life I see just how serious being born with a caul really is and the blessings and responsibilities that actually go along with it the circumstance is absolutely no joke!

      Things that came to me as a child how much significance the revelations hold now, how vital the knowledge was and is for my maintenance and survival. We in particular can see things about the world and beyond with such clarity, we can see things about people and instances with such depth, we can see things that could either get us killed or committed.

      For those of us with special purpose and a purpose so strong that nothing can moves us our gifts are for ourselves it is what we are. The world needs us even when it doesn’t always appreciate us because the negative resent us (I never had any desire within my life to save anyone or the world but we end up helping people and making a difference within their lives just by imparting our presence and knowledge to those that count even if we didn’t intend to). We see the things that many don’t want us to know, we hear the things that many want kept quiet. We have an influence which provokes and creates chance and change. We have an energy that is dangerous yet positive and compelling.

    6. you are not alone Sheremiah! ever since i am outcasted also all my life! always asking myself why i did not do anything wrong as far as i am concerned. i am doing my best to do good deed to the people around me . trying to help as far as i can. but still experiencing bad situation.

  8. I was born en-caul. Totally immersed in my caul. And it wasn’t a premature birth. Am I A caul bearer?
    I sometimes see someone die in my dream, and when I wake up, i am told that someone has passed away. Sometimes before things happen, I see them in my dreams. Sometimes, major events in the community. Why am I sometimes aware that I am dreaming. I also got this strange ability. I can willfully leave my dream and come back to reality whenever I want to. I think its very strange, I really don’t understand this. I go to church, see people fall under the anointing, but I don’t fall. Why?. Sometime ago, I experienced something like a dream, The world(earth) was being destroyed, and people were running. Just beside the earth, another earth appeared. People began to move from the devastated earth into this new earth. I woke up immediately. Weeks and months before the attack on syria and the middle east and the mass movement of people into europe, I kept having daily dreams of a great number of people being pursued by men with arrows and guns. It was really very disturbing, because I dreamt about it almost everyday. I always feel I got this strange luck. I survive things people don’t usually get out of alive. Especially health issues. Sometimes, I feel a strange force trying to prevent me from waking up. Sometimes it does this desperately. Why is this?
    Why do I get this weird feeling that I am different and not like other people?

  9. My mother told me that I was born in a sac better actually covered with it but the nurse’s stole it

  10. Hi, I have always been told by my mother that I was born in a sac, and never thought to look into it until it came up on Facebook, when I found out that it is a thing being a caulbearer and has a name along with many qualities. I consider myself to be a spiritual person, and thinking about it now when Im writing this I feel as though Ive always had the connection to something and always been told how I make people feel when im around them and i find it super interesting, like my whole life is directed at this one thing that seems so insigifigant yet somewhere iny mind Know its not. Ive done research and Im just super curious about the whole thing and was wondering if you could tell me anymore about it, and how it impacts my life?

  11. Hey,uh… My parents told me that I was born with a veil and that when I was around 5 I can see ghosts. But I feel completely normal now and only sometimes I see stuffs from the corner of my eyes(but I feel like my eyes are playing tricks with me) That means I’m not special,right..? Since I don’t really have any talents..?

  12. My mom just told me that I was born with a veil. This explains a lot I have seen the spirits of my Maternal grandparents, my friend that was killed, I see visions in the clouds. I am a loner always have been. People don’t understand me

  13. A Caulbearer That Bears No Apology Unto Being “Unlike”
    Posted on August 29, 2016 by misslatoya(

    To others some of us unique individuals are considered strange or not normal and mainly because many of us that are within the rare category do not do the same things that everyone else does, nor do we think, feel or react within the same fashion as the ordinary.

    As we are very unlike the average and strongly linked to the supernatural we are found to be quite mysterious and interesting as people learn from us and then sometimes even try to copy/duplicate us I’ve experienced this all throughout life.

    I have never considered myself to be weird within any of my differences that were innate and that had come natural to me. To me, I was completely normal within my own right, and I was, and still am.

    I consistently felt secure and proud within my distinction.

    People often look at us as strange human beings because we do not fit into the usual mode of the majority yet what others never seemed to understand is that we may also often look at them as the ones who are ‘bizarre’ as they do not fit into the usual mode of our uncommon minority.

