Lucky And Special


I think it is so nice to be appreciative and say thank you and I love you from the heart to the ones and to the circumstances that we hold and that also hold us dear.

Although our experiences may vary or differ those of us born with the caul are generally very lucky children and I know this for a fact as I have had great spurts of luck all through out my life.

I’d get the things that I had wanted and wished for and knew that there was something around me guiding my steps and watching over me because I’d always somehow avoid danger and serious injury and things would work out for me whereas others may not have been as fortunate.

There would also be sensations of awareness that had made me feel self assured, at ease, and safe.

As we’re born with the capacity of precognition the aspects also endow us with a manifestation of spirit that inhabits us quite often as we find ourselves reacting and responding to things spontaneously and automatically without any initiation on our part, a blessing that is natural and inherent.

These are things that we take notice of as children and teenagers and start to wonder about ourselves when we observe others around us that don’t identify or connect in the fashion that we do.

Some of us have been fortunate enough to have had family members and/or associates that also may have been born with cauls or that had knowledge of the nature of our births and that could help shed light on and give support to our situation.

I was always told that it was a good thing to be born with a caul and that we were very special children.

My mother use to tell me all the time that I had a gift and that I was special and I believed but when spirit came to me in my thoughts as a young adult and kept telling me that I was special until I finally accepted it is when I truly understood the depth of what that all meant.

Those of us with the power of the particular have a responsibility to pay attention to the messages that we receive and a responsibility to honor and respect what was bestowed upon us by heeding warnings and learning through revelations because it is all for our well being, best interest, growth and survival.

Some of us choose a right path, some choose a wrong path, and some choose a undecided path to travel down according to their own inclination it is our decision and one that we have to answer for in the end and that is our choice alone and one that we have to be content with.

Not For Sale

A strong mind and strong will is not able to be swayed. And a strong character is not disturbed or deterred by the false projections that are created or entertained by those that feed off of illusion and delusion-LaToya Lawrence

Jealous and envious individuals will often attempt to define us by their misconceptions and/or intentional lies due to their own insecurities and shortcomings that they tend to reflect upon others that are at more of a character and intellectual advantage.

In reality, we ourselves are only defined by the truths of our own authentic identities no matter how difficult it may be for those that refuse to accept yet already genuinely know for themselves.

People know the real deal even if they won’t admit to it and ignorance or spite will not change actuality. When there are those that are oblivious or just in denial it still is not wise to ever yield to any of the deleterious or corrupt designs of the manipulations that are calculated by others in order to control.

That is why inadequate and undesirables look for, try to come up with, or attack with what they may perceive as “dirt” to weaken or degrade another, however, what it all boils down to is level and mentality and in all honesty what may be of significance to some, or many, can be irrelevant to that very one, and I am a living testimony as I have a mind of my own and a lot of stubbornness to go along with it, it is impossible to turn my head away from who I am and what I stand for and know and believe in.

So why sign away any power over to those that are unable to reach or to grasp that higher plane of consciousness? Why sign, seal, and deliver your soul over to the masquerades of deception forced upon us by the demonic to self surrender into self destruction?

Are you ready, willing, and able to bargain and to go into agreement with the opposition? That is a contract that I’d never go to enter into!

Is Being Born With A “Caul/Veil” Located Anywhere Within The Bible?

It is a question that some have inquired as they’ve come upon my blogs and a question I had wondered many years ago as I had never heard any mention directed toward being born with a caul or the significance per se when I had read through the bible back then.

An elder neighbor at the time had said though that being born with a caul was not referenced.

What I do remember as a young teenager and know for sure that I read within the scriptures of Corinthians stated that there were special talents to be given out such as the gifts of knowledge and wisdom, prophecy, faith, miracles, healing, discernment of spirits and the speaking and understanding of tongues. It may not all be in that specific order but I definitely do recall those spoken upon manifestations of the Holy Spirit that were written in the text.

Energy is all around us and everyone has their own style, way of thought, and sets of belief.

Throughout our journeys many of us have explored, deliberated, analyzed and etc… And that is necessary and it is good to wonder and to ask questions and to seek out information. It is vital to just be aware in life in general of as many things as possible while we collect mental notes of enlightenment and experience.