Non Guilty Pleasures/The Joys Of Soy

assorted cookiesI am a great fan of being healthy and happy mentally, physically and spiritually. The simplest things can bring satisfaction to many individuals and I am no exception.

I am a good and responsible hard worker that enjoys the comforts of home and the scenery of travel and the outdoors when the modes are harmonious, and when I have the time available.

Compatibility with one’s surroundings at and during moments of task or pastime is very important because the type of energy that flows and generates around us can often affect our moods as well as our environment.

Sometimes particular days don’t seem “right’, they may seem strange or even dreary and sometimes it does not even look too right outside, especially up in the sky. Once in a while those factors put a damper on things.

soybeansI am in tune to all sorts of matter, however, these are occurrences even those that do not have extra sensory “radar” are able to sense and pick up on.

When the atmosphere is within agreement and universal disturbances are blocked out or inhibited I intertwine. Balance adorns any situation for the better, and to better be enjoyed.

So when I get the craves and the urge to indulge in “edible” sports I go for quality as usual and what goes along perfectly with my favorite delicious and addictive Denmark brand “royal dansk” selection variety cookie snacks is the equally delicious Silk brand “very vanilla” soy milk.

Oh, how I love great combinations of food and drink that add compliment to a lovely or ordinary morning, afternoon and evening.

I love soy milk so much better than regular cow milk and the product agrees with my system as it does not give me gas or any problems with digestion as I am lactose intolerant. I could drink soy milk all day long without a problem and the fact that soy is plant based brings even more contentment to me.

I still get my protein and calcium as well as within other forms of nutritious meals and supplements.

cerealSoy milk is very nice poured over cereal and frozen soy desserts (non dairy ice cream) to make delectable milk shakes and creative sundaes.

I have fun with specific foods as they are one of my essential delights.








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