    1. I was born with a twin Sister 1963 and i came out not breathing than of course mom said I started breathing and she told me at age 14 that i was born with a vail over my far head i never talked about it. I did discover at age 5 to present very clairvoyant unable to read and see passed loved ones even angels thank to be God and the Blessed angels today I want Arthur and A Spiritual Reader. Thank you for sharing this story. Love & Lite Jersey Shore Angel Maureen Lynch

  14. Us Caulbearers Never Walk Alone
    Posted on August 17, 2016 by misslatoya(

    Yes, by nature I have always been a very strong individual mentally, emotionally, and even physically. I have also always been a loner yet I have never been and have never actually walked alone.

    I have always been very well-liked by others and I was always able to make friends very easily yet never desired to associate with undesirables who became fond of me only those of my class or level would I choose to allow into my circle if I were amicable enough toward them or interested, however, I was never the type that wanted or needed to be around a crowd as I always found confidence and contentment within myself and within my surroundings no matter where I went.

    I held my own ground and had preferred the solitary style of my own nature.

    Those who I did become sociable with, depending on exactly who it was because different personalities can also bring about the innate variety that is within ourselves, we had stayed in touch but didn’t have to constantly make contact with one another, although, others do often tend to reach out more to me because they are attracted to my aura and find that they can communicate with me in many ways that they are unable to communicate within others in specific and because I am a fun person to be around but for the most part because I am genuine and unique.

    I appreciate people who think ‘big’ and that are able to exchange significant and challenging ideas with me, individuals that are not afraid to climb that ‘higher ladder’ unto infinity, reaching that anomalous spectrum unbounded by restriction, those that have that natural drive and enthusiasm because I am not just a talker or a thinker but I am a doer, a person who makes and demands change.

    Like I have said before, I’ve always had people who truly cared for me and that had looked out for me other than family and some who have even went out of their way for me because I was indeed worth it yet the majority of them who weren’t on the level never really knew me for the individual that I actually was as I was never one that was average or ordinary.

    Just because people spend time hanging around our presence does not at all mean that they exactly know us all that well.

    Insecure individuals as well as those lacking within particular knowledge would rather define us for who they want us to be instead of accepting us for who we authentically are as human beings personality that distinguishes character, ability and all.

    Some if not most people in general take for granted and assume what others are like under certain circumstances due to their own limited view of perception and experience within the inner or outer scope of things.

    Nothing counts more than self awareness and discovery, the realization of the reality that is around the very structure of one’s very own foundation and direct source of information.

    First hand experience is the best hand to learn from, not only to undergo but to properly interpret what we come to know.

    As children born of the caul or children that are very spiritually inclined and “in tune” with the universe around us we have a radar that is very well within and beyond the range of frequency, allowing our ‘spiritual antennas’ to receive and transmit energy to the highest and magnificent of degree.

    Except for ourselves, other individuals looking at us from the outside cannot see what we are surrounded by around ourselves.

    I’ll say it again, I have never been and have never walked alone even when I did not know it, my ancestors and spirit guides have always been there beside me watching over me and providing for me through fashions of arcane communication and relation.

    I can recall so many accounts of occurrence, times when I was in the midst of danger and they had come to save my life and/or had prevented serious injury and harm from being done unto me.

    One that I’ll end with, though, pertains to the night my dining room was filled with the presence of a large group of my deceased relatives (the place where I had kept one of my altars at the time) and the strong bond that was felt there between us all along with the love and the security. They were all there gathered together in my home all able to visit and to spend moments of vital family union. Only the good members of the brood were allowed to come through.

    Later on that night, after they all had left, one of my other deceased relatives had arrived to an empty setting and I was able to see him clearly and a voice had said to me “That’s Uncle Lee”.

    I had said to myself, “Oh maybe that’s just a made up reference”, because sometimes foreign entities will come through or those that I am not familiar with to say things that I can’t put together or that just have no purpose that I am not immediately cognizant of, however, this was no foreign spirit messaging me that night I later found out.

    I happened to mention the incident to my mother, what I had heard, and the description of the apparition that I saw, and she acknowledged to me that the man’s name was indeed “Lee” (a name that I’ll use instead of his real name because I am very protective and respectful toward my ancestors and I don’t share certain things that are sacred between us), he was her uncle, her mother’s brother and that he would always arrive to gatherings late after everything was over and after everyone had already gone.

    Everything that my mother had described to me about my great uncle from his physical demeanor down to his character traits in which I had visioned and had felt within him through my own sight had astonishingly coincided with what my mother had told me and I had never seen this man before and we had never discussed him.

    One thing that I know is that I am so proud to have him as a part of the family along with the others who are around me and who all will never let me ever walk here on this earth alone or without their love, guidance and protection.

    1. This and a lot of your stories describe me 90%, altought I don’t know if im born under caul because nobody told me, there is something to it because I have Preauricular Sinus pits on both ears and just like other people say my story is very similar so i dont wanna repeat myself ill just read along.

    2. LOL, ill just throw some stuff:
      Prophetic dreams very rare, Not seeing spirits, Very high spiritual knowledge, low body weight but very high physicall strenght, Had clinical death at very young age and also drowned at very young age, very intuitive and knowing people intentions, alone but never lonely, always felt lucky, very high convincing power and very high willpower, never broken bone, never had chickenpox, theres a lot more to it but few things i came up with!

    3. As you know, you don’t have to experience the same type of instances or have those similar type of occurrences as others to identify you as one born of the caul.

      Though we are recognized by our specific traits as what we are attributed with by nature/birth/spirit you are still your own person and whatever gifts of the caul were possibly bestowed upon you is within your distinction. Whatever it is for you is not necessarily for someone else and vice versa.

      Sure, it is fine and okay to research and discover and it is resourceful to share if one chooses to but don’t you ever measure yourself in comparison to anyone else (not at all saying you do just saying not experiencing or not experiencing often or as much what another person or persons born with a caul may doesn’t make you any less gifted or less powerful). You have what you have in the ways that you have it and that is your special power.

    4. You don’t have to see spirits to qualify you. We all have our gifts differently and at different levels and our gifts do work in unique ways as well as in some familiar ways.

      There is no set standard as we are individuals with extraordinary capabilities and advantages.

      We all have our own things that we are born with and that may develop later on in life as we progress and it is great that we share our accounts and exchange feedback that we can also relate to and further explore.

    5. Just because nobody told you that you was born with a caul doesn’t mean that you weren’t. They themselves may not have been aware of it, however, in certain instances depending on the individual and the energy around one your inner voice would lead you to the truth.

      We (as highly sensitive/intuitive people) often have a deep sense of self and are able to “feel” who we actually are through our empathic nature as some of us are “in tune” to the universe and innately connected to the forces of nature and what is of the “essence”.

      Of course, one doesn’t have to be born with a caul to have a few spiritual or supernatural experiences but when your skills and tendencies occur beyond the normal/ordinary range of the senses and is consistant within your state of being unto the reality of the unknown there no doubt is a genuine gift.

      The first time I ever heard of being born of a “veil” my comprehension defined the term as to “see”.

      And, to see and know in more ways than one.

    6. Thank you for your deep writing but i dont need any pampering about not having some gifts, i just felt connected to much of the things you are writing about and wanted to express myself. Dont worry life got me enoguh polished, so much that its making me quite powerful and wise for my years and im just enyoing being in the state of completion(without outside things ofc}. Ive turned every situation in my life into a great possibility and i never whine about things, for me its just about action and if i cant do something im pretty ok with it. Im also fiercely independent so there isnt much people can do to shake me in any way. Just saying few more thing what were on my mind btw English is not my mother tongue

    7. Im also not intellectually identified with any of my ‘gifts'(and not feeling more valuable or better than my fellow human beings), also not with my proffesion, family, friends and so on, but im 100% involved in everything i do. Im just pure energy enyoing my existence and playing along in this game called life, i think if i increase my sadhana i could reach samadhi in this life but thats not my goal at the moment(im not actively pursuiting it), i wanted to enjoy little more earth pleasures but not get attached to it in any way before i can continue my mission. Altought im only 24 i know very well that im mortal and that i just borrowed this body from the earth. Reading occult and mystic things is my passion but im also adrenaline junkie and not having much if any earthly fears. Altought im pretty attractive and a lot of girls wanted to be with me i just didnt enter any relationship yet probably because i got into a full dark night of the soul(complete body and mind breakdown) few years ago and knew intuitively that it wasnt the right time to search for it, also because i never felt the need to be with someone to fill me up(amidst my low states i felt spiritually complete} and didnt want to spend my energy on meaningfull relationships, im very intense and need someone to match me mentally, i think thats my next goal and that you can be spiritual even in relqtionship altought being brahmachary is another level and ultimate. I think that was enough ans i dont know why this writing happened.

    8. I’ve had one more topic i wanted to touch also its about health and an very inspiring story but since i didnt start writing when the inspiration was there, now its lost untill its digged out of me. Its story about will power, will persistence, beating all odds, losing happines and health temporarely to gain wisdom and awareness permanently.

    9. Go write a book about it maybe you’ll find a audience of like-minded individuals who will relate to your need for dominance and control.

      You’re sick and miserable.

    10. I was not pampering you I know that you were expressing yourself and I indeed am not worried about you and you already know all of this.

      I wrote nothing in response to you that was offensive or that was a put down. In fact, it was nice and generally stated and reasonably addressed.

      You are being snide and are making assumptions and are trying to insinuate things through your own misconceptions of how you inaccurately perceive my writings and me.

      I really don’t care what you feel or think and I really don’t care of your intentional and deliberate way of trying to use my platform in an attempt to try to show me out.

      You can’t mess with me I’m the real deal! I know what you are doing but go do it with a psychiatrist because I won’t cater to your ego and obvious insecurities and I won’t entertain your bullshit.

      You are just an individual with hang ups and unresolved issues and you want to “get your shit off”. Remember, you came to my blog I didn’t come to you.

      If you don’t want to accept the truth that is your problem but just watch how you’ll be ignored in your attempt to lash back out.

    11. HAHA thank you for showing me the way, maybe im just hurt little person, almost spot on except the thing that deep inside im not like that or was like that , but that was a epizode of some kind, kids dont do drugs, i totally understand accepting the thruth part and it felt awful at same time your text clicked in me and just like light thrown to how i felt that morning. Wish me healing cuz i think that text was like expressing some of my irritabilities which i didnt express earlier, sickness but im not wanting to admit and and throwing bullshit around. Maybe some kind of repressed trauma, before i had 0 ego but now it always pops up, ive got knot in my stomach and some kind of tension or anxiety almost always to the point of not having any appetite, just general unease in manipura or solar plexus region and always bloating after eating, it could be leaky gut, parasites and mercury poisoning, i think the problem is physical in nature which affected other parts like mental emotional and spiritual energies over time since the one will affect the other. having 3 amalgams and i think it builded up over time in system, and especialy when i destroyed my gut flora after a lot of antibiotics because of strep throat repeating, after some time i couldnt absorb nutrients from the food i was eating so i was not exctrating any energy from it and also i guess couldnt make any neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, also my detox organs started declining and started retain toxins what should be excreted. after some time i couldnt feel ANY positive emotions anymore(which is mainly gut based),just a little stress started to throw me off balance, i couldnt have any genuine connection with anyone, i couldnt have clear and set boundaries anymore, just a lot a lot of other mental and physical problems which were non existent before, about spirituality i cant talk even word at the moment because i lost it, i think you have to have strong roots to grow above, stability, health and not toxic body, so body will become stepping stone and not barrier in your evolution, sorry for using your platform in such way but im not worried about you cuz ur the real deal, maybe its best to delete my above posts and spare me the emmbaresment, or just let it be and show others how and in what state you can get yourself into while being constatly in low vibratory state but before that experienced somethng very very higher. Have some compassion cuz im obviously not having any at the moment.

    12. See I didnt lashed back out, i just was more conciouss. Wish you all the best!

    13. Believe me im not making any assumptions or inaccurately perceiving your writings or you, i think it was not conciouss thing of searching some kind of fight despite whatever you wrote 😀

    14. Again me but not with some bullshit, Id like to hear from you why no enlightened master/spiritual master talked about caulbearers, and why its mostly hidden and not known in ‘ordinary’ world?

  15. My great grandmother was a calibrated, I remember when I was a little girl listening to her tell me stories about seeing spirits in her basement slaves chained up is one I can remember. My mom was very scared around her. She said she had seen her make a table rise without touching it. She also told my mother when she was pregnant with my brother that she saw his casket. My mom rarely talked her after that. I on the other hand couldn’t hear enough. I was 5 or 6 when she first started telling me things and I remember them all.

  16. Hello my name is omega I am almost 29 Yrs old, I am a daughter of a caulbearer. Ever since I was a child the ancient world or history always seemed familiar and comfortable to me. I never could puzzle fit in with everyone just my family, I always envy/bullied by boys and girls in my school days. I always loved animals,the sun,storms and different sent of the seasons. I was born October 30,1987. I would always see ghosts, hear things other couldn’t, strong sense in people intentions,have dreams that would come to future life,I’m good guessing 9/10 I’m always right. People always tell me that I have very warm hands even in the winter. My mother always said I was just like her I even carried one of her talents drawing art,sometimes when we would go to church people would be so drawn to her she’s been ordained 3 times I’ve always seen her cast demons out of people bit that what other get for peeking lol. She tells me I carry a gift of prophecy and that I’m not like other people,I never felt Iikebana i belonged here. I’ve been married once and about to get married again my mother has been married three times all of her husband’s are dead including my father he died three years ago due to cancer I’ve always been weird about her past life stories she don’t really like to talk muchneither does my grandmother. when I was 12 years old I cast a spell for protection I’ve always played with mirrors to look into my own soul every since then there’s always been something haunting me and my sister who is 3 years apart it likes to come day or night and Hold Us Down in the bed a week ago it came back again it was Daylight this time and had a weird smell of death do anybody know what this is? I’ve heard of Incubus and succubus. Women and men are very drawn to me, sometimes I tell people about there life’s before they even tell me.I have multiple birthmarks one of my arm and one on my back when I had both of my sons they both had complication births one of my sons came out with the deformed head the other one he almost died and now there is a chance that he might be autistic.a lot of people find it to be uneasy around my mom they say that she makes them kind of nervous although she is very nice in certain way she likes to buy a lot of people GIFts. Can anyone help me I’m lost with my identity?

  17. Hello my name is omega I am almost 29 Yrs old, I am a daughter of a caulbearer. Ever since I was a child the ancient world or history always seemed familiar and comfortable to me. I never could puzzle fit in with everyone just my family, I always envy/bullied by boys and girls in my school days. I always loved animals,the sun,storms and different sent of the seasons. I was born October 30,1987. I would always see ghosts, hear things other couldn’t, strong sense in people intentions,have dreams that would come to future life,I’m good guessing 9/10 I’m always right. People always tell me that I have very warm hands even in the winter. My mother always said I was just like her I even carried one of her talents drawing art,sometimes when we would go to church people would be so drawn to her she’s been ordained 3 times I’ve always seen her cast demons out of people bit that what other get for peeking lol. She tells me I carry a gift of prophecy and that I’m not like other people,I never felt Iikebana i belonged here. I’ve been married once and about to get married again my mother has been married three times all of her husband’s are dead including my father he died three years ago due to cancer I’ve always been weird about her past life stories she don’t really like to talk muchneither does my grandmother. when I was 12 years old I cast a spell for protection I’ve always played with mirrors to look into my own soul every since then there’s always been something haunting me and my sister who is 3 years apart it likes to come day or night and Hold Us Down in the bed a week ago it came back again it was Daylight this time and had a weird smell of death do anybody know what this is? I’ve heard of Incubus and succubus. Women and men are very drawn to me, sometimes I tell people about there life’s before they even tell me.I have multiple birthmarks one of my arm and one on my back when I had both of my sons they both had complication births one of my sons came out with the deformed head the other one he almost died and now there is a chance that he might be autistic.a lot of people find it to be uneasy around my mom they say that she makes them kind of nervous although she is very nice in certain way she likes to buy a lot of people GIFts. Can anyone help me I’m lost with my identity?

  18. Hi i recently found out ive been born with a veil that explains why Baphomet is always watching me and i have been blocked all my life by my sister who i found out is a witch also my do we get out of the hand of the enemy

    1. If one is truly of the light then you are never actually within the hand of any spiritual or physical enemy you are just within a battle that you will have to overcome by conquering the negativity (and negative energy) that may be around or surrounding you (you should never consider yourself as a victim/the word victim should only be used as a figure of speech).

      If you actually consider yourself a helpless victim then you will be. Having someone attack you should instantly make you want to fight back (that is just my nature and my perspective).

      Even if at first or for most of your life you have not been aware of having been born with a veil there should be a significant indication of preternatural occurrences depending on the levels of strengths that are developed upon within your talents through experience.

      So what I am saying is whether or not you were aware of being born with a veil, and if you were paying attention, (how could anyone not as that is what one is as a gifted person you have to notice the things about yourself especially when those things differ greatly from within others) there had to be a connection as well as recognition even if you were unable to put your finger on it.

      So through out all of what you have picked up about and within yourself and have been able to interpret, use that, and add that on to what you have come to know now (being born with the “knowing power” because that is what it means to be born with the veil it is the gift of second-sight imparting one with luck and a link to the spirit realm there are all kind of special things that go along with being born in that fashion and I know this for a fact as I was born with the caul from the head and face all the way down to the nape of the neck my caul was perfectly intact due to my mother having had a cesarean section and I came out with the perfect head I was asked as I got older if I had chewed the caul because it is said that if you swallow the remnants of the caul or through a solution from it that it will protect one from seeing bad spirits only good ones one would be able to see.

      I know all about these things my doctor and a few of the nurses knew what the caul birth meant too, anyway, that was back in the 70’s) and as you discover and evolve you will automatically find the answers and the correct judgment within the next route to take, however, ahead of anything, you must face truth and then live within your own truth and not let anyone discourage you (no one will be able to cause discouragement as long as there is strong foundation within yourself) as you can follow nobody else’s path but your very own.

      You will be able to conquer whatever comes your way if you are “properly” aligned and in balanced with the universe in a “favorable” mode yet that only comes through particular destiny.

  19. hello my name is Tshepo which means Hope i am too a caul/vail or mantle bearer, i was born on the 26th of october 1991 on a saturday at precisely 11:11 on a sabbath day, i have went to consult seers and i have found out that most of them have now become my deciples instead of being that for God, they torment me and i’m now in spiritual danger of being a witch because of affiliating with anti-christians.
    when i went to one particular seers she stopped a young pregnant girl from entering her place because she saw me near her consulting hut/rondavel and immediately welcomed me, gave me three candles yellow, white and blue and she asked me where is my garment and at first i was confused and thought she was refering to my church gown but rather that she was refering to the caul.
    as i sat obliviously i felt something touching my feet, hands and finally making its way to my loins and i started to cry spiritually and uttered you are holy yes lord you are the holy spirit but my spirit was tricked by a hot spiritual serpent that this lady uses to steal strength from people’s guides but i won against the women and the same night as i slept in a dream i heard my name being uttered and i went where i heard it and i found my Grandma in a dream being strangled by what looked like a mirage on a hot road and i touched it and felt an electricity and my physical body shook that was my caul and off it went with all my luck!

  20. hi i’m one of the people out of 7 billion worldly population whose born with a double vail/caul, i find it intriguing that the are people very much similar to me.
    i am a person who was fortunate in my life but lately i’ve run out of my luck, it all started to change when i was in varsity that things span out of control when suddenly i discovered i was born with a calling to become a prophet, when my life started to change i went to different seer’s or rather mediums to find out what is the problem with me, some told my mom to keep an eye on me as their consulting bones showed that i was powered up extremely to a point of having a ministry for God.

    i’m not one who likes to gloat even though might seem like that, i’m very humble and honest but if someone tries to harm me in anyway i fight back no matter how huge or enormous a person is.
    i started having a negative energy when i went to a certain church i was told to go to so that i could be activated there with the anointing of the holy spirit, apparently the seer there saw this vail immediately and stopped a young pregnant girl and told her to wait, which in a dream i saw this women glowing with a radiance so convincing and true that she mananged in a dream to lure me to her hut where she consults, she told me in a sleep that God wanted to give me something, something he had already given me long before,
    i entered the hut and sat down on a wood chair and she started devining and told me that my Grandfathers mother had seen this vail took it and gave it to a sangoma so that some dark art of some sort would affect my life, but apparently the women too had a trick up her sleeve, as i sat there i felt something hot touching my hands and moving up to my loins so hot hot hot that without my launching the spirit within me that the spirit itself cried out loud and said amen amen you are holy you that i was awake and suprised but somehow lost control of my body as this hot serpent of the spirit was suppose to swallow me forever and inside my loins felt like amageddon with swords of war against me, i could go on and on about a lot of things that i have experienced and it would take forever, like when people wanted to attack me how the lord stood for me after all of those ordeal and told me to apologise but i refused to until somehow he subdued me and i ended up writting a letter to someone who wanted to hit me only to discover after a month the person died for no reason just that he wanted to lay a hand on me!!!!

  21. I was born in 1984 completely enveloped in the amniotic sac. Although nurses attempted to poke it and rip it several times it would not break. I seem to have a profound connection with the planet/universe both spiritually and physically. I find it difficult to assimilate into this artificial society and my soul craves a more natural/honest lifestyle. To me I have clearly been blessed, but sometimes it feels like a curse.

    1. Having a gift has never felt like a curse to me. If anything it is the complete opposite. A blessing gifts are indeed. It is a very good sign when you are not able to completely adapt into this foreign world. The connection and yearning toward the universal/spiritual realms are a natural manifestation of our (those in particular) celestial identities as well as destinations.

    2. My name is Thandi and was also born inside my amniotic casing. I struggle to assimilate into normal society even though people call me extremely kind and considerate and a calming person to be around, I still find myself a loner and long for deep meaningful friendships.

  22. Hi
    My name is Deborah I recently found out that I’m a caulbearer, unfortunately my sac was stolen by nurses at the hospital. I was very fortunate in everything, recently everything has turned sour nothing of mine is good I have turned to be very unlucky even prayer seems not to help. Please advise how do I bring back my luck.



    1. Hi Deborah,
      Am glad i found this site of ours,just like you am also a caulbearer which i found out in my late 40s.My parents don’t have knowledge in keeping my sac,literally it was then lost somewhere but then even its not in our kept we are the one protected by it,so were the lucky onces.
      Just like any normal persons,our life is not a smooth roads,mine has lots of up and downs but i like you to keep in mind we are chosen onces and God is listening to us all the time all you need to do is to keep yourself in prayer,no matter how successful you are give credit to God.Believe me everything will be properly in place.

      Best regards,

    2. I was born under the same circumstances as you Deborah, I was covered with a veil & according to my wonderful mother, once it was removed a nurse dropped it in the trash & oddly enough I have never experienced anything paranormal in my life like every caulbearer here…

  23. Hi

    I am a caulbearer, I have been reading up on articles like this for a while.

    I on the other hand, thought I was cursed. I grew up with spirits around me, I cried a lot and hated my life. As they were always around me. The good spirits I didn’t mind, it’s the others I didn’t.

    I was able to warn my mother about a few things, lucky or always won things. Funny enough I hardly enter. Do not gamble, this never ever had my att. Regardless of it all.

    Be it dead relatives visiting, asking me to wake someone. Without them remembering any of it, the next day. Felt like a crazy person.

    be it someone in our house, breaking in taking things. Screaming like crazy, not knowing that person was never really there. But in fact in a different house.

    I feel I can be honest as, all here I am sure have been. I prayed for curse to be taken away. As I thought it was.

    When it rains here, I get a red mark on my forehead. Family know it as a sign to stay clear of me. “Bad mood”
    When certain days the same mark, veil was on is blue. It’s like it is fading or so I think.
    I had a dream about nuns taking me to a chapel, there was a man waiting for me. Sorry from jumping from one topic to the next, can’t believe there so many of us out there.

    Back to dream: nuns took me in this chapel, saying he is waiting for me.
    There was a man, did not see his face. He touched my forehead and from that day. I was unable to see ghosts or spirits.

    Now I see things in dreams, warnings and other. Had a bad dream for a long time, asking that I choose between. God and the other.

    I believe in God. Period.

    A lot more happened. My family didn’t understand, yet they accepted it. They always listened when I warned them, they seemed to have believed me. As they were not born with the veil. Yet other things they could see.

    Feels like I am venting. First or no second time, I could relate in my life.
    Wish I understood all of it. Hope those who understand, will not mock me.
    Also I hope someone replies, as I always come across these pages years later.


  24. Hi Latoya

    I too, am a caulbearer. I’m also a loner, yet quite an extrovert. I feel quite misunderstood and detached, but never lonely. I’m fortunate enough to have my “veil”, and have been looking for a special locket for it. I’m not religious, however, I do follow the teachings of the Buddha, and practice compassion. I am vegan through compassion for the animals, and caring for our environment. I do transendetal meditation, and am a primary school teacher at a school of philosophy.
    It’s always great to know that there are people out there are like me in some way or another.

    Love and light to you. X

    1. I too was born with a double caul and I have no idea what to do with in…when I was only in my mothers belly she was in a car accident with multiple sever injuries I didn’t have a scrath

    2. As a person born with a double veil your powers and ability should be super strong as the significance is numerous the capacity of an average caulbearer.

  25. Hi I was apparently born with a sac over my head and face as per my now deceased mother, Born in Scotland 1962 , I always had weird dreams but truly began having very vivid dreams since I was forty which I now write down when I wake up, to date I now know when I’m not alone and also feel things, and hear odd words shouts whisper not talking , just a word ,best way I can describe it is I know the difference between nothing and something, I became very interested in finding out more about the “caul bearer” once my mother told me, it was like now things make sense, I hate the dark always have since I was a kid still not a fan of it even todate. Nice to find a site were people can talk about some of things they’ve experienced

    1. Wow we have the exact same gifts. My dreams come seldom but when they do I be alive in them. Jump up and start writing. And the sounds n voices. I hear dogs bark as a serious warning. Alarms and whispers. P. S. You can do what ever you want in those dreams

  26. I have recently found out I was born with a caul. My mom confirms this is true.looking for info of the meaning of this. Have not been feeling myself lately, even tho there has always been strange things on the go, lately my feelings and emotions are much more intense.

  27. Hi latoya
    My name is Donnie and I too am a caulbearer. I know this because all my life I was told by my grandmother the aspects of my birth and that I was born like her with what she called a veil on my face and that they didn’t keep it wish they did tho lol. But, anyways I read your post and I know also that I was suppose to have a “specific” purpose and I was also blocked by an unknown power bringing me bad luck and stopping my natural blessings. I don’t know I ran into this power or how they found me but if u have any advice on how to stop this power and to live out my true destiny I would appreciate it. Thanks and God bless you latoya

    1. I secound that. I feel the power blocking me. And when it is going to strike. Tries to kill me. I’ve predicted the threat times over. Last time I lost everything. Before that I woke up in hospital. I have warnings and protection for some reason. Insight on this.?

  28. Hi latoya i need help or guidance from someone who can actually help and explain what’s going on, my mum always told me i was born with a veil covering me but it didn’t really matter to me at the time and i thought it was a normal thing but after researching it wasalot of things in my life started to make sense like my thoughts and ideas and how i can predict things but still don’t understand what’s going on and need guidance please help.

  29. Hi! Im born en-caul” birth, occurs when the infant is born inside the entire amniotic sac. The sac balloons out at birth, with the amniotic fluid and I still remaining inside the unbroken or partially broken membrane. I was so amaze how every details of experiences of caulbearers relate on my personal experience aswell, I have gifts in nature, love to paint, I tamed animals love nature a good cooked, always been choose to be a leader but If given a chance to as much possible I want to be simple avoiding lime light and want to spend alone or very often with my selected friends or family, I just love hiking with my dog. I have very strong personality sometimes i never felt physical pain thats when i felt when i was a child looking straight the person eyes. I can sometimes see what will happen in a splash seconds before it happen, I can ease body pain when I touch, I can sometimes see future of a person, Im very likeable person but sometimes negative people and energy find me threat to them. I can easily grows plants I give happy environment when Im around. Just its hard when people feel different over you. I experience drowning when i was 5 years old but manage to swim (i dont know how to swim) but everything is amazingly happen just I felt the lift going up. So many things to share but as of now this will be my share.

  30. Hi My name is Lusanda, everything you guyz have said i relate to… i’ve always believed in miracles since i was a child and everyday a miracle takes place in my life, sometimes i don’t share it with people because its always something out of this world. It’s thrilling though… however there’s a lot of moments of loneliness and all i can do is pray

  31. I am a caulbearer there has been so many things that have happen to me in my journey/life that I just don’t understand or know the meaning behind & now as I’m getting older I would like to at least try to figure some of them out.My mother told me I was born with a caul. At around age 5 I saw a spirit of a man who had passed away on a couch my mom was given.At around age 7 I didn’t know how to swim I almost drown in a pool at a Hotel. I was taken all the way to the bottom of the pool floor by my GOD sister I can still visualize everything as if it happened yesterday the sided of the pool & the color of the water I was down there for what seemed like a a long time.While at the bottom of pool I can see what’s going on above me.My GOD mother is freaking out. The next thing I know I’m pushed through the water up out above the pool I truly believe my angels where with me.I dream in color.Way before my mom passed I had a warning dream letting me know she was going to pass away.I could go on & on I just don’t want to take up to much of your time.I am looking to get to know others who are gifted like myself.I have created a support group on Facebook BEAUTIFUL SOUL CAULBEARERS BORN BEHIND THE VEIL please check it out I look forward to hearing from you. As Caulbearers we should stick together we have tremendous difficulties in life.BLESSINGS TO YOU ALL ♡

  32. Im a cawlbearer . When I was born they said I came with a spiritua purpose. I knew this. as an adult. But all my life I knew I was different. Im Caribbean. , Im happy to know that Im not alone, I will love to conect with others cawlbearers. So that way I will not feel so lonely. RGR 313

  33. Hello, I would love to talk or meet someone who was born with a caul like myself. As a child I didn’t understand why I saw things in the future and why when someone in my family was going to pass away they would visit me first then pass then visit me again after their funeral. I could see spirits all the time never knew why. Until my mother informed me as a teenager I was born a veil. She knew what I was dealing with but she waited until I was older to inform me. I always thought she didn’t believe I saw spirits. Hope I hear from you soon.

  34. hey I am from India and my father is a caulbearer but he has never confronted any supernatural element …….I am confused ! but he does get scared of darkness does that have anything to do with being born with a En Caul

  35. I was born in the sac. I’m not positive on whether or not I have abilities but I’ve always felt a sense that i can feel spirits and tell the “short term” future such as things that will happen in the next day or couple hours.. So nothing huge. I don’t know much about being born in the caul other than what’s online but I’m not satisfied with the information. I have problems sleeping relatable to insomnia and I have extreme anxiety. I also suffer from random spurts of depression & throughout my whole life I have not necessarily been a “loner” but VERY close people seem to die such as my grandpa cousin and ex boyfriend etc. I’m not saying I’m bad luck but I don’t know if that had any significance. I’ve talked to a clairvoyant and she sensed that I had a lot of Energy that she insisted I “controlled” but I don’t know how to do that either. If anyone can give me more information or help I’m glad to listen.

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